Sexual "education" in schools - depopulation technology

From the filing RBC, Fontanka and other media that do not represent the opinion of the majority of Russians, calls for the introduction of "sex education" in Russia began to spread like a whistle. In one of the groups of the Facebook social network (banned in the Russian Federation), a survey was even conducted, according to which "75% of Russians supported the idea of ​​introducing sexual education lessons in schools." It is noteworthy that only three-quarters of these "Russians" had children. We hope that the organizers of this poll and those who voted will study the information provided here data and will be able to balance their point of view.

The propaganda of the need for “sex education” comes from the same lips that lobby for the law on “Domestic Violence” (RLS), written according to the templates “Istanbul Convention", Which is abandoned by countries that have thought about sovereignty and demographic security. Apparently, another draft law or a public campaign is being prepared to promote depopulation projects in Russia. It will be interesting to see who comes up with these initiatives now.

Usually, they become active by December 1, when, under the far-fetched threat of HIV spread among children, they are engaged in molesting them under the guise of sex education lessons, despite the fact that the main way of infecting children is vertical transmission from mother to child, as сообщает Ministry of Health.

In 2020, to the propaganda of "seksprosvet" joined even Rospotrebnadzor, represented by the head of the department of the Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Vadim Pokrovsky.

In 2021 "seksprosvet" Recommends LDPR party.

Markova Maria Vladimirovna took the time to hurry up and put forward a bill suggesting “The need to establish a ban on the dissemination of information calling for the refusal of medical examination for the detection of HIV infection and (or) treatment of HIV infection (AIDS) and measures of responsibility for its dissemination". It would seem a useful initiative, but after wandering in the bowels of legislation, this text acquires unexpected turn: "It is prohibited to disseminate information containing calls for refusal from medical examination, diagnostics, prevention and / or treatment of HIV infection».

As you can imagine, with such a wording, lessons in sexual education and other child molestation activities become binding, as in the west, and provides punishment parents for trying to protect their children from molestation.

We will consider the reasons for the introduction of sex education, recommended by the UN and WHO, its “effectiveness” and consequences, which, to put it mildly, are not encouraging.

"Effectiveness" of school sex education programs

Commissioned by CDC in 2017 meta-analysis studies that allegedly proved the effectiveness of "sex-education" programs revealed that they were of low methodological quality and had conflicting results, which did not allow making unambiguous conclusions.  

Reviewdone a year later did not find no evidence that school sex education programs are effective in reducing teenage pregnancies and preventing HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. 

Another meta-analysis: “Do school programs prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in adolescents?"Came to similar conclusions:" Studies, including randomized controlled trials, were of low methodological quality and had mixed conclusions that could not provide a convincing basis for the effectiveness of school programs. " The most effective was not a sex education program, but a 6-year program based on social development.

Since 2010, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has sponsored numerous studies testing the effectiveness of teen pregnancy prevention programs in relation to young people's sexual risk behavior. results meta-analysis such studies conducted between 2015 and 2019 and provided to HHS do not provide significant support for the overall effectiveness of this group of pregnancy prevention programs. The direction of the effects was mixed, and none of them reached statistical significance.

In 2019, scientists from the Institute for Research and Evaluation (IRE) published a global survey that looked at scholarly publications exploring two different approaches to sexuality education: Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and Abstinence Until Coupled Sex Education (AE).

The results they obtained confirm the previous data. Of the 103 studies studied, only 3 showed any positive effect. 16 studies have identified the harmful effects of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE). Others showed that such lessons in schools are useless. Of 17 studies on the formation of abstinence (AE), 7 have shown sustained effects, and one has shown the harmfulness of such training. That is, most of the work demonstrates the uselessness of the intervention of the school and the state in the sexual development of the child.

As the authors of this review write, “When judged against valid criteria, a database of 103 of the strongest and most recent CSE studies quality-tested by three renowned scientific institutions (UNESCO, CDC and HHS) showed little evidence of CSE's effectiveness in the school setting and relatively many negative effects. Where there was some positive evidence, almost all of it was received developers programs and have not been played. Three decades of research show that comprehensive sexuality education is not an effective public health strategy in classrooms around the world and that these programs can be harmful».

Such training leads to an increase in the number of sexual experiments on the part of students, an increase in the number of sexual partners and sexual activity in general, as well as a deterioration in sexual health. That is, stories about sexuality only fuel interest in it and in no way help to achieve the set task, rather, on the contrary, that confirmed British statistics on teenage pregnancies in 1999–2010.

Even in a country as far away as Ghana think on how to delay the onset of adolescent sexual activity: “The results show that early sexual intercourse increases the number of sexual partners for life. Delaying first intercourse reduces the number of sexual partners throughout life. The study recommends prioritizing policies to delay sexual debut to reduce adolescents' exposure to multiple sexual partnerships. ".

