How is homosexual attraction formed?

Dr. Julie Hamilton 6 years taught psychology at the University of Palm Beach, served as president of the Association for marriage and family therapy, as well as president in the National Association for the Study and Therapy of Homosexuality. Currently, she is a certified specialist in family and marriage issues in private practice. In his lecture “Homosexuality: An Introductory Course” (Homosexuality 101), Dr. Hamilton talks about myths that cover the topic of homosexuality in our culture and about what is actually known from scientific research. It highlights the most typical factors contributing to the development of same-sex attraction in boys and girls, and talks about the possibility of changing the undesirable sexual orientation. 

• Is homosexuality congenital or is it a choice? 
• What leads a person to be attracted to his own sex? 
• How does female homosexuality develop? 
• Is reorientation possible? 

About this - in the video that was removed on YouTube:

Video in Russian

Is homosexuality congenital, or is it a choice?

- Neither one nor the other. There is so much misinformation about homosexuality in our culture. The myths we hear are simply not true. Many people believe that homosexuality is purely biological and therefore immutable. However, people are not born homosexual - this is just a myth that is intensively propagated in our culture. In the 90s, there was a huge effort to prove the biological basis of homosexuality, as it might contribute to the “Gay Rights Movement,” and so there was intense research, but no one ever came to the conclusion that it was due to biology. 
Dean Hamer conducted a gene study, and the press immediately announced that a gay gene had been found, although the researcher himself never said so. Nobody could repeat his research and therefore it was withdrawn. When Scientific American asked him if homosexuality is based solely on biology, he replied, “Absolutely not. We already know that more than half of the variables in sexual orientation are not inherited ... It is shaped by many different factors, including biological, environmental and sociocultural influences. " 
Brain researcher Simon LeVay said the same thing and admitted that he failed to provide any evidence in favor of biology: “It is important to emphasize that I have not proved that gays are born as such - this is the most common mistake that people make when interpreting my work. I also did not find a gay center in the brain. “We don’t know if the differences I discovered were present at birth or they appeared later.” 
A study examining the Australian registry of twins containing information on 40 thousands of couples found that if one identical twin is homosexual, then in about 20 or less percent of cases, the other will also be homosexual. If homosexuality is due to biology, we would see a much larger percentage of coincidences, since identical twins have the same biological structure. 
In fact, there is not a single researcher who will tell you that he has found the biological cause of homosexual attraction. Most researchers say that same-sex attraction is associated with a combination of biological and environmental factors, which can be expressed in the following formula:

Even APA, one of the most influential psychiatric organizations, which does not always set the scientific tone in the mainstream psychology, changed its position from 1998, where it was argued that the causes of homosexual attraction are mostly rooted in biology.

It is very important to disseminate this information, since a lie about the predestination of homosexuality has the most destructive consequences. Many people experiencing homosexual drives do not want to carry out or have them, but in our culture they are told: "this is your essence, accept it, you were born that way, nothing can be done about it." And this lie leads to intense self-hatred and thoughts of suicide. 
By the way, among homosexuals we see much higher percentages of depression, suicide, drug addiction, etc. They justify this by the fact that society does not accept them, but this is also not true. After checking the statistics of the most tolerant countries, such as Denmark, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Finland or Sweden, where homosexuality has long been the norm, we will not see any difference. 
Despite the fact that homosexuals are not born, it cannot be said that the typical homosexual simply “chooses” attraction to members of the same sex (although there are some: People can choose their actions - whether to enter into a homosexual relationship or not, but the attraction itself, as a rule, is not chosen.

What leads a person to be attracted to his own sex?

Although environmental factors may include experience of sexual violence or other traumatic events, the most common reason is a violation of the development of gender identity, which in 80% of cases ends in homosexual attraction. Gender identity is how a person perceives himself from the point of view of his gender, that is, a sense of his own masculinity or femininity. It is formed through the relationship of the child with the parent and peers of their own gender. 
At first, infants perceive themselves as a whole with their mother, but between about two and four years of life, the process of determining sex begins. At this stage of development, the boy will need to separate from his unity with his mother and establish a deeper connection with his father, because it is through relations with him that he learns what it means to be a man. The boy asks himself: how do men behave? How do they go? What are they doing? And the father answers these questions through his relationship with his son. He does this by spending time with him, showing interest in him and his activities, as well as through physical contact. An affectionate contact is important, such as a hug or holding on hands, as well as a naughty one, like wrestling or hard games. It is through such physical communication that the boy begins to develop a sense of his courageous body and his own masculinity.

