conversion therapy

Kocharyan G.S. - Bisexuality and conversion therapy: a case study

Annotation. A clinical observation is given, where it is about “bisexual»To the man, and describes the conversion therapy he underwent with the use of hypnosuggative programming, which proved to be very effective.

Currently, unprecedented efforts are being made to ban the use of conversion (reparative) therapy, which is aimed at changing the homosexual orientation of sexual desire to heterosexual. She is stigmatized and declared not only useless, but also extremely harmful to the human body. So, December 7, 2016 parliament of Malta unanimously passed a law prohibiting the use of reparative therapy. For “changing, suppressing and destroying a person's sexual orientation or gender identity,” this law provides for a fine or jail time. [7] The Bundesrat (representative of the federal states of Germany) on 5 June 2020 approved a law prohibiting this therapy. Deutsche Welle reports that its implementation can be punished with imprisonment for up to one year, and advertising and mediation - a fine of up to 30 thousand euros [1]. In the US, only 18 states, Puerto Rico and Washington DC, have banned conversion therapy for minors. Adults can volunteer for conversion therapy throughout the country [9]... Instagram and Facebook announced the blocking of all posts on these social networks that promote conversion therapy [8].

The assertions that conversion therapy is not only ineffective, but in all cases causes great harm to the body are false. The corresponding argumentation can be found in our articles [3; 4; 6]. Moreover, a number of our works have presented the effective use of conversion therapy [2; 5].

Here is a case from our clinical practice, where conversion therapy was very successful in correcting the direction of sexual desire in a man with bisexual preferences.

Patient K., 37 years old, married for 12 years, before that was in a "civil marriage" with his future wife for 7 years, has a 6-year-old son, received a higher technical education, works as a brewer in a restaurant. Wife is 39 years old, she has a higher education in economics, she works with her husband. They live in a 3-room apartment that belongs to her family, but in the near future this apartment will be re-registered to the patient and his spouse. I applied for advice on 14.10.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX.

Sexological symptoms and anamnesis. He reports that he has a sexual desire both in relation to men and in relation to women in a ratio of 1,5 to 1,0 in its severity.

The reason for asking for help was that when his wife came across his profile on the Internet, she said that they would no longer be able to live like this, and he had to figure out himself (“he will be with boys or girls”). If he decides that with the boys, then she agrees to preserve for everyone the appearance of the existence of their family, but at the same time they will have an open relationship, that is, she will have the right to have sexual relations with other men.

The patient believes that bisexuality is the norm, but agrees to carry out correction aimed at eliminating the homosexual component of the libido, as he is afraid that the result of the continuation of his sexual behavior may result in difficulties in communicating with the child as a result of a possible breakdown of the family, since a "free marriage" about the possibility of which the wife speaks, does not admit. He cannot agree to his wife having sex with other men.

According to the patient, among people 99% bisexual... (In this regard, I gave him real data on the frequency of bisexuality.) When my wife found out about his homosexual relationship, she was so shocked that she decided to terminate the pregnancy, which they had been planning for a long time, using the pills recommended by the gynecologist. She did this because she did not see the prospect of continuing the relationship with her husband.

Platonic (romantic) libido woke up at 5-6 years old. When I attended kindergarten, I liked the girl with whom I talked a lot.

Erotic libido... The age of his awakening could not be determined.

At the age of 12-13 in a porn magazine I saw a photograph of a man and a woman lying naked. Then he focused on the male penis. There was a thrill, some kind of inner excitement, an erection appeared, "and I did not know what to do with it." There was no sexual realization then. From that time on, the opinion began to form that “I also like men,” although at that time I liked girls. “There was some kind of confusion. Then I could not think that I could like guys, and set myself up that I like girls. "

Sexual libido emerged at the age of 17 to people of the opposite sex, and positioned himself as heterosexual.

