Problems of the “gay” community through the eyes of insiders

In 1989, two Harvard gay activists published a book describing a plan to change attitudes of the general public towards homosexuality through propaganda, the basic principles of which are discussed here. In the last chapter of the book, the authors self-critically described 10 the main problems in the behavior of homosexuals, which must be addressed in order to improve their image in the eyes of the general public. The authors write that homosexuals reject all forms of morality; that they have sex in public places, and if they get in the way, they start shouting about oppression and homophobia; that they are narcissistic, promiscuous, selfish, prone to lies, hedonism, infidelity, cruelty, self-destruction, denial of reality, irrationality, political fascism and crazy ideas. It is interesting to note that 40 years ago, these qualities were almost one-to-one described by a famous psychiatrist named Edmund Bergler, который в течении 30 лет изучал гомосексуализм и был признан «самым важным теоретиком» в этой области. Авторам потребовалось более 80 страниц, чтобы описать проблемы, связанные со стилем жизни гомосексуального сообщества. Активист ЛГБТ*-движения Игорь Кочетков (лицо, выполняющее функции иностранного агента) в своей лекции «Политическая сила мирового ЛГБТ*-движения: как активисты добивались своего» сказал, что эта книга стала Азбукой ЛГБТ*-активистов по всему миру, в том числе и в России, и многие до сих пор исходят из описанных в ней принципов. На вопрос: «Избавилось ли ЛГБТ*-сообщество от указанных проблем?» Игорь Кочетков отвечает его удалением и баном спрашивающего, подтверждая, видимо, таким образом, что проблемы остались. Далее следует их сжатое описание.

1. Lies, lies and again lies
2. Rejection of morality
3. Narcissism and selfish behavior
4. Self-indulgence, self-destruction
5. Public abuse
6. Bad behavior in bars
7. Inappropriate relationship behavior
8. Emotional blocking and anesthesia
9. Denial of reality, nonsense thinking and mythomania
10. Political gay fascism and the oppression of political correctness

Our Community Status: Gay Pride Precedes Fall

Our goal is to write this nasty chapter

We introduced plan wide PR campaign, which should sanitize our very unsanitary image, but even the most sophisticated propaganda in the world will not be able to maintain a positive image in the long term, if we do not really become cleaner. So far, our noses (and other parts of the body) are far from clean. Straights hate us not only because of their myths, but also because of what we actually represent. They are right that the gay lifestyle - not our sexuality, but our lifestyle - is a serious problem. This chapter will tell you what is wrong with most gays and why.

What? Shouldn't straight people change?

Unfortunately not. Of course, they are to blame for our suffering, but it would be a mistake to deny that our guilt is also in the way they relate to us. Over the years, we have been observing gay behavior that looked immature, selfish, destructive, stupid, and nasty. This community is too precious for us to sit back and silently nod their heads to the beat of the politically correct song "Everything that is gay is good." Our goal here is constructive criticism. We outline ten categories of unacceptable behavior — what many gays do and what gay leaders praise and idealize as part of our “lifestyle”. This can no longer continue for two reasons: firstly, we look bad because of this in the eyes of straight people, and secondly, it brings unnecessary suffering and reduces the quality of life in the gay community.

1. Lies, lies and again lies

When a homosexual teenager realizes that he is not like everyone else, he almost always experiences pain, fear and the need to lie. Even if he does not worry about his homosexuality, he finds some strange pleasure in the fact that he knows something about himself that is unknown to others. A constant lie over time eventually dulls remorse, and people are increasingly starting to resort to this expediency, encountering difficulties in any area of ​​life. It is self-evident that the repeated practice of any sin covers conscience with calluses, and lying is no exception to this rule.

One of the prime examples of gay lies is dating ads. You can not trust literally anything of what is written in them. A twenty-four-year-old green-eyed and muscular blond in the ad will invariably turn out to be a forty-year-old balding brunette with a huge belly swaying under a t-shirt stained with food. To your indignation, he calmly replies: "We all need to exaggerate a little if we want adventure."

Many students of a sociopathic personality claim in their works that a surprisingly high percentage of pathological liars are homosexuals. Often it can be harmless dreamers, creating fables, but the most enterprising of them can turn their lies into profits and become scammers. Allergic to work and able to inspire confidence, they prefer to live a lie, clinging like a parasite to generous and trusting. This type finds older homosexuals who are often single and want to trust an attractive young man. With their machinations, they brighten up the everyday life of an aging interior decorator who, waking up one fine morning, discovers that his platinum American Express, Rolex, cashmere sweaters and five hundred dollars in cash have disappeared without a trace. Keep in mind that the consequences of cheating can go far beyond the boundaries of the gay community, delaying the work we do with straight people for decades. We don’t want to advertise like that.

