Family values ​​as an instrument of Russia's foreign policy

The article reveals the problem of protecting traditional family values ​​in the modern world. Family and family values ​​are the foundation on which society is built. Meanwhile, starting from the second half of the twentieth century, tendencies aimed at the destruction of the traditional family have been deliberately spread in some Western countries. Even before the end of the Great Patriotic War, a new war began - a demographic one. Under the influence of the thesis about the overpopulation of the Earth, methods of reducing the birth rate developed by demographers began to be introduced. In 1994, the UN International Conference on Population and Development was held, where the measures taken over the past 20 years to solve "demographic problems" were assessed. Among them were "sex education", abortion and sterilization, "gender equality". The policy of reducing the birth rate considered in the article, active propaganda of childlessness and non-traditional forms of relations contradicts the strategic interests of the Russian Federation, whose population is already rapidly declining. Russia, it seems, must resist the indicated tendencies, defending the traditional family and introducing measures to support it at the legislative level. The article proposes a number of decisions that must be made on the external and internal contour of public policy in order to protect traditional family values. By implementing this program, Russia has every chance of becoming the leader of the pro-family movement in the world.
Keywords: values, sovereignty, depopulation, fertility, foreign policy, family.

Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.S. Likhacheva. Yumasheva I.A. DOI 10.34685 / HI.2021.57.89.021

Spiritual and moral values, which are already forgotten in a number of countries, have, on the contrary, made us stronger. And we will always defend and defend these values.

President Vladimir Putin
Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, 21.04.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX

Traditional family values ​​and social welfare

Family and family values ​​are the foundation on which society is built. In all cultural traditions, regardless of the form of social organization, the birth and upbringing of children were the semantic core around which the norms, values ​​and relationships of members of society were built.

In the family circle, the primary socialization and education of the individual takes place, the formation of his national-confessional identity. Break this circle - the people will disappear, fall apart into separate controlled individuals who do not need to think about the future of their children. It is the family that is the link between three or even four generations that alternately take care of each other. Therefore, by protecting family and childbearing, society protects itself, its prosperity, sovereignty and territorial integrity - the future.

At the same time, since the second half of the twentieth century, tendencies aimed at the destruction of the traditional family have been deliberately spreading in the Western world. Purposeful work began to discredit Christianity and other traditional religions that strengthen family values. Instead of the time-tested worldview foundations that ensure the well-being of not only an individual, but the entire society as a whole, hedonistic ideologies were proposed that eliminate transpersonal ideals and put personal welfare above the general. Having lost the Cold War, Russia lost its Iron Curtain, as a result of which “progressive” Western influences poured into the post-Soviet space. Their bitter fruits - in the form of ideological disorientation, reduced birth rate, deconstruction of spiritual and moral guidelines and social self-preservation - we are reaping to this day.

In the context of the demographic war against the world's population, waged by global players, family values ​​become a political instrument and political force that attracts peoples seeking justice.

Historical preconditions for the destruction of traditional values

Even before the end of the Great Patriotic War, a new war began - a demographic one. In 1944, Hugh Everett Moore, chairman of the executive committee of the United States League of Nations Association, established a fund to fund population control organizations.

In 1948, books were published that spurred the Malthusian debate about the alleged overpopulation and destruction of the Earth: Our Plundered Planet by Fairfield Osborne and The Road to Survival by William Vogt. Together with the Hugh Moore Foundation's Population Bomb (1954), which inflated the threat of overpopulation and declared the need to reduce the birth rate, these books set off a wave of panic. The demographic problem was taken up by demographers, politicians and the UN [1].

In 1959, the US State Department issued a report on global population trends, which concluded that rapid population growth threatened international stability. The report highlighted the urgent need to control population growth. Neo-Malthusian ideas took over US government agencies to such an extent that they began to support the assertion that humanity was becoming the "cancer of the planet." "In the 70s the world will be seized by hunger - millions of people will die of hunger, despite the accelerated programs that are now being adopted," wrote Paul and Anne Ehrlich in their sensational book "Overpopulation Bomb" and demanded to immediately "cut out the tumor of demographic growth" [2] ...