Masturbation from 14-15 years old, "fist" technique, but without covering the head. Accompanied by sexual fantasies. In these fantasies, there were scenes of him having sex with men. There were no obvious female images in my head then. The first masturbatory acts were carried out while viewing the aforementioned magazine, where he identified himself with a woman in a sexual couple. The first ejaculation occurred during the first masturbation. I could wait for erotic films (traditional sex) to be shown on TV, and then masturbated, focusing on the process. At the same time, he did not pay attention to who he was drawn to, men or women (“I don’t know, I don’t know at all”). In the initial period, he masturbated every other day. Although from the age of 18 he had sex with women, but there were thoughts of intimacy with men. I could even masturbate "on this topic." Moreover, it reports that from 18 to 25 years old there was homosexual masturbation, but in real life there were heterosexual acts. Now she masturbates daily, since in the last 2 weeks she has not been sexually active either with his wife or with men. Masturbates to porn with trio. The more exciting thing about the trio is that the woman gets pleasure. “I focus on making the woman as satisfied as possible. In these scenes I identify myself with a man [ie. Ie feels like heterosexual], and I don't want to be with a man. "

From 6th to 8th grade, he was friends with a boy from school, who then went to finish his studies in high school at another school. Then "he was sad, there was an insult," since this boy did not even tell him that he would leave school. This hurt the patient a lot because he had an affection for this boy. He reports that when this boy "overwhelmed" him during the struggle, he felt some slight erotic sensations. Throughout the school period, there was mainly a girl's company. Mainly played unisex games. When I was 10, I painted my lips with lipstick several times. At the same age, he changed into my mother's clothes several times. His mother did not find him like that.

The mother wanted him (her third child) to be a girl, since he has two brothers from another father who are older than him (the difference is 9 and 11 years). Even now, when he comes to her, she calls him "my sweetheart", and in this regard, he "cringes". I always felt somewhat feminine. It seemed to him that this was manifested in behavior, which he sought to counteract. The patient asked me if his mother's desire, when she was pregnant with him, to have a baby girl could be reflected in the onset of his condition.

For a long time (from 7-8 years old to 30), there were manifestations of the "syndrome of a small penis". It started after the boys in the pioneer camp told him that he had a small penis. After 30 years, he began to believe that his penis is of normal size (in an erect state, its length is 16-17 cm). His father humiliated him, as he was physically weak. He behaved rudely towards the patient's mother, insulted her with swear words and beat her. Therefore, the patient developed an attitude (belief) that women should be treated gently, and this then affected the relationship with his wife and his sexual behavior towards her. After a while, his mother complained to his older brothers that his father, who was an alcoholic, might kill her. Then they demanded that he leave home, which happened. He (his father) went to live with his mother and lived there until the end of his days.

The patient started dating girls at the age of 18 when he entered the university. Then “intense sex life with women began. He drove away from himself the thought that men might like him. " However, heterosexual relationships were preceded by homosexuals. So, at the age of 17, there were two mutual oral-genital contacts with a 25-year-old married man who had two children. The initiator of sexual contacts was this man, but he "did not have to persuade our patient for a long time." Then he was "very sausage", and there was no one to share with. “I thought it was wrong, but I wanted to. And from the age of 18 he was attracted exclusively to women, and if he paid attention to men, he suppressed it. " During his studies at the university, he first lived with one girl for about a year, and then had one-time sexual contacts with other girls. At the age of 18 (in 2000) he met his future wife, and since that time they have been sexually active with her. They got married in 2007.

In 2008, the patient had an easy access to the Internet. Then I bought a computer for work, went to social networks. I used to watch homosexual porn. He began to get acquainted and communicate with men online (sexual correspondence). I met a 35-year-old man. Sexual contacts with him were with a frequency of 1 time per week - 1 time in 2 weeks. They met for a couple of months, had oral and anal sex. In this case, the patient performed a passive function, which he liked. During oral sex, he gave his partner a blowjob, while he himself masturbated. I dated this man for a maximum of 0,5 years. Due to anal sex, the patient had problems with the anus (a fistula formed there, an inflammatory process began) and needed an operation, which he underwent. The incident was the reason that he did not meet with men until he was 32. My wife and I had sexual relations all this time. The frequency of sexual intercourse was 1-2 times a week. He notes that due to the short, in his opinion, the duration of sexual intercourse, the wife did not have an orgasm. She says that she has no other men.

At the age of 32-33, he resumed relationships with men, but this time they were exclusively virtual: he “plunged” into social networks (dating, communication and everything else happened in the virtual space: he corresponded with men and masturbated at the same time).

There were 15 virtual sexual partners, and 2-3 years ago I began, at least, to meet men in real life. Sexual relationships were with 5 men. One of them, who is 39-40 years old, was the main one with whom he maintained a constant relationship. The patient mainly performed a passive role, giving a blowjob to his partner, who only twice reciprocated him, explaining that he had an “active life position”. I met with him for the last 2 years and was in love with him. Other partners appeared when the main partner left for another city for 2-3 months. He also gave them a blowjob, to which sometimes they responded in kind. After surgery in the anorectal zone at the age of 26, he did not agree to anal sex.

