14.07.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX. gender reassignment law accepted in the third and final reading. In addition to the fact that a ban is introduced on any medical manipulations for this purpose, it is now forbidden to adopt children to persons who have changed their sex, and the very fact of such a transformation of one of the spouses is the basis for divorce. An exception is made for cases of congenital anomalies, genetic and endocrine diseases that require such treatment, the decision to start which is made not by the doctor alone, but by the medical commission of a medical institution subordinate to the Ministry of Health.
This is not enough to comprehensively solve the problem. See section What to do.
On July 24.07.2023, XNUMX, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law banning gender reassignment in Russia, except in cases where it is necessary to treat congenital anomalies in children.
This appeal was supported by more than 50000 people, including the regional ministries of health.
The congress of Russian psychiatrists, at which ICD-11 issues were considered, took place (https://psychiatr.ru/events/833). Russian psychiatry declared war (looks like Russia is winning it!).
Dear scientists, public figures, politicians!
LGBT parades, adoption of children by same-sex couples, homosexual "marriages", self-harm "sex reassignment" operations and other similar phenomena do not start by themselves. It is an elaborate and purposeful process that begins with the depathologization of mental disorders and a change in the scientific status quo. Such paradigm shifts usually elude the public's attention, as they occur as part of specialized events in a narrow circle of people. Moving significant scientific discussions out of these narrow frameworks will help both impartial medical professionals and the whole society to defend the scientific reliability, sovereignty and demographic security of Russia.
Anyone who supported this appeal can stand between the harmful diktat of political correctness of the West and the future of Russia, protecting children and future generations from deliberate depopulation.
On July 21, 2020, Vladimir Putin signed the Decree "On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030", which indicates the need to ensure sustainable growth in the population of the Russian Federation.
On May 25, 2019, the WHO Member States, including representatives of Russia, agreed to accept the eleventh revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), which should come into effect on January 1, 2022. Adoption of the WHO-recommended concepts of "mental norm" and The “norms of sexual behavior” formulated in ICD-11 contradicts the above-mentioned presidential decree and can help reduce the reproductive potential of Russia, since this classification normalizes homosexuality and transsexuality as options for healthy human behavior. In addition, other paraphilias will cease to be unconditioned sex drive disorders.
WHO is a specialized bureaucratic agency at the UN that has been criticized for incompetence more than once. A significant part of WHO's funding comes from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, who do not hide the goal of reducing the world's birth rate. In the sixties, when politicians were concerned about the explosive growth of the population, American demographers, along with other methods of reducing the birth rate, proposed "Changing sexual mores, encouraging the growth of homosexuality and unnatural forms of sexual intercourse" [1, p. 626]... In 1990, WHO depatalogized homosexuality, and in 2010, the WHO standards for sexuality education in Europe were published with the promotion of "gender" theory, homosexuality and attitudes towards early sexualization of children [2] [4].
According to the "gender" theory, a biological man can psychologically feel like a woman and fulfill female social roles, and vice versa. This phenomenon is called "transgender". Adepts of gender theory claim that it is absolutely normal. In medicine, this is known as transsexualism and is recognized as gender identity disorder under the heading "mental and behavioral disorders" (ICD-10: F64). In order to neutralize the “stigmatization of transgender people”, the ICD-11 depatologized transsexualism.
At the same time, it is impossible to ignore the emerging paradox: the recognition of transsexualism as a variant of the norm in combination with an indication of the need for medical and surgical correction (the so-called "transition"). This looks absurd not only from the point of view of science, but also from the point of view of formal logic. The norm, as you know, does not need corrective medical measures, especially in the form of potentially disabling surgical interventions and hormonal therapy. Each of these methods has both immediate and long-term side effects and complications. Particularly frightening is the desire of the relevant organizations to make such a "transition" as early as possible - in adolescence or even childhood.
