Recently in Russia there has been an explosive growth in applications from young people and teenagers for "sex change". Initiation to this idea occurs as a result of exposure to adolescents aggressive LGBT* propaganda in the Internet. Then teenagers, due to age characteristics, easily infect each other with this obsession under the guidance of curators and manipulators.
The so-called "true" transsexualism (in which "sex change" is shown) has been studied and described. This is such a rare anomaly that the vast majority of doctors have never encountered it live. Experts say that it occurs in about 1 in 100 people. That is, in Russia, with a population of about 000 million people, there are about 140 of them. About 1400 people are born a year who can be diagnosed as transsexual by responsible psychiatrists. At the same time, more than 15 clinics conduct daily commissions for the provision of "sex change" services. In 20, in connection with the “sex change”, passport offices issued 2020 passports, and in 428 - already 2022 passports. This is a catastrophe!
Today's boom has nothing to do with this rare anomaly. It is the result of not only powerful propaganda based on the pseudo-scientific "theory of gender", which is rather an anti-human ideology in its essence, but also the INFRASTRUCTURE created under the leadership of overseas ideologists, which provides a rapid avalanche-like growth in the number of adherents.
It is not difficult to find confirmation of the complete similarity of the trans movement with a totalitarian sect if you entrust specialists with the analysis of this movement regulated from overseas. The goals are obvious even to a non-specialist: depopulation, creation of growing social tension and a large protest group of infantile youth and children. We will soon get a new army of "LGBT*-Navalnyites" with serious mental deformations, ready for anything. They are taught to hate their parents, family, Motherland and pray to the rainbow West. Moreover, a blow to a child knocks out of normal life the whole family, counting on state assistance, but not receiving it, as is happening today.
The situation that families with affected children find themselves in is very delicate: almost no one is ready to publicize an intimate problem, and people simply do not know where to look for help. But on every corner you can find "psychologists" trained according to Western standards, who claim that this is the norm and the right of the child. The situation threatens with an unprecedented epidemic, but at the moment there are no tools to combat it.
Now, hundreds of yesterday's children change their passports every year, which means that thousands receive certificates (not everyone goes to apply for a passport right away). Tens or hundreds of thousands of teenagers are "in the employ" of Internet manipulators, including Ukrainian ones, and "mature" in online LGBT* communities. Millions of children know them on social networks and sympathize with them, without understanding the essence of the problem. It is logical to expect further exponential growth of this phenomenon.
When we in the family faced such a problem, we immediately called STATE city mental health service. We asked where we should turn to get help to get rid of a 15-year-old child from the idea of “sex change” “picked up” on the Internet, we were told: “You need help, but the child is fine, he has the right to change sex, and in general, he is already 15 years old, and you are not supposed by law to even know about his feelings and preferences. He himself has the right to choose a specialist who will “accompany” him.” What is this if not transgender propaganda?
Now there are many private psychologists in our city, and some of them proudly say that they are “taking” dozens of such patients, but where they are taking them, there is no answer. Such patients need psychiatric examination and treatment aimed at eliminating the causes of the disorder (they are different). I don't know of places where you can get such help in the Far East. And you need to start psychotherapy immediately, until the disorder is fixed! But the child does not want to and from the age of 15 has the right. That is the law.
We visited many psychotherapists. To the simple question "Will you take on the task of eliminating such a mental disorder in a child?" no one gave a direct answer - they looked away. One of them openly said that the reputation of such specialists depends heavily on their loyalty to the LGBT* community, and in order to have career prospects, it is necessary to comply with global trends... He advised us to look, sympathized, but did not undertake to help either.
Today our child came of age, bought a certificate from Empathy LLC and changed his passport. Poisons himself with hormones and saves money for a mutilation operation ... And he has no signs of a diagnosis, on the basis of which such certificates are supposed to be issued. This was confirmed by a deep examination with a council of specialists who have been working closely with this extremely rare diagnosis for several decades and are conducting scientific work. We hardly persuaded him to this examination. But propaganda is stronger. He trusts the certificate he bought and the pseudo-specialists who are legally working in Russia who oversee his "transition".
There are more and more such tragedies in families.
Fighting propaganda on the Internet is not enough, although it is necessary. It is impossible to compete with the avalanche of destructive content that is available to teenagers today.
And we must win this undeclared war.
