LGBT* sect. Please help!

More and more often in the Science for Truth group address parents who have lost contact with their children because of their involvement in the LGBT* movement*. It is difficult for the average person to appreciate such a loss, but the tears and suffering of the unfortunate parents can help to understand the madness that is happening. Here is another story that can happen to any family, even a prosperous one.

*LGBT* movement recognized as an extremist organization!

Briefly about the son: smart, he grew up as a capable boy, obedient, cheerful, had many friends, always helped his parents. All the years I studied for one five. He studied 5 languages ​​at the same time, graduated with two gold medals and participated in the All-Russian Olympiads. He loved sports, went skiing for 2 years, volleyball for 2 years, at the age of 15 he ran 2 times a week for 15 km.

More history in video

He was also very patriotic. The class teacher said that when the anthem was turned on, he always got up alone and sang without hesitation. Once he was with his dad in Moscow, they were stopped by journalists for an interview and asked the child a provocative question: “What would you do for Putin?” He replied: “I would invent an invention for V.V. Putin." We were very proud of him.

He was very amorous with girls from early childhood through ninth grade. Every year, starting at the age of three, he fell in love with girls. As I saw the girls, I immediately became different, I was ready to do everything for them, courted, gave flowers, wrote poetry. Once in Turkey, he fell in love with a German woman. He was 14 years old. They corresponded for a long time, and I saw the correspondence. They discussed how they should meet again. He said he wanted to have many children.

At the age of 15, he was given a smartphone. And in the 10-11th grade (16-17 years old) they noticed strong changes in him. The first thing we noticed was that he stopped communicating with us. Once he even said that he was ashamed of us. I no longer went for a walk with old friends, I became very hot-tempered. We saw that he was signed to Navalny and Varlamov. There were political scandals as he became a strong hater of Putin. He said that he would go to study in America, but it did not work out - a special operation began. And he was hysterical.
 His figure has changed: before he was broad-shouldered, elongated, with strong arms, but he became crooked, sagging. Stopped cutting. And I watched anime all the time. Everything about him was saturated with this anime: stickers, t-shirts, phone, screensavers, and he also drew. As it turned out now, the anime was in a pornographic style, where it is not clear whether this character is a boy or a girl.​

Once I noticed that he shaves his legs. To the question “what is it all about, are you by any chance not gay?” he answered, with complete confidence: “What are you, mom, I’m normal.” They consoled themselves with the fact that the transitional age, these quirks will soon pass. He was also constantly with a classmate. Then it turned out that she was the only one who knew that he was trans.

In the summer, my son turned 18, and the next day he confronted us with the fact that he would rent an apartment. He had to submit documents to Moscow State University, but he also confronted us with the fact that he submitted documents to the Higher School of Economics. In September he was given a hostel. For six months he fed us with promises that he would come, but one day he stopped picking up the phone. I persistently called for a week, and he told me that he no longer wants to communicate with us. And from scratch - there were no quarrels, no swearing, nothing.

At first there was resentment, anger, but then they realized that something had happened, and went to his hostel. And a "girl" came down to us - in women's clothes, with long painted nails, with crazy eyes ... And he started yelling that he would not let us in. And the hostel staff called him "she". After some time, they contacted the hostel, and we were told that he was being evicted, because in his passport he changed his gender to female, and his registration was different.

We called 112 psychological help, we were told “accept him the way he is, and you need psychological help, not him.” And so said all the psychologists to whom we turned. When we entered “help if the child said he was trans” in Yandex, we were horrified: the search gave only instructions on how to make the transition, how to change sex, how to have an operation, how to take hormones. Almost every site has instructions: 1) What to do so that parents do not suspect anything. 2) You can already drink hormones, 3) Then run away from your parents and friends as far as possible, better to another city. 4) List of pills, list of companies, where and how to do everything. Tons of videos of these people, tips, etc. We thought the world had gone crazy.

We call on all numbers psycho. help, and everyone says, but how do you need it - how do you want, or how does your child want? Do you need it right? We have the freedom to choose what he wants, so let it be. They called psycho. assistance to the Higher School of Economics, we are told: take in, breathe out, we have many of them.
For two months I tried to convince him to change his mind. She said that this was a difficult fate, and there would be no happiness in this.