In ICD-11, same-sex attraction is considered “the norm per se”, and other paraphilias are considered disorders only when they are not perceived by the person as normal and cause him “significant stress”. The approach to all forms of deviant sexual attraction essentially repeats the path “traveled” by homosexuality in 1968-73, when the aggressive pressure of LGBT activists lasting several years ended in a vote that excluded homosexuality from the list of mental disorders [1, p. 621]... According to ICD-11, such forms of deviation as pedophilia or bestiality are at a stage of normalization, more or less corresponding to the 1973 stage for homosexuality.
Changes in the ICD-11 headings of sexual disorders are based not on scientific discoveries, but on demagogic arguments to "social and legal" consequences in the subjective and ideologically biased interpretation of the authors, who ignore the psychopathological etiology of these disorders and seek their complete depathologization, which may suffer the health and well-being of patients due to the failure to provide them with the necessary medical care.
Doctor of Medical Sciences and Professor G.S. Kocharyan writes on this matter: “Currently, there are processes aimed at changing attitudes towards transsexuality, manifested in concrete actions aimed at its normalization. However, they are based not on a scientific approach to the problem, but on the exploitation of the idea of human rights, brought to a logical absurdity." [five].
Scientists of the FSBI “National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology named after V.P. Serbian "write:"And as information about the possibility of gender reassignment spreads, the number of persons wishing to change sex increases, which indicates not an increase in the frequency of transsexualism, but about the heterogeneity of conditions within which such ideas may arise ” [6].
Their colleagues G.E. Vvedensky and S.N. Matevosyan add: “Instead of properly organizing legal and medical assistance to such patients, the issue is resolved fundamentally - by excluding the nosological unit from the classification. If to be consistent, then it is necessary to declare all mental disorders due to the existing stigmatization as variants of the norm or to encode not as mental disorders, but something else ", since the social consequences of pathology are applicable to any mental disorder [7].
In the current conditions of the absence of Russian doctors' own clear position in relation to deviations from sexual and mental norms, a legal conflict arises in the provision of psychotherapeutic assistance to people, in particular minors, who may seek help when faced with problems of gender identity or homosexual urges, for example, due to sexual abuse. One of the approaches widespread in Western countries is the so-called. Gay / trans affirmative therapy. Within the framework of this approach, it is proposed to inform the minor patient that supposedly "a consensus has been reached in science", that his mental state is "an absolute norm" that does not require any change. This is a violation of Article 6.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - "Promotion of non-traditional sexual relations among minors", and within the framework of the ICD-11 submissions, psychologists and psychiatrists automatically fall into the rank of offenders.
In fact, in science, there is not a consensus on gender issues, but a dictatorship of "political correctness" [1, p. 684] and ideological expansionism on the part of some Western professional communities, the most prominent of which are the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association. However, there are many associations of specialists who oppose homonormativity, for example, The Alliance for Therapeutic Choices, the American College of Pediatricians, the Catholic Medical Association, and others. Moreover, professional organizations of psychiatrists and psychologists exist not only in the United States of America.
As far as we see it, the Russian Society of Psychiatrists and the Russian Psychological Society are independent structures and not branches of the APA. It is obvious that the Russian medical school (in particular psychiatry and psychology) has sufficient scientific and clinical experience so as not to look in the mouth of Western colleagues and not accept their speculative arguments based on the argumentum ad verecundiam (appeal to authority). As the President said in his address to the Federal Assembly: “Russia was and will be a sovereign, independent state. It’s just an axiom, it will either be like that, or it won’t be at all ”.
The propaganda of homosexuality and gender theory (transgenderness) funded by transnational corporations is carried out today on a global scale, including through the UN and WHO. According to the latest data from the English center YouGov, only 18% are absolutely heterosexual people aged 24-37, while in the 55+ generation this figure is 81%! [3], with each new survey, the LGBT population grows, and with it the incidence of STIs, drug use and risky behavior [4]. In the United States, one in six teenagers now classifies themselves as LGBT. This is a catastrophe, including demographic and political, because these "children" are a cheap opposition, on whose shoulders the "New Brave World" is being introduced.