According to E. Bergler, homosexuality is a treatable neurosis associated with fixation in the oral phase of development

2. Rejection of morality

Oscar Wilde said: "The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it." Echoes of his perverted moral sentiments have been heard in the gay community for several decades to this day. The explicit and thorough rejection of morality by gays is real, all-pervasive, and detrimental in its influence on the quality of life in our community and our relations with straights.

A young man faced with his homosexual feelings has two options: he can either accept existing moral values ​​and hate himself, or rethink them, and, rejecting Judeo-Christian prejudices about homosexuality, form his own values, thereby replacing self-hatred with self-esteem . Alas, for many gays, rethinking does not end there. They go too far, deciding that all this is nonsense, and abandon 100% of their previous beliefs. For many, the need to lie is the first crack in the wall. If you do not accept the prohibition of falsehood, then why should you accept other prohibitions?

There is a consensus among urban gays that everyone has the right to behave as he pleases, and that no one should condemn someone else's behavior - a kind of perverted “do not judge, let not be judged”. An exception to this rule, of course, is the right to judge quickly and cruelly “for archaic thinking” of anyone who turns to any form of morality. In fact, the whole system boils down to one axiom: “If I like it, I will do it and go to hell!” And what gays like to do often includes lies, selfishness, self-indulgence, self-destruction, cruelty , insults, beatings and treason. If a gay wants to humiliate an ugly guest at a party, he will be as cruel and disgusting as possible, and then present it as "a fun manifestation of gay sensitivity." If he wants to seduce the lover of his best friend - he will do it, justifying his actions with an act of "sexual freedom", and to hell with a friend. If he wants to destroy himself with drugs and alcohol for the sake of temporary thrills, he will drink to the bottom.

We found that in the gay press this doctrine is carved in stone. The more outrageous the behavior, the more it should be seen as "a celebration of our unique sensuality and culture." Any objection, no matter how justified, will invariably be met with a quick and tough counterattack, relying on ready-made and, in fact, unanswered, ad hominem arguments: “Homosexuals who criticize our lifestyle are simply not able to accept their own homosexuality and project their self-hatred on the society around them. ” So if someone is dissatisfied with transvestites, sadomasochists and nudists marching at the gay parade, where drag queen gives penis candy to little children, he simply hates himself.

Ironically, many gay people who abandoned traditional religions find that the resulting void is not so easy to ignore. Looking for something to fill it with, they turn to neopaganism, occultism, New Age and other schizoterics. So there are communes like "Radical fairies". As one of its members said: “We had everything, but we desperately wanted something that we did not have, and we did not know what it was.” What gays want without knowing it is a return to a sense of sacredness and a framework of ethics in which they can again begin to believe and trust each other.

The rejection of morality leaves the apostate without any precepts for self-control and limitations of his own impulses. Destruction should be followed by reconstruction, but gays forget about the second part of this axiom, which inevitably leads to self-absorbed and self-centered behavior.

3. Narcissism and selfish behavior

Lying leads some to reject morality, and rejecting morality in turn leads to exposure to personality disorders. Speaking of narcissism, we mean not just vanity, but a pathological state of self-absorption and inability to empathize with the problems of others, where vanity is only one of the symptoms. Hysterical and narcissistic personality disorders - two intersecting clinical categories recognized by the American Psychiatric Association, are described by the following phrases:

“Hysterical patients are overly dramatic and always attract attention. . . prone to exaggeration. . . play roles like “princess” without realizing it. . . easily excitable. . . irrational temper. . . outbursts of anger. . . crave novelty, stimulation, excitement. . . quickly become bored. . . shallow. . . lack of sincerity. . . superficially charming. . . quickly form friendships. . . demanding, self-centered, imprudent. . . manipulative. . . suicidal threats, gestures and attempts. . . attractive, seductive. . . vain. . . escape into romantic fantasies. . . the behavior is often a caricature of femininity. . . promiscuity. . . little interest in careful, analytical thinking, although creative and extraordinary. . . are influenced by whims. . . unrooted prudence. . . often associated with a homosexual model of arousal. . . Substance abuse is a common complication. . . [Narcissistic patients, in addition to the above] have a grandiose sense of self-importance. . . need constant attention and admiration. . . over-idealization of the partner in a relationship is replaced by his complete devaluation. . . lack of empathy. . . extreme selfishness and self-absorption. . . fantasies of unlimited possibilities, power, wealth, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love. . . Appearance is more important than substance. . . the need to be seen in the company of the “right” people. . . exploitation. . . Lack of sustained positive relationships in relationships with others. . . obsession with preserving youth. . . outright lie. . .”