At the age of about 6 years, when children begin to go to school, a new stage begins: now the boy looks at his peers in search of answers to the same questions that his father had before. He seeks to be accepted and recognized by other boys. Thanks to the relationship that he forms with them, he continues to develop a sense of masculinity, discovering more about other boys and, therefore, about himself. 
In the early years of primary school, children usually do not like to play with members of the opposite sex. They prefer to spend time with their gender. This is a natural and necessary stage of development, because a person cannot be interested in the opposite sex until he understands his own. In the end, after many years of communication with representatives of his gender, the boy reaches puberty, and now he begins to show curiosity and interest in the opposite sex. With the emergence of sexual needs, this curiosity turns into sexual interest and a desire for a romantic relationship with the opposite sex. 

For a boy who eventually develops a homosexual drive, the above process usually goes wrong

As a rule, something prevents him from successfully separating from his mother and becoming attached to his father. It is possible that the fatherly figure was not accessible to him, or it may be that he did not perceive his father as accessible, reliable or disposable. Perception is everything. What is happening to us is not so important, but how we perceive it. Therefore, the matter may not be in the absence of the father, but in the fact that for some reason the boy did not perceive him as being present or desirable for establishing a connection. Perception is influenced by our temperament and this is where biology can play a small role, in the sense that a boy with a more sensitive temperament can perceive rejection where it really is not. He may think that his father does not want a relationship with him, or some of his actions may be regarded as rejection, although this is not really meant. For example, a father in his hearts can scream at his son, and for an impressionable two-year-old boy, a screaming man looks very scary, and therefore he does not want to leave the comfort of unity with his mother and become attached to a menacing and screaming giant. 
It should be remembered that a sensitive temperament alone does not make a person homosexual, only in combination with certain environmental factors can he contribute to the development of same-sex attraction. It is also important not so much the father himself as the fatherly figure, i.e. a man with whom the boy can be identified. For boys growing up without a father, a trainer, teacher, uncle, grandfather, or even a neighbor can serve as such a figure.

So, if the boy feels that his father does not want a relationship with him, then in the end he stops trying to get closer. For this, there is even a term - "protective alienation." He seemed to be enclosing the wall and saying: “okay, if you don’t need me, then I don’t need you either.” And he internally rejects the father, as well as everything that the father represents, that is, masculinity. Instead, he remains connected with his mother and absorbs femininity, while at the same time longing for, deep down, male love and connection with the male sex. Usually, such a boy has difficulties at the next stage of development, where he should be equal to peer boys and build relationships with them. Either he is more comfortable with women who are more familiar to him, or he is afraid of other boys. If he has developed some female manners, then peers can alienate him and even call him names. Thus, he goes through elementary school, maintaining contact with the girls, but at the same time, eager to be seen, accepted and recognized by the boys. At that stage of development where rapprochement with men is necessary, he draws closer to the world of women, which serves as his main source of information. Having reached puberty, he will not have a romantic attraction for girls - they are like sisters for him, they are not interesting to him, he already knows everything about them. What is covered with a halo of mystery for him, and what he still longs for is a connection with men. His unmet emotional need for a close relationship with his own sex, as he puberts, begins to take on a sexual connotation. Such a boy mistakenly thinks that he was born that way, because all his conscious life he remembers himself looking for male love. It is true that he always sought this love, but initially it was not a sexual craving, but an emotional need for recognition and approval, which transformed into a sexual attraction. 
Many of those who, in their teens, suddenly find themselves attracted to boys will tell you that this was a crushing blow for them. Many people do not want to feel attracted to their own sex, but this fills them from the inside because their needs were unmet. Therefore, it is important that we do not reproach them: "this is your choice - you yourself have chosen these feelings." You lose confidence by saying so because it is contrary to their experience - they know that they did not choose it.