The dictatorship of socio-political ideas over the principles of scientific logic in determining the sexual norm is obvious. In the preface to the section on mental disorders in ICD-10, it is quite openly stated that the descriptions of this classification are conditional and not based on scientific knowledge: “The present descriptions and instructions do not carry a theoretical meaning and do not claim to be a comprehensive definition of the current state of knowledge of mental disorders. They are simply symptom groups and comments, regarding which a large number of counselors and consultants in many countries of the world have agreed as an acceptable basis for defining category boundaries in the classification of mental disorders ”.
Scientific medical classification should be based on strictly logical conclusions, and any agreement between specialists can only be the result of the interpretation of objective clinical and empirical data, and not dictated by any ideological considerations, even the most humane ones. ICD-11 (like the previous version) reflects a disregard for objective factual data for the sake of ideological interests, which will negatively affect its application in practice. In this regard, psychiatrists and sexologists must adopt an objective and scientifically reliable classification adapted for the Russian Federation, as was the case with ICD-9 in the USSR.
The strategic plans for the development of the Russian Federation, as well as the interests and moral values of its peoples, contradict the cynical course taken by the Western elites to reduce the world's population by indoctrinating the younger generation with a “gender” ideology, encouraging abortions, unnatural sexual behavior and destroying the institution of the family. In this regard, Russia needs a public dialogue on the rejection of Western medical classifications.
Clinical guidelines corrective ICD-11
In September 2018, the Science for Truth group sent an open letter to the Minister of Health, the presidents of the Russian psychological and psychiatric society, and religious political and public organizations [8]. Both the Ministry of Health and the presidents of psychological and psychiatric associations preferred to remain silent about the politically charged topic. The Ministry of Health responded to the repeated appeal by redirecting the request to experts at the Federal State Budgetary Institution “NMITs PN im. V.P. Serbian "of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the general director of which is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Z.I. Kekelidze confirmed the relevance of the issues raised in the letter and pointed out the need for a broad discussion in the scientific society of psychiatrists, sexologists and psychologists when discussing the ICD-11 project [8].
Russian President V.V. Putin signed Federal Law No. 25.12.2018-FZ of December 489, 31 "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On the Basics of Health Protection of Citizens in the Russian Federation "on Clinical Recommendations." Work on new clinical guidelines should be completed by December 2021, 11. The work on clinical guidelines is an opportunity to preserve the scientific sovereignty and demographic security of Russia, to correct the ideas about the psychosexual norm adopted by WHO in the ICD-XNUMX.
What to do?
Scientists, psychiatrists, sexologists, the Ministry of Health
1. Combine efforts to form objective and scientifically reliable ideas about the mental norm so that homosexuality, transsexualism; sadism and other paraphilias were not considered a mental health option. Create a working group of specialists working in the field of psychiatry and psychology, jurisprudence and legal sciences to conduct joint comprehensive research and scientific work in the field of psychosexual health.
2. Publish scientific papers on these topics in international and Russian publications, take an active position in international discourse.
3. Form clinical guidelines that take into account Russian scientific experience, including the experience of eliminating unwanted same-sex attraction and correcting other deviations in psychosexual development. Create a classification of mental disorders adapted for the Russian Federation, as was the case with the ICD in the USSR.
We suggest the following formulation: “Criteria for sexual norms: pairing, heterosexuality, maturity, voluntary connection and the desire to preserve it, absence of physical and moral harm to oneself and others. Correspondence of self-identification, as well as sexual and social behavior, to the biological sex, species and age of the person. Sexual deviation (perversion) means any deviation from the sexual norm, regardless of its manifestations and nature, severity and etiological factors. This concept includes both deviations from social norms and from medical norms.”.
4. Develop mechanisms to control the activities of psychologists and sexologists who violate the law on the prohibition of propaganda of non-traditional relationships among minors in the so-called. "gay/trans-affirmative" therapy and attempts to introduce a corrupt ideology under the guise of "sex education".
5. To develop new and update existing methods of correction and prevention of deviations in psychosexual development.
6. Develop a scientifically grounded strategy for the protection of pro-family values, with the publication of works in international and Russian editions of the RSCI core.
