Dear Mikhail Albertovich!
We sent two appeals to the Ministry of Health, to which no response has yet been received:
1) An open letter “On the need to return to domestic scientific and clinical practice the definition of the norm of sexual desire”:
2) Message: Protect the scientific sovereignty and demographic security of Russia:
We kindly ask you to familiarize yourself with the arguments set forth in these appeals and other materials of this open letter.
General Director of FSBI “NICC PN them. V.P. Serbsky ”, MD, professor Z.I. Kekelidze confirmed the relevance of the questions raised in the letter and pointed out the need for a broad discussion in the scientific community of psychiatrists, sexologists and psychologists.
It should be noted that the discussion began with a speech by LGBT activists at the conference of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists (RPS), as it has already happened in the history of US psychiatry. A separate question to the Ministry of Health and ROP, why it became possible.
We know what the activists achieved then - the depathologisation of homosexuality ( Today, LGBT activists and foreign agents are preparing an army of sexologists and psychologists according to Western standards (
February 21, 2023 V.V. Putin in his message to the Federal Assembly said:
“Look what they are doing with their own peoples: the destruction of the family, cultural and national identity, perversions, bullying of children, up to pedophilia, are declared the norm, the norm of their life, and clergy, priests are forced to bless same-sex marriages.
Millions of people in the West understand that they are being led to a real spiritual catastrophe. The elites, frankly, are just going crazy, and it seems that there is no cure. But these are their problems, as I said, and we are obliged to protect our children, and we will do it: we will protect our children from degradation and degeneration.
You, Mikhail Albertovich, speaking in the Federation Council, said that Russia should not break off relations with the World Health Organization (WHO), since it is a platform for the exchange of information, as well as for the country to promote and defend its point of view. But why were they silent about the fact that Russia was never able to protect traditional values in the WHO? Who is responsible for this?
Finally, the time has come to defend the Russian point of view on the abnormality of homosexuality and transsexualism, and recognize statements about normality as violating the law 6.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the law should apply to psychiatrists, sexologists and psychologists in Russia.
It's time to finally protect Russian children from the massacre to which they are led by LGBT activists and psychologists trained in their courses (
Russian science, especially in politically charged fields such as the humanities, is so controlled by the West that it does not express a sovereign position. At the same time, some Russian scientists write scientific publications (usually in English) directed against the interests of Russia and the government. Henry Sardaryan says about this [1]:
“The key problem is that the whole essence of state policy in this area is to turn universities against the line that our political leadership is pursuing. And in every possible way to push it to the line that our geopolitical opponents are pursuing.
This is done at several levels at once. <..> For ten years, the main criterion for the success of a particular university was only one: what place this university occupies in the ranking published by a private British company.
<..> The key criterion for this is that the professorships of our universities are published in journals that are recognized by another private British company. What does it take to get published in these journals? It is necessary to comply with their publishing ethics - their ideas about what is right and what is not. <..> If I were a physicist, chemist or biologist, I would probably say: - what's the difference ... That in London there are some ideas about physics that are different from us. But I am a representative of the humanitarian sphere.
And what does it lead to? Ten years is the main criterion for choosing a professor, associate professor and lecturer at a Russian university. What do we get? With one such regulation, we determine the topics of research throughout Russia (issues of gender equality, the rights of minorities), and the formation of personnel policy.”
Social changes associated with the spread of LGBT ideology have occurred due to the systematic work of the LGBT movement, based on a scientific approach. This work began with the development of propaganda tactics (described in the book "After The Ball"( and continues to be carried out in the scientific community.
Political and public figures refer to these pseudo-scientific works, making social changes aimed at strengthening LGBT propaganda. The younger generation, in order to reinforce their confidence in the normality of sexual perversions, turns to Wikipedia ( and scientific popularizers whose rhetoric is based on scientific works created by LGBT activists. At the same time, YouTube carefully removes materials that expose the scientific foundations of the LGBT movement [2].
The only way to stop the expansion and influence of the LGBT movement is by exposing its scientific foundations. The inaction of Russian science and the Ministry of Health can lead to a tragedy, for example, such (
Mikhail Albertovich!
Please read and publicly discuss the proposals ( of the Science for Truth group:
1. Combine efforts to form objective and scientifically reliable ideas about the mental norm so that homosexuality, transsexualism; sadism and other paraphilias were not considered a mental health option. Create a working group of specialists working in the field of psychiatry and psychology, jurisprudence and legal sciences to conduct joint comprehensive research and scientific work in the field of psychosexual health.
Criteria of sexual norm: pairing, heterosexuality, sexual maturity, voluntariness of communication and the desire to preserve it, the absence of physical and moral damage to oneself and others. Correspondence of self-identification, as well as sexual and social behavior, to the biological sex, type and age of a person. Sexual deviation (perversion) means any deviation from the sexual norm, regardless of its manifestations and nature, severity and etiological factors. This concept includes both deviations from social norms and from medical norms.
Definition of psychosexual norm gr. "Science for Truth" to Law 6.21 and Clinical Guidelines for the Treatment of Mental Disorders.
2. Publish scientific papers on these topics in international and Russian publications, take an active position in international discourse.
3. Form clinical guidelines that take into account Russian scientific experience, including the experience of eliminating unwanted same-sex attraction and correcting other deviations in psychosexual development. Create a classification of mental disorders adapted for the Russian Federation, as was the case with the ICD in the USSR.
