Rhetoric of the LGBT movement* in the light of scientific facts

*The LGBT movement is recognized as an extremist organization!

This report is a thorough review of scientific evidence refuting myths and slogans promoted by LGBT activists who postulate that homosexuality is a normal, universal, innate and unchanging state. This work is not “against homosexual people” (as adherents will certainly argue false dichotomy), but rather behind them, since it focuses on the problems of a homosexual lifestyle hidden from them and the observance of their rights, in particular the right to access reliable information about their condition and related health risks, the right to have a choice and the right to receive specialized therapeutic care to get rid from this condition, if they are interested.


1) Do homosexual individuals represent 10% of the population? 
2) Are there "homosexual" individuals in the animal kingdom? 
3) Is homosexual attraction congenital? 
4) Can homosexual attraction be eliminated? 
5) Is homosexuality associated with health risks? 
6) Is hostility to homosexuality a phobia? 
7) "Homophobia" - "latent homosexuality"? 
8) Are homosexual drives and pedophilia (sex drive for children) related? 
9) Are gay rights violated? 
10) Is homosexuality linked to sexual licentiousness? 
11) Was homosexuality the norm in ancient Greece? 
12) Are there any risks for children brought up in same-sex couples? 
13) Is the “normativeness” of homosexual attraction a scientifically proven fact? 
14) Was homosexuality excluded from the list of sexual perversions by scientific consensus? 
15) Is “modern science” impartial to the issue of homosexuality?

Lysov, V. G. Information and analytical report.
“Rhetoric of the homosexual movement in the light of scientific facts” Research and Innovation Center, 2019. - 751 sec.
- doi:10.12731/978-5-907208-04-9, ISBN 978-5-907208-04-9 

State Public Scientific and Technical Library SB RAS

Report purpose

In recent years, ideologists and activists of the LGBT movement, who have advocated that, from the point of view of morality, physiology and the rule of law, romantic and sexual relations between individuals of the same sex, are perceived as absolutely equal (), have significantly increased their activities (both in Russia and in the world) ( and sometimes even superior) to relations between people of different sexes. Relations between people of different sexes and how their highest manifestation is the creation of a family and the birth of a new life are based on historical, cultural-ethnic, moral, sociological, physiological, psychological and biological norms. However, these norms are criticized by LGBT activists, requiring a rethinking of the concept of the norm or even the abolition of the normativeness of sexual and marital relations in order to legitimize homosexual relations. In their activities, these activists often cite a series of arguments that turn into slogans on the basis of which they criticize opponents of the changes they require. Among such arguments, for example, “every tenth person is gay,” “gay are born,” “orientation cannot be changed,” “homosexuality is found among 1500 animal species,” and others. The report focused on analyzing the validity of some of the allegations used by these activists.

The aim of this work is to disseminate information that is currently becoming less accessible due to the political situation that has developed over the past decades. The purpose of this work is not to justify violence against individuals; we, the authors categorically condemn the infliction of physical and mental violence and illegal activities to the same extent as we condemn the lie, manipulation of facts and intolerance of the opinions of others.

Relevance of the problem

The question of the attitude of the scientific community, the media, and, as a consequence, the townsfolk towards non-reproductive forms of sexual desire is not an easy one. For example, same-sex attraction is considered an unconditional variation of the norm from 1987 of the year according to the classification of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) (DSM-III-R 1987), but is considered conditional paraphilia (ego-dystonic homosexuality) according to the classification of the Chinese Society of Psychiatry (CCMD 2001) Attraction to immature individuals (pedophilia) is considered a conditional norm according to APA (DSM-V 2013), akin to the concept of “violation of sexual orientation”, introduced by the APA decision in 1973 year (Drescher 2015) In a Harvard School of Mental Health newsletter, pedophilia is called “orientation” (Harvard Mental School 2010) Open discussion on the inclusion of sexual interest in animals in the category of "orientation" (Miletski 2017), as well as the abolition of the concept of paraphilia (sexual perversion) as such (Bering2015, ch. 5). The complexity of the issue is also due to a significant political component: there are social movements to protect the interests of individuals who want to fully realize the non-reproductive forms of sexual attraction in social behavior, for example, “ILGA","Nambla","B4U-Act","Zeta-verein","Objectum-sexuality" and etc.

However, of course, organizations representing the homosexual movement within the framework of the “LGBT +” movement have gained the greatest influence.

