Are homosexual drives and pedophilia related?

PEDOPHILIA - sexual attraction to children, to adolescents.
(Encyclopedia of Law, 2015)

Key findings:

Most of the material below is published in an analytical report. “The rhetoric of the homosexual movement in the light of scientific facts”. doi:10.12731/978-5-907208-04-9, ISBN 978-5-907208-04-9

The movement to reduce and abolish the legal age of consent was born as an integral part of the homosexual movement and was led by homosexuals. 
In the scientific community, the issue of lowering the age of consent and depathologizing sexual attraction to children is in many cases lobbied within the framework of the LGBT* movement. 
Among a significant proportion of homosexual men, age preferences with a bias in relation to boys and boys are noted. 
In relative terms, the number of homosexual child molesters and the frequency of their plants are ten times higher than heterosexual statistics.
Sexual contact in childhood increases the risk of the subsequent formation of homosexual attraction in 3-4 times. 75% of homosexuals have gained their first sexual experience as a minor. 

Of course, not all homosexuals exhibit pedophilic tendencies, but the number of those who do is nonetheless disproportionately high. This is noted even by representatives of the LGBT* community themselves, such as the homosexual in the video below, who admits that if he had sons, he would not risk leaving them alone with any of his friends.


The denial of the connection between male homosexuality and pedophilia is a relatively new phenomenon. Until the 90's, homosexuals did not hide their addiction to boys, and pedophilia was considered as one of the aspects of “gay rights”. The police were well aware of the homosexual craving for boys, and even issued warning materials on the topic:

An excerpt from the explanatory film Boys Beware (1961) - “Boys, beware”
NAMBLA activists at gay pride parade: “Sexual Freedom for Everyone”

David Thorstad is the former Chairman of the Gay Activist Alliance (GAA), one of the founders of the Lesbian and Gay Rights Coalition (CLGR), co-author of the Movement for Early Homosexual Rights, and founding member of the North American Association for the Love of Men and Women boys ”(NAMBLA) wrote that the original goal of the“ gay liberation movement ”was to achieve sexual freedom for all, including “Freedom of sexual expression for youth and children”however, for the sake of integration into existing social and political structures, the movement has sacrificed its original ideals and now seeks to isolate “Inter-age love as a non-gay issue”.

However, almost all pedophile organizations were founded and run by homosexuals, who are members of various gay organizations. For example, the British pedophile organization - “Paedophile Action for Liberation (PAL)” was founded by homosexuals from the organization “South London Gay Liberation Front”. She then teamed up with another organization called Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE), whose members were members of the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group, Campaign for Homosexual Equality, Gay Youth, etc.

Former curator of the International Archive for Gays and Lesbians, Jim Kepner hinted that all the historical figures whom homosexuals like to classify as "their own" were lovers of boys:

“If today we reject lovers of boys in our midst, then we better stop waving the banner of the ancient Greeks, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, Horatio, Alighieri and Shakespeare. It’s better for us to stop claiming them as part of our heritage if we do not expand our understanding of what it means to be gay today. ” (Thorstad 1991)

The Advocate, the oldest and largest LGBT* magazine that reflects mainstream “gay culture,” in its early years used an image of a boy in an explicit pose as its unofficial logo.

15% of men who posted dating ads in Advocate magazine were looking for teenagers, compared to 0,45% of men in Washingtonian heterosexual magazine

During the 1970's, the magazine regularly reprinted a full-page ad for the boy’s sex doll: “Penetrable Boy Doll”. The proof that the doll had a successful market is the regular appearance of this expensive advertisement, which read: "The boy's permeable doll is available in 3 provocative positions ... The realistic penis vibrates and ejaculates ... Always standing, always ready ..."

According to the Dutch homosexual organization Cultuur en Ontspanningscentrum (COC):

"The movement to liberate pedophilia should be seen as the task of the homosexual movement ... The age of consent must be abolished ... By recognizing the closeness between homosexuality and pedophilia, we make it easier for homosexual adults to become more sensitive to the erotic desires of young people of the same sex, thereby expanding gay identity." (Cameron 1985)

Distancing the homosexual movement from pedophile activism began in the 80's. The reasons were strategic. After a series of scandals related to pedophile organizations in 1970 – 1980, a clear plan of action for homosexual groups was developed, detailed in the book “After the Ball", Whereby:

“In a campaign for public sympathy, gays should be exposed as victims in need of protection in order to make straights feel awkward and sympathize with their oppressed status. To promote the image of a “gay victim” in the media, images should be used that reduce the general public's sense of threat and increase the likelihood of gay victimization. From a practical point of view, this means that cheeky barbel in the skin, transvestites and masculine lesbians will not appear in homosexual commercials and public appearances. Conventional images of beautiful young people, older people and attractive women will take priority. It goes without saying that groups that are in the farthest limits of acceptability, such as NAMBLA should not participate in such a campaign at all - potential child molesters will never look like victims». (Kirk & Madsen, After The Ball)

The “father of the gay movement” - Harry Hay, who founded the first American homosexual organizations, such as the Mattachine Society and the Radical Fairies, actively supported NAMBLA and advocated for it at various conferences. Such famous homosexuals as Allen Ginsberg, Gail Rubin, Larry Kramer, Pat Caliphia, Jane Rule, Michael Kearns, Michelle Foucault and others have also stood up for her.

Harry Hay (right) with leaders of the pedophile organization NAMBLA

In 1986, on the advice of political advisers, NAMBLA was denied admission to the Los Angeles Gay Pride. Haye's violent protests were unsuccessful, and in the end he went to the parade with a poster "NAMBLA is coming with me."

Nevertheless, demands to reduce the age of sexual consent continued to remain in the program of homosexual organizations. So, on the largest march of homosexuals in Washington held in 1993 year, in requirement No.1 There was talk of legislative reforms regarding the age of consent. It was only under pressure from members of Congress, who threatened to cut off government funding, that the LGBT* movement completely disassociated itself from NAMBLA and similar organizations. This is how it happened:

In 1993, the international LGBT umbrella organization ILGA received consultative status at the UN, and public figures began to express outrage that ILGA included and promoted pedophile organizations. Republican senators blocked the transfer of the $119 million budget planned for ILGA by President Clinton until convincing evidence was presented that ILGA did not promote a pedophile agenda. ILGA convened a conference at which a resolution condemning pedophilia was adopted, and pedophile organizations NAMBLA, Martijn, and Project Truth/Free were expelled from its membership, although ILGA had previously vigorously called for solidarity with pedophiles, since they, like homosexuals, “Suffer from mandatory heterosexual normativity.”

In 1995, the LGBT* magazine Guide stated the following:

“We can be proud that the gay movement was home to those few voices who had the courage to say out loud that the children are naturally sexual and deserve the right to have sexual expression with whoever they choose. Instead of being afraid of being known as pedophiles, we should proudly declare that sex is good, including childish sexuality. We must do this for the sake of the children. ” (Baldwin 2002)

Nevertheless, the issue of lowering the age of consent and normalizing sexual attraction to children continues to be lobbied for by LGBT* activists. Over the past decades, numerous scientific articles have been published within the scientific circles associated with the LGBT* movement, disputing the harmfulness of sexual contacts between children and adults. Similar to the rhetoric of the gay movement, it is claimed that pedophiles are “born that way” and that they cannot change their preferences, which are determined by “features of their brain"... Papers on this topic are prudently instructed to circulate to pretty women who are perceived to be more impartial and less threatening than the men doing the research.

In 1999, the Journal of Homosexuality published an article by Harris Mirkin, who claimed that the concept of child molestation is "Cultural and class creation"which can and should be changed. Mirkin compares the struggle for the legalization of pedophilia with the struggle of feminists, homosexuals, and even blacks. If at the first stage of the struggle, opponents of pedophilia control the debate, insisting that the problem is not even subject to discussion, then at the second stage the discussion should shift to issues such as the “right” of children to have sex and enjoy sex. When this paradigm shift is achieved, the problem will move from the moral to the political arena and thus become open to debate and concessions. Instead of condemning the sexual abuse of children, lawmakers will be forced to argue about when and under what conditions adult and child sex is permissible. When these issues become “discussed”, it will only be a matter of time before the public begins to consider pedophilia as another sexual orientation, Mirkin writes.

In the same year, another article appeared in the Journal of Homosexuality, where the author presents "Intergenerational sexual relations" minors as a matter of “gay rights”.

“The relationship between a man / boy and a woman / girl is undoubtedly a homosexual relationship and it is an aspect of gay and lesbian life.” (Graupner 1999)

“A Compassionate Approach to Supporting People Being Attracted to Minors” - B4U-ACT Workshop

Since 2003 of the year, a scientific organization under the name "B4U-ACT" has been operating in the USA, the stated purpose of which: “Eradicating public misconceptions and prejudices and decriminalizing the attraction of adults to children.” This organization believes that the term “pedophile” has a negative, offensive and stigmatizing connotation, and therefore implements a politically correct euphemism: “Adults who are attracted to minors”. Politically correct terms such as “pedosexual” and “intergenerational love” also become common.