As shown research of Canadian youth, young mothers themselves reported higher consumption of tobacco, marijuana and alcohol during pregnancy. It would be natural for the prevention of dangerous sexual behavior and manifestations of violence to engage in the prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism, but in the program of liberal reforms in Russia, voiced by Stanislav Belkovsky, there is no such point. But he proposed: 1) the liquidation of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2) the legalization of same-sex marriage, 3) the legalization of mild stimulants.

Think how you can characterize the activities of people trying to impose a non-working and dangerous technique on our children? Sabotage? Genocide? Causing grievous bodily harm? After all, even harmless vitamins, before they get to children, undergo comprehensive research, and are given only with a positive result.

Recommendations for comprehensive sexuality education WHO

It should be noted that the authors of the article are not against sex education in principle. We are against sexual corruption, which under the guise of sex education is imposed on the whole world through the UN. Exactly imposed... For example, when Nigeria refused to host radical CSE programs that promote promiscuous sex and homosexuality, Western countries threatened it with cut off foreign aid.

The UN specialized agency The World Health Organization (WHO) is funded, among other things, by large implementers of depopulation projects. WHO has repeatedly shown incompetence and biased decisions, for example, agreement about the depathologization of homosexuality and transsexuality and excluding them from the list of mental disorders in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is the body independent expertsobserving the implementation of Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women... The implementation of this treaty, like many other UN documents, is reduced to the destruction of the traditional family and "sex education". In addition to the wishes of allowing Western NGOs to work without registering them as a foreign agent, the committee strongly requires Introduce a comprehensive strategy of consistent, forward-looking action targeting women and men at all levels of society, including religious leaders, in order to eliminate stereotypes and patriarchal attitudes about the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family and in society. Recommends the inclusion of a comprehensive, gender-sensitive and age-appropriate curriculum on sexual and reproductive health and rights for girls and boys in the compulsory curriculum in primary and secondary schools and legalizing prostitution, while abolishing abortion prevention measures.

Russia reports at the UN that: “It is within the purview of education authorities to include in the compulsory curriculum of primary and secondary schools a comprehensive course on sexual and reproductive health that is gender-sensitive and age-appropriate. subjects of the Russian Federation».

To better understand the seriousness of such recommendations, let us familiarize ourselves with the information, which according to “WHO standards for sexuality education in Europe»Should be provided to children:

Age group 0-4: Feeling of joy and pleasure from touching your own body, masturbation at an early age. Different types of mutual and family relationships. The right to research gender identities.

Age group 4-6: The meaning and expression of sexuality, sexual sensations. All sensations are normal. Relationships between members of the same sex. A positive attitude towards diversity. Respect for different norms related to sexuality.

Age group 6-9: The positive effects of sexuality on health and well-being. Sexual rights of children. Masturbation / self-stimulation. Sex in the media (including the Internet). Sexual intercourse. Choices regarding motherhood and pregnancy, infertility, adoption. Fertility control with contraception.

Age group 9-12: Differences in sexual behavior. Positive attitude, respect and understanding of the diversity of sexuality and sexual orientations. First sexual experience. Pleasure, masturbation, orgasm. Free choice of partner. Gender orientation. Differences between gender identity and biological sex. Make a conscious decision to have a sexual experience or not. Sexual rights as defined by IPPF and YOU.

Age group 12-15: Gender identity and sexual orientation, including self-expression / homosexuality. Understanding sexuality as a cognitive process. Develop negotiation skills to have safe and enjoyable sex. Recognize the symptoms of STIs.

Age group 15: Manifesting oneself in front of others (recognizing homosexual or bisexual feelings). Acceptance of different sexual orientations and sexual identities. Feeling able to claim sexual rights. Business sex (prostitution, but also sex for small gifts, going to restaurants / nightclubs, small amounts of money). Pregnancy (also in same-sex couples) and infertility, abortion, contraception, emergency contraception.

The War on Children

Here's what a comprehensive sex education program looks like  "Teen Talk" ("Teenage Talk") proposed by Planned Parenthood, to which we'll come back. We were forced to censor some of the children's content because of its pornographic nature.

Scientific publications about the methods of "sex education" Recommend following:

To help students develop a critical approach to sex / gender norms, sex education teachers should pay attention to male anal pleasure. Male anal receptivity erodes conventional binary systems such as male / female, male / female, natural / queer. With the suppression of male receptivity, the taboo on male anal pleasure helps legitimize the hegemonic sexual / gender beliefs, as well as the sexism, homophobia, and male dominance they encourage. On the other hand, by deconstructing the male anal taboo and creating a new language of anal pleasure, “prostage,” educators can help students challenge restrictive gender norms.

Implications of the introduction of WHO methodologies

Observed an increase in the incidence of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis in the United States (USA) and in European countries.

US data is Center for Disease Control CDC. They show a sharp and steady increase in the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in recent years. STD rates are increasing fifth year in a row and reached record levels. Cases of congenital syphilis (transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy) increased by 2017% from 2018 to 40. Congenital syphilis can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, death of the newborn, and serious life-long physical and neurological problems.