Reminds you of someone you know? This is not because homosexuality is unhealthy, but because some homosexuals are unhealthy. By analogy: homosexuality itself does not lead to AIDS, but the old-fashioned lifestyle of homosexuals is a great way catch AIDS. Thus, the lifestyle of gays, imposed by straight people and other gays, reduces their resistance to personality disorders. Consequently, we find that in the gay community, there is more than just over AIDS, but also hysterical and narcissistic behavior.

We will not go to the idiotic extreme calling all gays hysterical and narcissistic. These terms represent the extremes of the spectrum that each of us falls into, and the difference between pathology and vice is only quantitative. But it seems to us that more gays than straight people fall into the far reaches of the spectrum. Apparently, the peculiar social position of gays turns very many of them into easy prey for temptations, deceit and narcissism, which represent the easiest way out of the difficulties of gay life, but invariably lead to personality disorders.

Two striking examples of selfish behavior: the refusal to provide financial support to organizations working for the benefit of the entire gay community, and the refusal to practice safe sex. What can be said about a person like Gaetan Duga, who put his desire to experience an orgasm above the desire of his partner to live? In 1981, he was diagnosed with Kaposi’s sarcoma, but despite repeated warnings that his illness was fatal and probably infectious, he continued, until his death in 1984, to have anonymous sex with strangers in dimly lit gay saunas. Unfortunately, this is far from an isolated case.

4. Indulgence of passions, self-destruction

If the first consequence of rejection of morality is narcissism and selfishness, then the second consequence is indulgence in one's own weaknesses, leading, in extreme cases, to self-destruction. Of all the wrongs we condemn, indulgence is most common in gay people and the gay community in general, in which any form of self-restraint is perceived as a sign of self-hatred and puritanism. This manifests itself mainly in a full-blown fast lane style (high-speed lane) lifestyle centered around discos, saunas, traveling around the world, buying very expensive things, spending time at parties as long as possible and with as many people as possible. , the most varied sex and generally all the new sensations that can be found. Other than sex, this is what one would expect if six-year-old boys took over the world. In addition to the obvious selfishness and immaturity of such a lifestyle, it is also deadly tiring and cannot be sustained for a long time. At the age of 25, most of the fast laners who are fed up with this way of life are exhausted, and instead of relatively healthy and legal practices, they begin to look for unhealthy and illegal ones: drugs and strange sex.

There are three reasons why gays turn to drugs:
(Xnumx) To drown out the fear and pain of one's homosexuality.
(2) To maintain running out of energy reserves to continue having fun at the 36-hour party.
(3) In pursuit of psychological and physical sensations that the human mind and body are not able to feel under normal conditions. 
The causes (2) and (3) are indulging in passions and in the long run lead to self-destruction.

When a person is young and inexperienced, the simplest “vanilla” relationships - hugs and mutual masturbation - are more than enough for him. This is something new, forbidden, “dirty” and exciting. Over time, vanilla sex with one partner becomes habitual, mundane and boring, and loses its ability to arouse. At first, a fed-up homosexual seeks novelty in partners, becoming incredibly lecherous and illegible. In the end, all the bodies become boring for him, and he begins to look for excitement in new practices. He tries to restore erectile thrills through the “dirty” and “forbidden” aspects of sex, such as fetishism, urolagnia, coprophilia, etc. However, such attempts are doomed to failure: increased “dirt” only leads to floundering in sewage, which ultimately as a result, it ceases to satisfy or even excite. The next stop is impotence.

Not all terry perverts decide to publish their addictions in the press, but when such ads appear, they simultaneously entertain, turn the stomach inside out and demonstrate the futility of the whole undertaking:

“Dirty and unwashed muscular legs. . . smelly uncut nails. . . pellets between fingers, cheese stench. . . heavy stench of male sweat. . . inhalation of dirty unwashed armpits. . . get dirty in our pigsty. . .”