The methods of the “LGBT +” movement are that on homosexuality, on the one hand, they disseminate exclusively positive information, and on the other hand, any critical information is marginalized and suppressed. In the scientific community and popular culture, a certain, exclusively positive image of homosexual behavior and homosexuality has been created and continues to be created.

Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of the scientific journal The Lancet, expressed his concern in the author’s article:

“... Most of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply not reflect reality. Overwhelmed by studies with small samples, negligible effects, inadequate analysis, and obvious conflicts of interest, together with an obsession with fashion trends of dubious importance, science has turned towards darkness ... The apparent prevalence of such unacceptable research behavior in the scientific community is alarming ... make an impression, scientists too often adjust the data to their picture of the world or adjust hypotheses to their data ... Our pursuit of "significance" poisons the scientific literature with many statistical fairy tales ... Universities are involved in a constant struggle for money and talent ... And individual scientists, including their highest leadership, do little to change the culture of exploration, which at times borders on malice ... "(Horton xnumx).

Former editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine, Marcia Angell, shared her revelations:

“... It is simply more impossible to believe most of the published clinical trials or to rely on the opinions of trusted doctors or reputable medical manuals. I don’t enjoy this conclusion, which I slowly and reluctantly came to after 20 years of working as an editor ... ”(Angell xnumx).

An American activist and writer who does not hide her homosexual preferences, liberal arts professor Camilla Paglia, in her book “Vamps And Tramps”, noted in 1994:

“... Over the past decade, the situation has gotten out of control: a responsible scientific approach is impossible when rational discourse is controlled by stormtroopers, in this case gay activists who, with fanatical absolutism, claim the exclusive possession of the truth ... We must be aware of the potentially harmful mixing of gay activism with a science that generates more propaganda than truth. Gay scientists should be scientists first and foremost, and then gay ... "(Paglia 1994).

Researcher C. Martin states that ideological liberal censorship dominates in modern sociological science in the USA:

“... This ideological bias distorts science for several reasons ... censorship of research projects occurs: sociologists are not recommended to touch ideologically taboo and uncomfortable facts ... ignored results in which conservative ideas are portrayed positively and liberal ones negatively ... hide facts that do not fit into the liberal agenda ... "(Martin 2016).

It goes without saying that the dominance of a certain ideology and views in the scientific community influences science and the interpretation of scientific knowledge in society. This situation requires urgent educational activities.


Do homosexual individuals represent 10% of the population?

(1) Studies in the United States, Britain, Canada, and elsewhere, covering samples of at least several thousand people of all ages, show that the average percentage of individuals who identify themselves as homosexual is 1% –2%.
(2) The publication of the entomologist Alfred Kinsey, sometimes referred to for claiming 10% of same-sex people, is riddled with methodological and ethical flaws.
(3) Some prominent figures among the homosexual movement confirm that they overestimated the number for propaganda purposes.
(4) Observation of the prevalence of a phenomenon in a population does not say anything about its sociological or physiological normativity.

Do “homosexual” individuals exist in the animal kingdom?

(1) The argumentation of LGBT + activists based on observation of same-sex behavior among animals is not relevant. Transient episodes of same-sex behavior among animals are not tantamount to same-sex sexual desire and self-identification in humans.
(2) Interpretation of same-sex animal behavior to assess the medical, moral and legal normativity of same-sex human behavior is biased, is silent about observing other forms of non-reproductive animal behavior, which from an anthropomorphic point of view can be interpreted as pedophilia, incest, bestiality, etc.
(3) There are many factors that explain the phenomenon of non-reproductive behavior, including same-sex behavior. These phenomena require further study, but are outside the context of human sociology.

Is homosexual attraction congenital?

(1) The hypothetical “homosexuality gene” is not known; it is not discovered by anyone.
(2) The studies that underlie the statement of the "innate nature of homosexuality" have a number of methodological inaccuracies and contradictions, and do not allow unambiguous conclusions.
(3) Even the studies cited by LGBT + activists speak not of the genetic determinism of homosexual inclinations, but at best of the complex effect in which the genetic factor presumably determines the predisposition, combined with environmental influences, upbringing, etc.
(4) Some famous personalities among the homosexual movement, including scholars, criticize the statements about the biological predetermination of homosexuality and say that it is determined by conscious choice.

Can homosexual attraction be eliminated?

(1) There is a substantial base of empirical and clinical evidence that homosexual attraction can be effectively eliminated.
(Xnumx) An important condition for the effectiveness of reparative therapy is the conscious participation of the patient and the desire to change.
(Xnumx) In many cases, homosexual attraction, which can occur during puberty, disappears without a trace at a more mature age.