A similar picture is observed in England:

Despite this, the government has made LGBT*-inclusive relationships and sex education mandatory for UK schools from September. The UK Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) plans to crack down on schools that refuse to teach LGBT*-inclusive courses to children. The Department for Education warned headmaster of an Orthodox Jewish school who believes discussions about “intimate relationships, sexual orientation and gender transition should be left to parents” has been told he has two weeks to introduce an LGBT*-inclusive curriculum or face closure. Previously, a teacher at Gloucestershire Academy was fired for "gross misconduct" after urging her Facebook friends to sign a petition against the program, which openly promotes homosexual relationships and gender reassignment for children as young as four.

In Europe, the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is constantly increases... Having bi- or homosexual contacts increases the likelihood of contracting gonorrhea by 3,3 times and syphilis by 13,7 times, according to Belgian statistics.

В The Netherlands in 2016, the number of syphilis diagnoses increased by 30% compared to 2015. This increase is mainly due to an increase in the number of diagnoses among MSM, both with and without HIV. STD testing at the Center for Sexual Health (CSG) at 2019 year showed that the percentage of affected STDs compared to 2018 has increased. The number of diagnoses of syphilis increased by 16,8% and gonorrhea by 11%, mainly due to men who have sex with men (MSM).

Chlamydia is the most common in Finland sexually transmitted disease. In 2019, almost 16 cases of chlamydia infection were diagnosed, which is 200 more than in 1000. This is the highest annual rate ever recorded on the National Register of Infectious Diseases. The spread of infections occurs mainly among young people: almost 2018% of those diagnosed were aged 80-15 years. The incidence of gonorrhea and syphilis also increased.

In Germany, between 2010 and 2017, the incidence of syphilis increased by 83% to 9,1 cases per 100 inhabitants.

In Canada, the national rate of infectious syphilis increased from 5,1 per 100 population in 000 to 2011 per 24,7 population in 100 (an increase of over 000%!). The highest growth was observed in 2020 and 400 (up 2018% and 2019% per year respectively), which corresponds to the highest number of cases in the last 50 years. Rates for men have been consistently higher than for women over the past 45 years; however, from 10 to 10, rates for women increased by 2016% compared to 2020% for men.

Many countries are seeing a decrease in testing due to COVID-19, which does not determine long-term trends.

Total number of cases and sex-specific rates of infectious syphilis in Canada by year, 2011–2020

And in English government data, between 2014 and 2018, the number of diagnoses of chlamydia among MSM increased significantly (61%: from 11 760 to 18 892), syphilis (61%: from 3527 to 5681) and gonorrhea (43%: from 18 568 to 26 574) ...

Australian scientists write about "rampant gonorrhea among bi- and homosexuals."

Among people with homosexual preferences, there is an increase in risky behavior and infection. Condom use is declining and scientists predict further decline in their use.

In addition, the number of people with homosexual preferences among young people is growing, and the number of people suffering from “gender dysphoria»Increases like an epidemic, with a proportional increase in infections characteristic of MSM does not allow explain the increase in the LGBT* population solely by the increased openness of respondents.

Growth in the number of homosexuals among US youth

According to Yugov: “In 2019, there were almost half the number of“ absolute heterosexuals ”among Britons aged 18-24 than among people in the older age group (44% versus 81%). If in a similar survey of 2015 only 2% of young people identified themselves as “bisexual”, then 4 years later their number increased 8 times - up to 16%.

After the lessons of "sex enlightenment" children are imbued with the fatal delusion that you only need to use a condom, and then you can change as many sexual partners as you want.

In fact, from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, a condom is at best a partial protection, and from some viruses and bacteria on the surface of the skin (like papillomaviruses and some forms of syphilis) it is useless at all. No condom manufacturer would dare to claim that its "product # 2" gives the customer 100% protection. Thus, the use of a condom only reduces, but does not eliminate, the risk of infection, and therefore, instead of the deceptive advertising slogan "safer sex", the expression "safer sex" has long been used.

Studies have shown that the effectiveness of a condom, when used correctly, averages 81% (according to various estimates, from 69% to 94%). Moreover, infectious diseases are easily transmitted through a kiss, when it comes to a deep, long kiss, and a person has manifestations of the disease in the mouth. For example, with syphilis, chancre and other rashes often appear in the mouth. Gonorrheal and chlamydial pharyngitis can also be transmitted through kissing, as can condylomas (HPV). I must say that cases of infection with sexually transmitted infections through a kiss are relatively rare, but the likelihood of contracting herpes is very high.

