In July 2020, John Blosnich of the LGBTQ+ Health Equity Center published another research about the "danger" of reparative therapy. In a survey of 1518 members of "non-transgender sexual minorities", Blosnich's team concluded that individuals who have been subjected to attempted sexual orientation change (hereinafter referred to as SOCE*) report a higher prevalence of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts than those who have not. It has been argued that SOCE is a "harmful stressor that increases sexual minority suicidality". Therefore, attempts to change orientation are unacceptable and must be replaced by an "affirmative withdrawal" that will reconcile the individual with his homosexual inclinations. The study has been called "the most compelling evidence that SOCE causes suicide".
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Sex drive variability and well-being in men
As LGBT-inspired politicians pass laws banning therapeutic help for people experiencing unwanted homosexual attraction, another study has emerged in the United States that convincingly demonstrates that such people can be helped.
Read more "In Germany, prosecutors prosecute professor for criticizing gender theory
We have already wrote about German evolutionary scientist Ulrich Kutscher, who was brought to trial for daring to question the pseudoscience underlying LGBT* ideology and gender theory. After several years of legal ordeals, the scientist was acquitted, but that was not the end of the matter. Recently, he informed us that the prosecutor's office is trying to overturn the acquittal and reopen the case, this time with a different judge. Below we publish a letter sent to us by the professor. According to him, he has repeatedly accessed scientific materials collected on the website of the Science for Truth group and in the book Viktor Lysov's "Rhetoric of the Homosexual Movement in the Light of Scientific Facts", which he regards as one of the most valuable resources.
Read more "Family values as an instrument of Russia's foreign policy
The article reveals the problem of protecting traditional family values in the modern world. Family and family values are the foundation on which society is built. Meanwhile, starting from the second half of the twentieth century, tendencies aimed at the destruction of the traditional family have been deliberately spread in some Western countries. Even before the end of the Great Patriotic War, a new war began - a demographic one. Under the influence of the thesis about the overpopulation of the Earth, methods of reducing the birth rate developed by demographers began to be introduced. In 1994, the UN International Conference on Population and Development was held, where the measures taken over the past 20 years to solve "demographic problems" were assessed. Among them were "sex education", abortion and sterilization, "gender equality". The policy of reducing the birth rate considered in the article, active propaganda of childlessness and non-traditional forms of relations contradicts the strategic interests of the Russian Federation, whose population is already rapidly declining. Russia, it seems, must resist the indicated tendencies, defending the traditional family and introducing measures to support it at the legislative level. The article proposes a number of decisions that must be made on the external and internal contour of public policy in order to protect traditional family values. By implementing this program, Russia has every chance of becoming the leader of the pro-family movement in the world.
Keywords: values, sovereignty, depopulation, fertility, foreign policy, family.
An open letter to Rospotrebnadzor about "seksprosvet"
Project 10, which takes its name from the myth that one in ten people is homosexual, was founded in 1984 in Los Angeles. The goal of the project, according to the lesbian teacher Virginia Uribe, who founded it, is "to convince students, starting in kindergarten, to accept homosexual behavior as normal and desirable." She said that it was necessary to use state courts to force schools to spread information about homosexuality. According to her, "children should hear this, from kindergarten to high school, because the old idea of talking about it in high school does not work."
She admitted: “This is a war ... As for me, there is no place for considerations of conscience. We must fight this war ".
LGBT* Cult Recruits Your Children
The thoughts often come that there is no more strength.
If one day I can't stand it, then let you
will be our story. Maybe someone will help.
And if not, then let it remain history
one broken life and insane pain.
We were approached by a mother whose twenty-year-old son suddenly dropped out of university in his fourth year and ran away from home so that no one could prevent him from “changing sex”. It all started a couple of years ago with a conversation with a very strange girl on the Internet, who has a clear tendency to manipulation, submission and gynemimethophilia - attraction to men in women's clothing and transsexuals. The girl calls her son only "my beloved girl." There is a constant psychological influence on him and an attitude against his mother and relatives. On the instructions of the girl, the son left the city and cut off all ties with his relatives, blocking them on social networks and changing the phone number. Below we give in an abbreviated form a letter from his mother full of pain and despair.
Anti-constitutional censorship in Russia
The Federation Council recently adopted a statement condemning unwarranted political censorship by Western digital giants. Meanwhile, their Russian counterparts - VKontakte and Yandex.Zen - censor family defenders and traditional values in the same way.
Despite the amendments to the Constitution approved by the people and the government's policy of preserving morality, family and demographic security, some Russian (or no longer Russian) companies do not want to work in accordance with the Constitution and do not hesitate to violate it at the first request of their Western partners. In recent months, the most mundane things we used to take for granted have suddenly found themselves under a big question mark. We are talking about the elementary human right to freely express their thoughts - that is, freedom of speech guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which: "Everyone has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information in any legal way".
Thus, the social network VKontakte began to purge “intolerant” public pages, which included groups denouncing modern feminism and LGBT* propaganda, and Yandex blocked Zen channel groups "Science for the truth».