20% of transgender people regret “gender reassignment” and their number is growing

«I needed help
head, not my body. "

According to the latest data UK and US, 10-30% of newly transitioned people stop transitioning within a few years of starting the transition.

New research from Germany poses a serious challenge to the assumption that “gender dysphoria” is permanent in adolescents and young adults. German insurance data, containing medical data of approximately 14 million insured persons aged 5 to 24 years, shows that more 60% young people diagnosed with gender identity disorder (F64) are no longer diagnosed after 5 years!

The development of feminist movements gave impetus to the formation of the pseudoscientific theory of "gender", which claims that differences in interests and abilities between men and women are determined not by their biological differences, but by upbringing and stereotypes that a patriarchal society imposes on them. According to this concept, “gender” is the “psychosocial sex” of a person, which does not depend on his biological sex and does not necessarily coincide with it, in connection with which a biological man can psychologically feel himself as a woman and perform female social roles, and vice versa. Adepts of the theory call this phenomenon "transgender" and claim that it is absolutely normal. In medicine, this mental disorder is known as transsexualism (ICD-10: F64).

Needless to say, the entire “gender theory” is based on absurd unsubstantiated hypotheses and unfounded ideological postulation. It simulates the presence of knowledge in the absence of such. However, in recent years, the spread of “transgender”, especially among adolescents, has become an epidemic. It's obvious that social contamination in combination with various mental and neurological disorders, it plays an essential role in this. The number of young people willing to “change sex” has increased in recent years tenfold and reached a record level. For an unknown reason, 3/4 of them are girls.

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Appeal: Protect Russia's Scientific Sovereignty and Demographic Security

14.07.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX. gender reassignment law accepted in the third and final reading. In addition to the fact that a ban is introduced on any medical manipulations for this purpose, it is now forbidden to adopt children to persons who have changed their sex, and the very fact of such a transformation of one of the spouses is the basis for divorce. An exception is made for cases of congenital anomalies, genetic and endocrine diseases that require such treatment, the decision to start which is made not by the doctor alone, but by the medical commission of a medical institution subordinate to the Ministry of Health.

On July 24.07.2023, XNUMX, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law banning gender reassignment in Russia, except in cases where it is necessary to treat congenital anomalies in children.

This is not enough to comprehensively solve the problem. See section What to do.

This appeal was supported by more than 50000 people, including the regional ministries of health.

The congress of Russian psychiatrists, at which ICD-11 issues were considered, took place (https://psychiatr.ru/events/833). Russian psychiatry declared war (looks like Russia is winning it!).

Dear scientists, public figures, politicians!

LGBT* parades, same-sex adoptions, homosexual “marriages,” self-mutilating “sex change” surgeries, and other such phenomena do not just happen. They are a carefully thought-out and deliberate process that begins with the depathologizing of mental disorders and changing the scientific status quo. Such paradigm shifts usually escape public attention because they occur within the framework of specialized events among a narrow circle of people. Taking scientific discussions that are important to society out of these narrow frameworks will help both impartial medical professionals and the entire society to defend scientific credibility, sovereignty, and demographic security of Russia.

Anyone who supported this appeal can stand between the harmful diktat of political correctness of the West and the future of Russia, protecting children and future generations from deliberate depopulation.

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LGBT* Movement Rhetoric in Light of Scientific Facts

*LGBT* movement recognized as an extremist organization!

This report is a meticulous review of scientific evidence that refutes the myths and slogans promoted by LGBT* activists who postulate that homosexuality is a normal, universal, innate and unchangeable condition. This work is not “against homosexual people” (as proponents of false dichotomy), but rather behind them, since it focuses on the problems of a homosexual lifestyle hidden from them and the observance of their rights, in particular the right to access reliable information about their condition and related health risks, the right to have a choice and the right to receive specialized therapeutic care to get rid from this condition, if they are interested.