When his wife declassified the patient, he asked his main partner to help him understand himself, but this man said that he was very busy, that he had a lot of work, and there was no time for that.

At present (before his wife found out about his homosexual relationship), sexual contacts with his wife are on average 1 time per week. This happens much less often with men. Characterizing the duration of her vaginal intercourse, she notes that it is small and is 5 minutes with prolongation (approximately 40-50 frictions). For the purpose of prolongation, he uses a slowdown of frictions and their stop, distraction (during intercourse he thinks about football or something else), a change in posture. I told him that at the present time such sexual intercourse is considered normal, which lasts more than a minute. It is clear that 40-50 frictions will not take 5 minutes in time. This can only happen when they are extremely slow.

He behaves "softly" with his wife, which also applies to his behavior during sexual intercourse with her. The spouse has a negative attitude towards this and wants him to be tough. When, in the course of treatment, he learned from me that women often fantasize about sexual violence against them, he began to behave harder in and out of intimacy, and his wife liked it. He never cheated on his wife with another woman in pair contact. Only once did he participate in a trio with another bisexual man and a woman, in which he was attracted to this man with whom he had a sexual relationship.

The maximum kurtosis during sexual activity was 5-6 points (that is, he once made 5-6 sexual acts per day, which ended in ejaculation).

During his delivery, a caesarean section was used. He was born healthy and developed normally. At school he studied at 4 points (on a 5-point system), was physically weak. I also studied at the institute with 4 points. After 30 years, he began to work out in the gym. “I train there 3-5 times a week. I went there because I started getting better. "

I do not smoke. Drinks alcohol several times a week (beer, whiskey, vodka). Drinks whiskey or vodka 2 times a week from 150 to 200 grams. If holidays are layered, then this happens more often. He tries not to drink beer, but since he works as a brewer, he is forced to do this (once a week - 1-3 glasses, and sometimes 4-1 liters). In his student years he used marijuana, and in his post-student years - amphetamines and ecstasy (this was several times, tried and stopped). From marijuana, in his opinion, he developed an addiction, so that "1,5-2 years have just been erased from my memory." When asked what marijuana gave, he answered that physical relaxation came from it, I wanted to laugh, "neigh," and then there was a void that had to be filled. When asked how he managed to get rid of this addiction, he said that when he graduated from the institute and stopped living in a hostel, he did not look for ways to get marijuana (that is, maybe there was no addiction).

There are no chronic diseases. There are no urological complaints. 

Objectively: height - 179 cm, body weight - 78 kg. Normostenic. Male body type. There is little hair on the arms and legs. No hair on the belly, chest or neck. Shaves very rarely: 1 - maximum 2 times a week, and little facial hair grows. The patient says that he therefore has a small complex. The pubis is shaved, but notes that he has a "path" of hair to the navel. The head of the penis is easily exposed. The penis and testicles are of normal size, the appendages are painless, not indurated. Scrotum folds and pigmentation are small. The testicles are easily inserted into the abdominal cavity.

Conclusion: bisexuality.

Assigned (recommended): cognitive influences, hypnosuggestational therapy with the inclusion of behavioral interventions.

16.10.2019/1/XNUMX The XNUMXst session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed, which included 3 structural components:

  1. Liberation from homosexual attractionThe following suggestions were made: «One... Your body began to free itself from homosexual attraction ... Two ... The process of liberation from homosexual attraction is becoming more and more pronounced and proceeds more and more intensely ... Three ... More and more you are getting rid of homosexual attraction ... Four ... An internal mental janitor enters the most secret parts of your psyche, your consciousness and subconsciousness, sweeps out the remnants of homosexual attraction from there, gathers them together and, like garbage, throws them out of your body, freeing it from this pathological program ... Five ... Your body has freed itself from sexual attraction to males to the fullest extent possible today ...
  2. Change in perception of males. Suggestions were made that from now on the patient would perceive them only as acquaintances, friends, comrades and friends, and that now they were completely indifferent to him as sexual objects.
  3. Increased sexual desire for women (in general), and for the wife (in particular). The following suggestion was carried out: “Sexual attraction to females is activated ... Therefore, from now on it is expressed, strong, assertive, which is manifested in the desire for caresses, kisses and sexual intercourse with them ... From now on, the appearance of the wife, her form, her voice, communication with her makes you want to hug and kiss her, which turns into a desire to have sexual intercourse with her ... From now on, your wife for you is a pronounced sexual stimulus, a pronounced sexual stimulus. When communicating with her, you have a sexual desire, which is accompanied by increasing sexual arousal, which prompts you to caress and kiss and have sexual intercourse with her ... ”.

