Project 10, which takes its name from the myth that one in ten people is homosexual, was founded in 1984 in Los Angeles. The goal of the project, according to the lesbian teacher Virginia Uribe, who founded it, is "to convince students, starting in kindergarten, to accept homosexual behavior as normal and desirable." She said that it was necessary to use state courts to force schools to spread information about homosexuality. According to her, "children should hear this, from kindergarten to high school, because the old idea of talking about it in high school does not work."
She admitted: “This is a war ... As for me, there is no place for considerations of conscience. We must fight this war ".
Destination: Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being Popova A.Yu
Copy: Head of the Department of the Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor V.V. Pokrovsky
Dear Anna Yurievna!
Vadim Valentinovich Pokrovsky on behalf of Rospotrebnadzor stated [1] the importance of sex education in schools.
1. We ask you to conduct an internal investigation and find out on what scientific and statistical data Vadim Valentinovich made this loud statement. Was it done as part of the blind fulfillment of the requirements of international organizations to Russia?
2. Please check whether Vadim Valentinovich is acting as a foreign agent in connection with voicing the need for “sex education” for Russian children, and whether he had the right to speak on behalf of Rospotrebnadzor.
3. We ask you to check the professional suitability of Vadim Valentinovich in connection with the inconsistency of statements and suppression of facts.
4. We ask you to check the international treaties of the Russian Federation for compliance with sovereign development strategies, including population conservation (UN treaties are aimed at reducing the birth rate), and recommend withdrawing from those agreements that do not comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the development strategy of Russia.
5. We ask you to study the impact of the “sex education” recommended by the UN, the legalization of prostitution and the abolition of measures to prevent abortions on the epidemiological safety of Russians, the consequences for health and demography.
6. Make an official statement on the results of the research.
To study professional opinion, appeals were written to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, including regional ones, indicating sources and conclusions, with a proposal to assess the need to introduce sex education in schools. Unambiguous answers were received about the unacceptability of such influences on children, and the absence of plans to introduce "sex education". The ministries claim that their work is aimed at creating an atmosphere of universal respect for traditional family and moral values, at the spiritual and moral upbringing of children.
In this situation, the recommendation of the representative of Rospotrebnadzor on the introduction of "seksprosvet" looks at least unprofessional.
UN committee recommendations
The United Nations Committee (CEDAW) is a body of independent experts overseeing the implementation of States parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The implementation of this treaty (like many other UN documents) is reduced to the destruction of the traditional family, including through the anti-natal indoctrination of young people, presented as "sex education".
This and other international treaties are used by LGBT* activists to advocate for their activities.
In addition to the desire to establish the work of Western NGOs on the territory of Russia without registration by their foreign agents, the UN committee urges [2] to introduce a comprehensive strategy aimed at women and men at all levels of society, including religious leaders, in order to “eradicate stereotypes and patriarchal ideas about the role and the responsibilities of women and men in the family and in society ”. To this end, it is recommended to include in the compulsory curriculum of primary and secondary schools a comprehensive course of education on sexual and reproductive health and related rights for girls and boys and legalize prostitution (repeal article 6.11 of the Administrative Code), while abolishing measures to prevent abortion.
In simple words, the UN committee demands from Russia the destruction of traditional values, including among religious leaders, the introduction of "sex education", the abolition of abortion prevention and the legalization of prostitution, including with the help of foreign agents.
In 1994, the Cairo Accords were signed, which discussed human reproduction, family structure and sexuality. The main task was fertility decline, which was presented in an altruistic cover of gender equality, care for a woman's reproductive health and respect for her reproductive rights (i.e. abortion and sterilization). As specific measures of depopulation were listed "sex education", contraception and propaganda against fertility.
Such requirements contradict the strategic development plans of the Russian Federation and undermine the demographic security of Russia, contradict the presidential decree "On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030", which indicates the need to ensure sustainable growth in the population of the Russian Federation, and can lead to a reduction in reproductive potential and the life expectancy of Russians.
International experience of introducing sex education
Commissioned by the CDC in 2017, a meta-analysis of studies [3] that allegedly proved the effectiveness of “sex education” programs found that they were of low methodological quality and had conflicting results that did not allow drawing unambiguous conclusions.