1) Do homosexual individuals represent 10% of the population? 
2) Are there "homosexual" individuals in the animal kingdom? 
3) Is homosexual attraction congenital? 
4) Can homosexual attraction be eliminated? 
5) Is homosexuality associated with health risks? 
6) Is hostility to homosexuality a phobia? 
7) "Homophobia" - "latent homosexuality"? 
8) Are homosexual drives and pedophilia (sex drive for children) related? 
9) Are gay rights violated? 
10) Is homosexuality linked to sexual licentiousness? 
11) Was homosexuality the norm in ancient Greece? 
12) Are there any risks for children brought up in same-sex couples? 
13) Is the “normativeness” of homosexual attraction a scientifically proven fact? 
14) Was homosexuality excluded from the list of sexual perversions by scientific consensus? 
15) Is “modern science” impartial to the issue of homosexuality?

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Is “homophobia” a phobia?

V. Lysov
E-mail: science4truth@yandex.ru
Most of the following material is published in an academic peer-reviewed journal. Modern studies of social problems, 2018; Volume 9, No.8: 66 – 87: V. Lysov: “The fallacy and subjectivity of the use of the term“ homophobia ”in scientific and public discourse”.
DOI: 10.12731/2218-7405-2018-8-66-87.

Key findings

(1) A critical attitude towards homosexuality does not meet the diagnostic criteria of a phobia as a psychopathological concept. There is no nosological concept of “homophobia”, it is a term of political rhetoric.
(2) The use of the term “homophobia” in scientific activity to denote the entire spectrum of critical attitude to same-sex activity is incorrect. The use of the term “homophobia” blurs the line between a conscious critical attitude to homosexuality based on ideological beliefs and forms of manifestation of aggression, shifting associative perception towards aggression.
(3) Researchers note that the use of the term “homophobia” is a repressive measure directed against those members of society who do not accept the consolidation of a homosexual lifestyle in society, but who do not feel hatred or unreasonable fear of homosexual individuals.
(4) In addition to cultural and civilizational beliefs, the basis for a critical attitude to same-sex activity, apparently, is behavioral immune systembiological reaction disgustdeveloped in the process of human evolution to ensure maximum sanitary and reproductive efficiency.

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Who needs gay marriage?

On 26 on June 2015, the US Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage, requiring all states to issue marriage certificates to same-sex couples, as well as to recognize such certificates issued in other jurisdictions. However, as shown data American Institute of Public Opinion Gallup, homosexuals are in no hurry to exercise their newly acquired rights. As expected, no influx of “oppressed sex minorities” into registration authorities took place, despite the complete elimination of “discriminatory” restrictions.

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MYTH: “Homosexuals make up 10% of the population”

Most of the material below is published in an analytical report. “The rhetoric of the homosexual movement in the light of scientific facts”. doi:10.12731/978-5-907208-04-9, ISBN 978-5-907208-04-9

“1 of 10 of you is one of us”

One of the slogans of the "LGBT*" movement is the claim that the proportion of people with homosexual attraction is supposedly 10% - that is, every tenth. In reality, according to large-scale modern studies conducted in the United States and the European Union (that is, in countries where homosexuality has comprehensive support and protection from the state apparatus), the proportion of people identifying themselves as homosexuals varies from <1% to a maximum of 3%.

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History of the exclusion of homosexuality from the list of psychiatric disorders

The point of view currently accepted in industrialized countries according to which homosexuality is not subject to clinical assessment is conditional and devoid of scientific credibility, because it reflects only unjustified political conformism, and not a scientifically reached conclusion.

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Dear deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation!

Recently in Russia there has been an explosive growth in applications from young people and teenagers for "sex change". Initiation to this idea occurs as a result of exposure to adolescents aggressive LGBT* propaganda in the Internet. Then teenagers, due to age characteristics, easily infect each other with this obsession under the guidance of curators and manipulators.

The first answers of deputies.
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LGBT* sect. Please help!