November 19.10.2019, XNUMX On Thursday (17.10.2019/4/3), at the initiative of his wife, in the morning he had 4 sexual intercourses, 70 of which ended in ejaculation. The 2th time ejaculation did not happen, but the erection was good. In the evening of this day and in the morning of the next day, on his own initiative, he committed another sexual intercourse, which ended in ejaculation. In the pauses between sex, there were sexual fantasies in which he saw his wife. Notes that sexual intercourse was accompanied by "bestial" sexual attraction. Interest in men since the first contact to me has decreased by XNUMX%. On my recommendation did not watch porn or masturbate. He believes that the increase in libido is due to the fact that he took tribulus (tribulus terrestris - creeping anchors) for XNUMX weeks. The active ingredient is protodioscin, which is used in sports nutrition and enhances the production of natural testosterone in the body. Not excluding the influence of the tribulus, I nevertheless considered that the hypnosuggestion carried out played the main role in increasing the patient's sexual desire, since I had previously accumulated a lot of experience, indicating such a possibility.

19.10.2019 The 2nd session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed. Its structure and content of suggestions were the same as in the first session, but at the very beginning of the session, suggestions were carried out aimed at normalizing sleep, which was disturbed due to experiences related to work.

November 23.10.2019, XNUMX He reported that his wife terminated the pregnancy with the help of pills, although later she thought that this should not have been done. On 20.10.2019 or 21.10.2019, there was one oral sexual contact, as the spouse had bleeding associated with taking these pills. During this time he did not masturbate and did not watch porn. Sexual attraction to men is the same as after the first session of hypnosis.

23.10.2019 The 3nd session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed.  The same suggestions were made as during the second session, to which 12 comparisons of the word "homosexuality" with other words that were associated either with unpleasant feelings, or with unpleasant landscapes, or with negative social consequences of homosexual relationships, or with mental disorders were added observed in homosexuals. These 12 pairs of words (12 FPs) were formed as a result of a preliminary conversation.

27.10.2019 g... The wife is now in another city. There was no intercourse. Once masturbated to a porn trio (participants: 2 men and 1 woman). I identified myself with one of the men who had intercourse with a woman. Sexual attraction was for a woman, there was no homosexual attraction. I did not focus on the male genitals. Currently, sexual attraction to males "tends to zero", ie, in his words, does not consider men as possible sexual objects.

I told the patient that he should gradually stop communicating with homosexuals and bisexuals. As a stimulating effect, the following question was asked: "Can a wife who smokes get rid of smoking and craving for it if she lives with a husband who continues to smoke?"

The patient said that before the start of treatment, he quickly reacted to any call from homosexuals and tried to contact them often and initiate sexual contacts. Now there is none of this. And for the last time he refused the offer of the three to meet in the bathhouse.

27.10.2019 The 4nd session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed. Its structure and content of suggestions were the same as in the third session, but before pronouncing 12 PS, a number of adverse consequences of homosexual relationships and homosexuality for mental and somatic health were named. Sleep normalization suggestions were not carried out.

November 9.11.2019, XNUMX I was on vacation with my wife for a week. 1 week after the hypnosis session, which was conducted on October 27.10.2019, 4, he began to fix attention on the streets on men. When I flew home from Italy on a plane, I paid more attention to stewards than stewardesses. I decided that there was no point in continuing the conversion therapy, although I had only XNUMX hypnosis sessions. Resumed a correspondence with a man that was not sexual. The wife discovered this correspondence, they quarreled violently. Then, at her insistence, he removed the contact of this man and decided to continue treatment, as he was afraid of the breakup of the family and the loss of the opportunity to communicate with his son. At the same time, she notes that she now perceives men only as acquaintances and friends, and not as objects of sexual attraction. This indicates that a positive shift has taken place, since when he approached me, he perceived them that way. To his wife now, when she is free in her decisions because of his homosexual relationship, she is experiencing a very strong sexual attraction, as she is afraid of losing her.