Is homosexuality associated with health risks?

(1) The use of the gastrointestinal tract as a genital organ is associated with health risks of an infectious and traumatic nature.
(2) Among people leading a homosexual lifestyle, both men and women, there are manifold increased risks of various diseases, both infectious (HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.), and surgical, and psychiatric.

Is hostility to homosexuality a phobia?

(1) A critical attitude towards homosexuality does not meet the diagnostic criteria of a phobia as a psychopathological concept. There is no nosological concept of “homophobia”, it is a term of political rhetoric.
(2) The use of the term “homophobia” in scientific activity to denote the entire spectrum of critical attitude to same-sex activity is incorrect. The use of the term “homophobia” blurs the line between a conscious critical attitude to homosexuality based on ideological beliefs and forms of manifestation of aggression, shifting associative perception towards aggression.
(3) Researchers note that the use of the term “homophobia” is a repressive measure directed against those members of society who do not accept that a homosexual lifestyle is enshrined in society, but who do not feel hatred or unreasonable fear of homosexual individuals.
(4) In addition to cultural and civilizational beliefs, a critical attitude to same-sex activity seems to be based on a behavioral immune system - a biological reaction that has developed in the process of human evolution to ensure maximum sanitary and reproductive efficiency.

“Homophobia” - “latent homosexuality”?

(1) Research does not support the psychoanalytic hypothesis of a critical attitude of heterosexual individuals to homosexual behavior.
(2) The critical attitude of heterosexual individuals to the demonstration of homosexual activity is explained by both biological underlying mechanisms (behavioral immune system) and the effect of attraction to like and rejection of unlike.

Are homosexual drives and pedophilia (sex drive for children) related?

Homosexual attraction and pedophilia are overlapping categories based on variations of homosexual attraction by age of the object of attraction.
(1) The movement to reduce and abolish the legal age of consent (to commit sexual activity) was born as an integral part of the homosexual movement, and organizations aimed at the abolition of the age of consent and the depatologization of attraction to children were created and led by homosexuals.
(2) In the scientific community, the issue of reducing the age of consent and the depatologization of sexual attraction to children is in many cases lobbied under the “LGBT +” movement.
(3) Among a large proportion of homosexual men, age preferences with a bias towards young men and boys are noted.
(4) Homosexual intercourse in childhood increases the risk of subsequent homosexual drive.
(5) The ratio of the number of cases of homosexual child abuse by adults to the number of cases of heterosexual child abuse is many times greater than the ratio of individuals with homosexual attraction to individuals with heterosexual attraction.

Are gay rights violated?

(1) The fundamental criteria and the traditional understanding of marriage as a union of a man and a woman exclude from it alliance with children, animals, inanimate objects, marriage from one spouse, marriage between persons of the same sex and other varieties of postmodern relativistic outlook on society.
(2) Every individual who considers himself to be homosexual and / or who practices homosexuality has the same rights and restrictions that an individual who does not consider himself to be homosexual and who does not practice homosexuality has and is restricted.
(3) “LGBT +” activists - movements do not require the extension of legal norms that are supposedly unavailable to them (in fact, they are completely accessible to them), but raising actions based on homosexuality to an additional legal status, in other words, require a change in definition and social functions of marriage.
(4) Some LGBT + activists openly declare that the main purpose of the proposed reassessment of marriage is not the pursuit of “equal rights,” but the abolition of marriage as a socially-forming unit.

Is homosexuality linked to sexual licentiousness?

(1) In homosexual registered partnerships and cohabiting couples, especially among men, there is a much higher level of sexual licentiousness than in the heterosexual population.
(2) On average, homosexual officially registered partnerships and “marriages” are significantly shorter than heterosexual marriages.
(3) Homosexual partnerships and “marriages” are predominantly sexually “open” - they allow sexual relations outside the couple.
(4) The levels of violence in homosexual partnerships and cohabiting couples, especially among women, are higher than in the heterosexual population.

Was homosexuality the norm in ancient Greece?

(1) In ancient Greek society, sexual acts took place between adults and children, between humans and animals, between adults of the same sex, but they were by no means equivalent to heterosexual relationships.
(2) Homosexuality in its modern sense - as a sexual relationship between equal people - especially in a male passive status, was severely condemned and severely punished by society in Ancient Greece.
(3) There are reasonably well-founded opinions about the existence in a certain period of history and in certain places of Ancient Greece not of homosexuality, but of pederasty (homosexual pedophilia), which was part of a specific institution for raising boys (strict sexual segregation due to public order or militarization). However, some researchers believe that the relationship between the boy and the mentor was strictly regulated and the pederastic component was excluded.