Why was it possible to defeat the epidemic of "blue whales"? She did not have a real offline infrastructure and ... state support. When parents asked for help about the blue whale hobby, they were not told that children have the right to kill themselves, but gave real advice and saved the children.
And gender madness has a powerful infrastructure with addresses and surnames and laws, it is not clear how they were adopted many years ago, which helps to maim children, sterilize them and kill all the following generations. And it's all LEGAL!
It is possible to win only by asymmetric measures, destroying the infrastructure of this factory of death, created in our country and legally killing children and our values at our own expense.
How to remove infrastructure:
1. Cancel the simplified gender reassignment procedure by obtaining a certificate. A long-term long-term observation, a deep examination, including a complete history taking, as it was before, is necessary. It is unthinkable and anti-scientific to diagnose "transsexualism" simply from the words of psychiatric patients, based, in fact, on their desire. The anamnesis should consist of the testimonies of the parents, the observed pediatrician, teachers, educators (“true” transsexualism does not appear suddenly in adolescence, it is clearly manifested from infancy). Today, it is just a legal status (sex) change service, carried out by private traders and widely advertised among children.
2. Make an urgent decision to revoke licenses from private clinics for the right to issue such certificates. Transfer this right to a very limited number of state expert centers (one or two are enough), based on domestic deep scientific methods for the differential diagnosis of gender-role disorders, and not on gender ideology.
3. Cancel the passports issued in recent years and conduct a re-examination according to domestic methods of all cases with the issuance of certificates by these private centers. Today, the overwhelming majority of information is deliberately false. Such a massive precedent will cool the zeal of propagandists and allow SAVE THE LIFE and health of already fooled young people (41% of “transgenders” are prone to suicide after “sex reassignment” due to the presence of mental disorders and diseases, as well as after realizing their own irreversible mistake).
4. Start applying the law banning LGBT* propaganda to the numerous “psychologists” who claim in private, publicly, including online, that “transgenderism” is the norm and the right to be whoever you want. Their names are well known, they engage in open propaganda on YouTube and VKontakte, gather at pseudoscientific conferences, learn from foreign ideologists of the anti-scientific “gender theory,” from trans activists, are proud of their diplomas, wave them in front of gullible teenagers, turn them against their parents and advise them to leave the country. Their videos have millions of views. They pick up neophytes of the “sect” and help the disorder take hold in the minds of infantile citizens. This is supportive propaganda.
5. Create and advertise on federal channels a hotline "Stop LGBT*", where people (especially parents) who have encountered this problem will be able to receive adequate advice from specialists whose consciousness is not deformed by LGBT* propaganda and pseudoscience. It will also be possible to complain there about "specialists" who promote the normality of transgenderism and other deviations.
6. Change the age of consent for psychiatric intervention and psychological services to 18 years. Otherwise, it turns out that alcohol and cigarettes can only be bought from the age of 18, and the decision to treat or support severe mental disorders - from the age of 15, and de facto today the choice is made by law ... the 15-year-old child with a mental disorder himself ... The law today actually blocks treatment of sick children. It is for adolescence that propaganda that traumatizes the psyche is designed, because it is at this age that it is easier to introduce mental viruses, so treatment should be started immediately.
7. Protect doctors and psychiatrists from persecution by LGBT* activists. How? I don’t know… maybe we should ask them? Apparently, without a political position of the state on the issue of “to release gender madness into our country along with ICD-11 or to disown it and ban it” this cannot be solved.
8. It is urgent to introduce a domestic classification for psychiatry based on deep domestic science and successful domestic practice, as well as unified schemes (according to nosologies) for the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. Do not apply sections of the ICD-11 that normalize views on gender-role mental disorders in the political interests of our opponents and to please the radical political LGBT* movement.
The process of “normalization” of various LGBT* disorders in the West was not carried out by a scientifically based method, but the political will of lobbyists from the radical LGBT* movement using threats, raids by radicals on scientific conferences, etc.
Hence the conclusion: it is also necessary to protect our home from this destructive ideology by political methods. This is a matter of national security.
It is pointless to breed scientific discourse. We need to save the remnants of deep science, scientists and practitioners from the dominance of LGBT*-friendly psychologists and doctors who have successfully completed training with foreign agents and who stand not on a scientific, but on an ideological radical position. There are a lot of them, and their number is growing every day - they are already teaching at universities. They work against the interests of patients, society and the state in the interests of our geopolitical enemies, and for state money too.