From October 27.10.2019, 4.11.2019 to November 10, 1, there were 9.11.2019 high-quality sexual intercourses with his wife (strong libido, good erection, lack of "quickening" as before). I masturbated only XNUMX time today (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) under fantasies in the shower. The spouse was the sexual object. She and his wife had a conversation, and she told him, as before, that if he continued relations with men, they could have friendly relations and maintain a formal marriage, which provides for the opportunity for each of them to have sexual relations with other partners. But he says that he cannot do that, he cannot admit that someone will have sex with his wife. In addition, it is necessary to preserve the marital relationship, since they, as a married couple who know a lot about brewing, were invited to participate in the beer business together. In addition, he notes that his current financial situation does not allow him to leave his family and rent an apartment.

9.11.2019 The 5nd session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed. Suggestions were carried out aimed at liberation from homosexual attraction; the perception of males as playmates, companions and friends, and not as sexual objects; information on the adverse health effects of homosexual lifestyle was carried out; its negative social consequences were called. 12PS were called, the ability to control their sexual impulses and the onset of nausea when homosexual urges and ideas appeared, as well as increased sexual desire for women (in general) and for their wife (in particular) were instilled.

November 14.11.2019, XNUMX He reports that his wife does not provide him with the opportunity to have sexual intercourse, as he "wounded her", but shows signs of attention, tries to please, to make him feel comfortable. During this time he masturbated 2 times. Once involving sexual fantasies (he and his wife have sex). The second time he masturbated to a porn trio, where he was attracted to a woman. He said that he became tougher in his relationship with his wife. If she shows any dissatisfaction with him, then she tries to discuss with her what exactly does not suit her in his behavior, and they come to an agreement.

14.11.2019/6/XNUMX The XNUMXst session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed, which in its structure and content of suggestions was the same as the fifth.

November 17.11.2019, XNUMX I did not communicate with my last permanent partner by phone. On November 15.11.2019, 2, in the morning, I had 1 sexual intercourses with my wife. The break between them was insignificant ("maybe ten minutes"). The duration of the first intercourse was approximately three minutes, and the second five (with a sufficient number of frictions). The wife experienced 2-16.11.2019 orgasms during these sexual acts. On November 17.11.2019, 100, there was also intercourse, and today (6/XNUMX/XNUMX) there were three intercourses. Sexual attraction to his wife is now XNUMX%. I lost my sexual interest in men. During the time elapsed after the XNUMXth session of hypnosis, a homosexual once contacted him via Viber and sent him a photo of his big penis, but our patient replied that he was not interested, since he completely switched to women. Previously, there was only virtual communication with this man. He reiterates that he has become more rigid in his behavior with his wife.

17.11.2019 The 7nd session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed. Its structure and content of suggestions were the same as the sixth.

November 19.11.2019, XNUMX There was no sexual intercourse after this session, I did not watch porn, I did not experience sexual attraction to males.

19.11.2019/8/XNUMX The XNUMXth session of hypnosuggestational programming was held. Its structure and content of suggestions were the same as the two previous ones.

November 22.11.2019, XNUMX Since then, there have been 3 intercourses: 2 oral and one anal, as my wife had her period. Sexual attraction to his wife is 100%, but to men is absent. Didn't masturbate, didn't watch porn.

The patient said that his wife told him that I was creating an artificial sex drive for him. I told him that when people have certain problems, the doctors prescribe treatment that normalizes their condition. So, for example, when a person has an increase in blood pressure, then he is prescribed pills to lower it. In his case, we do the same.

22.11.2019 The 9nd session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed. Its structure and content of suggestions were the same as in previous sessions.

November 25.11.2019, XNUMX Since then, there have been no intercourses for objective reasons. Didn't masturbate, didn't watch porn. I went to another city, there I met a married man with whom he had once had sexual intercourse. When communicating with him, I did not feel sexual attraction to him.

25.11.2019/10/XNUMX The XNUMXth session of hypnosuggestational therapy was carried out, the structure and content of the suggestions were the same as on the previous ones.