Recently, a movement of open pedophiles has been unfolding in social networks, whose participants, among other things, advocate that the letter “P” - “pedosexuals” be added to the abbreviation LST. At the head of this trend is Dr. James Cantor, who procured a special protected status for pedophiles on Twitter under the pretext of “reducing stigma”. In his film, Kantor states that "pedophilia is embedded in the brains of these people, they are born that way and are not able to change anything." He further suggests granting pedophiles the right to “text porn” and “life-size baby doll”.

The book Macho Sluts by lesbian Pat Caliphia, who subsequently made a transsexual transition, includes a story in which a lesbian has sadomasochistic sex with her 13-year-old daughter. Another writer and gay activist Paula Martinak said in an interview with the Washington Blade:

“… An adult who enters into a same-sex relationship with a minor helps the child to a certain extent to realize his or her orientation…. Intergenerational sex is seen as an important aspect of gay culture, with a history dating back to the "Greek love" of ancient times. This romanticized vision of sexual relations between adults and children has been one of the main themes of gay literature as well as films. " (Martinac Paula, “Mixed Messages on Pedophilia Need to be Clarified, Unified,” Washington Blade, March 15, 2002)

60's Gay Literature: "Wild Young Fagots"

Moira Greylandborn in a family where the mother was a lesbian and the father homosexual, she talks about the mores of “gay culture”:

“The main difference between gay and heterosexual culture is the belief that early sex is good and beneficial, as well as the confident knowledge (don't be fooled for a second that they don't know this) that the only way to create another homosexual is to give the boy a sexual experience BEFORE he is "spoiled" by attraction to a girl ... The actual beliefs of my parents were this: everyone is homosexual by nature, but the heterosexual society cuts them off and therefore limits them. Early sex awakens in people the desire to have sex with everyone, and this will help them to become "themselves", eliminate homophobia and lead to the onset of utopia. It will also destroy the hated nuclear family with its paternalism, sexism, ageism (yes, this is important for pedophiles) and all other isms. If enough children are sexualized at an early age, homosexuality will suddenly become "normal" and accepted, and old-fashioned notions of fidelity will disappear. Since sex is a natural and integral part of any relationship, barriers between people will disappear and utopia will come, while the fate of the dinosaurs awaits the "heterosexual culture". As my mother used to say, “Children are hammered into their heads that they do not want sex ... Both parents wanted me to be homosexual and were horrified by my femininity. My mother abused me from 3 to 12 years old. My first memory of my father doing something particularly violent to me is when I was five years old. " (Faust 2015)


Research Mark Regnerus (which LGBT* activists have tried to repeal many times but have failed because it was flawless) found that 31% of children raised by a lesbian mother and 25% of those raised by a homosexual father were forced to have sex against their will, including by their “parents” themselves.

An increased risk of developing homosexual attraction by early sexual experience is supported by more than one study. Interview 3 432 Americans showed that 2,0% of men and 0,8% of women who were not subjected to sexual abuse in childhood reported homosexual preferences, while the rates of survivors of sexual abuse were 7,4% and 3,1%, respectively, that is, 3-4 times higher. Similarly, in large Research in New Zealand, it was found that childhood sexual abuse increases the risk of homosexual attraction by 3 times.

46% homosexuals and 22% lesbians сообщили about homosexual molestation in childhood. For comparison, among heterosexuals, only 7% of men and 1% of women reported this.

According to Doll et al. 37% of homosexual and bisexual men reported abuse or coercion of sex by an older person, and the average age when this happened was 10 years, while in 95% of cases the man was an older person. IN Research 942 adults 46% homosexual men and 22% lesbians reported homosexual abuse, compared to 7% heterosexual men and 1% heterosexual women.

Among homosexual men, in addition to a specific sexual preference for sex, there is a shift in sexual preferences by age - towards younger values. According to Explorationpublished in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, the reaction of homosexual men to male faces directly correlated with the age of the models shown in the photographs: the younger, the more attractive. The most severe reaction was noted on the faces of the youngest youths aged 15 years (in the study there were no photographs of children younger than 15, and the youngest category was marked as 18 years). For comparison, the peak reaction of heterosexual men to female faces was in the 25 category. When determining the age of people are mistaken on average for 8 years, therefore, sexual attraction of homosexuals to adolescents can be manifested in relation to even younger persons, which is confirmed by a homosexual from the video at the beginning of the article mentioning the seduction of children 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 years. At the same time, the boys do not inform their parents about the fact of molestation, but that they are now homosexual.