In 1968, American lawyer Albert Blaustein indicated that in order to limit population growth, it was necessary to revise many laws, including those on marriage, family support, age of consent, and homosexuality [3].

Kingsley Davis, one of the central figures in the development of birth control policies, criticized family planners for abandoning such “voluntary” birth control measures as legalizing and encouraging sterilization and abortion, as well as “unnatural forms of intercourse” [4]. Subsequently, he recognized family planning as necessary, but insufficient, citing, among other things, such methods of birth control as extravaginal intercourse, homosexual contact and infanticide [5].

In 1969, in his address to Congress, President Nixon called population growth "one of the greatest challenges to the fate of mankind" and called for urgent action. In the same year, the Vice President of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Frederic Jaffe issued a memorandum describing methods of birth control, which included sterilization, abortion, over-the-counter contraception, reducing social support for motherhood, and encouraging the growth of homosexuality.

It was at this time that the Stonewall riots broke out, in which homosexuals declared psychiatry the # 1 enemy and, having created the organization "Homosexual Liberation Front," staged riots, arson and acts of vandalism. A three-year aggressive pressure on the American Psychiatric Association (APA) began, accompanied by shock actions and persecution of specialists, and ended with the depathologization of homosexuality [4]. After all, only by excluding homosexuality from the list of psychiatric diseases, it was possible to start promoting the homosexual lifestyle as a normal and healthy behavior, recommended by demographers to reduce the birth rate.

In 1970, the author of the theory of demographic transition, Frank Knowstein, speaking at the National War College in front of senior officers, noted that "homosexuality is protected on the basis that it helps to reduce population growth" [6]. Some scholars directly blamed heterosexuality for the problem of world overpopulation [7].

In 1972, The Limits to Growth report was published for the Club of Rome, in which all favorable demographic scenarios required social and political change, manifested in tight birth control at the level of natural decline.

Since the sixties of the last century, the reduction of the world's population has been lobbied and financed by methods that include the promotion of homosexuality, childlessness, and abortion. The National Security Council report NSSM-200, which reported on the need to reduce the birth rate, recommends the "indoctrination" of the younger generation about the desirability of a smaller family. In 1975, President Ford's order “NSSM-200” became a guide to US foreign policy action.

Methods for reducing the birth rate developed by demographers were consistently introduced under the specious slogans of protecting human rights: child rights, women's reproductive rights, and protecting women from domestic violence (Istanbul Convention).

In 1994, the UN International Conference on Population and Development was held, where the measures taken over the past 20 years to solve "demographic problems" were assessed. Among the measures were considered "sex education", abortion and sterilization, "gender" equality. Progress has been noted in many countries that have achieved a decline in the birth rate [8].

In 2000, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNFPA (the United Nations body dealing with “demographic problems”) endorsed the IPPF charter and called on health ministries to review laws, especially regarding abortion and homosexuality [9].

In 2010, the WHO standards for sexuality education in Europe were developed, which emphasize the promotion of same-sex relationships for children and the early sexualization of children [10].

In May 2011, the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) was opened for signature in Istanbul. Turkey became the first country to ratify the Convention. However, 10 years later, in March 2021, a decree was issued to withdraw from it. “The convention, originally intended to protect the rights of women, was appropriated by a group of people trying to normalize homosexuality, which is incompatible with the social and family values ​​of Turkey,” the statement said. [11]

Indeed, the Swedish report on the implementation of the Istanbul Convention indicates that the impact of government initiatives on women and children at risk of violence is difficult to assess. The number of crimes against women increased from 2013 to 2018. The measures taken related to the destruction of traditional beliefs and “sex education” are indicated: “the school must oppose traditional gender models”; “Sex education is included in several course and subject programs for compulsory and upper secondary schools, as well as for adult education”; “In accordance with national curricula for compulsory and upper secondary school, the teacher also has a special responsibility to ensure that students receive knowledge about sex and intimate relationships” [12]. Professor G.S. Kocharian in his report for the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation revealed the goals of such lessons of "sex education" - forced homosexuality "[13].