November 4.12.2019, XNUMX Three days ago I started to pay attention to guys, but there was no communication and sexual contacts with men. I did not watch porn, did not masturbate, I tried to often have intercourse with my wife. This morning there were 3 intercourses with my wife, and last night - 2. Before that there were 4 days of break, and before that, after the previous meeting with me, 1-2 intercourses a day. Sexual attraction to his wife today is 100% expressed. Men are liked only outwardly, but when trying to imagine that he is hugging and kissing them, and also having sexual intercourse with them, he states the absence of such desires. Before I started treatment, I had intense homosexual fantasies and a strong homosexual attraction.

4.12.2019/11/XNUMX The XNUMXst session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed, which, in terms of the structure and content of suggestions, was the same as the previous ones. In addition, as an element, the suggestion was used that he is able to control his sexual urges and provide the opportunity to be realized only to those of them that are normal.

November 7.12.2019, XNUMX Since then, there have been 4 sexual intercourses with his wife. Sexual attraction to her is 100%. Male faces are indifferent to him, now he does not pay attention to them.

7.12.2019/12/XNUMX The XNUMXst session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed, which, in terms of the structure and content of suggestions, was the same as the 11th.

November 13.12.2019, XNUMX During this time, I spent 5-6 sexual acts with my wife. Sexual attraction to her is 100%. Didn't masturbate, didn't watch porn. A couple of times I drew attention to men with beards ("I like bearded men"). He sees in this some kind of sexual interest, but there was no desire to get to know them. Fantasies of a homosexual nature were also absent. A man with whom he constantly met before starting treatment does not call or write to him.

13.12.2019/13/XNUMX The XNUMXst session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed, which in its structure and content of suggestions was the same as the 12th.

November 19.12.2019, XNUMX During this time, there were 5 sexual intercourses with his wife - 2 oral (the wife had menstruation) and three vaginal. Didn't masturbate, didn't watch porn. There was no sexual attraction to males. We discussed why he likes men with beards. Together with the patient, we came to the conclusion that this circumstance is due to the following. His own hair grows very poorly on his face, and he cannot grow such a beard for himself, and if he does not shave, then "ugliness may result." Accepts envy in this case. There were no contacts with men with sexual coloration. During this time, one homosexual man wrote to him on Viber and offered to meet for sex, but the patient replied that he did not want to, and he was not interested.

19.12.2019/14/XNUMX The XNUMXst session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed... During the session, suggestions were made aimed at:

1) liberation of the body from homosexual attraction;

2) the perception of males only as friends, comrades, friends, an indifferent attitude towards them as possible sexual objects;

3) the ability to control their sexual urges and provide an opportunity to be realized only to those of them that are normative;

4) emphasizing the negative social, mental and somatic consequences of homosexual relationships and homosexuality;

5) increased sexual desire for women (in general) and for his wife (in particular).

Also during the session, 12 pairs of words were called, one of which in all cases was the word "homosexuality", and the second was one of the words that was associated either with unpleasant feelings, or with unpleasant landscapes, or with negative experiences, or with negative social or the psychopathological consequences of homosexuality and homosexual relationships.

November 25.12.2019, XNUMX Over the past period, there were four sexual intercourses. Attraction to wife - 100%. There was no homosexual attraction. Didn't masturbate, didn't watch porn. The patient said that he received a call from his former regular sexual partner, who said that he had traveled to the United Arab Emirates, where he had sex with handsome boys. Although he did not make direct offers to have sex, I told the patient that he periodically calls him because he wants to provoke him with his stories about homosexual relationships to renew them between them. Therefore, I recommended that the patient stop any communication with this man. This time the patient told him how great he was in terms of having sex with his wife. Telling me about the peculiarities of intimate relationships with his wife, he said that when she gives him a blowjob, she simultaneously inserts an artificial phallus into the vagina and stimulates them. The wife is afraid if this might push him towards homosexual relationships. I said no. In this regard, I asked him if he perceives this artificial member as a competitor, does this humiliate his sense of dignity and does it form an inferiority complex in him. The patient replied no.

25.12.2019/15/XNUMX The XNUMXst session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed... In terms of its structure and content of suggestions, it was the same as the previous one.

November 2.01.2020, XNUMX Since then, there have been five sexual acts with my wife, three of them were yesterday. Didn't masturbate, didn't watch porn. I was not attracted to males. On December 25.12.2019, XNUMX, after a hypnosis session, Viber contacted a man who had been his regular sexual partner before the start of treatment, and said that the doctor offered him treatment, but he replied to the patient that he liked being "gay." He asked the patient if the treatment was helping him and received a positive response. Then this man wrote: "Well, be straight." Then the patient blocked the number from which he called, but said that this man had another phone number by which he could contact him.