A review a year later [4] found no evidence that school sex education programs are effective in reducing teenage pregnancies and preventing HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Another meta-analysis: “Do school programs prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in adolescents?” Came to similar conclusions [5]: “The studies, including randomized controlled trials, were of low methodological quality and had mixed conclusions that could not to give a convincing justification for the effectiveness of school programs. "
In 2019, researchers at the Institute for Research and Evaluation (IRE) published a global survey that looked at scientific publications exploring two different approaches to sexuality education: Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and Abstinence Until Coupled Sex Education (AE ) [6]. As the authors of this review write, “When judged by valid criteria, a database of 103 of the strongest and most recent CSE studies quality-tested by three renowned scientific institutions (UNESCO, CDC and HHS) showed little evidence of CSE effectiveness in school settings and relatively much negative consequences. Of the few positive testimonials, almost all were received by the developers of the program and were not replicated. Three decades of research shows that comprehensive sexuality education is not an effective public health strategy in classrooms around the world and that these programs can be harmful».
How can you characterize the activities of people trying to impose a non-working and dangerous technique on our children? Can Rospotrebnadzor recommend baby food, the benefits of which have not been proven and there is evidence of harm to health? And what about "sex-enlightenment"?
Implications of the introduction of sexuality education methodologies according to the WHO methodologies
Data for the United States is provided by the CDC [7]. There has been a sharp and sustained increase in the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in recent years. STD rates have increased for the fifth consecutive year [8] and have reached record levels. Cases of congenital syphilis (transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy) increased by 2017% from 2018 to 40. Congenital syphilis can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, death of the newborn, and serious life-long physical and neurological problems. A similar picture is observed in England. According to government data, between 2014 and 2018, the number of diagnoses of chlamydia in men who have sex with men - MSM (61%: from 11 to 760), syphilis (18%: from 892 to 61) and gonorrhea ( 3527%: from 5681 to 43) [18].
In the Netherlands [10], the number of syphilis diagnoses increased by 2016% in 30 compared to 2015. This increase is mainly due to an increase in the number of diagnoses among MSM, both with and without HIV. Testing for STDs at the Center for Sexual Health (CSG) in 2019 showed [11] that the percentage of affected by STDs increased compared to 2018. The number of syphilis diagnoses increased by 16,8%, and gonorrhea - by 11%, mainly due to MSM.
Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease in Finland. In 2019, almost 16 cases of chlamydia infection were diagnosed, which is 200 more than in 1000. This is the highest annual rate ever recorded on the National Registry of Infectious Diseases. The spread of infections occurs mainly among young people: almost 2018% of those diagnosed were aged 80-15 years. The incidence of gonorrhea and syphilis has also increased [29].
Australian scientists write about “rampant gonorrhea among bi- and homosexual men” [13].
In Germany, in the period from 2010 (the year of publication of the method of "sex education" WHO) to 2017, the incidence of syphilis increased by 83% to 9,1 cases per 100 inhabitants [000].
In addition, the number of people with homosexual preferences is growing among young people, and the number of people suffering from a disorder of sexual identity - “gender dysphoria” - is increasing like an epidemic, while the proportional increase in infections characteristic of MSM does not allow us to explain the increase in the LGBT* population solely by the increased openness of respondents [14].
According to Yougov [15]: “In 2019, there were almost half the number of“ absolute heterosexuals ”among Britons aged 18-24 than among people in the older age category (44% compared to 81%). If in a similar poll in 2015 only 2% of young people identified themselves as “bisexual”, then 4 years later their number increased 8 times - up to 16% ”.
Among people with homosexual preferences, there is an increase in risky behavior and infection. Condom use is declining, and scientists predict a further decline in condom use [16].
From the CDC website [17]: “MSM (men who have sex with men) are at high risk of contracting HIV and other viral and bacterial STDs because they practice anal sex. The rectal mucosa is unusually susceptible to certain pathogens of sexually transmitted infections. In addition, multiple sex partners, increased substance use, and the networked sexual dynamics of MSM increase the risk of HIV and STIs in this group. The incidence of HIV infection decreased significantly among MSM from the 1980s to the mid-1990s. Since that time, however, MSM in the United States and virtually all industrialized countries have experienced increased levels of early syphilis (primary, secondary, or early latency), gonorrhea, chlamydial infection, and higher rates of risky sexual behavior.”
