Anti-constitutional censorship in Russia

The Federation Council recently adopted a statement condemning unwarranted political censorship by Western digital giants. Meanwhile, their Russian counterparts - VKontakte and Yandex.Zen - censor family defenders and traditional values ​​in the same way.

Despite the amendments to the Constitution approved by the people and the government's policy of preserving morality, family and demographic security, some Russian (or no longer Russian) companies do not want to work in accordance with the Constitution and do not hesitate to violate it at the first request of their Western partners. In recent months, the most mundane things we used to take for granted have suddenly found themselves under a big question mark. We are talking about the elementary human right to freely express their thoughts - that is, freedom of speech guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which: "Everyone has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information in any legal way".

Thus, the social network VKontakte began purging “intolerant” public pages, which included groups denouncing modern feminism and LGBT propaganda, and Yandex blocked Zen channel groups "Science for the truth».

First article was blocked Sexuality education in schools - depopulation technology, which reveals the scientific evidence about the results of sexuality education in the West and the impact of WHO sexuality education programs. Following the article, the entire channel was blocked, although there was no "hate speech" there at all.

Ripped off wook-dealing to Western political correctness the absurd phrase "hate speech" in the interpretation of Yandex Zen represents the following: “Any linguistic and artistic means of expressing hatred, including negative statements, calls for discrimination and violence against people or groups of people based on: belonging to social group; race or nationality; sexual orientation or gender identity; age; political views; religion, as well as on any other grounds ".

All this by no means characterizes the direction of the channel, which only illuminates the destructive and antiscientific ideology radical left-wing political movement known as "LGBT", which claims that homosexuality is an innate, unchanging and normal (or even preferred) condition, and fights against propaganda this ideology. The Science for Truth group does not discriminate or attack people on the basis of their sexual orientation. Covering the objective dangers associated with the imposition of alien LGBT ideology and expressing her criticism, she does not look at which group the propagandists belong to. They can be people with both heterosexual preferences and homosexual ones. That is, they are not condemned Group people, and destructive antisocial ideasdistributors of which can belong to virtually any group. All this is happening in full accordance with the laws and policies of our state, which has proclaimed a course towards traditional values, where the Constitution approved by the people defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. It should be noted that those who disagree with this are against the state and the people.

Yandex deliberately substitutes concepts, confusing “groups of people” with the radical political agenda of LGBT people, whose activists pretend to speak on behalf of all homosexual people and that they represent their interests. In fact, most people with homosexual preferences do not want to have anything to do with the LGBT movement and its methods and goals. For example: 

LGBT activists do not defend homosexual people, but their political agenda, aimed at a radical change in social foundations. Often they themselves generate “homophobia” for its subsequent monetization and mobilization of opposition-minded people, who are subsequently used as cheap cannon fodder.

If a homosexual does not correspond to the political plans of activists (does not support same-sex adoptions, marriages and gay pride parades, wants to change, etc.), he is subjected to persecution and persecution by fighters for gay rights from the LGBT community is incomparably more than from those who are called homophobes.  

In addition, LGBT activists do not stop trying to pass off the LGBT community as a real social group, although it is not. They need this in order to turn any criticism against them into a criminal offense under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Moreover, the LGBT community has all the hallmarks antisocial groups: “Antisociality is a negative attitude towards social norms or standards of behavior, a desire to oppose them. Including the traditions of a particular social group of people. "

The speeches of LGBT activists against the constitutional definition of the family as a union of a man and a woman, provocative hanging of their banners on the buildings of state bodies, support for anti-Russian policy, belonging to foreign agents are just a few examples of anti-social and illegal activities of the LGBT movement.

It is also necessary to indicate that can not considered as a social group, a collection of persons united on the basis of illegal or antisocial activity. Don't forgetthat the direct object of Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are public relations that ensure the protection of the foundations of the constitutional system, the integrity and security of the state.

Social groups characterized by:

1) stable interaction, contributing to the strength and stability of their existence;

2) a relatively high degree of unity and cohesion;

3) clearly expressed homogeneity of the composition, suggesting the presence of signs inherent in all members of the group;

4) the ability to enter broader social communities as structural units. 