2.01.2020/16/XNUMX The XNUMXst session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed, which, in terms of the structure and content of suggestions, was the same as the previous one.

November 8.01.2020, XNUMX During this time, there were 5 sexual acts with his wife. Didn't masturbate, didn't watch porn. There was no sexual attraction to people of the same sex. I did not communicate with any of the homosexuals, and there were no attempts to contact him from their side. She says that she would like to have more intercourse, but the wife is "freezing".

8.01.2020/17/XNUMX The XNUMXst session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed, which according to the script was the same as the previous one.

November 20.01.2020, XNUMX Over the past 12 days, there have been 5 sexual acts with my wife. Of these 12 days, 4-5 fell on monthly wives. Once masturbated to fantasies of intercourse with a fictional prostitute. I didn't look at porn. There were no homosexual impulses, same-sex attraction, communication with homosexual men.

20.01.2020/18/XNUMX The XNUMXst session of hypnosuggestational therapy was performed... The same suggestions were carried out as in the previous session.

November 8.02.2020, XNUMX We had a conversation with the patient on the phone, and he reported on the persistence of the results obtained.

It should be noted that if at the beginning of treatment the patient believed that bi- and homosexuality were the norm, then in the course of treatment he radically changed his point of view. He also stated that if he previously identified himself as "bisexual", now he fully identifies himself as heterosexual.

Summarizing this clinical case, the following should be noted. The patient was born into a family where the mother wanted her daughter to be born, but, unfortunately, this did not happen. After his birth, she treated him as a creature with the feminine qualities she desired. His father humiliated him because he was physically weak. Platonic libido awakened at the age of 5-6 and was heterosexual. Sexual interest in males first arose in a patient at the age of 12-13, when he saw a photograph of a naked man and woman in a porn magazine. The man's cock caught his attention. Then there was a thrill, some kind of inner excitement, an erection arose. From that time on, the opinion began to form that he liked men. In this regard, the patient's message should be cited that from 7-8 years old and up to 30 he believed that his penis was small. Therefore, we can assume that the interest in the male penis (in pornographic materials it is usually great) was the result of his envy (he himself would like to have one). From 13 to 15 years old he was friends with the boy, and when they fought with him, he felt some kind of light erotic sensations.

During masturbatory acts with viewing the aforementioned photograph from a pornographic magazine, he identified himself with a woman. When he watched erotic films on TV and masturbated at the same time, he did not pay attention to whom he was drawn to: men or women. At the age of 17, he had his first sexual contact with a married man. Then I thought it was wrong. In this regard, I was worried, but I wanted to. From 18 to 25 years old, homosexual masturbation took place, but in real life, starting from the age of 18, there were heterosexual contacts. At the age of 18, he began to have a sex life with his future wife, whom he married after 7 years. When he was 26 years old, the possibility of easy access to the Internet appeared, and he began virtual sexual intercourse with men, which then moved on to sexual contacts with them in real life. In parallel, he had a sex life with his wife. During homosexual contacts, he mainly played a passive role, which he liked. Then, due to anal sex, the patient developed a fistula in the rectum and an inflammatory process began. He was operated on, and because of what happened to him, he did not have sexual intercourse with men until he was 32-33 years old, which he resumed 2-3 years ago. At the age of 37, his wife was caught in homosexual relationships, which was the reason for seeking help, although he does not consider bisexuality to be a pathology. The necessity of this appeal was explained by the fact that an event in his family could destroy it, and this would make it extremely difficult for him to communicate with his son. Although his wife told him that if he chooses sexual intercourse with men, and not with her (a combination of both is unacceptable for her), then they can formally keep the marriage and live in the same apartment, but then she will have the right to live sex life with other men. However, this is unacceptable for the patient, he cannot imagine that his wife had other sexual partners.

Attention is drawn to the following circumstance concerning his communication with his wife, including during intimacy. His alcoholic father treated his mother very badly, often quarreled with her, insulted her and beat her. The patient perceived this extremely negatively and as a result concluded that women should be treated gently. This is how he treated his wife, which extended to their sexual relationship. However, she wanted him to be tougher towards her both in everyday life and during sexual intercourse. He succeeded after I reported that women in their sexual fantasies often imagine being raped by men.