Vadim Valentinovich in his speech, speaking about the situation with HIV infection in the West, is silentthat this reduction was achieved not by reducing the risk behavior of people, mostly homosexuals, but by the use of drugs among risk groups. At the same time, he himself admits that HIV infection occurs in young people over 23-25 years old, but insists on introducing sex education in schools, and not after its completion in vulnerable groups - among prostitutes, homosexuals and drug addicts.
The letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of March 22, 2018 N 15-3 / 10 / 2-1811 "On the incidence of HIV infection in children" states: "Diseases of HIV infection in children are mainly caused by vertical transmission of HIV from mother to child».
Information that heterosexual has become the predominant route of HIV infection, questioned in the document (HIV / AIDS surveillance in Europe 2020: 2019 data) [19], which states that data on heterosexuals “should be interpreted with caution” because “Some studies carried out in the eastern part of the Region have found that information on transmission routes may contain inaccuracies, since many patients reported as heterosexual infections have a history of injecting drug use or, in the case of men, sex between men». The AIDS Center [] and other specialists who insist on the need for HIV prevention in vulnerable groups, namely among men who have sex with men, who remain the leaders of HIV transmission in the EU / EEA.
The European report, describing measures to counter the HIV epidemic, argues that they should be based on scientific evidence (scientific data proving the effectiveness of “sex education”, there is no) and lists measures that include screening, more frequent testing, partner notification, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with special focusing on reaching key vulnerable groups [gays, bisexuals and other men who have sex with men (MSM), prostitutes, drug addicts]. The report makes no assertions about the need for sexuality education for children in schools, given that the vast majority of infections occur outside of school at a median age of 37 years.
Russian children, even without "seksprosvet", receive enough information about the structure of the reproductive system in biology lessons, and they get acquainted with STDs and methods of their prevention in full and necessary volume in OBZh lessons. The report of the FBSI of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor states that “the proportion of adolescents and young people decreased in 2020 to 0,9%; in 2000, they accounted for 24,7% of new HIV infections, and in 2010 - 2,2% ”. In Russia, in 1996, an attempt was made to conduct trial lessons on sex education, while there was a sharp increase in STIs.
In 2006, in Yekaterinburg, 6 thousand parents demanded to stop the "promotion of a healthy lifestyle", which was introduced by the methodological center "Kholis", with the assistance of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The parents' dissatisfaction was reinforced by the extremely negative assessments of the Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry. V.P. Serbsky, the Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation and the National Scientific Center for Narcology of Roszdrav. It seemed that the question of "sex education" was finally closed from high authorities, but the question was raised from where they did not expect - from Rospotrebnadzor.
Clause 9.6 of the sanitary and epidemiological rules of SP allows dictating to the education sector scientifically unsubstantiated instructions, which may become a national security problem and contradict the strategic development goals of the Russian Federation - national conservation, since sex education lessons are recommended as part of methods of reducing the birth rate.
Effective measures to reduce the spread of HIV and other STIs can be the introduction of criminal penalties for the promotion of homosexuality, transsexualism, alcoholism, unnatural sexual practices (anal sex), childlessness; limiting the distribution of pornography and other materials involving children in risky lifestyles. Working with vulnerable groups.
The goals of "sex enlightenment"
We propose to study a more detailed article of the group “Science for the truth»[] on the goals and results of the implementation of "sex education" according to the UN methods.
A study by the University of Akron found that sex education results in students becoming more tolerant and less hostile to sexual deviations (which undoubtedly promotes involvement in them).
Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Sergei Naryshkin made a number of important statements at an international meeting on security issues in Ufa. He is confident that under the pretext of "emancipating people" the forces of the new world order are waging a purposeful war against traditional values and national identity. In this case, young people are subjected to the most thorough processing.
"In order to accelerate the erosion of the concept of gender, the value of family and marriage, programs are being implemented to promote the "rights" of the LGBT* community, to spread the ideas of radical feminism... In essence, the goal is to make people disunited, individuals suffering from neurotic disorders with a constantly altered state of consciousness. It is clear that such individuals are an ideal object for manipulation, especially if they have an iPhone connected to the network in their hands."