Measures are needed urgent and tough.
Parents of children caught up in LGBT* networks
PS "Science for Truth":
If you or your loved ones have suffered and are ready to subscribe, write your story in the comments. Your names or anonymous signatures will help convey the pain of the authors of this letter to the Ministry of Health and the Government of the Russian Federation. Forward this appeal to your deputy, preferably in person, as proof that this is not an isolated case.
Yes, the story is standard. This is what happened in our family. While we are fighting to save the child. But how many parents gave up, not receiving help from the state, only advice to give up. After all, literacy in such matters is the lot of very narrow experienced specialists, whom you can still find in our vast expanses ... A powerful ideological machine in the person of all sorts of "psychologists" breaks most parents who do not understand what happened, convincing that this is normal. This is supportive propaganda. Instead of ridding the child of a mental disorder, a mental disorder is also imposed on parents, the environment, and acquaintances. It's like circles on the water, how a mental cancer transforms society. When the “critical mass” is reached, it will be too late to prevent. This will become a battlefield for two ideologies: human and anti-human. Nothing new. Another method of creating controlled chaos. Moreover, it is as clear as daylight who is being controlled by whom... But it is not clear why those responsible for national security turn a blind eye to this for the time being... I hope they will notice soon.
I completely agree with the previous comment and with the material. I am the mother of a child who, in 2 years, turned from a healthy, creative boy into a freak vegetable, a creature that denies himself and his family, 4 suicide attempts, F-64 diagnoses in 40 minutes, hormones, slow death before my eyes. 4 appeals on Mon. All possible instances, all against such parents and encourage, even in court, forcing guardianship to accept the choice of the child, under the guardianship of the state again hormones, psychiatric hospitals with tranquilizers, denials of honey. examinations from everywhere, refusals to rehabilitate, my child must die disabled, nothing helps in our country, he goes to his goal - a sex change!
Dear Deputies, please pay attention to this problem, which has already become a hidden epidemic. Now children are taught to hide everything and after the age of 18 cut ties and act. They are dangerous for themselves and for the country, this is the bomb on which we are all sitting. They are dehumanized, their minds are changed, but there is no competent rehabilitation, on the contrary, their parents are also treated. They hate the country, we are all homophobes and fascists, this is a formidable force, please pass laws to prevent the destruction of an entire generation. It's scary and goes on hidden from everyone. Laws must be adopted now, otherwise the army of mentally disabled, infertile and drug-dependent will flood Russia.
I really want to believe that the state will take it and will not allow the West to continue to ruin our children! We have a child in our family, a perfectly healthy boy, from a full-fledged loving family, fell under the influence of this propaganda, waited for 21 years, secretly went to Moscow, received a certificate and changed his passport, now it’s as easy as going for bread. At the same time, there is no support from doctors, everyone is just afraid that they will lose their jobs. We urgently need to change the laws!
Please pay close attention!
At a time when in Russia, the birth rate is falling catastrophically, when we are looking for tools that will help raise this birth rate, when presidential decrees are issued aimed at supporting the family and traditional family values (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 09.11.2022, 809 No. XNUMX " On the Approval of the Fundamentals of the State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values”), we are faced with colossal LGBT propaganda, and now the promotion of gender reassignment. Our children cannot be safe not only on the Internet, but also in everyday life. This propaganda also affected educational institutions and art schools. In the lessons of talking about important things, Creed broadcasts, agitating children to subscribe to their swearing channels, to listen to his depraved songs. One of these days, Klava Koka performs in the city. Days of tolerance were held in schools, preparing us for the perception of a new “normality”. At universities, students are taught by outspoken enemies of our state. How long will we continue to slide into the abyss and not deal with our morality? Our children are already suffering, drugged by this "breath" of the West. Already now, children have no future, they will not be able to give birth and raise their own children (hormone intake, mutilation, child free beliefs, feeling genderless). In our country, a subculture hostile to our values is being openly formed, which is spreading like a cancerous tumor, involving more and more members through the recognition of perversions as normality and through imaginary tolerance. Essentially a sect with its own "newspeak". Previously, our youth was exposed to the fashion trends of "emo", "goths", but these trends did not lead to infertility and cutting off their vital organs. What is happening now can only be called a catastrophe. It is urgent to take measures at the highest level, effective laws, so as not to face the fact that it will be impossible to fix it!