Aggressive sex is even worse than deadlocked sex: it can be dangerous. As a rule, gay fast-liners who bought a one-way ticket for this express train, at first indulge in binding and submission, and then BDSM. By their 30 – 40 years, quickly fed up with the soft versions (and perversions) of such comforts, they move on to whips, executioners in masks and fisting (which you can’t do to support arousal). By their 50 years, these unfortunate people are already in serious trouble.

Advocates may say that “hardcore” sex is harmless and that it is “just another way of expressing love,” but its attributes, expressions, and emotions represent pain and hatred—they are what cause arousal. Unfortunately, despite the fact that pain and hatred have nothing to do with love, they have a lot in common with lust: the centers of sexual arousal and aggression in the brain are quite closely connected. Constant repetition of this connection strengthens it, and leads to the inability to experience arousal without aggression or aggression without arousal.

We cannot justify our harmful operating practices, and at the same time expect the public to act on our ethical affirmations. This should stop.

5. Public abuse

Perhaps the most malignant form of unacceptable homosexual behavior is public sex. When we first arrived at Harvard, we were struck by a large number of people in all the latrines of the university, whose excretory system was emptied with the slowness of the glaciers, as a result of which all the booths were always busy. As newcomers, we still did not understand what was happening, but our naivety was quickly dispelled by one of the rare cases when we managed to get our own booth: someone's rough hand slipped a piece of toilet paper under the partition, with a frank proposal scribbled on it. Comparing it with numerous similar offers on the walls, we finally understood everything. The numerous complaints of students and staff led to the fact that in an attempt to stop the outrage, the university administration removed the doors from all booths, and policemen in uniform began to patrol the premises in search of perverts. As you would expect, a taunting article appeared in Harvard Gay and Lesbian Weekly, scoffing at heterosexual staff, students, and the police, who “stormed in a glass.”

Despite attempts by the authorities to suppress this phenomenon, the homosexual cohort continues day and night to indulge in one of the most heinous gay excesses (often in front of straight people) in public toilets, parks and alleys of all major US cities. These people make no attempt to ensure the confidentiality of their occupation, even if they wait for a lull in the flow of visitors. However, for many, the possibility of being caught red-handed is three-quarters of the excitement. They masturbate in urinals, wander around completely naked in the room, fellate each other in acrobatic positions in open booths. When they pour semen - on toilet seats, walls, or floors - they leave it frozen in disgusting and easily identifiable puddles. 

Indeed, most of the attractiveness of toilet sex is that it is carried out in a filthy place, which makes it more dirty, forbidden, taboo, and therefore desirable. But when a straight sees two men licking each other's genitals and anuses in a latrine, this leaves an indelible image in his mind, reinforcing his belief that homosexuals are dirty and sick creatures who practice atrocious acts right on the floor of the restroom, crawling in human waste . The damage doubles when such creatures pester heterosexual boys - a vivid example of the tendency of homosexuals to "match stereotypes." On the one hand, such harassment reinforces the old song that homosexuals intentionally recruit innocent heterosexual boys to replenish their ranks. On the other hand, this exposes the obvious liars of those who insist that their sexual acts occur only between adults, confidentially and by mutual consent, and therefore should not worry the heterosexual public and its legislative system.

It seems unbelievable that gays can be so reckless, but many of them are controlled more by their penises than by their brains. They seem to be guided by the saying of beat generation writer William Burroughs, who, describing the desire to have sex with a heterosexual boy, said: “He is not a fagot, so what? People can be accommodating. ” We emphasize that such behavior is not uncommon. One gay friend joyfully told us how, having found himself in the crush of a recent rock concert right behind a thirteen-year-old boy, he took advantage of the frightened youth’s inability to move and began to rub against his ass. “I really cracked my jeans,” he told us, laughing, “and there was nothing he could do!” This is not a good PR.

The glory hole is a hole in the partition between the stalls in the public toilet, for anonymous sexual intercourse.

To their amazement, some gays are convinced that they have every right to do such tricks in public toilets and parks, as if they were created specifically for them as sexual platforms. Some go so far as to become indignant about visitors who, once in Rome, do not want to behave like the Romans, as one of the correspondents of the gay magazine:

“I'll have to find a new toilet [for sex]. Last week I was there from noon to 5pm. . . The bore came back again and said, “I can’t believe you’re still here.” . . Out of politeness I had to leave at least 4 times. . . I told him that plugging the glory hole with toilet paper and reading the newspaper was very bad manners. I almost set the paper on fire. . . Then two queer teenagers came and also tried to plug the hole. I pushed the paper out and said: “Don’t do that again - it’s ugly!” If you want to get sucked, then stick it here. If not, then get out." Then I opened the door and said to his friend: “This includes you!” . . Such assholes. . . I still have to explain to them that their behavior is completely unacceptable!”