Best regards, Science for Truth group
- (short link
- Mirzazadeh, A., Biggs, MA, Viitanen, A. et al. Do School-Based Programs Prevent HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescents? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Prev Sci 19, 490-506 (2018).
- Marseille, E., Mirzazadeh, A., Biggs, MA et al. Effectiveness of School-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs in the USA: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Prev Sci 19, 468-489 (2018).
- Mirzazadeh A, Biggs MA, Viitanen A, Horvath H, Wang LY, Dunville R, Barrios LC, Kahn JG, Marseille E. Do School-Based Programs Prevent HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescents? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Prev Sci. 2018 May; 19 (4): 490-506. doi: 10.1007/s11121-017-0830-0. PMID: 28786046.
- Ericksen, Irene H., and Weed, Stan E. (2019). "Re-Examining the Evidence for School-based Comprehensive Sex Education: A Global Research Review." Issues in Law and Medicine, 34 (2): 161-182.
- Callander D, Guy R, Fairley CK, McManus H, Prestage G, Chow EPF, Chen M, Connor CCO, Grulich AE, Bourne C, Hellard M, Stoové M, Donovan B; ACCESS Collaboration. Gonorrhoea gone wild: rising incidence of gonorrhoea and associated risk factors among gay and bisexual men attending Australian sexual health clinics. Sex Health. 2019 Sep; 16 (5): 457-463. doi: 10.1071 / SH18097. PMID: 30409244.
- Mercer CH, Fenton KA, Copas AJ, Wellings K, Erens B, McManus S, Nanchahal K, Macdowall W, Johnson AM. Increasing prevalence of male homosexual partnerships and practices in Britain 1990-2000: evidence from national probability surveys. AIDS. 2004 Jul 2; 18 (10): 1453-8. doi: 10.1097 / PMID: 15199322.
- Fairley CK, Prestage G, Bernstein K, Mayer K, Gilbert M. 2020, sexually transmissible infections and HIV in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. Sex health. 2017;14(1):1-4. doi:10.1071/SH16220
Answer 1 to Senator Pavlova M.N.
I had to write a second appeal to this unsubscribe.
Received response dated 04.03.2021/09/3929 No. 2021-05-XNUMX-XNUMX, to the appeal of the group “Science for the truth”, sent by the Senator of the Russian Federation Pavlova Margarita Nikolaevna, made me think not only about the competence of Vadim Valentinovich Pokrovsky, but also about the competence of Rospotrebnadzor in the person of Irina Viktorovna Bragina, whose answer surprised me as inattentiveness in the design (the answer contains the topic “On carrying out experiment on the introduction of a digital educational environment"), and the groundlessness of the conclusions from the report of the European Center for Disease Control. At the same time, the argumentation, sources, the proposal to study the international treaties of the Russian Federation in the appeal "Science for Truth" were ignored.
Rospotrebnadzor is called upon to protect human well-being, and if people who do not know how to work with scientific and statistical sources participate in this activity, well-being is in obvious danger, which can be considered by the Government of the Russian Federation with appropriate organizational conclusions.
According to the regulation on Rospotrebnadzor, “The Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare is personally responsible for the implementation of the functions assigned to the Service. The head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare has deputies appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the head of the Service.
Let's analyze some errors in the answer of Irina Viktorovna
Has heterosexual become the predominant mode of HIV transmission?
The assertion that the predominant mode of transmission of HIV infection has become heterosexual, questioned in the document most mentioned by Irina Viktorovna (HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2020: 2019 data), which states that data on heterosexuals “should be interpreted with caution”, because “Some studies carried out in the eastern part of the Region have found that information on transmission routes may contain inaccuracies, since many patients reported as heterosexual infections have a history of injecting drug use or, in the case of men, sex between men». The AIDS Center [] and other specialists who insist on the need for HIV prevention in vulnerable groups, namely among men who have sex with men, who remain the leaders of HIV transmission in the EU / EEA.
