We have already wrote about German evolutionary scientist Ulrich Kutscher, who was brought to trial for daring to question the pseudoscience underlying LGBT* ideology and gender theory. After several years of legal ordeals, the scientist was acquitted, but that was not the end of the matter. Recently, he informed us that the prosecutor's office is trying to overturn the acquittal and reopen the case, this time with a different judge. Below we publish a letter sent to us by the professor. According to him, he has repeatedly accessed scientific materials collected on the website of the Science for Truth group and in the book Viktor Lysov's "Rhetoric of the Homosexual Movement in the Light of Scientific Facts", which he regards as one of the most valuable resources.
Read more "Category Archive: Translations
Gerard Aardweg on the psychology of homosexuality and ideological tyranny
World-renowned Dutch psychologist Gerard van den Aardweg has specialized in the study and treatment of homosexuality for most of his distinguished 50-year career. Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Association for the Study and Treatment of Homosexuality (NARTH), author of books and scientific articles, today he is one of the few specialists who dare to disclose the inconvenient reality of this topic solely from factual positions, based on objective, not distorted ideological bias data. Below is an excerpt from his report “The Normalization” of Homosexuality and Humanae Vitae ”read out at the papal conference Academy of Human Life and Family in 2018 year.
Read more "Is “modern science” impartial to the issue of homosexuality?
Most of this material was published in the journal Russian Journal of Education and Psychology: Lysov V. Science and homosexuality: political bias in modern Academia.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12731/2658-4034-2019-2-6-49
“The reputation of true science has been stolen by its sinister
twin sister - "fake" science, which
It’s just an ideological agenda.
This ideology usurped that trust
which rightfully belongs to true science. "
from Austin Rousse's book Fake Science
Read more "Such statements as "the genetic cause of homosexuality has been proven" or "homosexual attraction cannot be changed" are regularly put forward at popular science educational events and on the Internet, intended, among other things, for scientifically inexperienced people. In this article I will demonstrate that the modern scientific community is dominated by people who project their socio-political views into their scientific activities, making the scientific process highly biased. These projected views include a range of political statements, including in relation to the so-called. “Sexual minorities”, namely, that “homosexuality is a normative variant of sexuality among humans and animals”, that “same-sex attraction is innate and cannot be changed”, “gender is a social construct that is not limited to binary classification”, etc. etc. I will demonstrate that such views in modern scientific circles in the West are considered orthodox, stable and well-established, even in the absence of convincing scientific evidence, while alternative views are immediately labeled as “pseudoscientific” and “false” even if there is compelling factual background behind them. Many factors can be mentioned as the reason for this bias - the dramatic social and historical legacy that led to the emergence of "scientific taboos", intense political struggles that gave rise to hypocrisy, the "commercialization" of science, leading to the pursuit of sensations, etc. Whether it is possible to completely avoid bias in science remains a moot point. However, in my opinion, it is possible to create conditions for an optimal equidistant scientific process.
Having survived homosexuality ... Barely
A candid story of a former homosexual, describing the everyday life of an average "gay" - endless enemas, promiscuous sexual intercourse and related infections, clubs, drugs, problems with the lower intestine, depression and gnawing, an insatiable feeling of dissatisfaction and loneliness, from which debauchery and Datura gives only temporary respite. This narrative contains hideous details of homosexual practices and their consequences, leaving a sickening fecal residue that will undoubtedly be difficult for the inexperienced reader. However, they accurately convey the entire scatological the ugliness of a homosexual lifestyle masquerading as a cheerful pseudo-rainbow coloring. It shows the bitter reality of male homosexuality as it really is - scabbysenseless and merciless. “Being gay” ultimately means suffering and pain dipped in excrement and blood, rather than holding on to the hands of the kawaii big-eyed boys from yoyoynyh fan fiction.
Read more "Gay community issues through the eyes of insiders
In 1989, two Harvard gay activists published a book describing a plan to change attitudes of the general public towards homosexuality through propaganda, the basic principles of which are discussed here. In the last chapter of the book, the authors self-critically described 10 the main problems in the behavior of homosexuals, which must be addressed in order to improve their image in the eyes of the general public. The authors write that homosexuals reject all forms of morality; that they have sex in public places, and if they get in the way, they start shouting about oppression and homophobia; that they are narcissistic, promiscuous, selfish, prone to lies, hedonism, infidelity, cruelty, self-destruction, denial of reality, irrationality, political fascism and crazy ideas. It is interesting to note that 40 years ago, these qualities were almost one-to-one described by a famous psychiatrist named Edmund Bergler, who has studied homosexuality for 30 years and has been recognized as the “most important theorist” in the field. The authors took more than 80 pages to describe the problems associated with the lifestyle of the homosexual community. LGBT* activist Igor Kochetkov (a person acting as a foreign agent) in his lecture "The Political Power of the Global LGBT* Movement: How Activists Achieved Their Goals" said that this book has become the ABC of LGBT* activists around the world, including in Russia, and many still follow the principles described in it. To the question: "Has the LGBT* community gotten rid of the problems mentioned?" Igor Kochetkov answers by deleting it and banning the questioner, thus apparently confirming that the problems remain. A brief description of them follows.
Treatment of homosexuality before the era of political correctness
Numerous cases of successful therapeutic correction of homosexual behavior and attraction are described in detail in the professional literature. Report The National Association for the Study and Therapy of Homosexuality presents an overview of empirical evidence, clinical reports and research from the end of the 19th century to the present, which convincingly prove that interested men and women can make the transition from homosexuality to heterosexuality. Before the era of political correctness, it was a well-known scientific fact, which is freely wrote the central press. Even the American Psychiatric Association, excluding syntonic homosexuality from the list of mental disorders in 1974, noted the that “Modern treatment methods allow a significant part of homosexuals who want to change their orientation to do so”.
The translation follows Articles from the New York Times of 1971.
Homosexuality treatment
An outstanding psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and MD, Edmund Bergler wrote 25 books on psychology and 273 articles in leading professional journals. His books cover topics such as child development, neurosis, midlife crises, marriage difficulties, gambling, self-destructive behavior, and homosexuality. Bergler was rightfully recognized as an expert of his time in terms of homosexuality. The following are excerpts from his work.
Recent books and productions have attempted to portray homosexuals as unhappy victims who deserve sympathy. The appeal to the lacrimal glands is unreasonable: homosexuals can always resort to psychiatric help and be cured if they want to. But public ignorance is so widespread on this issue, and the manipulation of homosexuals by public opinion about themselves is so effective that even intelligent people who were definitely born yesterday did not fall for them.
Recent psychiatric experience and research has unequivocally proven that the supposedly irreversible fate of homosexuals (sometimes even attributed to non-existent biological and hormonal conditions) is actually a therapeutically altered unit of neurosis. The therapeutic pessimism of the past is gradually disappearing: today psychotherapy of a psychodynamic direction can cure homosexuality.
By cure, I mean:
1. a complete lack of interest in their gender;
2. normal sexual pleasure;
3. characterological change.