The gay press readily condemns any comments that such public pranks are a bad idea, and stigmatizes police efforts to put an end to this phenomenon as a “harassment against gays”. We do not think this is “against gays”. This is against violation of public order, no more.

6. Bad behavior in bars

How cruel we gays can be! And how do we deserve it when cruelty comes back to us as a boomerang! Millions, we are fleeing homophobia from the small towns of our adolescence, in order to “live among our own people” in the city ghetto, where no one will shout “fagot” to you, because all around are fagots themselves. But if you do not have a young and beautiful face, elastic body and fashionable clothes, stepping over the threshold of a gay bar, you will find out who the real homo-hater is: ourselves. 

Each gay person can give many examples, we will give only one that we remember especially well, which happened in a gay bar, where a couple of young and arrogant “queens” deliberately loudly and defiantly discussed the rather plain-looking fat man standing in front of them: “Oh my God! Do you believe that he really decided to bring his carcass here ?! ”We constantly hear about how friendly and united gays are. Well, not always! And although no one drowns plain-looking gay men in bags, having spent the night in a gay land, they may well regret that this did not happen to them even at birth.

The only ticket to gay life is external appeal, but even it will not save you from disappointment. One comrade describes in his autobiography how, in 13 years, he discovered new feelings for the popular, handsome and athletic boy Bobby, who embodied everything that he wanted to be. He kept thinking about him, wanted to be near him, and was terribly worried when he was present. It was puppy love, which was more important than any sexual feelings. So he lived until 17 years, hiding his emotions, until he came across articles, as a result of which he realized that there are other boys in the world who feel like himself. He went to college, mainly in order to get into the city. Arriving in the city, he discovered that there is only one thing that gay life is focused on: e * a.

Gays are fixated on youth, their fear of aging really reaches a pathological degree - and here, like nowhere else, we are talking about most gays. This is manifested in grotesque distortions of perception and behavior. Even one of the authors of these lines, usually incorruptible when it comes to the truth, sins by rounding off his year of birth. Downplaying one's own age sometimes up to twenty years is almost predictable. Gays wage war against each calendar month, as if it were a battle on the Marne. They probably make up the majority of men who use vitamins, serums, exercise equipment, bronzers, wigs, hair transplants and facelifts. But sooner or later, the battle is lost, which brings only additional suffering. If an aging heterosexual woman played her cards correctly, then she would have children or even a husband to rely on. Too many gays who scornfully reject their peers in the insatiable pursuit of youth fall between two chairs and end up old, lonely and miserable. Should such a lifestyle be encouraged?

 7. Inappropriate relationship behavior

Gay men are not very good at getting and keeping partners. Relationships between them usually do not last long, although most sincerely strive to find a soul mate. In other words, everyone is looking, but no one finds. How to explain this paradox? Firstly, this is due to the peculiarities of male physiology and psychology, which make the sexual and romantic relationship between a man and a man inherently less stable than the connection between a man and a woman. On average, a woman's sex drive is less intense than a man's and is less aroused by visual stimuli. A woman is more sexually receptive to her emotions than to what she sees. Men, on the other hand, are not only more sexually anxious (almost always), but also quickly and intensely aroused by the mere sight of an “ideal” partner.

Secondly, sexual arousal is highly dependent on “mystery,” that is, the degree of unknown between partners. Obviously, physically and emotionally, men are more similar to each other than to women, and therefore there is less unknown there. This tends to lead gay men to quickly become overwhelmed by their partners. Interestingly, this is even more true for lesbians, whose passion passes very quickly, but because their sexual needs are relatively modest, they are easily satisfied by emotional relationships.

The only criterion by which most gays choose their connection is sexual attractiveness. Constant relationships with strangers and people who are indifferent to them ultimately become stronger in the usual superficiality and unwillingness to judge by more important criteria. The creed of such a gay can be expressed as: “Karl, although an asshole, but he has a big eldak, perhaps I'll go home with him.”

True friendship in the gay community is very difficult to find. Friendship between gays is usually more superficial than friendships of straight people. In a community of superficial relationships, even relatively pretty ones discover that they cannot vouch that their friends will not be treacherous gossips. As a rule, as soon as a gay leaves a group of friends, they immediately and mercilessly wash all the bones to him. It is not surprising that the best and longest friendships of gays occur precisely with straight people.