According to statistics, women who have had 10 or more sexual partners are more susceptible to cancer, including breast, cervical and rectal cancer. The statistics also apply to men with characteristic cancers. The reason is human papillomaviruses (HPV), transmitted through sexual contact. It has been proven that HPV contributes to the development of cervical cancer in women and, apparently, breast cancer. One of the clinical manifestations of HPV is the so-called venereal warts. The papilloma virus can be transmitted to a child during childbirth and affect the bronchi and trachea.

The more sexual partners a person had, the higher the risk of contracting various viral and bacterial infections, many of which end in either defective offspring or complete infertility. So, every second woman who has suffered ascending gonorrhea suffers from infertility. In addition, promiscuous sexual intercourse and perverse practices can result in immunological infertility in both sexes. Contact with dissimilar sperm samples, as well as its entry into the gastrointestinal tract, lead to the production of antisperm antibodies (ASA) by the immune system, which interfere with the conception, bearing and birth of a healthy child. 40–45% of prostitutes и 68% of womenwith a large number of partners are positive for ASA, which are the cause of autoimmune infertility. Thus, the decline in morality leads to the genetic degeneration of the people.

A huge number of causes of reproductive disorders in men are known, among which the leading position is occupied by infection of the urogenital tract.

В Research couples with the problem of miscarriage, various ejaculate pathologies (pathospermia) were found in 89% of the examined men. In 100% of cases, a decrease in the concentration of active spermatozoa and their mobility (asthenozoospermia) and a violation of the acid-base balance of the ejaculate (pH 7,9-8,0) were found. Have also been diagnosed antisperm antibodies (92%), increased ejaculate viscosity (63%), the presence of mucus and microflora (44%), teratosospermia (defectiveness of most spermatozoa) (35%). In 61% of patients papillomavirus infection was diagnosed, in 40% - herpesvirus; Chlamydial infection was detected in 45%, Trichomonas vaginalis in 5%, ureaplasma in 86%, M. Hominis mycoplasma in 44%. All examined (100%) had 2 or more infectious agents.

Results of Sex Education

The results of such "education", and in fact, corruption, were announced on November 22, 2019 during a round table "Legal protection of traditional values", held in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Director of the Institute for Family Research (USA) Paul Cameron said that propaganda of perversion in the United States has doubled the number of homosexuals among high school students over the past decade.

Dr. Paul Cameron

Promoting promiscuous sex and perversion, he described as the most "dogmatic, dictatorial and fascist religion that ever existed," has led to a shift in the sexual preferences of American high school students, he said. In 2001-2009, 92,1% of high school students in the United States answered that they are interested only in members of the opposite sex. Only 5% of the respondents identified themselves as bi- and homosexuals. At the same time, 2,6% of high school students unsubscribed as “undecided”.

In 2017, the number of heterosexual high school students fell to 85,1%. At the same time, the number of homosexuals and bisexuals among the high school students surveyed increased to 10,3%. In 2017, the number of transsexuals for the first time became any significant number and amounted to 1,8%. The number of undecided high school students was 1,6%.

According to the scientist, the increase in the number of schoolchildren who identify themselves as representatives of the LGBT* community is the result of school education, which instills that sexuality and gender choice are a child’s personal matter [8].

Already in the West, absolutely heterosexual youth is a sexual minority [7], and the number of homosexuals is growing to levels incompatible with population replenishment. According to WHO standards, 15% of infertile couples represent a demographic problem for a country. Today in the Western world, to the 15% of infertile due to organic causes, up to 14% of the younger generation consider themselves LGBT* are added

There is no doubt that such changes are taking place through a carefully thought out and controlled process. Consider who can benefit from it.

The goals of sex education

Research, conducted by the University of Akron, found that as a result of sex education, students become more tolerant and less hostile to sexual deviations.

Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Sergey Naryshkin did a number of important statements at the international meeting on security issues in Ufa. He is confident that under the pretext of "emancipating people" the forces of the new world order are waging a purposeful war against traditional values ​​and national identity. In this case, young people are subjected to the most thorough processing.

"In order to accelerate the erosion of the concept of gender, the value of family and marriage, programs are being implemented to promote the "rights" of the LGBT* community, to spread the ideas of radical feminism... In essence, the goal is to make people disunited, individuals suffering from neurotic disorders with a constantly altered state of consciousness. It is clear that such individuals are an ideal object for manipulation, especially if they have an iPhone connected to the network in their hands."

Как пишет Krylatova T.A .:

“When we hear words about the need to reduce the birth rate on the planet, for example from Club of Rome, Princes Harry and William, for some reason we believe that these are only theoretical discussions and abstract wishes of the elites and demographers. But recently, reports and materials have begun to appear that say the opposite: back in the sixties, American demographers formulated and published methods for reducing the birth rate, which became a priority of US foreign policy. The famous Kissinger report "NSSM-200", compiled by the National Security Council and insisting on the urgent need to reduce the birth rate on a global scale, in 1975 became a guide to action by order of President Ford, and in 2011, "protection of LGBT* rights" also became a priority of American foreign policy."

Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, two Harvard gay activists who developed homosexual propaganda tactics, inAfter the Ball»Noted characteristic of the gay movement «political fascism и oppression of political correctness "... This fascism acquires a particular danger when it is used by the global elites to reduce the birth rate, which has been repeatedly stated, including in scientific publications. [2]


In 1954, a pamphlet "Population Bomb" was published in the USA, which inflated the threat of high population growth rates and declared the urgent need for birth control.

In 1958, Sir Arthur Charles Clarke in his futurological forecastSpeaking about the overpopulation of the planet, he touched upon various methods of depopulation - from infanticide, sterilization and imprisonment after the second child, to forced homosexuality:

“The time may still come when homosexuality will become practically compulsory, not just fashionable. Indeed, it will be a juicy paradox if in the long term - and we take as our criterion the survival of humanity as a whole - this controversial instinct turns out to be more valuable for survival than the desire to reproduce ”(Harper's Magazine, Vol. 216, January 1958).

In 1959, the US State Department issued a report on trends in the world population, which concluded that its rapid growth threatened international stability. [2].

In 1969, in his address to Congress, US President Nixon called population growth "one of the most serious challenges to the fate of mankind" and called for urgent action [3]... Demographer Kingsley Davis (one of the central figures in the development of birth control policy), along with the popularization of contraceptives, abortion and sterilization, suggested "Change in sexual mores" and encouragement “Unnatural forms of sexual intercourse” [2]... Davis' partner, sociologist Judith Blake, has proposed abolishing tax and housing benefits that encourage childbearing and removing legal and social sanctions against homosexuality [4]... Preston Cloud, representing the US National Academy of Sciences, recommended that the government legalize abortion and homosexual unions [2]... In the same year, the Vice President of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Frederic Jaffe issued a memorandum in which "Encouraging the growth of homosexuality" was listed as one of the methods of reducing the birth rate [5].

Three months later, the Stonewall riots erupted and pressure began on the American Psychiatric Organization (APA), which culminated in an administrative decision to exclude homosexuality from the classification of disorders. No convincing evidence has been presented to justify such a change in psychiatry's attitude towards homosexuality.

Prominent US gay activist Barbara Gittings frankly admitted: “... It was never a medical decision, and that is why everything happened so quickly. After all, only three years have passed since the first shock action at the APA conference and before the board of directors voted to exclude homosexuality from the list of mental disorders. It was a political decision (...) We were healed overnight with a stroke of the pen ...» [2].

In 1970, the author of the theory of demographic transition, Frank Knowstein, speaking at the National War College in front of senior military officers, noted that "homosexuality is protected on the basis that it helps to reduce population growth." [4].

Further events follow the obvious direction:

1972 year - report "Growth limits”Presented 12 possible scenarios for the development of mankind. All favorable scenarios required political and social changes, including tight birth control at the rate of natural decline.

1974 year - the National Security Council report "NSSM-200" communicates the urgent need for a global decline in fertility and proposes to "focus on education and indoctrination the younger generation regarding the desirability of a smaller family size ”.

At the UN World Population Conference in Bucharest, all member states (except the Vatican) are committed to reducing fertility.

1975 year - by order of President Ford "NSSM-200" becomes a guide to action in the field of US foreign policy.

1990 year - exclusion of homosexuality from the WHO ICD and the start of an information campaign to normalize homosexuality.

1994 year - The Cairo Accords, where human reproduction, family structure and sexuality were discussed. The main task was to reduce the birth rate, which was presented in the altruistic wrapper of gender equality, care for a woman's reproductive health and respect for her reproductive rights (i.e., abortion and sterilization). As specific measures of depopulation were listed "sex education", contraception and propaganda against fertility.

2000 year - from UN documents: “WHO, as well as UNFPA and UNAIDS, fully support the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Sexual and Reproductive Rights Charter and call on ministries of health to: Respect sexual and reproductive rights and revise relevant laws where necessary, especially in regarding abortion and homosexuality» [9].

UNFPA is the United Nations body for “population” and “demographic issues”, which includes population growth. That is, the organization, created to combat population growth, directly links the successful solution of the tasks assigned to it with the promotion of abortion and homosexuality. And this organization is in full solidarity with the IPPF, whose vice-president in 1969 introduced a memorandum with various methods of birth control, most of which have become reality:

2010 year - WHO standards for sexuality education in Europe with the promotion of homosexuality with attitudes towards the early sexualization of children [10].

2011 year - Barack Obama's administration declares the "fight for the rights of sexual minorities" a priority of American foreign policy.

2015 year - The US Supreme Court forces all states to legalize same-sex marriage.

2017 year - report Club of Rome “Come On! Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet states: "On a planet with limits, population growth must be curtailed before nature dictates."

2019 year - September 10, 2019 on the Project Syndicate website published the manifesto "The world and the UN must reduce population growth."