Arbitrary conclusion about the relationship between the decline in HIV incidence and sexuality education
When quoting "HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2020: 2019 data" Irina Viktorovna indicates that in France the incidence of HIV is 2 times higher than in Germany, while doing arbitrary a conclusion about the relationship between a decrease in the incidence of HIV and sexuality education in educational institutions, which is mandatory in Germany. Further, Irina Viktorovna writes about the need to expand such educational programs in Russia. This is an unsubstantiated claim, since the said document does not make such a conclusion and does not mention sex education programs at all. Irina Viktorovna omits information that in 2019, compared to 2018, in Germany increased HIV incidence from 3,5 to 3,7 per 100 population. A in France, where "sex enlightenment" is not required - decreased. In Estonia, where sex education is mandatory, the incidence of HIV is higher than the incidence of Germany and France combined. In addition, in Germany, as well as in the US and Europe, the incidence of other STIs is increasing, despite the introduction of sex education lessons, which indicates other reasons for the decline in the incidence of HIV. In Germany, between 2010 and 2017, the incidence of syphilis increased by 83% to 9,1 cases per 100 inhabitants.
The European report, describing measures to counter the HIV epidemic, argues that they should be based on scientific evidence (scientific data proving the effectiveness of "sex education" - no) and lists measures that include screening, more frequent testing, partner notification, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with special focusing on reaching key vulnerable groups [gays, bisexuals and other men who have sex with men (MSM), prostitutes, drug addicts]. The report makes no assertions about the need for sexuality education for children in schools, given that the vast majority of infections occur outside of school at a median age of 37 years. Accordingly, Irina Viktorovna's reference to the WHO document is an attempt to appeal to false authority (argumentum ad verecundiam), and her answer, which is not based on the data of the cited document, is intended to mislead the senator of the Russian Federation.
Russian children, even without “sex education”, receive enough information about the structure of the reproductive system in biology lessons, and they get acquainted with STDs and methods for their prevention in full and necessary volume at life safety lessons. The report of the FBUN of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor states that “the proportion of adolescents and youth decreased in 2020 to 0,9%; they accounted for 2000% of new HIV infections in 24,7 and 2010% in 2,2.”. In Russia, in 1996, an attempt was made to conduct trial lessons in sex education, while there was a sharp increase in STIs.
History repeats itself
In 2006, in Yekaterinburg, 6 thousand parents demanded to stop the "promotion of a healthy lifestyle", which was introduced by the methodological center "Kholis", with the assistance of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The parents' dissatisfaction was reinforced by the extremely negative assessments of the Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry. V.P. Serbsky, the Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation and the National Scientific Center for Narcology of Roszdrav. It seemed that the question of "sex education" was finally closed from high authorities, but the question was raised from where they did not expect - from Rospotrebnadzor.
Clause 9.6 of the sanitary and epidemiological rules SP specified in the answer allows dictating scientifically unfounded instructions to the education sector, which can become a problem of national security and contradict the strategic goals of the development of the Russian Federation - saving people, since sex education lessons are recommended as part of methods to reduce fertility.
Effective measures to reduce the spread of HIV and other STIs can be the introduction of criminal penalties for the promotion of homosexuality, transsexualism, alcoholism, unnatural sexual practices (anal sex), childlessness; limiting the distribution of pornography and other materials that involve children in risky lifestyles. Working with vulnerable groups.
Participation in blocking harmful information by Rospotrebnadzor is ineffective, materials are available on social networks, video hosting sites, bookstores, cinema and television.
We are forced to reproach our Russian colleagues for their passive silence (in scientific publications), which can be equated to betrayal, because they understand that social changes depend on events in the scientific community, especially in the fields of psychiatry and psychology, where, under pressure from LGBT* activists on scientists, more and more psychosexual disorders are recognized as the norm and promoted as normal behavior: first homosexuality, then transsexualism and sadomasochism with pedophilia, which does not cause concern to the patient. What's next?
In the appeal of the group "Science for Truth", which was supported by more than 40 thousand people, it is proposed to help scientists in this difficult work - the preservation of the scientific sovereignty of Russia: "Provide an opportunity for Russian scientists to express their scientific position without fear for their careers and salaries. The bonus part of scientists' salaries depends on publication activity. Under the conditions of “political correctness” and censorship, Western and Russian publications with a high impact factor do not publish works that run counter to the policy of depathologization of depopulation behavior (propaganda of homosexuality, transsexualism and other psychosexual deviations), which puts unprecedented pressure on the free presentation of a scientific position. Scientists are openly intimidated by gender dictatorship.” [].