4. Develop mechanisms to control the activities of psychologists and sexologists who violate the law on the prohibition of propaganda of non-traditional relationships in the so-called. "gay/trans-affirmative" therapy and attempts to introduce a corrupt ideology under the guise of "sex education".
5. To develop new and update existing methods of correction and prevention of deviations in psychosexual development.
6. Develop a scientifically grounded strategy for the protection of pro-family values, with the publication of works in international and Russian editions of the RSCI core.
✅7. Tighten the selection and licensing criteria for medical organizations that receive the right to conduct examinations with the issuance of certificates No. Clarify and tighten the criteria for its issuance.
gender reassignment law accepted in the third and final reading. In addition to the fact that a ban is introduced on any medical manipulations for this purpose, it is now forbidden to adopt children to persons who have changed their sex, and the very fact of such a transformation of one of the spouses is the basis for divorce. An exception is made for cases of congenital anomalies, genetic and endocrine diseases that require such treatment, the decision to start which is made not by the doctor alone, but by the medical commission of a medical institution subordinate to the Ministry of Health.
8. Add hormonal preparations used to delay sexual development and trans transition to the list of drugs subject to subject-quantitative accounting.
9. Provide an opportunity for Russian scientists to express their scientific position without fear for their career and salary. The bonus part of the salary of scientists depends on the publication activity. Under the conditions of “political correctness” and censorship, Western and Russian publications with a high impact factor do not publish works that run counter to the policy of depathologization of depopulation behavior (propaganda of homosexuality, transsexualism and other psychosexual deviations), which puts pressure on the free presentation of a scientific position.
10. Study and forward our appeal to the UN and WHO:
11. We demand to check for foreign agency, corruption (including grants for the promotion of ICD-11 in the field of depathologization of transsexualism) and other factors of influence (children, business abroad) of those who can influence Russian psychiatrists and carry out lobbying activities to implement WHO ideas about the mental norm, contrary not only to the traditional ideas of Russians, but also to Russian legislation: Neznanov Nikolai Grigorievich (president of the ROP), Mendelevich Vladimir Davydovich, Orlov Dmitry Nikolaevich, together with foreign agents and LGBT activists conducting specialist training courses and scientific work. Kremenitskaya S. A, Solovyov N. V, JSC “Personalized Medicine” and others.
Sources of
- Henry Sardaryan. - url
- Video of the Antifake group, deleted by YouTube. - url
Best regards, Science for Truth group
Please send your reply to:
Appeal to psychiatrists and sexologists
We understand that in the current circumstances it is difficult for you to express your position without fear for the consequences and, perhaps, it is easier to go with the flow. But! If your opinion (which we certainly hear in private conversations) is not heard by society, the consequences can be the most unpredictable and many children may suffer. Write to us! We will provide you with an anonymous platform where articles, statements and ideas will at least be heard. The most valuable will be open support, similar to that provided by the regional Ministries of Health and specialists in relation to our previous treatment according to ICD-11.
This is the official response to our request under the number 3024246 dated 09.03.2023/0/00 00:XNUMX:XNUMX
Unfortunately, no response has been received from the recipient yet.
Dear Applicant.
The Department of Medical Care for Children, Obstetrics and Public Health Services (hereinafter referred to as the Department), within the established competence, has considered your appeal on certain issues of sexual desire disorders and related topics.
The Department notes the relevance and importance of the issues raised in your appeal.
These issues are in the field of detailed consideration in the Ministry of Health of Russia in accordance with the powers provided by the Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 19.06.2012, 608 No. XNUMX.
In particular, these powers include the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of medical care.
By virtue of the provisions of the Federal Law of November 21.11.2011, 323 No. XNUMX-FZ “On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, medical care, with the exception of medical care provided as part of clinical testing, is organized and provided on the basis of clinical recommendations that are developed by medical professional non-profit organizations. organizations and contain structured information based on scientific evidence on prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, including patient management protocols (treatment protocols), options for medical intervention and a description of the sequence of actions of a medical worker, taking into account the course of the disease, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases, other factors affecting the results of medical care.
💡In turn, the public organization "Russian Society of Psychiatrists" is currently developing clinical guidelines "Transsexualism".
Regarding the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, the eleventh revision, it should be noted that the issues of its implementation in the territory of the Russian Federation for 2021-2024 are regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 15.10.2021, 2900 No. XNUMX-r.
At the same time, the issue of determining medical organizations that have the right to issue a document on gender reassignment to citizens in the form No. 087 / u “Reference on gender reassignment” is currently being worked out at the interdepartmental level.
In addition, the procedure for including medicinal products for medical use in the list of medicinal products for medical use subject to subject-quantitative accounting was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated January 20.01.2014, 30 No. XNUMXn and establishes a list of cases for including medicinal products in the specified list.
❗️At the same time, it should be noted that the content of your appeal has been brought to the attention of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "NMITs PN im. V.P. Serbsky" of the Ministry of Health of Russia.
At the same time, a number of issues raised in your appeal, including the control of the activities of doctors who violate the law on the prohibition of propaganda of non-traditional relationships among minors, and the development of a strategy for protecting pro-family values, fall within the competence of other federal state bodies and organizations.