2020 year - Former US ambassador to Germany and openly homosexual Richard Grenell, acting director of US national intelligence, said his agencies should be involved in forcing countries to repeal laws and policies that criminalize homosexuality. Likewise, the decriminalization of homosexuality was one of the clauses in the Kosovo agreement imposed by the Americans on Serbia.

"Both sides will work with 69 countries that criminalize homosexuality, pushing for decriminalization."

Promotion of homosexuality and transsexuality

Doctor of Medical Sciences and Professor Kocharyan Garnik Surenovich said in a report for the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation: 

“In the modern world, changes are taking place aimed at the destruction of traditional norms and values, which, in particular, is reflected in medical classifications. It is a mistake to believe that homosexuality in all cases is innate and therefore no external influences are able to influence the direction of sexual attraction. Moreover, it can be argued that it is never congenital, since there is no direction of sexual desire in a newborn child and is formed only years later. Modern research suggests that in some cases it is possible to speak only of a mild predisposing influence of prenatal biological factors, while psychological and social factors play the main role in the emergence of homosexuality. Therefore, the negative role of propaganda of homosexual relationships is obvious, which can lead to a change in the direction of sexual desire or to its incorrect formation. Understanding this has led to the fact that in a number of countries there are laws banning the promotion of homosexuality. Thus, in eight US states (Alabama, Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas and Utah), after Russia, a ban was imposed on such propaganda " [11].

Promotion of homosexuality or homosexual lifestyle is possible as well as promotion of a healthy lifestyle. There are scientifically based methods of promoting homosexuality, recognized as the "alphabet of gay activism" [1,12,13]... Promotion of homosexuality increases the number of young people declaring their non-heterosexuality [7], while the proportional increase in diseases characteristic of homosexuals [14,15] does not allow the statistical increase in the LGBT* population to be explained solely by the increased openness of respondents [14]... The promotion of homosexuality and perverted forms of sexual contact was proposed by American experts to reduce the birth rate [2].

American scientists from Brown University investigated the reasons for the surge of "sudden gender dysphoria" among young people and came to the conclusion that the key factor in changing the gender identity of a teenager is his immersion in transgender content on the Internet. [21].

Before declaring themselves transgender, teenagers watched videos about the so-called "transition", communicated with transgender people on social networks and read transgender resources. Many were also friends with one or more transgender people. A third of the respondents reported that if there was at least one transgender teenager in their circle of communication, then more than half of the teenagers in this group also began to identify themselves as transgender. A group in which 50% of its members become transgender represents a rate 70 times higher than expected prevalence among young people.

Sovereignty and demographic security

Russia, following the West, is facing unprecedented social changes aimed at reducing the birth rate, including the methods of indoctrination of anti-fertile and anti-family behavior among young people. For this, the private political and ideological interests of the so-called. "Minorities" are matched by "universal human rights".

Oppositionists in Minsk

Any revolution requires people who are not connected to the society in which such a revolution is being prepared, both to form an elite and to create a cheap and united opposition. The LGBT* movement is characterized by cosmopolitanism, anti-social and anti-state sentiments. Most of its adherents consider themselves members of the LGBT* community and citizens of the LGBT* world rather than members of society and citizens of the country.

Apparently, the "brave new world" will come to us on the shoulders of sexual perverts, used as an instrument of geopolitical influence. Almost all EU leaders are childless, and now they are joined by open representatives of LGBT*, who have increased rates mental and other problems inherent in this community. Homosexual authors of the book "After The Ball", Addressing the problems of behavior of the average" gay ", claimthat homosexuals reject all forms of morality; that they have sex in public places, and if disturbed, they start screaming about oppression and homophobia; that they are narcissistic, dissolute, selfish, prone to lies, hedonism, infidelity, cruelty, self-destruction, denial of reality, irrationality, political fascism and delusional ideas. It is interesting to note that 40 years earlier these qualities were practically one to one described by a famous psychiatrist. Edmund Bergler, who studied homosexuality for 30 years and was recognized as the "most important theorist" in this field. Declassified The CIA document describes the character of homosexuals as follows: “It has long been believed that homosexuality not only presents a vulnerability to blackmail, and therefore a significant security risk, but also indicates a degree of character defect (i.e. unsuitability) that is statistically incompatible with the likelihood of successful completion. career in the Agency ".

How do you like this elite and opposition?

In addition, due to the political considerations of activists, the rights of ordinary “LGBT*” are violated, in particular, the receipt of reliable information about homosexuality and psychotherapeutic assistance for those who want to change the unnatural direction of their sexual desire.

Even the Europeans, realizing the destructiveness of the methods of reducing the birth rate proposed by the US demographers, are taking steps towards preserving the country's sovereignty and demographic security.