✅ 7. Tighten the criteria for selection and licensing of medical organizations that receive the right to conduct examinations with the issuance of certificates No. 087 / y "Certificate of gender reassignment".
Check the legality of the issuance of certificates already received in the form 087 / y, hold accountable the doctors who issued them essentially without conducting diagnostics, upon request.
8. Add hormonal preparations used to delay sexual development and trans transition to the list of drugs subject to subject-quantitative accounting.
For legislators and politicians
1. Reconsider the level of cooperation with the UN and WHO and their financing in connection with activities that are contrary to the Constitution, Russian legislation and strategic goals for the sustainable growth of the population of the Russian Federation with an increase in life expectancy to 78 years*. We are talking about the UN population policy in general and the promotion of the normality of homosexuality to children in the standards of WHO sexual education[2] in particular.
2. Tougher punishment for propaganda of homosexuality, transsexualism, abortion, childlessness and other types of depopulation behavior in the context of the ongoing demographic crisis. Extend the ban on propaganda of depopulation ideologies to all age categories. [9].
3. Tighten penalties for violating the legislation “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development.” Recognize involvement in a homosexual lifestyle and imposition of the idea of “gender change” as causing harm of moderate severity under Article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
4. Develop a system of control over the dissemination of information harmful to children, including with the involvement of private businesses and family organizations.
5. To compel the mass media and social networks operating in Russia to independently block information harmful to children, which contradicts the ideas of the Russian scientific school.
6. Introduce restrictions on the dissemination of destructive and anti-cultural ideas through music and media projects, when disgusting "music", films and bloggers' activities on social networks serve as a way of profit.
7. Create our own sovereign video hosting sites, search engines independent of Western corporate views, as well as social networks that cooperate with the state in the fight against the dissemination of information harmful to children.
8. Raise the age of consent for homosexual relationships [9].
9. Provide an opportunity for Russian scientists to express their scientific position without fear for their careers and salaries. The bonus part of the salary of scientists depends on the publication activity. Under the conditions of “political correctness” and censorship, Western and Russian publications with a high impact factor do not publish works that run counter to the policy of depathologization of depopulation behavior (propaganda of homosexuality, transsexualism and other psychosexual deviations), which puts pressure on the free presentation of a scientific position. Scientists are scared. Dissernet becomes a tool to influence the freedom and sovereignty of Russia, discrediting or holding back both scientists and politicians.
* Representatives of the LGBT community hardly participate in reproduction, but they are a reservoir of infections and diseases, including those that cause infertility. Because of their unhealthy practices and lifestyle, they are much more susceptible to venereal and oncological diseases, drug addiction problems [1, p. 244]. Increased morbidity and mortality [10] lead to significant government costs, placing a heavy burden on the shoulders of taxpayers and the pension system.
We are forced to reproach Russian scientists for passive silence (in scientific publications), which can be equated with betrayal, because they understand that social changes depend on events in the scientific environment, especially in the fields of psychiatry and psychology, where, under pressure from LGBT activists on scientists, everything more psychosexual disorders are recognized as the norm and are promoted as normal behavior: first homosexuality, then transsexualism and sadomasochism with pedophilia, which does not cause anxiety in the patient. What's next?
Russian science has deserted from the fields of the information war against our children. Speeches on forums and Youtube do not change the situation and do not influence the scientific discourse. Scientific publications are needed in peer-reviewed journals of the RSCI core, on the topics raised in our book https://pro-lgbt.ru/5155/.
