Former Shemale: Transgenderism - A Treatable Mental Disorder

“Gender surgery surgeons earn $ 1,200,000 per year. It’s just financially unprofitable to go out and admit that it’s ineffective ... ”

Video in Russian

Today, when the fashion for transgenderism is being promoted intensively in modern society, more and more people who cripple themselves with expensive operations find that changing sex did not bring them closer to happiness and did not solve their problems. More than 40% of them try to settle accounts with life, but there are those who admit that they were mistaken, return to their biological sex and try to warn others, not to repeat their mistake. One such person is Walt Heyer, who has lived for 8 years as Laura Jensen.

Despite what you hear, the idea that people are “born that way” does not find confirmation in science. Also, the hypothesis of queer theorists that gender identity does not depend on the biological sex, or that a person can be “a man stuck in a woman’s body” or vice versa, has no scientific evidence. These phenomena have no meaning in nature and are only a symptom of a deviation from the normal development process caused by an early psychological trauma. This is an inadequate attempt to compensate for their childhood hardships and cope with painful emotional experiences.

Contrary to its foreign policy, the American Psychological Association in its internal literature recognizes the presence of “associative or potentially causal relationships” between same-sex attraction and early sexual abuse. She also acknowledges that the development of transgender identity may be related to the psychopathology of parents and negative family experiences of children.

Walt is one of many sad confirmations of the above. When he was 4 years old, his grandmother secretly dressed him as a girl. At the age of 11, his uncle began to molest him. At the same time, the father decided that he was not raising his son well enough and began to resort to severe corporal punishment. All this had a negative impact on Walt's psyche and made him doubt his own identity. At age 39, having begun to hear more and more about transsexuals, Walt met with leading transsexualism researcher Harry Benjamin, who, at the end of a 45-minute consultation, told him that he had gender dysphoria and needed to undergo “sex reassignment” surgery. Two years later, Walt divorced his wife, removed his genitals, inserted breast implants and began to live as a woman. However, his mental problems and torment have not gone away. Walt became addicted to alcohol and soon lost his job, his house, and almost committed suicide. Only with the support of kind people who sheltered him, surrounded him with care and love, he managed to get rid of alcoholism and transsexualism. Walt has now been sober for over 30 years and has been married for 18 years. More details in video.

“When sobriety began to come back to me a little, I went to university to become a psychologist-consultant,” says Walt, “and as I studied psychology I began to understand that gender cannot be changed. This is a myth, fantasy, delusion, mental disorder. "I began to realize that I was not a real woman, that I had not really changed, but only created the appearance of change."

One of the psychiatrists working with Walt (at that time Laura), told him that he apparently had a dissociative disorder, and advised him to be checked. Walt turned to several specialists, and all as one confirmed this diagnosis. Due to the fact that the personality of Walt in childhood was subjected to dressing, sexual abuse and beating, he created a different personality within himself, with which nothing bad happens. Unlike a split personality, when a person does not know about another person, it was disconnectionin which Laura’s personality was integrated and realized.

“My experience and my life prove that transgenderism is fixable and no one has to live like that,” he says. Studies indicate that up to 70% of people who consider themselves transgender suffer from comorbid (concomitant) psychological and psychiatric disorders that have never been diagnosed and treated. If you first deal with these disorders, then the desire to change gender disappears. The remaining 30% suffer from phobias and other problems that need to be addressed. Such people need not surgery, but appropriate clinical care and good leadership. The problem is that current laws prohibit the provision of assistance to such people, especially young people. In many states, clinical psychologists are forbidden to work with a patient to eliminate gender dysphoria, as this suggests its reversibility, but it is indeed reversible! They are simply afraid that in the end it will turn out that these people simply suffered from disorders, like I and other transgender people. 

If the sex change is so “wonderful”, so “effective”, and those who made it are so “happy, why then 41% of those who have performed the operation are trying to commit suicide?” Notice that they are not just “thinking” about suicide, but “trying”. This is because they are unhappy. They just didn’t get the help they needed, and that’s exactly what I want to convey: don’t push transgender people on the path of hormones and operations - this will not help them. Most of them will develop suicidal tendencies, or after years will find that they simply had a mental disorder that could be cured. Many transgender people write to me and say: “keep it up, you're right!” We actually repented after 8 years, or 12 years. One of them wrote that it took him 15 years to admit that he had made a mistake.

One of the driving forces here is that a surgeon performing “gender reassignment” operations earns $1,200,000 a year. It is simply not financially profitable for them to come out and admit that it is ineffective. I don't earn anything from this. I'm not tax exempt, I don't have any financial benefits, I just want to save as many lives as possible and make sure people get the help and treatment they need."

Professor Camilla Paglia believes that the growth of transgenderism in the West is a symptom of decadence and cultural collapse: “In my research, I found that history is cyclical. In ancient times, we everywhere observe the same picture: when culture falls into decay, transgender phenomena flourish. So in ancient Greece, during their heyday, the statues were courageous and muscular, but the more society fell into decay, the more the statues became languid and feminine, like cooked pasta. This is a symptom of cultural collapse. Nothing characterizes the decadence of the West as our tolerance for open homosexuality and this transgender mania.