On November 29, 2019, the Federation Council published for public discussion the draft law "On the Prevention of Domestic Violence in the Russian Federation". The Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood noted: "Against this background, it is not surprising that the proposed draft law is actively supported by organizations associated with radical anti-family ideologies (LGBT* ideology, feminism), as well as a significant number of organizations that officially receive foreign funding. Some media outlets and international structures that do not hide the anti-Russian nature of their activities also actively support it" [14].

International geopolitical background and forecasts

Measures taken at the international level have brought about unprecedented social, moral and demographic changes. If we consider the efforts to reduce the birth rate of a geopolitical adversary as military action, it becomes obvious that war has been declared on us a long time ago.

In 2011, Barack Obama signed an executive order making the protection of the rights of “sexual minorities” a priority for American foreign policy [15]. Ten years later, in 2021, President Joe Biden signed an executive order “on protecting and promoting the rights of the LGBT* community worldwide” [16]. Following this, the German Federal Government adopted the concept of including “lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and intersex people” (“LGBT*I”) in its foreign policy.

The well-known magazine "Lancet" published the work of a group of experts from the University of Washington, where scenarios of fertility, mortality, migration and population of 195 countries from 2017 to 2100 were considered. The work was financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Women's education and access to contraceptives are identified as the main drivers of fertility decline in this projection. By 2100, 23 countries are projected to reduce their populations by more than 50%. In China by 48%. By 2098, the United States will once again become the largest economy. The results show that countries with below replacement fertility will retain the working-age population through migration, and only they will live well. Fertility rates below replacement levels in many countries, including China and India, will have economic, social, environmental and geopolitical implications. The aging processes of the population and an increase in the proportion of pensioners will lead to the collapse of the pension system, health insurance and social security, to a decrease in economic growth and investment [17].

For all the grandeur of this work, there is an obvious omission: the authors did not take into account the exponential growth of the number of "LGBT*" and "childfree" people in the younger generation, raised on "sex education" and propaganda of childlessness. The "LGBT*" population is characterized by an increased tendency to suicide and the incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which often lead to infertility.

Due to the increasing propaganda every year, the LGBT* population and the prevalence of unnatural sexual practices are growing. Statements that the percentage of LGBT* individuals in society remains unchanged and that they “simply stopped hiding their orientation” are untenable. The numerical growth of LGBT* cannot be explained only by the openness of respondents in surveys: it coincides with the growth of STIs, which are typical for this population [18]. According to the latest report by the Gallup Institute of Public Opinion, 5,6% of adults in the United States identify themselves as LGBT* [19]. Although this ratio seems insignificant, in terms of age it takes on alarming significance. If in the generation of "traditionalists" born before 1946 only 1,3% consider themselves "LGBT*", then in generation Z (born after 1999) there are already 15,9% - approximately every sixth! What will happen to the younger generation, which has gone through even more aggressive "LGBT*" propaganda, when it enters reproductive age?

Of particular concern is that the vast majority of Generation Z members who identify as “LGBT*” (72%) say they are “bisexual” [19]. “Bisexuals” are more susceptible to physical and mental health problems, even compared to homosexuals and lesbians [21]. They carry infections from the risk group (homosexuals) into the general population, contributing to the spread of STIs, including incurable ones and those that cause infertility [22]. At the same time, an increase in morbidity and risky behavior is predicted among “bisexuals” [23].

A new generation is growing before our eyes, prone to suicides and diseases; transsexualism (crippling "gender reassignment") and self-sterilizing eco-activists are popularized. It can be assumed that the predicted demographic problems will come much earlier, catching the international community by surprise.