Are there any risks for children brought up in same-sex couples?

(1) Children raised by same-sex couples have an increased risk of developing homosexual drive, sexual non-conformism and adopting a homosexual lifestyle - these results were obtained even in studies conducted by authors loyal to “LGBT +” movement.
(2) The studies cited by LGBT + activists - movements and affiliates (defending the claim that there are no differences between children from traditional families and children brought up by same-sex couples) have significant shortcomings. Among them: small samples, a biased method of attracting respondents, a short observation period, the absence of control groups and the biased formation of control groups.
(3) Studies conducted with large representative samples with a long observation period show that, in addition to the increased risk of adopting a homosexual lifestyle, children raised by homosexual parents are inferior to children from traditional families in a number of ways.

Is the “normativeness” of homosexual attraction a scientifically proven fact?

As a justification for the “normativeness” of homosexuality, it is argued that “adaptation” (adaptability or adaptability) and the social functioning of homosexuals are comparable to heterosexual ones. However, it has been shown that “adaptation” and social functioning are not related to determining whether sexual deviations are mental disorders and lead to false negative conclusions. It is impossible to conclude that the mental state is not deviant, because such a state does not lead to impaired “adaptation”, stress or impaired social function, otherwise many mental disorders should be mistakenly designated as normal conditions. The conclusions cited in the literature quoted by proponents of the normativity of homosexuality are not proven scientific facts, and questionable studies cannot be considered reliable sources.

Was homosexuality excluded from the list of sexual perversions by scientific consensus?

A vote by the American Psychiatric Association in December 1973 on the exclusion of homosexuality from the classification of mental disorders was conducted without presenting any significant research data, without relevant observations and analysis, without adequate discussion, under strong pressure from homosexual organizations and activists. This decision was the first significant symbol of the rapidly advancing era of the dogma of "political correctness."

Is “modern science” impartial to the issue of homosexuality?

Statements such as “the genetic cause of homosexuality has been proven” or “homosexual attraction cannot be changed” are regularly made at popular science educational events and on the Internet, intended, among other things, for scientifically inexperienced people. In this article, I will demonstrate that the modern scientific community is dominated by people who project their socio-political views into their scientific activities, making the scientific process highly biased. These projected views include a range of political statements, including in relation to the so-called. “sexual minorities”, namely that “homosexuality is the normative variant of sexuality among humans and animals”, that “same-sex attraction is innate and cannot be changed”, “gender is a social construct not limited to binary classification”, etc. and so on. I will demonstrate that such views are considered orthodox, stable, and established in modern Western scientific circles, even in the absence of compelling scientific evidence, while alternative views are immediately labeled as “pseudoscientific” and “false,” even when they have compelling evidence behind them. Many factors can be cited as the cause of such bias - a dramatic social and historical legacy that led to the emergence of "scientific taboos", intense political struggles that gave rise to hypocrisy, the "commercialization" of science leading to the pursuit of sensations, etc. Whether it is possible to completely avoid bias in science remains controversial. However, in my opinion, it is possible to create conditions for an optimal equidistant scientific process.

The book is available by Creative Commons Attribution Licenses 4.0 Worldwide.

Reprint editions, translations into other languages, any nominations are welcome.

38 thoughts on “Rhetoric of the LGBT movement* in the light of scientific facts”

  1. Hi, is this book available in English language? If so, could you please share the information. Thank you

    1. Thank you for your interest. We have chapter 15 in English: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332679880, but the rest of the book is yet to be translated. Please consider using an online translator in the meanwhile. Most of the chapters are published online, so you can simply paste their links into translator, like this: https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=ru&tl=en&text=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pro-lgbt.ru%2F5195%2F

      Also, you can check The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals. This book deals with the same issues.

  2. Great work, thank you very much!
    I have never met anything better on this subject! We will distribute among like-minded people.