Emotional immaturity, fear of obligations and a strong sense of inferiority lead many gays to massive promiscuity. Confident at heart of their own worthlessness, they suppress this terrible feeling with constant confirmation that they are sexually desired, indulging in promiscuous sexual relations with anonymous partners. And although almost every gay man says that he would like to find true love, his demands are so exaggerated and unrealistic that he leaves himself almost no chance to meet such a person. For example, his chosen one should not drink, smoke, be interested in art, the beach, guacamole, look and behave like a straight man, dress well, have a sense of humor, “correct” social background, should not have much body hair, should be healthy, smoothly shaved, trimmed. . . well, you get the point. Why do gay people put themselves in such a position? Firstly, because they prefer to live in fantasies than to deal with reality. Secondly, it gives them a convenient excuse why they still have no one, and that indiscriminate and impersonal sex is actually the search for that one.

During life, the average homosexual has 101 – 500 sexual partners

“Unwillingness” to have any personal relationships is often a banal inability to have them. People suffering from this problem will go to any extreme to rationally explain their inadequacy, up to writing books that justify their “way of life” as a “revolutionary political statement” and “performance of stray artists of the sexual street theater”. 

When, in the absence of the best, a homosexual man still agrees to a mere mortal, the battle for love does not end there - it only begins. The average Joni Gay will tell you that he is looking for a “hassle-free” relationship in which the lover “is not too involved, does not make demands, and gives him enough personal space.” In reality, no space will be enough, because Joni is not looking for a lover, but for a fuckbuddy henchman - a buddy for fucking, a kind of unpretentious household appliance. When an emotional attachment begins to appear in a relationship (which, in theory, should be the most reasonable reason for them), they cease to be comfortable, become “troublesome” and fall apart. Nevertheless, not all gays are looking for such a dry “relationship”. Some want a real mutual romance and even find it. What happens then? Sooner or later, the one-eyed snake raises its ugly head.

There has never been a tradition of fidelity in the gay community. No matter how happy the gay is with his lover, he will most likely end up looking for x **. The rate of betrayal between “married” gays, after some time, approaches 100%. Men, as already mentioned, are more excitable than women who have a stabilizing effect, and some pretty face in the subway or supermarket can easily turn their heads. Two gay men is a double problem arithmetically squaring the probability of a fatal affair. Many homosexual couples, bowing to the inevitable, agree to an “open relationship”. Sometimes it works: after releasing steam, the restless lover returns to the partner, who is more important to him than others. But this does not always work. Sometimes an open relationship is more suitable for one partner than another, which ultimately recognizes that it can’t tolerate it, and leaves. Sometimes this is just a tacit admission that relationships are no longer based on love, but on sexual and domestic convenience. The latter can be especially disgusting: lovers, or rather roommates, turn into collaborators helping each other to find partners for sex for three.

Why do homosexual men allow themselves such swine and destructive behavior? For two reasons: 1) selfish lust; 2) fear of showing feelings and suffering. Adding oppression, pain and fear to them, we get a cold and lonely community in which people should hide their feelings not only from others, but also from themselves, which leads us to the next section.

8. Emotional blocking and anesthesia

Any regular observer of the gay scene will be struck by the form of abnormal behavior that is inherent almost exclusively to gay men - doll syndrome, also known as Tussaud's disease. The first thing you notice in a person with doll syndrome is his stiffness. As a rule, his body freezes motionless in a tense and unnatural pose, reminiscent of department store mannequins (which, incidentally, are usually designed by gays). The pose may be effeminate: arms on the sides, protruding little finger; or fancifully machist: a protruding chin, arms spread apart, and legs wide apart, as in the last stage of tetanus. Sometimes the hands are tightly folded on the chest in a gesture of self-defense. Excessively exaggerated masculine or feminine posture reflects insecurity and deep bodily discomfort. This muscular rigidity extends to the face, which hardens either in an ice mask or in a cutesy dramatic grimace. If makeup is applied (which is often done), it will be like an impenetrable plastic shell of a silent cinema star, enhancing an unnatural mask-like effect and theatricality. In addition, the vocal cords are strained to the point of tear. The voice is either whimpering and bleating, or squeaky and hoarse, but in any case - tough, monotonous and often nasal.  

The doll’s strategy is to not let anything through the snowstorm of pseudo-emotions, while maintaining a safe distance between itself and the threatening environment. Her goal is to block at all costs the recognition of her homosexual fear and pain. She must suppress the constantly present anxiety and anxiety, and pretend that nothing matters, and no one can hurt her, because she does not care. All this leads to what one writer called "the ice age of the heart" - the inability of gays to reduce their alertness and open their hearts to love and live with each other as brothers.