- Lysov, V.G. Information and analytical report. "Rhetoric of the homosexual movement in the light of scientific facts" Scientific Innovation Center, 2019. - 751 p. DOI: 10.12731 / 978-5-907208-04-9, ISBN 978-5-907208-04-9. - URL: https://pro-lgbt.ru/5155/
- Sexuality education standards in Europe. A document for policy-makers, leaders and professionals in the field of education and health, FZPSZ, Cologne, 2010, 76 pp., ISBN 978-3-937707-82-2 - URL: https://www.bzga-whocc.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Dokumente/WHO_BZgA_Standards_russisch.pdf
- https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/dkroy5vk01/YouGov%20-%20LGBTQ%20personal%20questions.pdf
- T. Krylatova "Demographic Consequences of Sexual Education Implementation in Education". - URL: http://www.doctors-sexologists.ru/publik/230-krylatova.html
- Kocharyan G.S.Transsexuality: diagnostic approaches and clinical observation // Men's health. - 2019. - 1 (68). - S. 80–85. Url: http://www.doctors-sexologists.ru/publik/223-statyakocharyan3.html
- Kibrik N.D., Yagubov M.I. Clinical features of gender identity disorders and patient management tactics. Andrology and Genital Surgery. 2018; 19 (3): 35-41. - URL: https://doi.org/10.17650/2070-9781-2018-19-3-35-41
- G. E. Vvedensky, S. N. Matevosyan, Sexual disorders in the ICD-11 project: methodological and clinical problems, Social and clinical psychiatry 2017, vol. 27 No. 3 - URL: https://psychiatr.ru/magazine/scp/88/1185
- Open letter "On the need to return to the domestic scientific and clinical practice the definition of the norm of sexual desire." - URL: https://pro-lgbt.ru/906
- Appeal of the Science for Truth group to improve the Code of Administrative Offenses. - URL: https://zavtra.ru/blogs/obrashenie_po_uluchsheniyu_koap
- Morten Frisch, Jacob Simonsen, Marriage, cohabitation and mortality in Denmark: national cohort study of 6.5 million persons followed for up to three decades (1982–2011), International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 42, Issue 2, April 2013, Pages 559– 578. - URL: https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyt024
Additional materials:
- Doctor of Medical Sciences GS Kocharyan: “Homosexuality and Modern Society. Report for the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation "- URL: https://regnum.ru/news/society/2803617.html
- Doctor of Medical Sciences G.S. Kocharyan: "Modern trends in the depathologization of paraphilias and transsexualism" - URL: https://vk.com/wall-153252740_380
- Transsexualism and pedophilia are no longer pathologies? New Psychiatric Norms - URL: https://regnum.ru/news/society/2642375.html
- Advocacy Turns Teenagers Into Transgender - URL: https://pro-lgbt.ru/550/
- Sexual "education" in schools - depopulation technology - URL: https://pro-lgbt.ru/6825/
- Treatment and Rehabilitation Research Center "Phoenix" - URL:https://centerphoenix.ru/
I consider LGBT propaganda harmful and unacceptable in our society, and I consider pedophilia one of the most dangerous crimes requiring the most severe punishment.
Immediately adopt a law banning homosexuality and transgender gender reassignment before this phenomenon has ruined the civilization of healthy 'normal people! Natalia
I support! Propaganda also requires the most severe punishment!
I fully support the petition. Patients should be treated in Kashchenko.
Sign. Added a link.
I fully support this petition.
I support the petition.
I fully support this petition.
Yes. I support. Russia must leave the WHO - it is a corrupt organization of globalists.
I support the Petition!
Of course I do! It is time for Russia to leave the existing WHO.
I totally agree. Having two close friends diagnosed with transsexualism since Soviet times, and having an interest in psychiatry, I know this topic well. This is a rare, controversial and very traumatic disorder that must be thoroughly diagnosed before a decision is made, and even then, after surgery, a person may commit suicide without realizing what gender he is.
We definitely don't need this.
Without options.
I support the petition.
If we do not sign the petition now and send it to all well-known psychiatrists in Russia, then we will wait for obligatory homosexuality for our children, and pedophiles will teach this in schools.
I fully support this petition.
I support the petition.
I support the petition.
I fully support the petition. I consider it unacceptable in Russia to promote homosexuality, pedophilia, transsexualism, and other evil spirits. If this is not stopped, the country will have no future.
I support the petition.
I support the petition
I support you, only we together can prevent this from happening in our reality.
I support !!
Mental disorders do not need to be legalized to keep them from growing. People who are sick need help, especially when it is in a mild form, to give them a path to awareness and health. And not to call deviations the norm.
