Dr. Julie Hamilton 6 years taught psychology at the University of Palm Beach, served as president of the Association for marriage and family therapy, as well as president in the National Association for the Study and Therapy of Homosexuality. Currently, she is a certified specialist in family and marriage issues in private practice. In his lecture “Homosexuality: An Introductory Course” (Homosexuality 101), Dr. Hamilton talks about myths that cover the topic of homosexuality in our culture and about what is actually known from scientific research. It highlights the most typical factors contributing to the development of same-sex attraction in boys and girls, and talks about the possibility of changing the undesirable sexual orientation.
• Is homosexuality congenital or is it a choice?
• What leads a person to be attracted to his own sex?
• How does female homosexuality develop?
• Is reorientation possible?
About this - in the video that was removed on YouTube:
Video in Russian
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