Since the puppet man is afraid to be himself, he has to play in public all the time. Naturally, he becomes completely absorbed in role-playing and managing the image as a whole. Without exaggeration, we can say that the homosexuals' professional inclination towards acting and the stage, their passion for the great and thoroughly artificial actresses of the big screen, their love for costumes - all this, to some extent, is connected with the special masking characteristics of the doll. 

No less serious and widespread problem in the gay community is alcohol and drug abuse. Homosexual psychotherapists estimate that nearly a third of patients have significant drug and / or alcohol problems. By taking stimulants for feelings of euphoria and confidence, or depressants (including alcohol) to dull their thoughts and emotions, they are actually looking for an anesthetic for their fear and pain. For some, fear is tied to the social dynamics of the gay community: self-doubt or the (well-founded) fear of violent rejection; for others - with inner shame and self-hatred for their homosexuality.

Like other inadequate ways of alleviating the symptoms of deeply rooted social ailments, gay drug addiction ultimately only worsens the situation. In addition to the direct harm that these substances have on the mind and body, and therefore on social effectiveness, emotional anesthesia leads to the damping of life and danger. A decisive escape from the unsightly realities of life, instead of a clear and confident confrontation with them, makes us defenseless against a predictable catastrophe.

9. Denial of reality, nonsense thinking and mythomania 

Gays regularly face hostility, which hurts them, fear and anger. Arrogance, feigned indifference, superficial relationships, drugs, alcohol and other inappropriate forms of behavior discussed above are needed to cope with emotional pain. But there is a more effective way to kill the dragon: the denial of reality. Gays who deny the hostile reality around them do not experience such emotions at all. There is no hostility in their imagination, and therefore there is no pain, no fear, no anger.

Every person, gay or straight, from time to time can resort to fantasy and believe more in what is desired than in reality. However, gays in general are more prone to this than straight people, because they have to experience more fear, anger and pain. Consequently, denial of reality is a characteristic homosexual behavior.

Reality is always before you, it looks right in your eyes. Its hard to deny. To do this, you have to immerse yourself in rather complex games of the mind, ignoring and distorting what you see and hear, not thinking about how strange it can look to an outside observer. This may manifest as:

Wishful thinking - a person believes that he is pleased, and not that the truth. Sometimes this can go to incredible extremes. One of our acquaintances, a very feminine gay, claimed that he had never been attacked for his appearance and behavior. Several times, walking along the street with him, we witnessed how loud and clearly insulted by hostile teenagers with obscene abuse. To our amazement, he either did not really notice this, or stated without the slightest shadow of a doubt: “These boys just envy me because I look good and are fashionably dressed!” Another example is Dr. Fenwick's Guide to Protecting Gay Health, according to which: “Despite the horrible stories, anal copulation is a completely safe and superbly expressive way for two men to have sex.”. This is a dangerous and clearly erroneous opinion even for the 1983 year.

Paranoia - the desire to simplify reality pervaded by homophobia, blaming it for a small junta of fantastically evil oppressors. This is manifested in a tendency to conspiracy theories. For example, the CIA was accused of inventing and intentionally spreading AIDS as part of a government conspiracy to exterminate all gays. Blaming a fictional handful of villains is more comforting than realizing the harsh truth that homophobia is widespread, deep, and difficult to eradicate.

Inconsistency - so widespread that it requires neither an example nor an explanation. We all argued in which our homosexual interlocutor argued that was not related either to our logic or to his own. Why? Because given the rules of logic, you have to draw conclusions that you do not like. Therefore, gays often deny logic.

Increased emotionality - One of the effective methods of eliminating the truth is the use of wild and overly emotional rhetoric. Homosexuals who resort to this method hope to shout out facts and logic with irrelevant expressions of personal passions.

Unfounded views - what kind of crazy ideas do homosexuals not gravitate to. Being themselves outcasts and opponents of the establishment, their attraction to ideas is directly proportional to the degree of their discredit and refutation by authorities. So, gays love New Age and occult beliefs, as well as any other any ideas not confirmed by science, or even disproved by it: fruitorianism; astrology, numerology and pyramidology; tarot cards; “Vibes” from crystals and various dubious forms of “healing”. The vague sweetness and optimism of these activities give them hope and makes their world and life seem more enjoyable than they really are.