  3. I have not yet met so many false reports. The text here is directly opposite to the truth. Can I get a link to your (pseudo) sources, if any? Or did you just come up with and paint your own opinion?
    The term “Homophobia” fully reflects the essence of your text.
    (Ps Homophobia - part of xenophobia, an experience of hatred and distrust of people who are in some way different from a person who is xenophobic)

    1. 1) How can you judge a report if you have not read it. After all, if they did, they would find about 1500 links, and they could independently verify their reliability.
      2) “Homophobia” is associated with the behavioral immune system. This is a protective natural reaction to carriers of infection and uncleanness. Since homosexual practices involve the use of the intestines instead of the sexual organ, people are disgusted by any reminder of this fact, even if it is a rainbow flag. More details: https://pro-lgbt.ru/33
      3) Your reaction is manifested in one of the methods of demagogy, which is often used as a protective mental reaction. More details: https://pro-lgbt.ru/5453/#willful-ignorance

    2. I have not yet met so many false reports. The text here is directly opposite to the truth. Can I get a link to your (pseudo) sources, if any? Or did you just come up with and paint your own opinion?

      ↑ Classics of the genre:

      1. exactly. If your IQ is at least below average, then you will see all the lies of this nonsense topic about “LGBT normality.” It would be better if they fought for the right to treatment...

        1. Thật sao tôi nghĩ thứ cần được điều trị ở đây là bệnh “ngu” của bạn đó , chúng tôi ko bệnh vì chúng tôi ko có tâm l í và sức khoẻ vô cùng là bình thường , đồng thời chúng tôi ko có thứ nào là nguồn lây nhiễm cả nên ko gọi là bệnh , và nó cũng ko ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến cá nhân hay tập thể nào khác !

      2. Sorry, but the criteria are obvious - the novelty of the research and the representativeness of the sample. This homophobic portal cannot boast of this. That's why he's homophobic.

        1. Novelty is an absurd criterion. The study has a lot of methodological shortcomings and remains the same despite its novelty. And you’re just bad with samples

      3. The commentator in the screenshot clearly shows problems in understanding the scientific approach and, in addition, shows fear and powerlessness. “Liberal” sites - everything is clear with him. It’s a pity it was not possible to enter into dialogue with him at that moment.

      4. Looking at a simple and complex explanation from the point of view of Occam's principle, it is easy to see that if a simple explanation is complete and comprehensive, then there is simply not enough reason to introduce additional components. On the other hand, if there are such grounds, then the simple explanation is no longer complete and exhaustive (since it does not cover these grounds), that is, the conditions for the use of Occam's razor are not met. As in this case, incomplete and unreliable studies on the topic of LGBT people of the last century do not allow using this principle. The individual in the screenshot does not understand the topic.

    3. We need to complain about them to WHO and UNESCO so that this pseudo-doctor will be deprived of all international licenses and rights to conduct any professional activity in the field of psychology and medicine.

  4. Homophobia may indicate that the person suffering from it has his own homosexual desires, but on the one hand they are not recognized by him, and on the other hand they seem so terrible and unacceptable to him that they cause great fear. Homophobia is primarily the fear of one's own homosexual desires. Psychiatrist.

    1. Tell me, is a simple reluctance to believe in the blatant lies of the “LGBT” sect “homophobia”?

    2. I was somehow treated by this doctor, a psychiatrist. He taught me that homosexual tendencies may indicate that the person suffering from them has their own homophobic impulses, but on the one hand they are not recognized by him, and on the other hand they seem so terrible and unacceptable to him that they cause great fear. Homosexuality is primarily a fear of one’s own homophobic impulses, distorted by the mechanism of reaction formation.
      The same thing is in the case of arachnophobes - with their negative reaction to spiders, these people are trying to compensate for their repressed sexual lust for these arthropods.

    3. Based on your “logic”: Arachnophobia may indicate that a person has his own desires to become a spider, but on the one hand he is not aware of them, and on the other hand they seem so terrible that they cause a strong fear of spiders. Rook-novigator))))

    4. Lyudmila, you are not a doctor, but a charlatan. There is no such analogy. You are misleading people.

      1. We will appeal to him in international organizations so that he will be deprived of all medical powers. He's like one of those doctors who used labotamia.

    5. You know, I can talk to you just as cleverly using the same rhetoric.
      Arachnophobia is the fear of a person’s own desires to become a spider, which he is not aware of, but which are recorded on a subconscious level in a given individual.
      The desire to become a spider seems terrible and unacceptable to an arachnophobe, which provokes the strongest fear on him.
      Arachnophobia is, first of all, the fear of realizing that you are some kind of spider, in a human body or were one in a past life. Psychiatrist.

    6. no need to delve into the subconscious. The simple fact that homophobia is an open, sincere aversion to perversion does the psychiatrist not allow?