Otherwise, manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia and paranoia will soon become just variants of the norm. And we will all live in a madhouse. Transsexuals and homosexuals are now legalized among us.
Pedaphiles are generally rapists, pedaphilia is a crime. They consider a child with an immature psyche and sexuality not as a person, but as an object. The boundaries of the individual and her desires are violated, deception and manipulation occur. This is the path to the degradation of society instead of awareness and development.
Homosexual orientation is a kind of norm. You probably don't know what is the norm? I will clarify what does not interfere with social adaptation and does not introduce destructism into the patient's life.
I support the petition
I support the petition
I am against ICD-11, I AM AGAINST the spread of LGBT ideas ️, I AM AGAINST sadism and its recognition as a norm, I AM AGAINST pedophilia and its recognition as a norm
I am against ICD-11, against the spread of LGBT ideas, against the imposition of unnatural relations between people on our country.
I support the petition
As a psychiatrist, I support the treatment. If the ICD-11, in an unadapted form, becomes a guide to action for practicing doctors, then many will have to choose between the truth and the workplace. This cannot be allowed! My colleagues and I have the right to speak the truth and call a spade a spade. Deviations do not have to be normalized!
This is a terrible tragedy for society. We must not allow the dehumanization of Man. Scientists must make every effort to create effective countermeasures and treatments for these terrible diagnoses.
1. I am against ICD-11, which normalizes mental disorders.
2. I am against the spread of LGBT ideas.
3. I am against sadism and its recognition as the norm.
4. I am against pedophilia and the recognition of this as the norm.
5. I am against dehumanizing our children !!!
6. I am against sex education for younger students and children under 3 years old !!!
7. I am against any imposition of anti-human laws by the WHO organization !!!
1. I am against ICD-11, which normalizes mental disorders.
2. I am against the spread of LGBT ideas.
3. I am against sadism and its recognition as the norm.
4. I am against pedophilia and the recognition of this as the norm.
5. I am against dehumanizing our children !!!
6. I am against sex education for younger students and children under 3 years old !!!
7. I am against any imposition of anti-human laws by the WHO organization !!!
8. Children under 18 years old are not touched !!!!!
I support the petition
“5. Raise the age of consent for homosexual relations” – who should ask for consent from whom, and from what age? . Demand #5 essentially allows homosexuality. No consent and no age - homosexuality is a psychiatric disease
1. I am against ICD-11, which normalizes mental disorders.
2. I am against the spread of LGBT ideas.
3. I am against sadism and its recognition as the norm.
4. I am against pedophilia and the recognition of this as the norm.
5. I am against dehumanizing our children !!!
6.I am against sex education for younger students and children
7. I am against any imposition of anti-human laws by the WHO organization !!!
1. I am categorically against ICD-11, which normalizes mental abnormalities.
2. I am totally against the spread of LGBT ideas.
3. I am categorically against sadism and its recognition as the norm.
4. I am categorically against pedophilia and the recognition of this as the norm.
5. I am categorically against dehumanizing our children !!!
6. I am categorically against sex education for younger students and children under 3 years old !!!
7. I am categorically against any imposition of anti-human laws by the WHO organization !!!
8. Children under 18 are inviolable !!!!!
I support the petition
I fully support the petition!
Hands off Russia!
nice article. keep sharing your articles!
I support
I am totally against the adoption of ICD-11! This will lead to the fall of all moral and ethical foundations of our society, the corruption of young people and practically the trampling of Orthodoxy in Russia.
A very important message. I am against the adoption of ICD - 11. Russia should not succumb to manipulation to reduce moral and ethical principles. Otherwise, the future of Russia is in great danger in the form of a generation with an altered consciousness and false values. Russia has gone through various difficult times. We must help it get through this difficult time so that it remains an original Orthodox country, pure and with traditional family values, a traditional understanding of love and gender, the understanding that is given to us by GOD!
I support the petition. I am against homosexuality. This is not a social norm.
The WHO is a global organization of villains. By signing the document of this organization on the legalization of pedaphilia, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation automatically turns into the Ministry of Burial of Russia and thereby opposes itself to the People and is subject to BAN, its leadership is subject to prosecution.