Recently, this trend has been further confirmed in Research Child Sexual Exploitation Offenders (CSEM).

The researchers found that among the perpetrators involved in the sexual exploitation of children, a disproportionate proportion of non-heterosexual individuals.

Offenders viewed more diverse categories of adult pornography than offenders, including more bestiality, hentai, teen material.

In the study Bell and Weinberg about a quarter of homosexual men surveyed (23%) admitted that sex with people of 16 years and younger make up to 50% of their sexual activity. Researchers received similar data. Jay and Young: 23% of men surveyed indicated that they had sex with boys 13 – 15 years old, while 7% of them with boys 9 – 12 years old, and 4% with boys younger than 9 years old. The rates of sexual contacts between women and girls in the same age categories were 6%, 2% and 1%, respectively.

According to Exploration According to the LGBT* project “SIGMA”, 10% of homosexuals had their first sexual experience before the age of 10, 25% before the age of 12, and 50% before the age of 14, and in 73% of cases, the age difference with the partner reached up to 10 years.

In another Research 75% of homosexual men reported that their first homosexual intercourse took place before they were 16 years old. For comparison, only 22% of heterosexuals reported having had sexual experiences before 16 years.

Shifting emphasis from their incredibly high rates of child molestation, gay activists insistently insist that most cases of child sexual abuse are heterosexual. Since ≈98% of the population is heterosexual, it can be predicted that in absolute terms most cases of molestation will be committed by “heterosexuals”. At the same time, statistics show that homosexuals pose a much more serious threat to children than heterosexuals, since representing only ≈2% of the population, they are responsible for third all cases of child molestation. So, study cases of child molestation by school teachers (Rubin 1988) showed that 31,7% of cases were committed by homosexuals (6% of them were lesbians). Similar data - 35,6% - were obtained in large pollconducted by the reputable Los Angeles Times: a third of the victims were boys, and in 93% of the cases, the molesters were men (that is, 7% of the girls were molested by lesbians). Freund et al. reported that 32 – 36% of child molesters were homosexual, and in the study Elliott et al. their number reached 42%. In any case, the statistical fact that most cases of sexual abuse of children are heterosexual does not say anything about the orientation of the molester, since before 79% homosexual men have heterosexual intercourse.

The Psychopathology Handbook, published on the American Psychological Association (APA) website Specified following:

“Heterosexual pedophilia is twice as common as homosexual pedophilia, although the number of heterosexual men exceeds the number of homosexual men by approximately 35: 1 in the general population. Thus, in percentage terms disproportionately higher rates of pedophilic behavior observed in homosexual men compared to heterosexuals. <…> Contrary to popular belief, most men with pedophilia are harmless, have good manners and a deep sense of male failure. Often these are adults who are unable to maintain a comfortable relationship with the opposite sex and have turned to children instead. Many were sexually abused as children. As teenagers, they were often shy and awkward. In their relationships with mature women, they tend to suffer from inadequate sexual performance or impotence, which reinforces their deep feelings of male failure and undermined self-esteem. (Essential psychopathology and its treatment, 4th ed.)

Given the ratio ≈35: 1 it turns out that among homosexuals pedophilia is ≈17,5 times more common than among heterosexuals.

This number is confirmed by the largest study. Abel and Harlow - among all types of pedophiles, homosexuals are the most active: they have much more victims than heterosexual pedophiles, including cases of repeated rape. On average, a homosexual pedophile commits 282 molestation episodes to 150 boys, while a heterosexual pedophile commits 23 molestation episodes to 20 girls.

The researchers also reported that 70% of male molesters identify themselves as "predominantly heterosexual.". The term “predominantly heterosexual” means that an individual mainly prefers the opposite sex, but from time to time does not disdain his own. That is, no matter who he considers himself to be, in reality he is an ordinary bisexual, and “bisexuality,” in the words E. Berglerexists only as "A flattering description of a homosexual capable of passionless sexual intercourse with an unloved woman, giving him the necessary inner alibi." But even if we accept the dubious terminology of the researchers and are guided by their data, it turns out that 30% of cases of sexual abuse of boys are committed by “non-heterosexuals” state statistics The US represents only 2,2% of the population. Taking into account the ratio of 2,2% of “sexual minorities” to 97,8% of the heterosexual population, it turns out that there are 19 times more child molesters among the former than among heterosexuals. Figuratively speaking, if you place 1000 randomly selected heterosexuals on the left stand of a stadium, and 1000 homosexuals on the right stand, then there will be 7 pedophiles sitting on the left and 136 on the right.