The development of female homosexuality is somewhat more difficult

For some women, the development of same-sex attraction is similar to the male development described above: they establish a relationship with the father and other boys, but not with the girls, and the need to communicate with their own sex remains unsatisfied. For some girls, lesbianism is a kind of search for maternal love, filling the void that formed earlier. For other girls, the perception of femininity can be very distorted by their experience. Perhaps they saw their father beat their mother or humiliate her, and they came to the conclusion that to be feminine means to be weak, or to be a victim. And so they separated from their feminine identity, as it is perceived as very undesirable and negative. 
It may be that they themselves suffered. This could happen even in adolescence, such as date rape, or another type of sexual abuse, which caused them to separate from their femininity or to avoid men. 
Now in our culture, in high school and college, it has become fashionable to say that you are bisexual, and some girls go in this direction more out of the cultural trend. Under the influence of incorrect information circulating in our culture, some young people try to experiment with their own sex and this becomes a way of life, because with our experience, we create appetites and desires. 
Another factor for women is the so-called “emotional dependence”. Women may consider themselves heterosexual and even be married, but they enter into relationships with another woman who become extremely unhealthy. It can begin as a friendship, which becomes extremely confusing, and an excessive dependence is created between them. It looks like: “I need you, you are the only one who understands and feels me, no one meets my needs as you do.” And then it turns into “I can’t live without you, I will die if I don’t have you. ”These relationships can become very obsessive and possessive. And since these women, in their emotional dependence, cross the boundaries of what is permitted emotionally, this can quickly lead to crossing borders in the physical plane. Before they have time to come to their senses, they find themselves in a sexual relationship.

Possibility of change

There are many factors that influence our development, so you may know people who are exceptions to the above, or other contributing factors not mentioned here. 
It is important to know that for people experiencing an unwanted homosexual attraction, there is actually hope. We know from research that change is possible, not only in behavior, but in orientation itself. The National Association for the Study and Therapy of Homosexuality has provided an overview of empirical evidence, clinical reports and scientific research dating back to the 19th century, which convincingly shows that motivated men and women can move from homosexuality to heterosexuality. 
It should be noted that the problem of homosexual attraction is no different from any other therapeutic problem - “change” does not mean that your problem disappeared once and for all. For example, if a person turned to the therapist with the problem of depression and successfully completed the therapy, feeling changed, very satisfied and happy, this does not mean that he will never again have depression. Undoubtedly, in the difficult period of his life, she can return, especially if he has a predisposition to it. Problems do not disappear so easily, change is a long process. So if homosexuals say that they have changed, and then continue to have difficulty, this is normal. We recognize this in the area of ​​addictions. So, people on the road to getting rid of drug or alcohol addiction know that sometimes they still have to deal with temptations, but to a much lesser extent, and that it is very easy to stumble and slide back. So do not be discouraged by the lies that you hear in our culture, the changes are confirmed by science and we know that they are happening. Many of those who changed their homosexual drives with the help of psychotherapy regretted not doing it before, as their culture or family convinced them that they might or should not try to change.


23 thoughts on “How Homosexual Attraction Forms”

  1. I'm a little shocked.
    In general, the article went along the right paths, but the opportunity to change has put me in a stupor.
    If you made the wrong decision about self-determination, that is, a conclusion from your feelings, then sooner or later you really realize that you were mistaken. But the problem is that the entire article is a fucking (sorry) special case. There are definitely smart thoughts here, but if a person correctly determines his orientation, there is not the slightest chance of correcting it.
    It's a shame that homo is still considered a disorder. It works in a completely different way. It is unfortunate that few people realize this.

    1. The truth is the upbringing and environment of the environment of the child. There is no same-sex preference gene. It's all in the head. The family is full-fledged and family traditions are important! You need to be careful with children. Comply with the principles and attitudes of upbringing. A boy and a girl are different and need to be brought up according to the gender.