The defining demographic indicator is the total fertility rate (TFR) - how many children one woman gives birth to on average during her reproductive period. To maintain the population at the level of simple replacement, a TFR of 2,1 is required. In Russia, as in most developed countries, this indicator is below the replacement level, and additional factors influencing the refusal or inability of women to give birth to children bring the date of the disappearance of the people closer to the historical horizon. It has already been noted that in Generation Z, every sixth American considers himself to be a representative of "LGBT*", but if we take into account gender, it becomes obvious that women are much more susceptible to destructive ideas. Among teenage girls in the United States in 2017, 19,6% did not consider themselves heterosexual [19]. Taking into account the trends, at least every fifth woman entering the reproductive period does not consider herself heterosexual!

It will take many words to describe the moral decline of Western society, but the numbers succinctly speak for themselves. The incidence of STIs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis has increased in recent years in the United States and Europe.

In Germany, between 2010 and 2017, the incidence of syphilis increased by 83% - to 9,1 cases per 100 inhabitants [000].

Among homosexuals in England, in the period from 2015 to 2019, the number of diagnoses of chlamydia increased significantly - by 83%; gonorrhea - by 51%; syphilis - by 40%. The incidence of STIs is also on the rise in the general population. In 2019, there were 10% more syphilis and 26% more gonorrhea than in 2018 [25]

The Netherlands has also seen a steady increase in the incidence of STIs [26].

Finland has the highest annual rate ever recorded in the National Register of Infectious Diseases. The spread of infections occurs mainly among young people: almost 80% of those diagnosed were between the ages of 15-29. The incidence of gonorrhea and syphilis has also increased [27].

In the United States, STI rates have increased for the sixth consecutive year and have reached record highs [28].

The replacement of the indigenous population does not go unnoticed. The retired generals, in a letter published by Valeurs actuelles, warned President Emmanuel Macron that France was facing a "mortal danger" associated with migration and the collapse of the country. [29]

Solving the demographic problem at the expense of other countries leads to a geopolitical confrontation between countries that are growing at the expense of migrants and those who are trying to preserve their indigenous population.

The peoples of Europe and the United States are coming to an understanding of the ongoing replacement by non-integrating migrants into society and are beginning to support politicians who are ready to oppose the destruction of their people in this melting pot. Russia, on the other hand, demonstrates support for the birth rate and begins to defend its traditional values, openly declaring that it does not agree to reduce its population, and refusing the depopulation measures recommended by demographers.

Fertility in China has dropped to its lowest level since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The People's Bank of China recommended that Beijing completely abandon the policy of restricting the birth rate so as not to lose its economic advantage over the United States and other Western countries [30]. In this regard, feminist groups calling for refraining from relationships with men were closed in Chinese social networks. [31]

British foreign intelligence chief MI6 Richard Moore said in an interview with The Sunday Times that the Russian regime is under pressure because Russia as a country is weakening: “Russia is an objectively weakening power, economically and demographically... "[32].

Current events, along with the rhetoric of political leaders, must be considered in the light of the described demographic and geopolitical confrontation, in which the finite number of residents of a given country and their age composition will play a key role in preserving the people and economic stability. A similar criterion must be applied to political figures in Russia, including NGOs. As we can see, their activities on key measures to reduce the birth rate (sex education, implementation of the Istanbul Convention (IC), support for LGBT* and feminism) are synchronous.

Position of the Russian Federation

Despite the fact that some state bodies, such as Rospotrebnadzor, declare [33] the need for "sex education", Russia is beginning to abandon the methods of depopulation, enshrining traditional ideas in legislation and the Constitution. In a referendum, the Russians confirmed the common truth that marriage is a union of a man and a woman. There are politicians who openly declare the need to abandon Western views and cooperation with WHO. Support for family, motherhood, traditional values ​​is becoming louder in political discourse. Politicians understand that Russia is a multinational country, and the introduction of "sex education" and anti-family laws under the plausible pretext of "combating domestic violence" can contribute to distrust of the federal authorities.