None of the above principles (!) Characterize the LGBT community: 

1. Most people with same-sex attraction do not want to have anything to do with the LGBT community and, moreover, feel a deep aversion to its values ​​and postulates. As the Honored Doctor of Russia, psychiatrist and sexologist Jan Goland, who led 78 homosexual and 8 transsexual patients to a full heterosexual life, said: “Don't think that all homosexuals are gay activists who go to parades and pickets. There are many more people who suffer from this than those who go to gay clubs. "

2. Unity and cohesion The LGBT community is also not observed. As lesbian journalist D saidjulia diana robertson: “LGBT people are a powerful propaganda machine, fueled by big corporate money. This is a brute force that has created the illusion of unanimity. But this illusion arises only through the instillation of fear. "
According to a bisexual journalist Anastasia Mironova from St. Petersburg, she represents the part of the gay community that does not support same-sex marriage and gay pride parades, and there are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands like her.
In the West, there is a growing conflict between trans-activists and lesbians, who increasingly complain of harassment and discrimination by the "community". At the last gay pride parade in London, lesbians blocked the movement of the convoy in protest against "lesbian-killing trans-activism" and urged lesbians to leave the "misogynistic LGBT movement."

3. There is no need to talk about any uniformity of composition in the LGBT community - there is hardly any other audience more diverse than this: some are “homosexual”, others are “bisexual”, others are “transsexual”, the rest are “pansexual”, “ gender-fluid, "polyamorous," "asexual," and so on. The contours of the LGBT phenomenon also includes everything that “floats” between these already vague “categories”. The social network Facebook, for example, offers its users a list of 71 "gender identities." The participants in this movement do not have any common orientation, and consist of representatives of all kinds of orientations / disorientations and identity disorders, which are united only by the idea that homosexuality and transsexuality are normal and healthy phenomena.  

4. LGBT groups do not belong to any broader social community. Their activities are focused exclusively on themselves - and on promoting homosexuality to recruit their ranks. 

In this regard, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there is no reason to consider the representatives of the LGBT community a social group! The entire “identity” of the LGBT community is based either on their own statements or on their choice of sexual partners.

The nuances of sexual activity - who prefers to have sex with whom - cannot be a criterion for being allocated to a real social group. Otherwise, on the same basis, zoophiles, pedophiles, fetishists, unfaithful husbands, masturbators, impotent persons, as well as patients who consider themselves, for example, animals or Napoleons, will be able to demand separation into a separate social group. It should be noted that, similar to the rhetoric of LGBT activists, some of the above representatives claim that they were born that way and that they cannot do anything about their desires. 

Also, an individual's statement of belonging to a particular social group is not enough to make him a member of that group. But this is all it takes to become a member of the LGBT community. Otherwise, it turns out that anyone who says “I am gay” or “I feel like a woman” can demand special rights on this basis - for example, changing the constitutional definition of marriage, bypassing the democratic process, etc. And confirmation by “practice” is not at all obligatory a condition for belonging to the LGBT community - any child can declare himself "gay" or "bi", and the community will accept him with open arms. In addition, homosexual behavior often does not coincide with orientation: many homosexuals (about 50%, according to research Ruzieva 2017.) have contact with women, while most heterosexuals engage in homosexual intercourse in places not so distant.  

Various studies have shown that among individuals with homosexual preferences, up to 79% of men and 95% of women have sex with the opposite sex.

Lesbian Dr. Lisa Diamond, Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Sexuality Researcher and APA LGBT Excellence Award winner, said in the aforementioned lecture: “The categories of LGBT people are arbitrary and have no meaning. They reflect the concepts that exist in our culture, but do not represent the phenomena that exist in nature. We [LGBT] have used these categories as part of our strategy to gain civil rights, and now that we know this is not true, it becomes very difficult. In order for a group of people to receive a protected status in legal terms, it must be original and permanent. The queer community does not meet the Supreme Court's criteria for this status, because it is incredibly diverse and unstable: some are completely homosexual, others partially; those who were gay last year may not be gay this year, etc. ”.

However, on Yandex Zen's support service, as expected, the above arguments produced an effect similar to what produces peas on a wall.

Blocking an article describing the danger of introducing sex education and demonstrating its uselessness in reducing the incidence of STDs and reducing pregnancies in young people is contrary to Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Restricting the dissemination of scientific and historical information published in the article may involve Russian children in cruel experiments on Western children. Blocking such information is an anti-state practice that contradicts not only the Constitution of the Russian Federation, but also Declarations on freedom of expression and information. Moreover, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes the freedom to freely adhere to one's convictions and the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas by any means and regardless of state borders. "

Also a joint OSCE declaration expresses concern about some of the measures taken by Internet intermediaries to restrict access to or distribution of digital content, including through the use of automated procedures such as algorithms or digital content removal by recognition systems, which are inherently opaque and do not comply with minimum procedural norms and (or) unlawfully restrict access to content or its distribution. This practice is especially widespread on the video hosting YouTube, where absolutely everything that does not coincide with the opinion of LGBT activists falls under the "discriminatory" statements - from Lectures professor pointing to the psychopathological component of homosexuality, before citations statistics on HIV infection. And here's an example of such a video:

And although this video did not contain any discriminatory statements, but was a compilation of facts from scientific and historical sources on the issue of reducing the birth rate, the appeal was rejected.