In the person of Rospotrebnadzor, society would like to see an ally, and not compradors and collaborators who are trying to introduce methods of corrupting Russian children.
In conclusion, I would like repeat the previously sent appeal, with a request to take it more seriously, with due attention to details and sources, proposed actions.
Answer 2 to Senator Pavlova M.N.
Popova A.Yu.
Group "Science for Truth" through Senator Margarita Nikolaevna Pavlova sent appeal to the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Yuryevna Popova in connection with the statement of Vadim Valentinovich Pokrovsky about the “importance of sex education in schools”.
After the first reply, which misled the senator, due to concern for the reputation of Rospotrebnadzor, a second appeal was sent indicating the shortcomings of the argumentation of the answer.
Answer A.Yu. Popova surprised no less than the answer of her deputy. All 6 appeal requests were ignored.
A.Yu. Popova, on behalf of Rospotrebnadzor, issued a second reply, in which she again tries to mislead Senator M.N. Pavlov and the multinational Russian society. Perhaps without even thinking that the imposition of unscientific methods of sexual education, which are alien to the values of the peoples of our country, can lead to interethnic problems.
"Sexual education" is recommended as part of "solving the problems of overpopulation", which directly contradicts the strategic plans of the Russian Federation to increase the birth rate.
All arguments and sources of our repeated appeal to Rospotrebnadzor were ignored. The third appeal must be written to the special services, the Government and law enforcement agencies.
A.Yu. Popova, despite the scientific data provided on the harm or uselessness of “sex education”, despite the facts of the increase in the incidence and population of LGBT* in countries that use “sex education”, despite the European report recommending the implementation of scientifically based measures in risk groups (screening, more frequent testing, partner notification, pre-exposure prophylaxis for gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM), prostitutes, drug addicts), unreasonably States that: "The educational environment is one of the most effective for organizing HIV/AIDS prevention work among adolescents and young people". While completely ignoring that HIV infection occurs at a median age of 37 years. The letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 22, 2018 N 15-3/10/2-1811 "On the incidence of HIV infection in children" states: “HIV infections in children are predominantly due to vertical transmission of HIV from mother to child”.
Instead of an answer about what scientific and statistical data V.V. Pokrovsky made a statement about the importance of "sex education", A.Yu. Popova pointed out that For more than 35 years he has been professionally engaged in the problem of preventing the spread of HIV infection in the Russian Federation and, based on years of experience, expresses the need for systematic training on the prevention of sexually transmitted HIV infection in educational institutions. At the same time, it is not specified how such a successful professional activity of Vadim Pokrovsky led to a worsening of the epidemiological situation.
The question is, since when is the work experience of V.V. Pokrovsky, and not scientific papers and published studies, became evidence of the need for intervention in the sexual life of adolescents? Many years of experience says nothing about its effectiveness and is not substantiated evidence of the importance of "sex education".
Instead of recommending "sex education" to children, V.V. Pokrovsky should have recommended effective measures to reduce the MSM population and risk behavior. Measures to reduce the spread of HIV and other STIs can include the introduction of criminal penalties for promoting homosexuality, transsexualism, alcoholism, prostitution, drug addiction, unnatural sexual practices (anal sex), childlessness; limiting the distribution of pornography and other materials that involve children in a risky lifestyle. Working with vulnerable groups (homosexuals, bisexuals and other men who have sex with men (MSM), prostitutes, drug addicts).
We hoped that Rospotrebnadzor would take an active part in studying the impact of “sex education” and other methods of reducing the birth rate recommended by the UN, their consequences for health and demography, and also check the international treaties of the Russian Federation for compliance with Russia’s sovereign development strategies.
In the face of Rospotrebnadzor, society would like to see an ally, and not compradors and collaborators, who are trying to introduce methods of corruption of Russian children on the recommendations of the UN Committee (CEDAW), which requires Russia to destroy traditional values, including among religious figures, the introduction of "sex education", the abolition of abortion prevention and the legalization of prostitution, among other things with the help of foreign agents.