Transgenderism has become a fashionable and convenient label that socially excluded young people are in a hurry to hang upon themselves. If in the 50's, renegades became beatniks, and in the 60's they became hippies and started taking mind-expanding drugs, today they are encouraged to think that their estrangement is associated with inappropriate gender.

I am concerned about the popularity and availability of “gender reassignment” surgeries. People are encouraged to do this, but even today, with all the scientific advances, you cannot actually change someone's gender. You can call yourself whatever you want, but ultimately, every cell in your body and its DNA remains coded according to your innate biological sex."

American scientists from Brown University investigated the reasons for the burst of “sudden gender dysphoria” among young people and came to the conclusion that peer contagion, based on the mutual influence and imitation of peers, plays a significant role in the development of adolescent transgenderism.

Details here.


7 thoughts on “Former Transgender: Transgenderism is a Treatable Mental Disorder”

  1. Poor man. It is a pity that he was cured after he had lost his genitals ... But his experience can help people with the same disease, one cannot be silent about the fact that it is curable.

  2. Jeder, der sich die Frage stellt, soll ich eine Geschlechtsumwandlung durchführen? Oder sich die Frage stellt Wie kann ich mein Geschlecht ändern? sollte sich diesen Artikel erst einmal durchlesen.

  3. the person simply did not understand himself. In the Russian Federation, in order to go under the knife, it takes 2 years to be observed by psychiatrists, while successful socialization in a new field and hormone therapy. and in order to start this process, there are enough prenatal examinations, including mri and DNA analysis. That is why such cases practically never occur in Russia. all who do not have real transsexuality simply cannot stand the test.

  4. Transgender people are apparently not something from the area of ​​​​pro(a)grandfathers. Could it be that their ancestor took a cannon, pointed it at the mare’s rear and fired a cannonball the size of the palm of his hand? Turn - there is an aspiration... Another poured something into the cannon... The third paired a Maverick and an aerial bomb turned out to be the planned transgender ammunition? Their face falls forward, as if flying, and in their eyes there is a laser beam on the left and right, one beam in both eyes. Twin ammunition led the descendants to such a terrible life. There is a direction it was written out, they are sent to ... and apparently there is no other way except to submit to the wind of war of twin types of weapons. Which blows on them but also inflates only the face. Waterfox.
    Why don’t federal TV channels show the movie Guardians of the Galaxy Part Three? Someone from the set knocked and snitched that it was a transgender movie. There, Peter Quill's face was distorted in space, but this is not space, this is twin fire, this is a kind of book that rotates and then changes the axis of rotation, but in fact in zero gravity there is no such effect, it is there but in fire!
    (What is the Cargo project or what is the BE-52 flying transgender?)
    The fact is that to become a gender there is no need for operations, only a military mission - paired peacekeepers. Get out of line for female organs, they are not needed. Soon they will start killing for the sake of organoid transplantation. And the Za(v)uch (Zamuch Zauch, Head of the training combat unit) of the school will begin to inflate stolen organs and there will be an explosion with a rupture of the brain; they themselves dream of becoming transgender. They deceived you and the organs were a fish eye. Take care of women, take care of women, make them do aerobics in the morning like it was in the 80s or 90s. It's deadly. Overblown. They know how to train them. Rupture of the spleen, rupture of the brain, rupture of the intestines and stomach, rupture of the legs and arms. Fish organ inflatable float. It is also called a laughter bubble and is made from nitrous oxide and street racing fuel. Are they killing? Will the doctor transplant organs from a car accident?
    Maybe from junkies to flashlights? The organs are already damaged. And such people are not suitable for transplantation, which means everyone needs drugs!!!
    Long live the drug mafia and drug addiction, they exempt from organ theft and illegal transplants. The organs of addicts are damaged and cannot be transplanted. The transplant is torn.
    There is a belief that everyone who did not graduate from school moves to Africa, Asia and the East, and only transgender people are accepted there for the reason that they do not change the government and do not take it by storm, because the condition is that there must be all trans whistlers there from the genetic apparatus of transgenes. Is the Glock a transgender pistol or not? It turns out that not finishing school can be fatal. Saves the Dowry - a ship for admission to educational institutions in Africa, Asia and the East. To transfer from school to .. you need to travel on a re-entry ship.

  5. Transgenderism saves those who were unable to graduate from school from death. This is all a federal life saving program.

  6. It’s just that they talk about it in different societies, in the one in which you clearly have something wrong...
    Do you think there are other ways?
    Alas, transgenderism changes your appearance and fingerprints. Have you seen the Hide and Seek program on STS?
    TransG Creed was the host there and was presented in a new guise as a transgender football player. He is now a watchwoman.

  7. And his corpse was lustrated in a trash container, but it was self-lustration.

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