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the company consults on an ongoing basis with the LGBT community to make sure it doesn't feel discriminated against. YouTube reserves the right to punish even those who do not necessarily violate the rules, on the basis that discrimination can be considered “behaviors on the verge of discrimination, which can be seen in a number of videos of this user”. That is, even if the videos themselves do not violate the rules, but in the general aggregate there is an "intolerant" orientation, then the channel can be closed

Despite the fact that there are many videos on Youtube and other social networks that clearly violate the rules (they have discriminatory statements, contain calls for violence and hostility towards individuals or groups of people, etc.), videos that do not contain similar statements, but describing the historical background of the current state of society, telling the true history of the LGBT movement, the history of the depathologization of homosexuality and the political reasons for this process, reasonably refuting the mythology of the LGBT movement. The Youtube channel of the Tsargrad TV channel was removed after the release of a program about family values ​​on it. Here are a few of these materials removed for censorship reasons. You can see the above for yourself.

In the race for the right to be considered the most tolerant in Runet, VKontakte LLC does not lag behind, which, referring to the wishes of some handshake "users, clients and partners", introduced the policy "Heightspitch"that prohibits “hostility, offensive behavior and unfair treatment” towards people and groups of people, including on the basis of their “sexual and gender identity”. And what exactly is considered an "unfair attitude" is, depending on their moods and according to criteria known only to them, VK administrators, among whom there are many owners of the same "sexual and gender identity".

VKontakte office, Singer House, St. Petersburg.

As stated by VK in its updated rules

“We block profiles and communities through which they distribute:
 • hostile, threatening and encouraging statements of violence, attacks on a person or a group of people in order to humiliate human dignity or assertion of inferiority;
 • calls for isolation or segregation (for example, for certain people to live separately: “take them out,” “let them live there in ... and don't stick their heads out”, etc.), wishes for serious harm and calls to inflict it, encouragement of persecution or offensive behavior, hidden calls or incitement to violence (often accompanied by calls to "drive" such people, "send them to the dump", etc.);
 • verbal confirmation of the superiority of some groups over others to justify violence, discrimination, segregation or isolation on the basis of sexual and gender identity, the presence of physical features or diseases (they can be manifested in the form of comparing a specific group of people with insects, dirt, non-humans, similar rhetoric).
Such statements are unacceptable on our platform, including in the form of jokes and memes. "

Under such vague criteria, if you wish, you can bring any commentary challenging the normality of sexual deviations. For example, the adage “let them do their perversions at home” quite falls under the “call for segregation or isolation”, the mention that transsexualism is a mental disorder falls under the “statements of inferiority,” and a quote from the Bible that sodomy is an abomination can interpreted as "contempt for other people's values."

At the same time, the reason for blocking a group can be not only its entries, but also user comments.

The platform's management does not even hide its loyalty to the LGBT movement, posting in the window a six-color flag, placed in their announcements and openly displaying LGBT symbols and photos from gay pride parades, as does head department of moderation and administration of VK. A answers VK support services are written as if according to the LGBT propaganda manual.

Responding to a complaint about a public promoting homosexuality.

The Federation Council recently adopted Statement of Freedom of Speech Violation by Global American Internet Companies... In it senators note that Western digital corporations “for political reasons, without legal grounds and contrary to international law, restrict freedom of speech on social networks of the Internet information and telecommunications network.” The senators condemn the policies of “American Internet giants”, which “have taken the path of widespread use of censorship, contrary to the principles of democracy, the generally recognized right of citizens to search, receive and disseminate information” and associate this with the fact that Western social networks are subordinated to “the political goals of the ruling circles United States of America."

Law enforcement agencies have yet to check the activities of VKontakte LLC and Yandex.Zen for compliance with the laws and policies of our country, whose government, we repeat, has proclaimed a course towards traditional and family values, and where the Constitution approved by the people defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

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