Participation in international treaties used by LGBT* activists to advocate for their activities does not correspond to Russia's strategic interests. The referendum changed the approach to their implementation and made it possible to avoid insane demands. For example, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) demands that the Russian Federation destroy traditional ideas about the role of men and women, including among religious figures, introduce "sex education", abolish abortion prevention and legalize prostitution [34].

In the Russian Federation, there are laws that protect children from the promotion of homosexuality (Article 6.21 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation) and dangerous information harmful to their health and development (436-FZ). These articles are intended to protect children from "sex education", consultations of psychologists and sexologists who use an affirmative approach to homosexuality, as well as from the promotion of "non-traditional" sexual relations on the Internet.

Despite the fact that international organizations, including those that are foreign agents, demand the abolition of laws protecting children, these laws are ineffective. Roskomnadzor does not independently identify materials that violate the law. In order to qualify information as dangerous, paid expertise is required, and parents' applications for blocking are most often ignored. Blocked groups and sites immediately resume their work using the new link.

Russian society is outraged by the ever-growing propaganda of anti-family and "LGBT*" ideology, the activities of destructive bloggers, artists, and the media. Traditional and family movements are being mobilized.

At various venues and round tables, politicians and public figures are demanding to prohibit the propaganda of not only homosexuality, but also transsexualism, abortion, childlessness and other behavior that reduces the reproductive potential of society.

Since the promotion of unconventional relationships and gender reassignment cannot begin without scientific and medical approval of these phenomena as the norm, some Russian regional health ministries have supported the appeal of the Science for Truth group to scientists, public figures and politicians [35]. The appeal, signed by tens of thousands of Russians, proposes a range of measures aimed at protecting children from harmful information and abandoning Western ideas about psychosexual normality.

No one doubts that the next steps of Russian lawmakers will be accompanied by dissatisfied publications of Western and Russian human rights activists.

Traditional values ​​as an instrument of foreign policy

The scientific director of the German-Russian Forum, Alexander Rahr, speaking on the "Right to Know" program on the TVC channel, conveyed the words of a high-ranking European politician who answered the question about the cause of the conflict between the West and Russia: "The West is at war with Putin because he is at war with homosexuals." Of course, Russia does not fight homosexual people, limiting the propaganda of non-traditional relationships to children.

Western politicians are aware of Russia's refusal to implement the methods of reducing the birth rate proposed by demographers, which are used in their countries. In the context of long-term processes of population decline, migration phenomena and demographic confrontation, the current European authorities, subject to the influence of the United States, will not be able to abandon confrontation with Russia. After all, we support the birth rate in our country, prohibit the introduction and dissemination of methods that reduce the birth rate, putting ourselves in a more advantageous demographic position. One can only assume the increasing attempts to undermine the situation, change the government and continue the child abuse and destruction of traditions that began in the nineties.

This is what the Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Sergei Naryshkin said at an international meeting on security issues: “In order to accelerate the erosion of the concept of gender, the values ​​of family and marriage, programs are being implemented to promote the rights of the LGBT* community, to spread the ideas of radical feminism... In essence, the goal is to turn people into disunited individuals suffering from neurotic disorders with a constantly altered state of consciousness. It is clear that such individuals are an ideal object for manipulation, especially if they have an iPhone connected to the network in their hands” [36].

The response to the challenges of globalization was the actualization of the topic of traditional values ​​in the public life of Western Europe. Not only conservative forces, but also liberals include family protection in their rhetoric, and the migration crisis is the trigger of such changes [37].

Despite the decline in the importance of faith and religiosity among Europeans, a significant part of them still identify themselves as Christians. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, 64% of the French, 71% of the Germans, 75% of the Swiss and 80% of the Austrians answered that they identify themselves as a Christian. [38] Christian denominations, with the exception of Protestants, do not support non-traditional values ​​(same-sex marriage, abortion approval). Catholics, unlike Protestants in Germany, are divided, but generally conservative. Nevertheless, all churches oppose themselves to the right-wing radicals who put forward xenophobic, racist and anti-Semitic statements, fueled by migration policy [37]. In addition, one should take into account the growing Islamic ummah of Europe, which is even less tolerant of depopulation propaganda.