More and more often in the Science for Truth group address parents who have lost contact with their children because of their involvement in the LGBT* movement*. It is difficult for the average person to appreciate such a loss, but the tears and suffering of the unfortunate parents can help to understand the madness that is happening. Here is another story that can happen to any family, even a prosperous one.

*LGBT* movement recognized as an extremist organization!

Briefly about the son: smart, he grew up as a capable boy, obedient, cheerful, had many friends, always helped his parents. All the years I studied for one five. He studied 5 languages ​​at the same time, graduated with two gold medals and participated in the All-Russian Olympiads. He loved sports, went skiing for 2 years, volleyball for 2 years, at the age of 15 he ran 2 times a week for 15 km.

More history in video

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How LGBT* Scientists Falsify Conclusions of Reparative Therapy Research

In July 2020, John Blosnich of the LGBTQ+ Health Equity Center published another research about the "danger" of reparative therapy. In a survey of 1518 members of "non-transgender sexual minorities", Blosnich's team concluded that individuals who have been subjected to attempted sexual orientation change (hereinafter referred to as SOCE*) report a higher prevalence of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts than those who have not. It has been argued that SOCE is a "harmful stressor that increases sexual minority suicidality". Therefore, attempts to change orientation are unacceptable and must be replaced by an "affirmative withdrawal" that will reconcile the individual with his homosexual inclinations. The study has been called "the most compelling evidence that SOCE causes suicide".

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In Germany, prosecutors prosecute professor for criticizing gender theory

We have already wrote about German evolutionary scientist Ulrich Kutscher, who was brought to trial for daring to question the pseudoscience underlying LGBT* ideology and gender theory. After several years of legal ordeals, the scientist was acquitted, but that was not the end of the matter. Recently, he informed us that the prosecutor's office is trying to overturn the acquittal and reopen the case, this time with a different judge. Below we publish a letter sent to us by the professor. According to him, he has repeatedly accessed scientific materials collected on the website of the Science for Truth group and in the book Viktor Lysov's "Rhetoric of the Homosexual Movement in the Light of Scientific Facts", which he regards as one of the most valuable resources.

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Family values ​​as an instrument of Russia's foreign policy

The article reveals the problem of protecting traditional family values ​​in the modern world. Family and family values ​​are the foundation on which society is built. Meanwhile, starting from the second half of the twentieth century, tendencies aimed at the destruction of the traditional family have been deliberately spread in some Western countries. Even before the end of the Great Patriotic War, a new war began - a demographic one. Under the influence of the thesis about the overpopulation of the Earth, methods of reducing the birth rate developed by demographers began to be introduced. In 1994, the UN International Conference on Population and Development was held, where the measures taken over the past 20 years to solve "demographic problems" were assessed. Among them were "sex education", abortion and sterilization, "gender equality". The policy of reducing the birth rate considered in the article, active propaganda of childlessness and non-traditional forms of relations contradicts the strategic interests of the Russian Federation, whose population is already rapidly declining. Russia, it seems, must resist the indicated tendencies, defending the traditional family and introducing measures to support it at the legislative level. The article proposes a number of decisions that must be made on the external and internal contour of public policy in order to protect traditional family values. By implementing this program, Russia has every chance of becoming the leader of the pro-family movement in the world.
Keywords: values, sovereignty, depopulation, fertility, foreign policy, family.

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An open letter to Rospotrebnadzor about "seksprosvet"

Project 10, which takes its name from the myth that one in ten people is homosexual, was founded in 1984 in Los Angeles. The goal of the project, according to the lesbian teacher Virginia Uribe, who founded it, is "to convince students, starting in kindergarten, to accept homosexual behavior as normal and desirable." She said that it was necessary to use state courts to force schools to spread information about homosexuality. According to her, "children should hear this, from kindergarten to high school, because the old idea of ​​talking about it in high school does not work."
She admitted: “This is a war ... As for me, there is no place for considerations of conscience. We must fight this war ".

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