Rospotrebnadzor is called upon to protect human well-being, and if people who do not know how to work with scientific and statistical sources participate in this activity, well-being is in obvious danger, which can be considered by the Government of the Russian Federation with appropriate organizational conclusions.
On request ( sent by an assistant to a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, a permanent expert and speaker of the 2nd WG on education, upbringing and comprehensive development of children of the Public Council under the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation Elena Viktorovna Chekan, Rospotrebnadzor has not yet responded.
Thank you for your service. Glad you are.
Your letter is a real shield that protects our children! Every parent of our country is with you!
We support the whole family completely. Why do a tiny part of the world's population - sodomites - have the audacity to dictate to the majority of people their abnormal values, to propagandize and impose them on us by force? We are in the majority. Yes, they are in power. But we must resist this. Thank you for this confrontation. Know that we are with you. We just don't know how to act.
Because we've been doing other things for too long. But now we know where the danger is and we will deal with it. Go to the OUZS website, there are many useful instructions 🙂
I agree and fully support!
I agree with every word of this letter. It is necessary to instill family values, and not defile.
Agree!!! I support !!!
The traditional understanding of the family is Dad, Mom and Children. Please don’t change anything! Better turn your gaze to the regulation of the Internet and the media, from all screens and monitors there is a display of murders, scenes of violence, sex, drug use, alcohol. And what the lyrics are now, it's impossible to listen to them!
I definitely agree and demand not to conduct sex education among children, our future is under threat. Zhirikoksky old libertine and senile !!!
An excellent and well-written letter. I am ready to subscribe to such an appeal. We need to save our children!
Thank you. But any blogger or even doctor Komarovsky is now talking about sex education. Western books advise mothers. Everything is according to the WHO guidelines. They are already selling to mothers “Let's talk about it” or “Intimate educational program”.
I fully support the letter and demand clarification from Rospotrebnadzor! Now all the actions of this "government agency" are equated with enemy intrigues, and instead of supporting the population of the Russian Federation, attempts to implement a destructive policy are clearly visible.
I support the letter! I demand clarification from Rospotrebnadzor!
Our children should and were always clean and chaste, which is what made us different from the West
Hands off our children!
Holy Mother of God, protect and hide from satanic evil spirits.
How did these Westerners get in power with their faggotry and all the "charms" of the "achievements" of the West.
I fully support!
When all this was introduced in Canada, many were against it, Russian-speaking parents with posters stood in front of the parliament with posters against sex education in the lower (!!!) grades of the school, they collected signatures. Selling SMS wrote that in Ontario, most parents support this program. 5 years have passed, children support same-sex marriages with children, they have been brainwashed so that this is all the norm, no Sadom, but this is love. It's happening so fast, kids are very easy to handle, it's scary how quickly it got to Russia. We must fight for children, they already know a lot, the world is like that. And those who tempt pure souls will be punished by God there.
Thank you, dear ones, for your responsiveness and readiness to resist this tyranny to our families, our children!!!!
Anna, just do not leave this topic, bring it to the end.
We must fight for our future, for our children. How tired of this creeping cancerous tumor, / that is, Western values, / spreading everywhere ...
I support the letter. I demand clarification from the CPS.
I support the letter. Wake up people!
I fully support the letter both as a mother and as a psychologist!
NOT knowledge of the laws of Russia does not relieve gentlemen doctors from responsibility. Art. 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Criminal acts are considered deliberate actions that are aimed at awakening sexual feelings, sexual interest in a minor under 16 years of age. The culprit is considered to be a person over 18 years of age. Seduction includes: manipulations with the genitals of the victim and/or the accused; sexual touch; distribution of sexual literature among juveniles, conversations with them on these topics; sexual intercourse with another person in the presence of a minor; displaying photographs, video and/or audio materials of a sexual nature
We, the people, who have full power on earth, are categorically against immoral intrusions into our lives, forcibly introducing them under any pretext. There are general concepts of the universe, relationships, moral principles, etc. We demand to stop any information that contradicts our ideas, such as homosexuality, lesbianism, gender ties, and many others.
That's right. I support the letter.
I support the letter! I demand clarification from Rospotrebnadzor!