If we calculate the ratio by the number of “exclusively heterosexual” pedophiles (51%), ranking all those who show bisexual preferences for PHБT, it turns out that in the gay community of pedophiles in 40 time (!) more than among heterosexuals.

Analysis of all reported cases of sexual violence by women in Texas, revealed that 67% of women who molested children between the ages of 7 and 12 were homosexual. Taking into account the ratio of homosexual and non-homosexual women (2,3% vs 97,7%), it turns out that compared with heterosexual women, pedophiles among lesbians in 86 times (!) more: (67 ÷ 2,3) ÷ (33 ÷ 97,7) ≈ 86.

According to According topublished by the academic publication Springer, "Many studies point to a higher prevalence of homosexuality and bisexuality among people with pedophilia". A homosexual pedophile corrupts up to hundreds of children, away from home, and rarely does it with one victim twice, while victims of heterosexual pedophiles are few and constant, and molestation occurs at home.

Research in the "International Journal of Law and Psychiatry" demonstrated that:

"... homosexual pedophiles are more prone to re-crime and pose a greater risk to society as a whole." (Studer 2000).

Should remember that disproportionately large number homosexuals in childhood were molested, and as you know, a significant part of molesters, reflecting the experience of their own victimization and identifying with the aggressor, themselves subsequently become molesters, repeating the cycle of abuse (Corona et al. Xnumx) Thus, more than 47% of child molesters reported childhood sexual abuse (Abel & Harlow 2001) Particular risk subject to alienated children, introverted personality type, in need of attention and love. Playing on this unmet need, pedophiles rubbed trust in them, and then use them for their painful needs.

Kevin Spacey's older brother рассказалthat their father was a Nazi, pedophile and regularly raped him with the tacit consent of his mother. Spacey made a forced outing after accusing him of sexual harassment of an 14-year-old boy.

23 January, 2019, The Atlantic Magazine опубликовал extensive review of allegations against famous Hollywood director Brian Singer, suspected of repeated cases of molestation and rape of teenagers aged 13 – 17 years. Singer tried to divert public attention from the problem by bringing down a standard flurry of unfounded homophobia charges on the author of the investigation, but even the defamatory gay organization GLAAD did not support the director and removed his picture “Bohemian Rhapsody” from his list of nominees for the award.

According to the domestic forensic Statistics about homosexual violence, in more than a third of cases (38%) students 10–12 years old become victims. In 12% of cases, homosexual violence occurs with students aged 13–16. That is, every second case of homosexual violence in Russia occurs with minors. Domestic sex therapist Vasilchenko indicates that in men and women with homosexual attraction in 5% of cases, sexual attraction is directed to children, and in 45% to teenagers.

From time to time, breaking the barrier of political correctness, shocking stories of homosexuals raping the children entrusted to them pop up in the media.

Here are some of the comments that can often be seen in LGBT*-oriented groups on VKontakte:

Extra charges:

A. Neveev: Are homosexuality and pedophilia connected?

A. Schmidt: Gays and pedophiles are brothers forever.

4 thoughts on “Are homosexual attraction and pedophilia related?”

  1. American Carol Jenny and her colleagues analyzed the medical history of all children who experienced sexual violence in Denver from 1 July 1991 to 30 June 1992. Of the 352 cases in 269, the perpetrator was identified. There were only two gays or lesbians among molesters, that is, less than one percent.

    1. This work, the results of which no one has been able to repeat, is cited by gay activists in their propaganda, keeping silent, as usual, about “inconvenient” details and the presence of other studies. In this, if I may say so, “research”, I was not interviewed no one convicted of child molestation! Indirect data was used to determine the sexual “orientation” of pedophiles. Although the majority of molesters in this work were involved in heterosexual relationships with an adult parent or guardian of the child, this is a questionable method for determining orientation, since up to 79% of MSM engage in heterosexual contacts. If you calculate what proportion of molesters participated in homosexual molestation, you will get values ​​similar to those given in this article. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the limited sample - 352, which is insufficient for reliable representative calculations. The best sample in Abel and Harlow's work was 16, which included survey data from pedophiles themselves. If 109 men and 1266 women who admitted to molesting teenagers over 48 years of age had not been excluded from Abel’s sample, the number of homosexual molesters would have been greater, since this is the age at which they are most interested.

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