World-renowned Dutch psychologist Gerard van den Aardweg has specialized in the study and treatment of homosexuality for most of his distinguished 50-year career. Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Association for the Study and Treatment of Homosexuality (NARTH), author of books and scientific articles, today he is one of the few specialists who dare to disclose the inconvenient reality of this topic solely from factual positions, based on objective, not distorted ideological bias data. Below is an excerpt from his report “The Normalization” of Homosexuality and Humanae Vitae ”read out at the papal conference Academy of Human Life and Family in 2018 year.
Confirming the tyranny of gay ideology, YouTube removed the video under the pretext of “discriminatory speech,” although, as a public forum, YouTube has no right to censor. There is currently ongoing action against YouTube on the part of PragerU trial on this matter. The reasons why LGBT* ideology is being implanted in the world are revealed here.
Homosexuality should be defined in terms of attraction rather than behavior, as some amateurish definitions do, mixing homosexuality as a sexual disorder with same-sex practices that are not motivated by attraction (for example, initiation rites in primitive tribes or substitutional sexual acts). Homosexuality is a condition of chronic or intermittent sexual drives to your gender, along with the rudimentary or diminished heterosexual interest, after adolescence, starting, say, with 17 – 18 years. By most reliable estimates, less than 2% of men and 1,5% of women experience a similar attraction.
I will use the term “gay” to describe those who choose to declare their inclinations normal and live accordingly; there are most today. However, about 20% do not want identify as “gay” and embrace this lifestyle. This group has no public voice and is discriminated against by the gay community.
How a person relates to their homosexual attraction is critical. By normalizing it, he suppresses his reason and conscience, replacing the inner understanding that homosexuality is contrary to nature with self-deception that it is innate and universal. When he begins to lie to himself in this way, he is forced to desperately cling to rationalization, which justify his choice and help him see himself as a normal, healthy and highly moral individual. Thus, he alienates himself from reality, locks himself in wishful thinking and, not wanting to see the truth about himself, wants to change the natural feelings and opinions about homosexuality in 98% of humanity, which he perceives as “hostile”. In fact, it is not society, culture or religion that persecutes him, but his own conscience. The normalization of homosexuality turns everything upside down: "It's not me - it's you crazy" ...
There are many different rationalizations of homosexuality, for example: “homosexual love, surpasses vulgar hetero-love; she’s more affectionate, sophisticated, sublime, progressive ”, etc. This betrays the childish naivety of these people who are emotionally obsessed with their teens, when normal sexual love between adults is not yet available.
Same-sex sexual feelings are fixation during puberty, in connection with which 40% of homosexual men are attracted to adolescents, and for 2 / 3 of them the ideal partner may be under 21 year. Thus, pederasty - sexual contact with minors, has always been one of the most common manifestations of homosexuality. By the way, scandals with priests overwhelmingly concern pederasty. These priests are ordinary homosexuals. Homosexual pedophiles, in turn, idealize “love of a man and a boy” in a childlike way (more
Gay ideology promotes various excuses, but they are all lies. She thrives on "dark matter" biological conditionality, they say, “so born”, as well as on “immutability"Disorders. In fact, biological theory has never been proven. After gay coup in xnumx yearwhen the American Psychological and Psychiatric Associations abandoned scientific integrity, gay ideology began to tyrannize academic institutions. Researchers, mainly engaged in gay activism, have made a lot of efforts to finally find some kind of biological factor in homosexuality. But interestingly, the opposite result was obtained - the accumulated amount of scientific data only increased doubts that such factors exist. The biological myth has shattered into pieces: homosexuals have normal hormones, genes and brains. But this reality barely reaches us. Also, the dogma of "immutability" is fiercely supported, since the possibility of change threatens not only the key postulate of normalizers, but also the argument that many need to justify their way of life.
The mass indoctrination of the public, portraying a homosexual as a victim of social oppression combined with a fiction of “innate”, has proven to be an extremely effective tool for overcoming social resistance to claims by gay activists of “equal rights” for their “sexuality”.
Let us now consider some key psychological facts and observations regarding male homosexuality. Most of the above also applies to lesbianism, with the only difference being that “mother” needs to be replaced with “father”, “boyish” with “girlish”, etc.
Feelings for one’s gender usually arise in adolescence among those boys who want boyish or masculine qualities, namely, a daring and fighting spirit. Many of them were brought up too softly, and therefore they lack boyish hardness. Their characteristic softness and even femininity make them feel uncomfortable among peers of their gender, before the courage of which they feel inferior. This is not an innate trait, but the result of education, relationships with parents and established habits.
In short, underdeveloped or depressed the masculinity of the pre-homosexual boy is the result of the attitude of his mother, who overly dominated his emotional life, while the influence of his father, which was supposed to contribute to the development of masculinity, was negligible or negative. Variations of this model are found in at least 60% of cases of male homosexuality. Other important factors may include physical defects and deficiencies, unusually young or old parents, upbringing by grandparents, relationships between brothers.
Often a boy showed an unhealthy attachment to his mother and even dependence on her, while the connection with his father was defective in one way or another. For example, the boy could be under over-protection - a kind of spoiled and overly “domesticated” mama’s boy, who is coddled and idolized. His mother did not treat him the way a real boy should be treated - with an excess of coercive interference, sometimes in an effeminate manner. These factors of parental influence have been reliably established.