We fully support the letter with the whole family. We demand that our children be protected from Western propaganda that leads to corruption!
Sow reasonable, good, eternal!
God with us!
I support the letter! Thank you for watching!!! I demand to protect our children from propaganda, to bring the "corrupters" to justice!
I support this letter and its authors!
Where to sign the letter??
I fully support!
Stop sex - a skylight among children. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah. Nations that corrupt their children will not live. They will have no future!
Sodom and Gomorrah will be exactly if we all remain silent !!!! World has gone mad!!!!!
Stop this darkness! I am against sex clearance among children. Already so the new generation is generational by these propagandas of LGBT, transgender people, etc.! AGAINST
Definitely support!
Stop sexual abuse of children!!!
I agree completely and support. It is tedious to isolate children from this demonism and instill family values.
I support the letter! Protect our children, our future from corruption!
I sign the letter against sex education among children!!!
I support the letter! I am against the molestation of our children! We need to stop this madness!!!
I support the letter! Family values should be instilled in children!
Request to the authorities to pay attention to the authors of the ideas of "sex education", to find them a useful occupation.
I fully support and approve the letter! We need to protect our children from corrupting information, the imposition of unhealthy standards of sexuality, the excessive sexualization of adolescents!
I support! I am for family values!
I fully support!
Extremely important thoughts and actions against those who have "amputated" brains, morality, spirituality, and only "itch" in the causal place!!!! With two hands for confrontation with this absolutely unpunished corruption of society and children!!!
Thank you for your work! Hands off our children, our country!
I completely agree that it is necessary to preserve all the best in our traditions, this west is sick of its tolerance.
You need to educate in the family! Personal example of father and mother! I support!
All these false psychologists / sexologists should be removed from our children!
So that even the opportunity was not to engage in their activities.
I support the letter! I demand an explanation from Rospotrebnadzor.
I am grateful that there are people who fight against obscurantism. It's time to uphold family values! I am signing this letter.
I support the letter! God forbid "this infection" does not seep into our schools. For family values and moral education of children.
I support the letter! Stop shaking the unstable psyche of children!!!
Thank you for the letter, I support. I think it is necessary to teach in school: patriotic, spiritual and moral education. No sex education, plants of our children and other rubbish, I oppose this!!!
I support the letter
I support!!! Our traditional values must be preserved! Our children are wealth. And wealth is not given to be torn to pieces!
Our children don't need any sex education.
We are for spiritual, moral and patriotic education!
For traditional values, no sex skylight
I agree completely with what is stated in the letter. Moral values to be!!!
Do not touch our children!
No "sex education"!!!
Do not dare to impose pro-Western "values" on us
I fully support the letter and demand clarification from Rospotrebnadzor
What an obscurantism!!!
Strongly against!! Let them educate children wherever they want, but not in Russia!!!
I support the letter!
Russia for traditional values!
Where do you need to sign? Agree 100%
Correct letter! I support! Traditional values for Russia!
I support the letter.
For the preservation of traditionally Russian education, everything is fine with us, do not touch the children
Strongly AGAINST sex education.
I prohibit sex education among children. May it be so!
I support the letter! Where do you need to sign? Agree 100%
I support the letter! Sex education will not work in our Motherland! Glory to Russia!
I support the letter!
Who are these people, a bunch of perverts? Some Vadim Valentinovich from Pozornadzor has the audacity to declare the importance of sex education in schools!? Let him enlighten in his family, but keep your hands off our children!
Russia is an Orthodox country and in our country the traditional understanding of the family is Father, Mother and children. Please don't change anything! The Russian language needs to be developed, it is better to turn your attention to the regulation of the content on the Internet and the media, from all screens and monitors, the display of murders, scenes of violence, sex, drug use, and alcohol prevails. And what are the lyrics now, it's impossible to listen to them !!!!!!!!
There never was and never will be 3 genders!!! There are only 2! In our country, as our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin said: “There will be no parent number 1, parent number 2!!”
Mom, dad, and kids! Here is our sacred institution of the family!
what are you talking about) I’m not Ukrainian, I’m parodying you like that), go look on the Rush Today channel about how transgender people live in the Russian Federation, one was even baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church after turning into a woman, google who Sadovaya is, for example