  2. Case study
    A., man, 32 years. Anamnesis: from an incomplete family, the only child of their parents. Grew up with his mother. Overweight tendency. Puberty without deviation. From 10 years of age, he was interested in girls, tried to make friends, but contact with peers is generally difficult due to complexes due to completeness. From 14 years, regular masturbation using female erotica as an erogenous stimulus. Since 16 years, several attempts to make relationships with girls, ending unsuccessfully. Progressive isolation and self-doubt. By 25 years: fixing on pornography. "I no longer knew what to watch, I reviewed all the possible perversions." Special fixation on female homosexual pornography. Relations with the opposite sex have not been established, there was no sexual experience. From 25 years: he began to look at pornography with transsexuals, was very excited. Fixation of the phallic image. An erection for male homosexual stimuli gradually developed, subsequently looked through "and gay porn and straight porn", began to practice stimulation of the anus with imitators "I experienced excitement, but not pleasure." By the 27 years, a strong fixation on homosexual contact, a subjective attitude towards homosexuals was neutral, considered himself heterosexual. At this age, through the Internet, he made contact with a gay prostitute, the first homosexual experience, with an orgasm. Subsequently, the strongest remorse. A week later, repeated contact. He began to visit gay bars with weekly sexual contact, each time with an orgasm, and subsequently practiced promiscuity. I ceased to get involved in pornography. The number of sexual partners about 20 in the period 27 - 29 years. He hid a lifestyle from loved ones. He experienced great shame after each contact. By 30 years of extreme depression, dissatisfaction, confusion, insomnia, problems with erection. In 30 years, the first meeting with a distant relative, a man of 60 years, a sports coach. Established close contact with a relative, subsequently opened to him. "He supported me very much." Installed motivation from a relative, began to practice an intense sports lifestyle. “By the 31 year, I lost 40 kg!” With increasing physical activity, he refused homosexual contacts. He began to use the attention of the opposite sex. Soon the first sexual experience with the opposite sex, an erection without difficulty, with an orgasm. By the time 4 month is in a stable relationship with a girl, she plans to start a family. He doesn’t feel homosexual urges, recalls with disgust. Strong worries about the possibility of disclosing the details of his life to the bride.

    1. the case that you described is not an isolated one;
      I'm afraid that it will only get worse, I will have to recognize tolerance, gay marriage, etc. because there is no way to solve the problem of emerging homosexuality. This is a great site, but this is very little ... the system needs to be changed.
      Unfortunately this is not possible.

      1. Everyone should probably talk about it and don't be afraid! No need to look to the West and the United States. It is beneficial for them to make people same-sex. So it is easier to pervert and destroy the population. Just so they're crazy,! they've been preparing it for years. People are unhappy. The policy of same-sex attitudes leads to degeneration, especially if these marriages are GAY family and will raise a new generation!

    2. What you described is common.

      Man, hetero. Difficulties with girls, so he is interested in hetero-porn, but then it starts to bother, and gradually he becomes interested in gay / trance porn.
      This is all fixed as a conditioned reflex. The brain seems to “forget” its excitement for women and becomes fixated on homosexual fantasies.
      It is treated with the same conditioned reflex. It is necessary to gradually restore excitement to women, and that’s it.

  3. There are no scientific studies confirming the formation of homosexuality in the process of education.
    The theses about the formation of homosexuality associated with a lack of attention or relationship with the father are a long-standing psychoanalytic assumption that does not have any scientifically proven status, in fact. Promotes the idea that homosexuality can be successfully treated, but only want to. I will say right away that this is not treated in any way. Because there is nothing to heal. This is not a pathology! Yes, society does not accept such people. Especially in Russia. Hence the high suicide rate.
    Yes, man was born that way. He is not interested in women at all, he does not like them. And the fact that they did not find the reason does not mean that it is not there or will not be found in the future.
    There was a time trying to "treat". This led to absolutely no results. The attraction to the same sex was retained in full.

    1. "There is no scientific research confirming the formation of homosexuality in the process of education."

      The fact that you do not know about them does not mean that they do not exist. They are described in report... What is actually not there is evidence of the influence of biological factors, which is clear told APA.

      "Theses about the formation of homosexuality associated with a lack of attention or relationship with the father - a long-standing psychoanalytic assumption"

      Which is fully proven in clinical practice. If you work to resolve these problems, homosexual tendencies will come to naught. More details:

      “I’ll say right away that there is no cure for this. Because there is nothing to heal. This is not a pathology! "

      Demagogic “argument by assertion” and wishful thinking. Your beliefs do not agree with the facts.

      "Society does not accept such people, hence the high percentage of suicides."

      Logical error “Non sequitur”. The suicide rate of homosexuals in those countries where they do not experience the slightest censure from the public remains abnormally high, as elsewhere. Paradoxically, wider public acceptance of homosexuality only leads to increased disease and suffering among LGBT people. More details:

      "Yes, man was born that way"

      APA calls on LGBT activists to abandon the innate argument, as it is unscientific, irrelevant and discriminatory. More details:

      "The fact that they did not find the reason does not mean that they will not find it in the future."