In connection with bisexuality, the following psychotherapeutic correction was carried out. Work was carried out to explain to the patient that homosexuality and bisexuality are disorders that can lead to various negative phenomena (somatic and mental pathology, adverse social consequences). There were also sessions of hypnosuggative programming aimed at eliminating the homosexual component of libido, increasing sexual desire for women (in general) and for the wife (in particular), the perception of males exclusively as non-sexual objects, the ability to control their sexual urges and provide an opportunity to be realized only by of these, which are normative. Also, a behavioral component was included in hypnotic sessions, which consisted in the use of 12 pairs of words formed after a preliminary conversation with the patient. One of these words in each pair was the word “homosexuality,” and the other was a word that was associated with either unpleasant feelings, or unpleasant visual images, or negative social consequences of homosexual relationships, or mental disorders observed in homosexuals.

The patient underwent 18 sessions of hypno-suggestive therapy. After the first session, he reported that since the start of treatment, the sex drive for men had decreased by 70%. It remained the same after the second session. After the third session, he noted that sexual attraction to males "tends to zero." After the fourth session of hypnosis, due to the fact that the patient had gone to Italy for a week's rest, there was a 12-day break in treatment. When returning home from a vacation on a plane a week after the fourth session of hypnosis, he noted that he pays more attention to stewards, and not to flight attendants. Then I decided that there was no point in continuing the treatment. However, after a quarrel with his wife, to whom he announced his intention, he decided to resume therapy due to fear of family breakup. After the 6th session of hypnosuggestational therapy, he reported that he had lost sexual interest in men, and that his sexual desire for his wife was 100%. The same situation persisted after the 7th, 8th and 9th sessions. Then, 6 days after the 10th session of hypnosis, he began to pay attention to the guys, but said that men are liked only outwardly, and when trying to imagine that he was hugging and kissing them, and also having sexual intercourse with them, he stated that there were no such desires. Sexual attraction to his wife is 100% expressed. After the 11th session, he reported that the sexual desire for his wife was expressed by 100%, and that men were sexually indifferent to him. After the 12th session of hypnosis, he noted the same strong sexual attraction to his wife, but a couple of times he paid attention to men with beards. Said he liked them. After the 13th session of hypnosis, there was no sexual attraction to men. We discussed the question of why he likes bearded men. Together with the patient, they came to the conclusion that this may be due to the fact that he himself has very poor hair growth on his face, and he is not able to grow such a beard, and if he does not shave, then “ugliness may result”. Accepts envy in this case. As a result of this discussion, I came to the conclusion that in this case it should not be considered as a manifestation of sexual attraction to men. However, it can be assumed that the desire of males to have what they do not have, but what other men have (in the case under discussion, a larger member and the ability to grow a beard like that of other men), can serve as a factor pushing the formation of homosexual desire and homosexual contacts with men who have the qualities desired for the individual. After the 14th session of hypnosis (in total, as we reported earlier, 18 sessions were carried out) and until the end of the treatment, same-sex attraction did not appear. Nineteen days after the 18th session, the patient reported by phone that it had not occurred.

It should be noted that if before the start of treatment the patient considered bi- and homosexuality to be the norm and identified himself as “bisexual”, then as a result of psychotherapeutic correction he changed his point of view to the diametrically opposite, and also began to identify himself as heterosexual.

Also, during the treatment, as the patient reported, the duration of sexual intercourse with his wife increased significantly, which can be explained by a sharp increase in the frequency of sexual contacts with her as a result of special suggestions in a hypnotic state. Fear of family breakdown could also have contributed to the intensification of sexual activity.

It should be emphasized that such patients, such as this patient, need dynamic observation in order to prevent the possibility of a relapse of bisexuality. 

In conclusion, it should be noted that efforts to prohibit the use of conversion therapy in individuals who do not accept homosexual attraction, experience distress in this regard and want to get rid of this attraction is an aggressive and unjustifiable violation of human rights.

More: Kocharyan G.S. Bisexuality: general concepts and clinical observation // Men's health. - 2020. - No. 2 (73). - S. 71–80.

2 thoughts on “Kocharyan G.S. – Bisexuality and Conversion Therapy: A Case Study”

    1. What part of the microprocessor does not work correctly when the processor "loops"?
      Answer: the processor is in order, but it got an erroneous piece of code (program).
      The programmer needs to fix the program, rewrite the erroneous piece of code.
      And the processor was and is serviceable. Fixed the program - fixed everything.

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