I want to urge everyone to tolerance!
We need to be a little kinder!
Why call it oddity?
Why we rot coprophage?
I don’t understand what’s criminal here?
The smart one will say without a piece of paper
That there is nothing abnormal here!
After all, do poop dogs eat?
On the beasts do not react like that?
They are even given to wallow in them.
Why are people discriminated against?
And why are they forced to hide?
Offending their feelings like poop
You call waste and dirt.
Let it not smell like chamomile,
The diet needs to be diversified.
Feel all these moments with your heart
There is no sin that we are not alike.
If one loves excrement,
Try to understand this too.
Which is natural - not ugly.
There is no doubt about that.
So let's support the unfortunate!
We’ll make changes in the restaurants.
Let in the menu we have the color of the toilet
With shit dishes ticked.
And the ice cream maker next to the ice cream
It will be served on a stick.
For a new era to come
We will change toffee and tofi!
Let us not wake up the smell of cocoa,
Morning does not start with coffee!
May good be born in us!
May our world be a little kinder!
Do not rush to flush the toilet,
Teach children the same thing.
Well, you writhe again, see?
Why don't you understand everything in any way?
And why do you hate them so much?
No latent Are you a coprophage?
Since this is how you attack them,
By banning coprophagoparade.
So for sure you secretly dream
About shit when you eat chocolate.
All psychologists know this.
And science has not been silent for a long time.
Just one shitty thing everywhere
Resentful and screaming loudly.
It will hit, it will simply condemn.
Does not give the coprophage peace.
But he is a bowel movement loves.
And love cannot be bad.
Everyone in developed countries knows this,
Only our country lags behind.
A foreigner always distinguishes
All varieties and shades of shit.
So forward to the modern world!
Let our people choose.
For some, a point is a way out.
For some, a point is an entrance.
For some, a banana is a prank.
For some, a banana is a fruit.
For some, shit is disgusting.
For some - a budget product.
Treat yourself to coffee candy!
And let's all come out for joy.
We hug the coprophagous
A kiss on the mouth after a meal.
Maybe we will even like it.
Nevertheless, one must try in life!
Help cope with govnophobia!
And stay once a coprophage!
We will live in a beautiful paradise
When we are all tolerant.
Nekrofilov then we will sort.
After all, they are people too.
And a joke on the topic:
“Barrymore, what is that noise outside the window?”
“Coprophagous parade, sir.
- Yes? And what do they want?
“They just assert their rights to equality, sir.”
- Do not understand. Does someone give them shit at home?
“No, sir.” They do not want to eat it only at home. They advocate that shit be sold in all catering establishments, so that you can easily buy shit on sticks at crossroads, and order shit on a shovel in a restaurant without any problems.
“But it's sickening and completely unnatural, Barrymore.”
“Well, why, sir?” It’s innate, they were born that way and can’t do anything about it. In addition, nature is full of examples of coprophagy. Dogs, guinea pigs, and a whole bunch of animals perceive this quite normal. Therefore, it is not surprising that man, as part of the animal world, is also concerned.
- Barrymore, I understand correctly that if they get what they want, then in my favorite cafe on the corner, along with strawberry soufflé, they will serve shit in glasses ???
“That's right, sir.” Coprophages are absolutely normal people and have the right to eat their favorite dish during dinner, without hiding their preferences.
- God, I’ll just be sick on the spot!
- Sir, how can you ??? This is completely intolerant. You will be fined for such a minimum, and as a maximum will be imprisoned.
- ???
“And by the way, sir, one famous psychiatrist once said something in the spirit:“ if you don’t like coprophages, then it’s very likely that you are also a coprophage, just hidden. ” I can not vouch for the authenticity of the phrase, but still listen to yourself, maybe you are waiting for fresh taste discoveries.
More tolerance from Zhenya:
Extra charges:
Homophobia - not patchy homosexuality
(and arachnophobia is not hidden arthropod)
Is “homophobia” a phobia?
Masterpiece!!! It’s now half past midnight and I’ll send out the link to everyone! I’m not the only one who has to pay for laughing after midnight!!! Although, every joke has some humor in it. Author – I am your grateful fan!