      Logical error “anticipation of the basis”. Once they find it, we’ll talk.

      “There was a time trying to heal. This did not lead to absolutely any results. "

      It is not true. Over 100 English-language publications describing successful outcomes of refocusing therapy are summarized in the table below. More details here.

      1. Hello, and what should I do if I have the same problem as in the article? I really need help ..

        1. You have to love what God has given you. You have hands, eyes, health, youth - this is a gift from God - life. And the Bible tells you how to live it. There is only one happy path, all the others are deception and counterfeit due to our temporary passions. Remember: you need to live not by feelings, but by the truth, and feelings will tighten up when there is truth.

  4. Is LGBT a disease ???
    Today, I will reveal to you a terrible secret. So. LGBT is not a disease, but the genetic heritage of our ancestors, and, moreover, a very negative one. And off it, that's all, from the island of Ceylon, (now Fr. Sri Lanka), where aliens are from the Tau Ceti star system, (has 8 exoplanets rotating in a circle, as well as 1 distant asteroid, with an irregular, inclined orbit, in relation to the native Sun - Tau Ceti ), in ancient times, they conducted their own genetic experiments there, trying to adapt on our planet, and also crossed people and animals, as a result of which, we had such semi-mythical creatures as: satyrs, centaurs and mermaids!!! But, about everything, in order: in the Vedic literature, there is such a concept as: "Evolutionary number, human survival." That is, for someone, it is, more, (for white peoples), for someone, it is less, (for blacks, Latinos and Chinese), but all of us are united by one thing: as soon as this is an evolutionary the number, human survival, reaches, as a result, hybridization, level, below, 50%, of the original, in such an individual, (human race: HOMO SAPIENS), begin: mental, biological, and also, mental disorders, in the body, on the level of the aura's power, as a result of which, completely, his gender identity and self-realization are lost, and he, trying to close these: mental “holes”, in his aura, begins to look for, (unconsciously), for himself, a same-sex couple, so that a healthier individual, according to the aura, under nourishment, mental energy and thereby, stabilize his aura. And it happens like this: 1. Lesbians. Take, for example, 1 (one) healthy woman, Scandinavian, (white), with an evolutionary survival number of 10 (ten). And we cross her, with a healthy man, from the Scandinavian clan, (white), too, with an evolutionary number of survival, 10 (ten). And we will marry them. The laws of RITA, at the same time, (Vedic), are not violated and if they have children, then, regardless of their number, they will always have healthy children, since, at conception and birth, 10 plus 10 and divide by two (by both parents) is also 10. That is, at birth, such a child, (girl), is born: a normal, healthy, (mental), future woman. And now, we will try to intervene in this process and add, to their child-parent chain, a third participant, (alien), with a survival number, (according to evolution, on planet Earth), 5 (five) and see what, we will succeed. We already have 3 (three) parents, in a chain, genetically and with the addition of alien DNA, the number of survival, an individual, evolutionary, at birth, immediately drops by 1,666666666666667 units, since: 10 plus 10 plus 5 equals 25 and if this is divided by 3 (three), then we get 8,333333333333333. The laws of RITA are clearly violated, and although, for an alien, this is good, since its evolutionary number, in such a hybrid, has increased, in the general context, for the human race - this is bad, because, with further hybridization and mixing, genetics, such a child, with Negroid, Latinoid or Chinese genetics - his evolutionary number, survival, of a person, will only fall (in subsequent generations). And one day, there will come a moment when, his, a distant descendant (in the fourth or fifth generations), will suddenly feel that he is missing something, since her evolutionary number, human survival, has fallen, as a result, global hybridization of races and aliens, below 50% of the original, in parents, 10 and she, FOR THE FIRST TIME, LOOKS AT A WOMAN, to plug up, for herself, these mental “holes” in the aura (moreover, unconsciously). After all, a girl, (girl, woman), with an evolutionary survival number of 4 (four) or slightly higher, plus 0,5, will feel, well, with a healthier woman, with a survival number, 10, (so like, 4 plus 10 equals 7 when divided by 2) or, with an earlier, hybrid, (human and alien), with a survival number of 8,333, (since 4 plus 8,333 equals 6,1665 when divided by 2 ). And this is exactly how lesbians appeared at all times, since, with the number of human survival, below 5 units, (in a female), such a woman, (a girl, a girl), is not attracted to men, since, genetically and at the level of the strength of the aura, she is not capable of forming a stable pair with a man !!! 