Instead of logically analyzing the facts, studying the problem and finding a suitable solution for it, many gays flee from reality to Netland and make vigorous efforts to refute the facts and logic. Thus, articles and books like ours that tell the gay community that it is not so good, that it is in danger, and, worst of all, that we are partly to blame, are brutally attacked by political correctness brokers. Now we turn to these blind men leading the blind.

10. Political gay fascism and the oppression of political correctness

 In Clive Lewis' short story “Letters from Balamute,” the old demon writes to his young nephew: 

“Fashion in views is designed to divert people's attention from true values. We direct the horror of each generation against those vices from which there is now the least danger, and we direct approval towards the virtue closest to the vice that we are trying to make characteristic of the time. The game is for them to run around with a fire extinguisher during a flood and move to the side of the boat that is almost under water. This is how we introduce fashion against elementary rationality.”

And while we won't go so far as to label gay press leaders and their accomplices as activists (two very overlapping groups) as devils, in fact, this is how they have behaved in the past twenty years. Ever since we started reading and listening to them, we have been firmly convinced that there was something terribly wrong, short-sighted, over-emotional and destructive in their worldview and tactics. In their (often successful) attempts to shape the political strategy of the gay movement, they have taken the wrong path of bad manners, causing serious damage to our cause. A few examples of such bad manners:

• The juntas of authors, journalists and amateurs collectively called “leaders and representatives of the gay movement” consistently strive to determine the general position of gays with respect to straight people exclusively in terms of oppressor / victim, black / white, friend / enemy, with us / against us, leaving no room for shades of reasonable disagreement, which will inevitably lead to antagonism, tension, confrontation and suffering. They see straight people as the eternal and only enemies that must be fought with teeth and nails.

• Psychologically, they are frozen in a bygone era in which homosexual self-hatred was actually a problem, and refuse to acknowledge that we are now faced with a whole new set of problems, some of which have to do with our excessive self-love. They reject any criticism of the community not only from heterosexual outsiders, but also from gay insiders, using the same suppression tactics: lies, denigration, shouting down, denial of the right to reply, name-calling, and the use of contrasting stereotypes, dumping indiscriminately on everyone “enemies” have the same bag of characteristics. Whether the criticism is big or small, whether the criticism is gay or straight, the diagnosis, which is an old cheap trick, is always the same: you are a homophobe! And if you hate gays, then you should also hate women, blacks and all other oppressed minorities.

• They attack the authorities so uniformly, loudly and unreasonably that they lose the right to be taken seriously. They even bite those hands that try to feed them within the limits of the system, if they do not give them the exact menu that they had in mind.

• As a Hamelny pipe-maker of radicalism, they lead us to extremes, rejecting moral and family values, not offering anything in return, and leaving us in a vacuum of individual isolation and general immorality. They know how to destroy, but not build.

• In the press and fiction they applaud, support and promote the ugly behavior of ordinary gays (narcissism, hedonism, promiscuity, sex in saunas), welcome him as our “way of life”, and try to sell this dirty list not only to gays, but also to straight people under the guise of "that's what it means to be gay." They determine our lifestyle from the point of view of sex and help create a community in which we cannot find love, and then they are surprised and angry when straight people condemn us as animals that live only for the sake of f * cles.

• They dare to speak on behalf of the entire community while denying the right of the “silent majority” of gays to be represented equally and accurately in their publications, allowing heterosexual “experts” to tar us with the same brush. They disgrace us and at the same time drag us down with them. They declare us self-haters, frauds and hypocrites. They respect our lifestyle even less than straight people respect theirs.

• They stigmatize all attempts to build relationships with the heterosexual community as “assistance” and “betrayal,” preferring, obviously, opposition militancy for their own sake, as if it is possible to live happily in a society that we despise.

* * *

Our review was based on what we saw, heard, and read over a fifteen-year period. As we said above, the most sophisticated PR campaign in the world will not have a long-term effect on the attitude of straight people to gays, unless the latter really change. We know that criticizing gays is politically incorrect, and that anyone questioning our way of life is an enemy. But the cap is on the thief, and we are not going to apologize for the discomfort.

Source: After The Ball, chapter 6

Extra charges:

Homosexuality treatment

2 thoughts on “Problems of the “gay” community through the eyes of insiders”

  1. but society continues to assume that a feminine guy is always gay, government media that have a TV audience do not represent, and therefore homophobes will always be sure that gays are feminine, because of this they suffer, and you want this?

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