Category Archives: Open letter

An open letter to Rospotrebnadzor about "seksprosvet"

Project 10, which takes its name from the myth that one in ten people is homosexual, was founded in 1984 in Los Angeles. The goal of the project, according to the lesbian teacher Virginia Uribe, who founded it, is "to convince students, starting in kindergarten, to accept homosexual behavior as normal and desirable." She said that it was necessary to use state courts to force schools to spread information about homosexuality. According to her, "children should hear this, from kindergarten to high school, because the old idea of ​​talking about it in high school does not work."
She admitted: “This is a war ... As for me, there is no place for considerations of conscience. We must fight this war ".

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Appeal: Protect Russia's Scientific Sovereignty and Demographic Security

14.07.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX. gender reassignment law accepted in the third and final reading. In addition to the fact that a ban is introduced on any medical manipulations for this purpose, it is now forbidden to adopt children to persons who have changed their sex, and the very fact of such a transformation of one of the spouses is the basis for divorce. An exception is made for cases of congenital anomalies, genetic and endocrine diseases that require such treatment, the decision to start which is made not by the doctor alone, but by the medical commission of a medical institution subordinate to the Ministry of Health.

On July 24.07.2023, XNUMX, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law banning gender reassignment in Russia, except in cases where it is necessary to treat congenital anomalies in children.

This is not enough to comprehensively solve the problem. See section What to do.

This appeal was supported by more than 50000 people, including the regional ministries of health.

The congress of Russian psychiatrists, at which ICD-11 issues were considered, took place ( Russian psychiatry declared war (looks like Russia is winning it!).

Dear scientists, public figures, politicians!

LGBT parades, adoption of children by same-sex couples, homosexual "marriages", self-harm "sex reassignment" operations and other similar phenomena do not start by themselves. It is an elaborate and purposeful process that begins with the depathologization of mental disorders and a change in the scientific status quo. Such paradigm shifts usually elude the public's attention, as they occur as part of specialized events in a narrow circle of people. Moving significant scientific discussions out of these narrow frameworks will help both impartial medical professionals and the whole society to defend the scientific reliability, sovereignty and demographic security of Russia.

Anyone who supported this appeal can stand between the harmful diktat of political correctness of the West and the future of Russia, protecting children and future generations from deliberate depopulation.

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Open letter "On the need to return to domestic scientific and clinical practice the definition of the norm of sexual desire"

The half-response to the letter of 2018 has been received!

Message for 2020: Protect the scientific sovereignty and demographic security of Russia

Appeal of 2023 to Murashko M.A.:


Minister of Health of the Russian Federation
Mikhail Albertovich Murashko
127051 Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 25, 3rd entrance, “Expedition”
Public reception of the Ministry of Health to send a letter

Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific Research Center named after V.P. Serbian »Ministry of Health of Russia
119034, Moscow, Kropotkinskiy per., D. 23

President of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists
Nikolay Grigorievich Neznanov
Russian Society of Psychiatrists
N. G. Neznanov
192019, St. Petersburg, ul. Ankylosing spondylitis, 3

President of the Russian Psychological Society
Yuri Petrovich Zinchenko
Russian Psychological Society
Yu.P. Zinchenko
125009 Moscow, st. Mokhovaya, d.11, p. 9

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