Complicate the procedures: taking hormones, performing sex reassignment operations, issuing a passport with a sex change. Why is it now possible from an early age and so easily? Finally, get out of all ICD 10 and 11 in terms of recognizing mental illness as normal. Conduct an audit of all psychiatrists for professional suitability. It's still not too late. We are losing our future fathers and mothers of families, and others in such a situation are simply afraid to give birth to children, because there is no moral ideology, there is no protection from the dominance of depraved and LGBT groups on VKontakte, destructive information on the Internet, and therefore ordinary life.
Hello, unfortunately our son also became a victim of LGBT propaganda. He grew up as a kind, smart, athletic, patriotic boy! Finished school with a gold medal! To our great regret, we did not pay attention to the changes that took place with him, attributed them to a transitional age .... Now he is a girl in his passport and is preparing for an operation (((. And it’s so easy, I received a certificate stating that you are trans and everything the registry office changes your gender in your passport. The state is only formally fighting LGBT propaganda, but in reality there is unblocked work on the Internet to involve our children in the LGBT sect!Dear deputies, ministers and all who can influence (before it's too late) on this situation, help parents defend our children, our future!!!
I subscribe to every word.
My family is in this hell. Adult son, smart guy, programmer, knows 5 languages. Suddenly he announced that he had gender dysphoria and he had a certificate of gender reassignment. Also the Empathy Clinic. For 20 thousand, the certificate was issued on the basis of a short conversation. Now he drinks hormones, he will change documents. I am in a chat of close transgender children. You have no idea how many parents are there, faced with this horror. And all teenagers are 16-17 years old. How much grief in this chat. Children under the age of 18 drink hormones according to manuals from the Internet.
There is also a website of this clinic, where there is LGBT propaganda and they promise help and support to such people.
I appeal to the deputies, help stop this, adopt laws, save our children
Dear deputies!
Our child was also broken by gender reassignment sects. From a kind, loving his family and his country, a child, they turned into an incomprehensible creature that hates us. Which has changed both externally and internally, which cripples its body with hormones and is preparing to castrate itself. And there were a lot of such children. There are about 5000 of them in the Center-T gender reassignment group alone. I turned to about 10 different psychologists and they have the same answer as everyone else, according to one manual: "Accept him as he is." Sorry, but this system will not convince me that this is NORMAL. Please stop this madness!!! It's scary to think what will become of our talented children!
In my story, my daughter's job was just one of many tragedies that have befallen me. It was an open, impudent demonstration of the degree of infection of all institutions in the region. The reason for the persecution was simply my refusal to become a pervert and the intention to reveal the pedophile group of their crimes! That is, the whole system was connected from the courts to the employment center, bank, guardianship, etc. In fact, this is really neo-fascism, tearing the most sacred, hating Orthodoxy, God!
Dear deputies!
I am a witness of what is happening in the family of my good friends. Their son got into this trouble and I urge you to pay close attention to such a global problem. There is a mass destruction of our children, the danger is measured in hundreds, and most likely thousands of cases.
Prevent the further spread of this infection, help stop and punish the criminals who so vilely impose false values into the minds of children, breaking personalities and families. Our country has always been famous for the institution of the family, we all bear a huge responsibility for what generations will grow up and create our further future.
All this lawless and absurd Western propaganda violates the integrity of our country and threatens with a big disaster. Stop this obscurantism as soon as possible!
Dear deputies!
I ran into a similar problem with a family of friends. Their son got into this trouble, and I urge you to pay close attention to such a global problem. A boy I've known since childhood, showing no signs of "feminine" behavior, but infantile, awkward, with a figure and a "unisex" manner of dressing, suddenly declares that he wants to become a woman. Secretly from his parents, being an adult, with the support of a center that makes money on the health of our children, corrupts them, he took a certificate, according to which he had already changed his documents, began to take hormonal drugs that ruined not only his health, but also his life!
I know firsthand that the plot of the tragedy is written like a blueprint. The child finds like-minded people in social networks, joins a closed group, where he is actively brainwashed on the topic of transgender “transitions” from one sex to another, and the idea of a break with his parents, family is actively promoted, because. they do not understand them and never support them, which means they do not like them!
