A few years ago, editors of the two most prestigious medical journals in the world. recognized that "A significant portion of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may be a lie.".
Another confirmation of the deplorable state of modern science was presented by three American scientists - James Lindsay, Helen Plakrose and Peter Bogossyan, who for the whole year intentionally wrote completely meaningless and even frankly absurd "scientific" articles in various fields of social sciences to prove: ideology in this field long ago prevailed over common sense.
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Message for 2020: Protect the scientific sovereignty and demographic security of Russia
Appeal of 2023 to Murashko M.A.: https://pro-lgbt.ru/open-letter-to-the-minister-of-health/
Minister of Health of the Russian Federation
Mikhail Albertovich Murashko
127051 Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 25, 3rd entrance, "Expedition"
Public reception of the Ministry of Health to send a letter
Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific Research Center named after V.P. Serbian »Ministry of Health of Russia
119034, Moscow, Kropotkinskiy per., D. 23
President of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists
Nikolay Grigorievich Neznanov
Russian Society of Psychiatrists
N. G. Neznanov
192019, St. Petersburg, ul. Ankylosing spondylitis, 3
President of the Russian Psychological Society
Yuri Petrovich Zinchenko
Russian Psychological Society
Yu.P. Zinchenko
125009 Moscow, st. Mokhovaya, d.11, p. 9
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As with “sexual orientation,” the term “transgender” is problematic in itself, as it lacks scientific foundations or even consensus among LGBT* activists. However, there is no doubt that in Western societies, the level of transgender phenomena that deny biological reality has increased dramatically in recent years. If in 2009 in Tavistock Clinic 97 teenagers addressed gender dysphoria, then last year their number amounted to more than two thousand.
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On February 19 in Ohio, parents were deprived of parental rights by court order because they did not agree to accept the male identity of their 17-year-old daughter, and did not allow her to start hormonal "therapy" to become a "man."
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A University of Pennsylvania student was banned from attending classes because he objected to the teacher that there were only two sexes.
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The World of Science: Pedagogy and Psychology magazine, included in the List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals, approved by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC RF) and part of the Russian Science Citation Index database, published an article that dispelled the myth of homosexuality in animals.
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Under the hackneyed pretext of “protecting students from bullying and discrimination,” the Delaware state proposed an initiative that would allow students, starting at the age of 5, to “choose their own gender and race” without the knowledge and consent of their parents.
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Scientific Information Center