Once we talked to him on the phone, the conversation turned to an argument. And he began to speak in his usual male voice, shouting over, arguing. And I say: listen to yourself, you speak with your real voice. Depend. Then he squeaked that he would not talk to me anymore, and hung up.

He has about 60 friends in VK, and all of them have anime avatars. They program kids with anime that being "transgender" is great. And such a huge number of teenagers and children are loaded with this abnormal anime that it’s scary to even think what will happen next from these programmed children. They are being programmed against their parents, against the country.

They brought him to a psychiatrist, where he told us that he had been taking female hormones for a year (he had been buying them at the pharmacy since he was 17) and that he realized that he was a girl. When we asked him why he didn’t tell us, he replied that he knew our attitude toward LGBT* and carefully hid everything. Then, when he turned 18, he went to the Empathy LLC clinic, where they gave him a certificate for 20 thousand rubles about his gender change. I asked how they could issue such a certificate without an examination. To which he replied that he paid for an appointment with a psychologist, a psychiatrist, and someone else — and that was it, they gave him a certificate, and he immediately went with it and got a new passport. And now he is saving money for the operation. He told us in detail how and where, that it costs 500 thousand, and that he doesn’t have any money yet, but now he has found a job and will save up. I ask, but you had a lot of money, let's say you spent part of it on yourself (food, etc.) and the remaining hundreds of thousands on hormones, consultations, etc. And I saw on his phone that he was constantly receiving SMS from Center-T, that is, they were constantly monitoring him. And the next day, a lawyer from Center-T came to the psychiatrist's clinic where we were with threatening demands. My dad and I thought about how quickly the friendly assistants came running, and for free.

After this meeting with a psychiatrist, he changed all his phones, blocked everything on social networks, and at the moment we do not know what is happening with the child, where he lives and what is happening to him.

That's how easily and simply from a smart, athletic boy who loved his family and dreamed of a big family, our son turned into a "transgender" who destroys his body with hormones and is preparing for surgery. What will be the birth rate in the country when the state itself helps in the destruction of teenagers?

Please help!

PS gr. "Science for Truth"

Russian psychiatrists have begun to call LGBT* organizations sects.

Government officials who understand the reasons for this definition of psychiatrists are increasingly speaking out about LGBT* propaganda.

LGBT* activists in front of the Ministry of Health teach according to Western models of specialists, sexologists and psychologists, how to involve children in the LGBT* movement, and endocrinologists - how best to “treat” them with hormones.

Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin gave a special role in promoting the transgender theme to Minister of Health Murashko. It was at his suggestion, the speaker said, that Russia ratified the relevant protocol with the WHO. According to Volodin, the Russians should ask Murashko for the fact that this was done without prior discussion or agreement and is generally contrary to Russian legislation and mentality.

We sent two open letters to Mikhail Albertovich Murashko with suggestions on how to change the current situation. We received an answer only to the second letter, and even then a reply.

The Department noted the relevance and importance of the issues raised in our appeal. The content of the appeal was brought to the attention of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "NMITs PN im. V.P. Serbsky" of the Ministry of Health of Russia. But who is personally responsible for the fact that Russian psychiatrists did not uphold traditional values ​​in WHO, there was no answer.

At the same time, according to the Department, a number of issues raised in the appeal, including the control of the activities of doctors who violate the law on the prohibition of propaganda of non-traditional relationships among minors, and the development of a strategy for protecting pro-family values, fall within the competence of other federal government departments and organizations.

Indeed, these questions must be addressed to the State Duma, the Prosecutor's Office, the FSB and other organizations involved in the security of the population of the Russian Federation. We hope that they will study these appeals and draw organizational and personnel conclusions.

Letter to Murashko No. 1 

Letter to Murashko No. 2 

"Science for Truth"

3 thoughts on “LGBT* Sect. Please Help!”

  1. The same problem happened to my child! He is 17! At the age of 16, secretly from me, he took hormones, the money for which, according to him, was sent to him by the Ukrainian military from the Internet ... This is a great grief, I don’t know where to turn, I’ve been in a terrible depression for a year, my hands dropped and I don’t understand what can be done. All the facts in the stories are similar to mine, only my child loves Russia and does not want to emigrate. I will write more about my story if there is a reaction.

    1. Please write in more detail.
      Only the publication of such stories can draw public attention to the problem!

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