Even 15-20 years ago it was anime and thoughts about the "worthlessness" of life. Then there were Emo and Goths. There was propaganda of self-mutilation and suicide. I, as a psychologist, then had a chance to work with both parents and children.
And now the same anime and "fashion" for sex change.
A person in adolescence is not able to critically evaluate both his behavior and the consequences of certain actions, feelings, and suggestions so actively imposed on social networks (especially VKontakte) about sex change. And our legislation protects his opinion from the age of 15. And what do we get? Mass social infection with ideas alien to our culture. Children break off relationships with family and friends. They abandon their studies, cripple themselves. And in a few years we will also face mass disappointments and suicides. In fact, there is a mass destruction of our children, undermining the foundations of our traditions and values. We are getting a generation of those who are disillusioned, who have lost their bearings and connections, those who are easy to manage.
Prevent the further spread of the infection under the flags of LGBT and tolerance, help stop and punish the criminals who so vilely impose inhuman ideas, false values on children, breaking personalities and families.
Yesterday my daughter turned 22, she has not answered my calls for a long time, she calls herself Oleg and looks like a guy, reformat herself from a beautiful girl into something relatable.
From the age of 11, she was deliberately treated, since her mother, i.e., I became the object of the pervert's revenge.
Moreover, he was supported by almost all structures designed to protect citizens from arbitrariness. I and my children were deprived of housing, the opportunity to be socially adapted. And this persecution continues. I must give the name of this pervert, who bahaalsya with his love for the boy, etc. And at the same time freely enters, as to a friend, to the chief of police. Nityagovsky Sergey Nikolaevich. 1954 R.
Now I communicate with many parents whose healthy children have been trance-processed. In “empathy” there are queues for information from fainted, twisted, already chemically and mentally disfigured children. This is already an epidemic! We ask you to stop the destruction of children, and the impudence of recruiters is amazing they spit on all the laws and do whatever they want in our country, in the Center T, for example, they are campaigning for the division of Russia into parts and the destruction of the homophobic government! This is pure extremism and a totalitarian sect! Save the Future of Russia-children! More and more acquaintances, even at work they say that children have such problems.
Our 15 year old daughter is also a victim of the trans movement. You don’t even have to write our history, because it is like a blueprint with everyone else. From a beautiful, cheerful princess who adores everything feminine in herself from early childhood, in a year before our eyes she turned into a sexless, ugly creature that hates herself and us. She lost almost all social connections, stopped communicating with friends, like a robot - school and the Internet.
The only difference in our story is that I got to the bottom of the truth not quite late, contact with the child was quickly restored and at the moment we are trying to fight this disaster with common efforts. But what I want to say is that this is a real disease akin to drug addiction! The child was six months without gadgets at all, and voluntarily, she agrees that she won’t be able to get out without restricting access to the Internet, she began to turn into a girl again, and as soon as we gave a little indulgence - 4 days at 2 o’clock in the evening a laptop, and she was THERE again! She is again in these groups as a guy.
Dear deputies, do not leave us, the families who have already suffered from the trans movement! without you, without the support of the state, we can not cope! Don't let this become an epidemic out of control. The avalanche-like spread of LGBT propaganda threatens everyone with such a disaster, in comparison with which everything that threatened our children before will seem like nonsense!
انا متحول اريد مساعده
My daughter's story is similar to that of many. We grew up a charming girl, bears, dolls, dresses, dancing in front of a mirror and dressing up in my clothes.
Involvement in role-playing games by older friends from about 10 years old. From female roles to male roles. Anime in various genres - from sensual and romantic to very dubious content, hidden behind a sensual mask of homosexual relationships. Communication in social networks "on interests". From this they tried to distract, something to put under a ban. Yes, the school was very busy. Nothing helped.
From the age of 14 she received lessons from “friends” and the Internet about who transgender people are and what to do. Appearance, clothes, manners changed. Positioning under a male name. But most importantly, the eyes of the child have changed. They became more and more sad and suffering. Sudden mood swings, nightmares at night, scandals with us. And dependence on the Internet and chats with friends and like-minded people. The phone ban, as well as attempts to negotiate, failed. Almost to the point of a fight. We visited various doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, neurologists, endocrinologists. Nobody could say anything specific. Someone spoke about the "third" field, someone about the peculiarity, someone about what needs to be observed in order to understand. No specific diagnosis was made. All doctors unanimously said that this is not transsexualism, there are no grounds for a diagnosis. Everything has changed in recent years, when it became possible to quickly get a certificate with a diagnosis of “transsexualism” for money, as a ticket to replace a passport with a different gender and name.