In recent decades, Central and Eastern Europe has been thinking about shaping its identity, and the migration issue is a catalyst for these processes. The Eastern European region forms its identity by dissociating itself from migrants with an alien culture and even from the Western European community [39].

In Hungary, a law has come into force prohibiting the promotion of non-traditional sexual relations and transgenderness among minors. [40] Hungary strongly opposes the ratification of the Istanbul Convention. In response to criticism, Viktor Orban called the European Union's colonialist position [40].

A Bulgarian court has declared that the Istanbul Convention is not in line with the Bulgarian Constitution. The Bulgarian court's statement leaves no doubt that "LGBT*" and the Istanbul Convention are strongly linked [41].

Poland is withdrawing from the treaty. The Polish Minister of Justice said that the Istanbul Convention is harmful because it requires schools to teach children about gender issues [42]. It is worth noting that the ruling Law and Justice party is linked to the Catholic Church and is determined to promote traditional family values. A third of Poland has been declared an “LGBT*-free” zone, for which six cities will lose financial support from the European Union.

This once again confirms the revelation voiced by Alexander Rahr and demonstrates the attitude of the European Union towards countries that are trying to preserve their traditions, sovereignty and identity, ready for financial and political influences in relation to them. Traditional values ​​are a foreign policy tool, but a double-edged one.

The open use of methods of waging a demographic war aimed at reducing the birth rate of a geopolitical adversary, as well as the inclusion of "unconventional values" in the foreign policy of the United States and some other countries, require deliberate opposition.

It is obvious that in the modern multipolar world, peoples who have lost their sovereignty, but are aware of the cruel social experiments being carried out on them, will look for a point of moral support and a role model. A window of opportunity is being created in which one can manage to create an attractive model of a social structure based on moral values, and, apparently, China has already begun to form such a model, upholding traditions.

Stages of the formation of the image of the future of Russia

In order for Russia to become a model for other countries, it is necessary to take a number of steps on the external and internal contours of state policy. There is a conceptual basis for these steps, and it is enshrined in the Constitution: God, family, children and traditions. These are not just concepts, but the foundation for the preservation of the nation. Russia must consistently broadcast them outside and practically implement them inside the country.

On the international level we need to analyze the treaties and documents of the UN and WHO, the implementation of which is aimed at depopulation and reducing the birth rate. Review participation and denounce articles that do not comply with the Constitution of Russia and the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation.

Initiate international treaties and conventions that exclude the "solution of demographic problems" by methods of destroying family and morality, protecting human life from the moment of conception, ensuring harmonious education and human development based on moral principles. For example, the Convention on the Protection of the Family at the level of the Russia-Belarus Union State with the possibility of other states joining. Create platforms for discussing ways to implement these agreements and international cooperation.

Withdraw from the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). As the President of Russia V.V. Putin, to “work out” the idea of ​​creating a Russian analogue of this court [43].

To recognize international and Russian organizations that are engaged in aggressive anti-demographic propaganda as undesirable. Develop mechanisms for identifying and limiting the work of such organizations.

At the state level it is necessary to provide maximum support to families with children, up to a complete solution of the housing problem.

Adopt a law on the uniform status of large families and measures to support them.

Provide the necessary free treatment for children with severe congenital diseases. Provide young people with free higher education.

Expand school curricula with subjects for the study of cultural traditions and the formation of the correct attitude towards the family.

Adopt the law "On Bioethics and Biosafety", establishing the fundamental value of protecting human life and health at all stages, from conception to death.

Create the "Institute of the Family" - an interdisciplinary scientific institution within the Academy of Sciences for the formation of foundations that support family values ​​and health, which will develop methods of upbringing, education and development of a harmonious personality.