2. Gays. Take, also, for example, 1 (one) healthy woman, from the Scandinavian clan, (white), with an evolutionary survival number of 10 (ten). And we cross her, with a healthy man, from the Scandinavian clan, (white), too, with an evolutionary number of survival, 10 (ten). And we will marry them. The laws of RITA, at the same time, (Vedic), are not violated and if they have children, then, regardless of their number, they will always have healthy children, since, at conception and birth, 10 plus 10 and divide by two (by both parents) is also 10. That is, at birth, such a child, (boy), be born: normal, healthy, (mental), future man. And now, we will try to intervene in this process and add, to their child-parent chain, a third participant, (alien), with a survival number, (according to evolution, on planet Earth), 5 (five) and see what, we will succeed. We already have 3 (three) parents, in a chain, genetically and with the addition of alien DNA, the number of survival, an individual, evolutionary, at birth, immediately drops by 1,666666666666667 units, since: 10 plus 10 plus 5 equals 25 and if this is divided by 3 (three), then we get 8,333333333333333. The laws of RITA are clearly violated, and although, for an alien, this is good, since its evolutionary number, in such a hybrid, has increased, in the general context, for the human race - this is bad, because, with further hybridization and mixing, genetics, such a child, with Negroid, Latinoid or Chinese genetics - his evolutionary number, survival, of a person, will only fall (in subsequent generations). And one day, the moment will come when, his, a distant descendant (in the fourth or fifth generations), will suddenly feel that he is missing something, since his evolutionary number, human survival, fell, as a result, global hybridization of races and aliens, below 50%, from the original, in parents, 10 and he, FOR THE FIRST TIME, WILL LOOK AT A MAN to plug, for himself, these mental “holes” in the aura (moreover, unconsciously). After all, a boy, (a young man, a man), with an evolutionary number of survival, 4 (four) or slightly higher, plus 0,5, will feel, well, with a healthier man, with a number of survival, 10, (so like, 4 plus 10 equals 7 when divided by 2) or, with an earlier, hybrid, (human and alien), with a survival number of 8,333, (since 4 plus 8,333 equals 6,1665 when divided by 2 ). And this is exactly how gays appeared at all times, since, with the number of human survival, below 5 units, (in a male individual), such a man, (a young man, a boy), is not attracted to women, since, genetically and at the level of the strength of the aura, he is not able to form a stable pair with a woman !!! 3. Bisexuals. Here, everything is simple. These are simply the descendants of those hybrids (human and alien), ancestors who, in time, came to their senses, expelled representatives of aliens and hybrids from their territory (as, for example, in Ancient Rus', when such people were expelled from communities , towards EUROPE, where, subsequently, they formed territories and states, with positive LGBT laws) and ceasing to mix (genetically) with representatives of other nations, they achieved that even their weakest, children, (at birth), had a survival number of 5, that is, something average, in mentality, between a man and a woman, and hence - bisexuality!!! 4. Transgender people. This is the most extreme degree, the fall, evolutionary number, survival, of a person, in a male or female individual, when, genetically and mentally and biologically, at the level of the power of the aura, a person (man or woman), has a number, of survival, of a person, equal to 1 (one) and such a person no longer has mental energy in the aura and its strength (male or female), so that, as a result of re-hybridization, his body, to restore, in himself, the male or female principle and therefore , it is easier for him (like an hourglass) to start, in himself, a new process of formation - a man or a woman (taking hormones), thereby restoring, in 100%, another, original, gender. 5.