So, the government of Viktor Orban decided to do what is good for the Hungarians, and not for the globalists, taking the side of common sense more and more boldly. Unlike his European counterparts, the Hungarian leader is open about the benefits of heterosexual marriage and is pursuing an active policy to preserve traditional family values ​​and increase the birth rate. He refused to participate "in the tasteless homosexual Eurovision flotilla with its egregious transvestites and bearded women." He closed the country to migrant flows, limited the activities of NGOs and expelled the Central European University founded by Soros (an analogue of our HSE) from the country, stopping the obscurantism of “gender studies”.

In May 2020, Hungarian legislators approved a law, the main point of which proposes to adopt "biological sex based on primary sex characteristics and chromosomes as the only justification for considering a person a man or a woman." The passage of the law will end the legal recognition of “transgender people” who want to pretend to be of the opposite sex.

The President of Poland signed a document called the “Family Card,” which includes guarantees of benefits for families with children and protection of families from LGBT* ideology.

Duda emphasized that adoption of children by same-sex couples is a foreign ideology, alien to Polish traditional values. Therefore, the Family Card states that the state is obliged to protect the family from LGBT* interference, and only parents and no one else will be responsible for the sex education of their children. The document also states that LGBT* ideology is prohibited in state institutions.

Strefy wolne od ideologii LGBT — municipalities and regions of Poland that have declared their rejection of LGBT* ideology on their territory

The leaders of the countries rejecting the Istanbul Convention (Poland, Hungary, Turkey) say that they seek to protect their own cultural and national identity, family values, and hinder anti-family tendencies and anti-family policies.

In January 2020 V.V. Putin in his address to the Federal Assembly said: 

“The fate of Russia, its historical perspective depends on how many of us there will be (I want to start the substantive part with demography), depends on how many children will be born in Russian families in a year, in five, ten years, what they will grow up, what they will become, what will they do for the development of the country, and what values ​​will support them in life ...

It is our historic responsibility to meet this challenge. Not only to get out of the demographic trap, but also to ensure sustainable natural growth of the country's population by the middle of the coming decade. In 2024, the birth rate should be 1,7 ".

It is impossible to solve the tasks of sustainable population growth set by the President if Russia continues to apply technologies for reducing the birth rate developed by Western demographers, which consist in encouraging homosexuality, transsexualism, childlessness, abortion, sexual behavior that contributes to disease and sterility, and other methods of destroying the institution of the family.

The fight against traditional notions, which they call "homophobia", is studied by HSE staff as a method of overcoming government support and collective Russian identity [6].

Sex education

Russian sexologists, however, offer the correct approaches to sex education... Sexologist, sexologist, psychotherapist, family psychologist Evgeniy Kulgavchuk, President of the "Professional Association of Sexologists", full member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League says:

“Of course, a five-year-old child does not need to paint the entire anatomy in a medical way, and it is completely unnecessary, for example, to tell and show the girl where the clitoris is. If we are talking about secondary school, when a child is already undergoing biology and can, within the school course, operate with concepts at the level of pistils and stamens, in this case it may already be appropriate to speak in medical terms as well. Therefore, already in middle school age, it is quite possible to tell the child in general terms about the names, nevertheless without going into details. For example, it is enough for a boy to understand that there is a penis and testicles. And what is important not to wear tight underwear, so that there are no problems with sperm maturation and reproduction in the future, that you need to monitor the hygiene of the penis, and that this is just as important as brushing your teeth (in the event that parents missed hygiene issues at an earlier age). And it is completely unnecessary to tell him about the spermatic cords. Of course, synonymous words can also be cited. For example, the male genital organ, also known as the penis, also known as the penis. Of course, it is better to entrust this conversation with the boy to the dad than to the mom and vice versa, and the mother, of course, and not the dad, should talk about washing away with her daughter. "

To the question: "How correct is it to discuss intimate issues with children within the walls of a school (public place), and not at home in a relaxed atmosphere?»The specialist answers: “I am inclined to think that the home environment can be more delicate and efficient. In some families this can be a good start for a confidential conversation between parents and children, of course, it is better with a representative of the same gender. ".

RosSian children even without "seksprosvet" receive enough information about the structure of the reproductive system in biology lessons, and they get acquainted with STDs in full and necessary volume at lessons LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS.


1. Kirk M., Madsen H. After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s. Doubleday, 1989 p. ISBN 398.

2. Lysov, VG Information and analytical report. "Rhetoric of the homosexual movement in the light of scientific facts" Scientific Innovation Center, 2019. - 751 p. - doi: 10.12731 / 978-5-907208-04-9, ISBN 978-5-907208-04-9. Online

3. Richard Nixon, Special Message to the Congress on Problems of Population Growth. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

4. Connelly M., Population Control is History: New Perspectives on the International Campaign to Limit Population Growth (Eng.), Comparative Studies in Society and History., 2003, Vol. 45, iss. 1., P. 122-147., ISSN 0010-4175 1475-2999, 0010-4175., DOI: 10.1017 / S0010417503000069.