Provide Russian scientists with the opportunity to publish scientific works in peer-reviewed publications without fear of careers and salaries. The bonus part of the salary of scientists depends on such publications. In conditions of "political correctness" and censorship, Western and Russian publications with a high impact factor avoid publishing articles that run counter to the ideology of promoting homosexuality, transsexualism and other psychosexual deviations, which puts pressure on the free presentation of a scientific position.

Introduce significant restrictions on the dissemination of destructive content through social networks, music and media projects, cinema. Create an effective mechanism for blocking information that violates Law N 436-FZ "On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development." To oblige Roskomnadzor to control the automatic deletion of information dangerous for children in a pre-trial manner.

To toughen the punishment for violation of the legislation "On the protection of children from information that is harmful to their health and development." Recognize involvement in a homosexual lifestyle and “gender reassignment” as causing moderate harm under Article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To toughen the punishment for promoting homosexuality, transsexualism, abortion, childlessness and other types of depopulation behavior in the context of the current demographic crisis.

To popularize family values ​​by introducing a state order for constructive, positive content.

Protect the family from unjustified interference, put tough obstacles to the implementation of the Istanbul Convention or similar laws.

Taking into account the implementation of these proposals, a solid foundation of state support for the family and traditional family values ​​will be created, with which Russia has every chance of becoming the world leader of the pro-family movement, support and support for those states that intend to defend their sovereignty and their right to independently determine the ideological vector and value basis for further development.


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[27] Infectious Diseases in Finland: Sexually transmitted diseases and travel-related infections increased last year. - Url: ( date of access: 18.05.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX).

[28] Reported STDs reach all-time high for 6th consecutive year. - Url: (date accessed: 13.07.2021).

[29] French generals warned Macron about the risk of collapse of the country. - Url: (date of access: 13.07.2021).

[30] The Central Bank of China has called for abandoning birth control because of the risk of falling behind the United States. - Url: (date accessed: 13.07.2021).

[31] Closure of online feminist groups in China sparks call for women to 'stick together'. - Url: (date accessed: 13.07.2021 ).

[32] MI6's 'C': We warned Putin what would happen if he invaded Ukraine. - Url: (date accessed: 18.05.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX) ...

[33] Rospotrebnadzor stated the importance of sex education in schools. - Url: (date of access: 18.05.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX).

[34] Concluding observations on the eighth periodic report of the Russian Federation. - Url:
22CY5Q6EygEUW%2bboviXGrJ6B4KEJtSx4d5PifNptTh34zFc91S93Ta8rrMSy%2fH7ozZ373Jv (дата обращения: 18.05.2021).

[35] Appeal: Protect the scientific sovereignty and demographic security of Russia. - Url: (date accessed: 18.05.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX).

[36] Speech by the Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation S.E. Naryshkin. - Url: (date accessed: 18.05.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX).

[37] Burmistrova E.S. The Old World - New Values: the Concept of Traditional Values ​​in the Political and Religious Discourses of Western Europe (on the Example of France and Germany / E.S.Burmistrova // Traditional Values. - 2020. - No. 3. - P. 297-302.

[38] Majorities across Western Europe identify as Christian. - Url:
_religion-western-europe-00-01 / (date accessed: 18.05.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX).

[39] Timofeeva O.V. Gathering the Nation, Protecting the Nation: Central and Eastern Europe in Search of National Identity / OV Timofeeva // Central and Eastern Europe - 2020. - № 3. - pp. 288-296.

[40] A law banning LGBT* propaganda among minors has come into force in Hungary. – Url: (accessed: 13.07.2021).

[41] Decision No. 13. - Url: (date accessed: 18.05.2021).

[42] Istanbul Convention: Poland to leave European treaty on violence against women. - Url: (date accessed: 18.05.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX).

[43] Putin supported the idea of ​​creating a Russian analogue of the ECHR. - Url: (date accessed: 18.05.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX).

Yumasheva Inga Albertovna,
Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Family, Women and Children (Moscow), member of the Russian Council on International Affairs (RIAC) and the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy (SVOP), member of the board of the IPO “Union of Orthodox Women”.