And then, the algorithm is known - hormone therapy, surgery. Free, just pay. This whole scheme is known, it is transmitted as word of mouth or admonitions for LGBT people, the trans community. The transition to another sex becomes the goal of life and every day is significant only if a step is taken towards one's personal happiness. Any obstacles in the way are removed from the path by non-sex-switching friends. The slightest signs of non-acceptance by parents of this position and plans, there is a special aggression or even a break, leaving home. At the same time, my daughter is a talented, incredibly kind and loving person. But the darkness prevents her from living incredibly. Like the whole family. Help is needed. Real, scientific medical diagnosis and treatment. Pseudo-scientific techniques that support the transition only exacerbate the problem and lead to terrible complications in both physical and mental health. I know firsthand. Because I talk to my parents. Among my acquaintances and friends there are affected children. And this is a tragedy. I subscribe to every word in the appeal on behalf of the parents.
I really need help!!!
Hello, after filming a TV show in Perm NTV, where I felt bad when I saw my son, for the first time in a year, that's it! Understand? That's it! The damage to health is already irreversible! cheekbones, girlish shaking head. He was on pills prescribed by psychiatrists and spent the whole year on hormones! I will not have grandchildren, but he will have children!
I turned to the state in the person of guardianship authorities for help, since at home I could not stop the voluntary castration of my child, I hoped that under the supervision of the state this would stop, but no one sees anything terrible in this, they all tell me out loud (sk, guardianship, court,) that he is in excellent condition, does everyone have glasses or have I lost my mind?
The bullying started on me. Especially on the Internet. Nobody expected me to raise this problem, they hide everything, I have evidence where guardianship says that there are a lot of such children. But they answer the journalists that he is the only one! There is a deliberately hidden epidemic in the country! write from everywhere unfortunate parents!
Someone broke down and ended up there, in Center T, and they are treated there in the same way, frightening that they will lose the child completely, and they agree. They write to me Crimea, Bashkiria, Kamchatka, Novosibirsk.
Nobody knows what to do. Children are like zombies. They hate their families, cut all ties, eat hormones.
Please stop this! This is very scary and secretive!
Good afternoon, our daughter was also influenced by the sect, until the age of 14 she was an ordinary girl. When these problems began, it turned out that it was impossible to fight. Conversations with the child only led to conflicts, any justification that this was a big problem, that perhaps she was mistaken with her “transgender”, was perceived by the child aggressively. It was obvious that the child was "prepared" for confrontation, she had pseudo-scientific answers prepared for all our arguments. If there is nothing to answer, he simply says that we are committing violence against her. Psychiatrists and psychologists answered our appeals that this is a matter of self-determination of the individual, and we, parents, should not put pressure on the child, some said “wait, it will pass by itself”. It did not pass. In our country, a certificate stating that “a sexual reorientation has occurred” can be done very quickly for money, starting at the age of 18!!!
Taking and getting a new passport with such a certificate is also very easy!!
Without any proceedings, examinations, without taking an anamnesis, without asking parents about the child! I paid and went to mutilate myself. It is very easy for the so-called "doctors" working in these centers to get an appointment and a schedule for taking hormones and start to cripple yourself, as well as simply order an operation to remove the breast for money. and so on. And she knows all the steps very clearly, where to go, what to do, what to answer, how to arrange everything, she has powerful informational, legal and psychological LGBT support.
Dear deputies, the big question is about the legality of replacing the Birth Certificate! Our daughter was born, the state documented it! How can you change a birth certificate based on an incomprehensible certificate from a “clinic” that was simply bought for money!
I am the mother of a daughter. Now she easily and simply became a "son".
I read other stories, they are all the same. All according to one scheme.
It seems that everything is at the same time. There is no faith in anyone or anything.
100% it is beneficial to someone
100% big business and big money
100% do not care about ordinary citizens (otherwise this would not have happened)
100% it will continue….
But despite this, there is hope. Hope for decent people who can stop this obscurantism. I believe that such people exist. I believe that not all is lost. I believe in their courage to resist this.
I believe.
Dear editors! I emailed you my story asking you to publish it! Please answer me and, if possible, make it public.