5. Jaffe F. Letter to Bernard Berelson (memorandum). Available online .

6. Gulevich O., Osin E., et al., Scrutinizing homophobia: A model of perception of homosexuals in Russia, Journal of Homosexuality. 2018. Vol. 65. No. 13.P. 1838-1866., DOI: 10.1080 / 00918369.2017.1391017.




10. Standards of sexuality education in Europe. A document for policymakers, leaders and professionals in the field of education and health, FZPSZ, Cologne, 2010, 76 pp., ISBN 978-3-937707-82-2


12. “As the authors readily admit:“ We're talking about propaganda. ””.

13. LGBT* activist, co-founder and head of the “Russian LGBT* Network” Igor Kochetkov (a person performing the functions of a foreign agent) (according to Wikipedia, “a candidate of historical sciences, a Nobel Prize nominee and one of the 100 global thinkers of our time”) in his lecture: “The political power of the global LGBT* movement: how activists achieved their goals” said that this book (After The Ball) became the “ABC” of LGBT* activists around the world, including in Russia. Everyone followed, and many still follow, the principles proposed in it.”

14. Catherine H. Mercer, Kevin A. Fenton, Andrew J. Copas, Kaye Wellings, Bob Erens. Increasing prevalence of male homosexual partnerships and practices in Britain 1990-2000: evidence from national probability surveys // AIDS (London, England). - 2004-07-02. - T. 18, no. 10. - P. 1453-1458.

15. In England, between 2014 and 2018, there was a significant increase in the number of diagnoses of chlamydia among MSM (61%; from 11 to 760), syphilis (18%; from 892 to 61) and gonorrhea (3527%; from 5681 to 43 18).

16 .: Kocharyan GS On conversion therapy and the feasibility of its use // World of sexology (electronic journal). - 2020. - No. 18. - URL:

17. Marseille E, Mirzazadeh A, Biggs MA, et al. Effectiveness of School-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs in the USA: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Prev Sci. 2018; 19 (4): 468. doi: 10.1007 / s11121-017-0861-6


19. Kocharyan GS The role of genetic factors in the formation of homosexuality: a modern analysis of the problem // Men's health. - 2018. - No. 4 (67). - S. 20-25.


21. Lisa Littman. Rapid-onset gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults: A study of parental reports. PLOS ONE, 2018; 13 (8): e0202330 DOI: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0202330 More details:

Group "Science for Truth":

7 thoughts on “Sexual “education” in schools – depopulation technology”

  1. it is impossible to promote homosexuality and pederasty in schools or anywhere else. glasses for the family and themselves propagandize debauchery .. I'm sure that Western partners themselves have state sex. they impose on us from the west this is the program of the antichrist and his system of values ​​.. this must not be allowed

  2. You forgot to mention the problems associated with the fact that there is no sex education. First, children are afraid to talk about their problems with their parents, and parents, in turn, do not know how to talk to children, because their parents from the USSR did not tell them fucking themselves. Do you know how many girls 11-15 years old I have who were subjected to violence, bullying and other untidy situations and were silent about it. As a result, we have an early pregnancy, psychological problems that we do not recognize, and STDs.

    Promoting LGBT people in children? Can you hear what you are saying yourself?
    Sexuality education from the age of 5 is a conversation about personal boundaries, boundaries of what is permissible, about “good” and “bad” secrets that must be told without fail to parents, and not the corruption of children. Sex in schools in Europe starts to stutter only from the fifth grade ... Study the information before writing this article
    Sexuality education is NECESSARY for children, it allows them not to be afraid to openly talk to their parents about their problems (note, problems not only related to the genitals, but all sorts of problems).
    It seems that the article was written by a perverted and offended person who reduces all topics to sex, because sex education is not only about sex, but about everyone's personal boundaries, the difference between people and trust in parents, that's all

    1. Personal boundaries, trust, etc. this is what parents talk about with their children themselves, it has always been, is and will be.

    2. Or maybe in the light of the fact that children are not afraid to tell their parents, it is necessary to conduct classes not to educate children who, in the light of their young age, do not yet have moral principles and social relationships, can it be better to teach parents how to establish a trusting relationship with children?

  3. Wonderful article.
    It is extremely correctly noted that the so-called sex education under the auspices of the UN and left-liberal organizations actually sexualizes and corrupts children, and does not set itself the task of protecting them from diseases or promiscuity.
    In Germany, for example, sex education is introduced into the school curriculum, and in such lessons, children aged 6+ get acquainted with contraception, how to use it and practice it on artificial mannequins, what types of sex exist and stuff like that. For the most part, proponents of sex education simply do not understand what they are defending and what they want for other people's children. They usually don't have their own.

  4. Surveys on the Internet in general can only cover a sample of those who use the Internet, although we still have many people from the generation that do not use it and therefore the sample is not representative enough. Plus this is a face book. The Facebook poll only characterizes the Facebook audience. But these results cannot be extrapolated to all Russians

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