An even stronger correlation with the emergence of homosexual attraction in the future has an inability to the world of their gender in childhood and adolescence - that is, the factor of isolation from peers. The feeling of being an outsider and inferior as a man is extremely traumatic for a teenager. Feeling that he does not belong, he longs passionately for friendships and begins to idealize other teenagers who possess those courageous qualities that he thinks are absent from him. And he does not just think so, but really experiences a painful sense of inferiority. During puberty, such a longing can give rise to erotic fantasies of physical closeness on the part of some adored but inaccessible comrade. Such dreams are compassionate - they come from self-pity or the dramatization of one’s loneliness, lack of friends or the fact that he is not “one of the guys”. Especially when these dreams are accompanied by constant masturbation, they increase the boy’s longing and fuel his sense of tragic outsider and self-pity. These feelings are addictive.
In short, homosexual partnerships are a reckless pursuit of impossible puberty illusions; it is completely fixated on itself. Another partner is completely absorbed - “he must be completely for me". This is an infantile plea for love, a demand for love, not genuine love. If this insanity does not go away in adolescence, it can take control of the individual’s mind and become independent drive. As a result, a person partially or even mainly emotionally remains a teenager in most of his thoughts, feelings, habits, relationships with parents and people of his and the opposite sex. He never reaches maturity and is ruled by infantilismsimmature narcissism and excessive self-absorption, especially in their same-sex lusts.
The filmmaker Pazolini, describing his “endless hunger for love of soulless bodies”, was one of many examples. A homosexual German fashion designer compared this to "addiction to drinking salt water" - the more you drink, the stronger your thirst.
A heterosexual analogue of such a personality will be a womanizer, such as, for example, the writer of detective novels Simenon, who was very proud to have conquered thousands of women. Such men have the intelligence of a teenager, and there is also an inferiority complex.
In any case, homosexual relationships are exercises in selfishness. Here is how a middle-aged homosexual man described them: “I live with a string of roommates, some of whom I confess my love to. They also swear their love for me, but homosexual relationships begin and end with sex. After a short stormy romance, sex happens less and less, partners begin to get nervous, want new sensations and begin to change each other. ” He summarizes a homosexual lifestyle with a sobering and realistic truth, without puberty idealizations and propaganda lies: “Gay life is a cruel thing. I would not wish this even to my worst enemy. ” So do not believe the propaganda about “noble, faithful and loving gay marriages,” like faithful Catholics. This is a trick to normalize gay sex. Homosexuality is neurotic sex. Homosexuality is a sexual neurosis, but it is also a disease of the soul.
The above quotes demonstrate the fact that treatment, or rather self-education, is a struggle - undoubtedly, with sexual addiction too - but above all a struggle with a comprehensive infantile self-interest, self-love and self-pity. The fight against vices and the manifestation of virtues, especially those such as sincerity, love, responsibility, perseverance and willpower, are central.
Overcoming homosexual tendencies is mainly a struggle with oneself, however, basic, radical and lasting changes have occurred in many cases, mainly with the support of a stable religious inner life.
Thanks to the political and social advancement of gay ideology, the treatment and counseling of homosexuality, which focuses on change, is becoming more and more taboo, although it is actually about self-therapy. However, beyond the mainstream, the effectiveness of such methods does not cease to receive confirmation.
Political institutions promoting homosexuality are trying to eradicate such practices and publications. Hence, for example, actual bills banning the treatment of homosexuality in Ireland. Homotirania really fell upon us.
In 2003, for example, Professor Spitzer from Columbia University, the same psychiatrist who delivered the APA to a militant gay lobby, published his research on the impact of counseling among 200 homosexual men and women. A smaller part of them has changed radically, while the majority has improved in terms of sexual orientation and emotional balance in general. No signs of harm, but a marked decrease in depression. A storm of hatred from the gay establishment fell upon him with unprecedented fury. Despite various sanctions against him, including rejection of publications and the loss of sponsors, Spitzer persistently defended his innocence for 9 years, but was ultimately broken *. He later confessed to me in a conversation that he would never, and never, take up this terrible topic of homosexuality.
* In an interview with The New York Times, Spitzer apologized to the gay community and expressed his intention to withdraw his work, citing the fact that he agreed with his critics that there was no guarantee that the respondents' reports were accurate, even if it seemed to them that they were telling the truth. However, a scientific work can only be recalled if it contains errors or falsifications, but since Spitzer had everything in this regard to perfection, the editor of the scientific journal simply refused him, because the reinterpretation of the available data does not in any way affect their validity.
Scott Hershberger, a scholar and statistician who sympathizes with the gay movement, after analyzing Spitzer’s research, concluded that it is convincing evidence that reparative therapy can help people change their homosexual orientation to heterosexual. “Now all those who are skeptical of reparative therapy must provide convincing evidence to support their position,” he concluded.
Extra charges:
• A Grief Theory of Homosexuality (Aardweg 1972) .pdf
• On the Psychogenesis of Homosexuality (Aardweg 2011) .pdf
Everything is just like that. Matriarchy often reigned in such families. Or even the father was not there
And yes, complete egocentrism, the extreme degree of which is fascism, is characteristic of all degenerates