    7. You're lying. Donald West came up with this cartoon. Parapsychologist, criminologist and homosexual. But research has refuted this idea. It's just to confuse inexperienced opponents of LGBT people. This is mostly manipulation. And all psychiatrists know this

  5. To be honest, I am extremely grateful (God first) and excited with all the content here. Gentlemen, you are admirable.

    They help me a lot in the cultural battle we are fighting in the West. Greetings from Bolivia, Latin America.

  6. Thank you, very curious. You are doing important work. The majority is with you. Good luck!

  7. There is an undeniable method for assessing the norm / pathology, which is not based on beliefs, does not depend on the depth and quality of the research of authors with different political views.
    So, what will be the answer to the question: What will happen if all 100% of people lead an exclusively homosexual lifestyle?
    Simple answer: in less than 100 years, humanity will disappear. This will happen regardless of our views and assessments. From this follows the obvious conclusion: The views of people who consider homosexuality to be the norm are a failure of species immunity in essence. All the rhetoric we observe around this issue is nothing more than a struggle for the life or death of the next generations. Impressing society with a view of pathology as the norm is the destruction of the immunity of the population.
    Is it possible to logically dispute the above?
    Impossible. But it is possible to divert the debate into emotions, blame it for discrimination, accuse, prohibit, manipulate, manipulate. This is what the supporters of the normality of homosexuality are left to do.
    Supporters and opponents will not be able to reach an agreement for a deep reason. Those who support the normality of homosexuality profess individualism. Their “social immune system” protects the selfish rights of the individual from humanity as an organism, even if it kills humanity. Opponents value personality, family, and humanity. Their “social immune system” protects the existence of humanity, the family, and the individual.
    What is the weakness of the latter? They protect the individual, not just society. Therefore, when their immunity detects egocentric individuals with pathologies, it is faced with the problem of choice: fight/treat/close your eyes.
    Self-centered people see this very well and use it well in their struggle. They have excellent achievements in “re-educating” the immune system of society. They achieved the change from “fight” to “cure” in the last century and are completing the change from “treat” to “close your eyes” right now. But they don't stop there. In a number of countries, “turning a blind eye” has already passed the stage. Today’s agenda: “Force to approve,” “punish those who disagree,” “implant other people’s children.”
    This is really happening.
    This is exactly how the “disease” of society or its transformation is occurring now, threatening its existence.
    And the fact that I'm just stating this obvious fact is enough to call me a homophobe. Are you against the vector to destroy humanity? What a horror! You are bad.
    This is the essence of the “logic” of supporters of the normality of homosexuality, regardless of academic degrees.

  8. Homosexuals are perverts. Perversions are ugh. The attempt to call perversion the norm fits precisely into the plan to reduce the world population, because... Homosexuals don't reproduce. Those who strive to become extinct - you are on the right track))
    Many thanks to the author of the book for making a significant contribution to the victory of truth over lies.

  9. Hello. At the beginning of the article you have this text:

    A Harvard Mental Health School newsletter refers to pedophilia as an “orientation” (Harvard Mental School 2010).

    and a link is given to the website of the Harvard Mental School:

    It looks like Harvard decided to remove this link, and now it has been moved to another page: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/4-things-all-parents-should-do-to-help-prevent-sexual-abuse-2018020613277

    I found the original version of the Harvard article in the web archive, exactly the one you linked to.
    Here she is: https://web.archive.org/web/20150227011651/http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/pessimism-about-pedophilia

    You need to either indicate that Harvard for some reason deleted the article and here is a link to the saved version, or add another article, since I found a huge number of articles on the Internet for the query “is pedophilia a sexual orientation”

    1. Thank you! According to Orwell, the Ministry of “Truth” works tirelessly at the keyboard.

      “He did not know exactly what was happening in the invisible labyrinth through which the pneumatic tubes go, but he had a general idea about it. Once the necessary corrections in a particular issue of The Times were collected and collated, the issue was reprinted, the original version was destroyed, and the corrected newspaper was filed in its place. This process of continuous change was applied not only to newspapers, but also to books, periodicals, prospectuses, posters, brochures, films, soundtracks, cartoons, photographs—any kind of literature or documentation that could have any political or ideological significance. Day by day and even minute by minute the past was updated. Thus, every prediction made by the Party could be supported by documents - there was no news information, no opinion expressed that conflicted with the needs of the moment, nothing remained on record. The whole story was a palimpsest - a text written in place of the previous one, which was erased and scratched anew whenever necessary. And once the deed is done, it will never be possible to prove that there was falsification. »

      George Orwell, "1984"

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