    1. Adopt and support family values. We must also ban films with gay propaganda and LGBT! Children need protection. Now that Disney has started releasing cartoons and films with gender characters. Schools need to bring back how we were taught labor lessons for girls and lessons for boys. Teachers need to be professionally trained. And verification, a lot comes from upbringing. It is necessary to respect and appreciate each other, it is not necessary to equalize boys and girls. There are many methods of educating good teachers in Russia. The Internet should be safe for our children! It also influences now basically on psychology of the child!

  5. “And it all came from the island of Ceylon, (now the island of Sri Lanka), where the aliens, from the Tau Ceti star system, (has 8 exoplanets rotating in a circle, as well as 1 distant asteroid"

    Are you fuming or what?

  6. Hmmm, you can ask, but if my girlfriend had a good relationship with her mother until the age of 13. But later her good relationship with her mother broke, can she look for a replacement for motherly love? (right now she says that she is against lgbt)

  7. whether homosexuality is innate or a person is born with it is unknown ... but the fact is that most men and young men are in favor of stimulating the prostate gland with a dildo .. earlier, while the Soviets existed, such a need was not required .. only because there was high-quality and healthy food .. now chemistry and bioadditives ..children are born freaks ..mothers do not receive the necessary medicine and money for a child ..we have a mess in our country ..the police and the military get a lot of money for a downed tank a million ..and a salary of 200 thousand ...after that any man will become a fag ..since the salary is 7-12 thousand ... for an apartment 8 thousand .. ...

  8. You should be hanged for such a false article! Fairy tales, clearly approved by the modern chauvinist installation watered. elite, should not be presented as a scientific study, especially in terms of a possible supposedly possible change in orientation. Everything is not so simple, no need to get involved in chauvinism!

    1. LGBT activists always demonstrate homofascism and calls for the destruction of those who do not adhere to their ideology. Thus, you demonstrate the danger of your movement to society.

  9. Gerard Aardweg's observations about the reasons for the development of homosexuality seem to me extremely true. (self-pity, inferiority complex due to insufficient/suppressed masculinity/femininity, relationships with parents, egocentrism, etc.)

    I enjoyed reading his book “The Battle For Normality”. His observations are comprehensive, true for many cases at once and well explain the reasons for the behavior and inclinations of homosexuals.

    But, unfortunately, Gerard “loses” me when it comes directly to treatment and the reasons for starting treatment.

    It’s not entirely clear to me what exactly he means by mentioning “morality,” “conscience,” and “guilt.”

    Gerard rejects the subjectivity of morality (and the “superego”) and argues that morality and conscience are something that is a natural part of the human psyche.

    Gerard argues that such things as lies, betrayal, murder and rape are perceived by a person as something negative almost “just because”.

    Gerard lists homosexuality among these things, attributing to it “intrinsic wrongfulness” and “impurity,” referring to the fact that many homosexuals will feel guilty. (for example after sexual intercourse)
    He argues that homosexuals do not lack a sense of conscience, but they try to suppress it.

    I do not deny this view, but it seems to me unconvincing and poorly developed - there is a lack of deeper understanding, which Gerard replaces with religion. (specifically Christianity, other religions are not considered at all)

    Therapy, in the light of such an understanding of morality and conscience, looks like an attempt to instill self-loathing and “religious guilt” in a homosexual, that is, as an attempt to replace one nervousness with another. (wedge by wedge)

    I have doubts about the effectiveness (and safety?) of this approach. The point of view in which exclusively religious faith can help cure homosexuality seems to me false, anti-scientific. However, I recognize that religion provides a simple answer to the question “why” (why start treatment) which is difficult to find without religion.


    Homosexuality, as a personality disorder, determines a person’s habits, character and preferences outside of sexual behavior, especially if it occurs in the absence of external pressure and in an atmosphere of “acceptance.”

    That is, in my understanding, the treatment of homosexuality implies a restructuring, and in the case of therapy informed by religion, perhaps even the destruction of part of the ego. The ego shrinks and is replaced by a religious belief in a higher power.

    An “ego-lobotomy” occurs, in which part of the personality is removed along with homosexuality.

    My personal impression, which may be false: - “ex-homosexuals” cured by turning to religion have a certain unnatural behavior, as if they are playing a role. Pretentious displays of restraint, such as wearing clothes in dark and muted colors, suppressed bodily gestures and prepared phrases like “I found God,” are designed to suppress the self-loathing instilled in therapy and are reminiscent of the meaningless “cargo cult” rituals through which a former homosexual tries to achieve maximum “purification.” (replacing one nerve with another)

    It is not surprising that homosexuals react to the idea of ​​therapy almost as if it were an execution. (parallels with schizoid personality disorder, fear of self-destruction)
    This, of course, is superimposed on homosexual self-pity and love for “collecting injustices.”

    Also, it is not surprising that such therapy is mainly (?) applied to homosexuals from religious families, that is, with instilled self-loathing or guilt, which did not allow homosexuality to fully become a part of the personality.


    Thank you.

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