I support the petition! Strongly against ICD 11. It's even scary to imagine what will happen to the country, our children and grandchildren after such classifications! Let this nonsense be introduced and degenerate, our country does not need it!
“who do not hide the goal of reducing the birth rate in the world” you don’t need to read further
Ladies and gentlemen psychiatrists, you would start healing society with yourself. You carry such crap that it would be a shame if I hadn’t learned to distance myself from all the idiots and fools.
I fully support!
It is necessary to ban propaganda on TV channels, remove all sorts of shows with the participation of homosexuals, you need to return to the norms of morality, as in the USSR.
I fully support the petition!
I am against homosexuality !!! I support the petition!
I am against homosexuals! I am against the sex education of children and the reorientation of people! Against gender reassignment!
I support the petition. People with mental illness need to be treated. Perverts have a place in jail. To prosecute for LGBT propaganda and corruption of society.
1. I am against ICD-11, which normalizes mental disorders.
2. I am against the spread of LGBT ideas.
3. I am against sadism and its recognition as the norm.
4. I am against pedophilia and the recognition of this as the norm.
5. I am against dehumanizing our children !!!
6. I am against sex education for younger students and children under 3 years old !!!
7. I am against any imposition of anti-human laws by the WHO organization !!!
8. Children under 18 years old are not touched !!!!!
GENDER BOMB UNDER RUSSIA publication on the Russian People's Line November 26, 2021
I support the petition
I support the petition!
We need to pass a law banning the propaganda of heterosexuality
I support the petition.
I am against the spread of LGBT ideas.
I am against sadism and its recognition as the norm.
I am against pedophilia and the recognition of this as the norm.
I am against the dehumanization of our children!!!
I am against sex education for younger students and children under 3 years old!!!
I am against any imposition of anti-human laws by the WHO!!!
Children under 18 are not touched!!!!!
I support the petition in full.
I support the petition!
I support the petition against mbk 11 in Russia
I support the petition
I support the petition!
I am against ICD 11, and not only for this reason. LGBT is one of the seals of the Apocalypse. Normal people are fighting against changes in norms towards pathology, but tolerance for perversion has only just begun to grow. It’s convenient not to strain yourself in relation to your self-determination, personal position, not to resist debauchery, because this LGBT mania can only be called debauchery. We live in a consumer society. And those who were born in a society where something useful was produced and norms were preserved experience horror. But alas, these generations will pass away, and a wave of moral degradation will cover humanity.
I fully support, I lost my son, a healthy, talented boy, fell under the influence of LGBT and trans propaganda, has been using hormones and antidepressants since the age of 14. Now he is infertile, with sexual dysfunction, mentally and physically ill, considers himself a woman, rejects his entire family. trans-farm-needle. All experts under the law pushed him to this, now there is a rape with a sexologist-psychiatrist Semashko, who wrote out a diagnosis in 40 minutes and 3500 for a 14-year-old boy with a history of F-64, and that she does not need treatment, she advised to move orally to a sex change. And there are a dime a dozen such LGBT-friendly specialists in Perm. Recently, in custody, they asked me if I was aware of all the harm that CANCELING the intake of female hormones would cause to a teenager. , I was also forbidden to provide it.
Please take measures and laws already to save the remaining generation, so that propaganda in our country does not make sense and children are protected. And so that Shkurov's private clinics that issue online certificates and shred these same fainted children do not work!
And if possible, help stop my son from taking hormones, he takes them under the supervision of guardianship authorities, along with antidepressants and psychedelics, etc., which are prescribed by psychiatrists, but this is not allowed, but guardianship does not forbid, he refuses to take tests, he applied everywhere, everywhere replies .And this is 239/2 negligence.
My son needs rehabilitation, not hormone therapy, but they simply disfigure him, indulging his type of desires. Help rehabilitate the child, stop this nightmare!
I fully support this petition.
Need to leave the WHO
I fully support the petition! Let's save Russia from this lawlessness!
I support. I subscribe to every word.