Says Joseph Nicolosi, Doctor of Psychology:
As a psychologist who treats homosexually oriented men, I watch with alarm as the LGBT* movement convinces the world that the concept of “gay” requires a complete rethinking of the human person.
The community of psychologists is largely to blame for this substitution of concepts. Previously, everyone was unanimous that the norm is "that which acts in accordance with its dispensation." There was no such thing as a “gay person,” since all of humanity was defined as naturally and fundamentally heterosexual. Over my 30 years of clinical practice, I have become convinced of the truth of this initial anthropological understanding.
Homosexuality, in my opinion, is primarily a symptom of gender trauma. Homosexual behavior is a symptomatic attempt to “patch up” the primary wound, alienating the boy from innate masculinity, which he failed to show. This distinguishes this behavior from heterosexual, which naturally occurs in the process of undisturbed formation of gender identity. The main conflict in most cases of homosexuality looks like this: a child, usually more sensitive and prone to emotional trauma than the average, expects love and recognition from the parent of the same sex, but at the same time feels disappointed and angry with him, because this the parent is perceived by the child as inattentive or overwhelming. (Note that the brothers and sisters of this child may perceive the same parent differently).
Homosexual practice is an erotic reconstruction of this love-hate relationship. Like all perversions, same-sex attraction always contains an internal field of hostility. I use this term, not to offend anyone, but in the sense that homosexual development “perverts”, that is, “turns people away” from a biologically relevant object of erotic attachment.
Thus, homosexuality is essentially rooted in conflict: the conflict of accepting one's natural sex, the conflict in parent-child relationships, and, as a rule, the conflict of rejection by peers of the same gender. And this means that a domination-submission model will appear that has a detrimental effect on same-sex relationships. For a homosexually oriented man, sexuality is an attempt to take over and dominate another man. It works as a symbolic “possession” of another person, and often involves more aggression than love.
Many homosexuals say they were sexually abused by men in childhood. Sexual harassment is also violence, because they are disguised as love. Here is what one patient reports about an older teenager who was harassing him:
“I wanted love and attention, and everything was somehow confused with sex. During that period, I had no sexual interest in other boys at all. I thought he (the seducer) was cool. He never paid me any attention, only when he wanted to have some fun with me. When our relationship became sexual, it was something special, exciting and powerful, as if there was a secret between us. I had no other friends, and my bad relationship with my father was of no help. I was looking for friendship ... (but) these memories haunt me ... I hate them. All of this is just disgusting, wrong .... This is the reason for my attraction to my gender.
The connection between past violence and today's homosexual behavior of the patient is an example of forced repetition. In search of love and recognition, he finds himself embroiled in a repetition of a scenario leading to self-destruction and self-flagellation, with the help of which he unconsciously seeks to win a final victory and heal his injuries. Forced repetition consists of three elements: 1) attempted self-control, 2) some form of self-punishment, 3) evasion of the underlying conflict.
For such people, the desire for self-realization through same-sex attraction is spurred by the fear that their male self-affirmation will inevitably fail and lead to humiliation. They choose a rite of reproduction of past experience with the hope that, unlike previous cases, “this time I will finally get what I want: with this person I will gain masculine strength for myself” and “this time a depressing feeling of inner emptiness finally disappear. ”Instead, he gives the next man power over himself so that he can reject him, shame him, and make him feel worthless. When this shameful scenario is played out again and again, it only strengthens his conviction that he is indeed a hopeless victim and absolutely unworthy of love.
Homosexuals often admit to a thirst for "adrenaline rush", which encourages an element of primitive fear. There is a whole gay subculture that practices sex in public places, they enjoy doing it in places like parks, public toilets and parking lots. Their erotic arousal is enhanced by the fear that they will be caught red-handed.
Act itself sodomy is essentially masochistic. Anal intercourse, as a violation of the purpose of our body, is unhealthy and anatomically destructive, and entails damage to the rectum and the spread of diseases, because the intestinal tissues are fragile and porous. Psychologically, this act degrades human dignity and masculinity. Compulsive sexual acting out, with all its drama and promises of satisfaction, hides a deeper, initially healthy desire to find true attachment. This opens a window for us to understand why the gay community continues to be deeply dissatisfied, despite the unprecedented successes it has achieved in public acceptance.
The dysfunction of the male gay world is undeniable. Research provides us with evidence for the following non-optimistic comparisons with heterosexual men:
• Sexual compulsiveness among homosexuals is more than six times higher.
• Homosexuals abuse a partner’s identity three times more often.
• Homosexuals show much more sadistic tendencies.
• The prevalence of affective and anxiety disorders is almost three times greater.
• Panic disorders occur four times more often.
• Bipolar personality disorder - more than five times more likely.
• Antisocial behavior - almost four times.
• agoraphobia (fear of being in public places) - six times more often.
• Obsessive-compulsive disorders - seven times more often.
• Intentional self-harm (suicidal tendencies) up to 10 times more often.
• Nicotine addiction - five times more often.
• Alcohol addiction is almost three times higher.
• Other types of drug addiction are more than four times more common.
Erratic sexual intercourse is well shown in the classic studies of McUirter and Mattison, who wrote in their book The Male Couple (1984) that of the 165 relationships they observed, not a single couple was able to remain faithful for more than five years. The authors, being themselves a homosexual couple, were surprised to find that adultery was not only not destructive for the duration of the relationship, but was even necessary to maintain it. They conclude: “The single most important factor that holds couples together after ten years of living together is the lack of a sense of ownership of each other” (p. 256).
Homosexuality has no meaning in the natural world, except as a symptom and consequence of tragic events. Otherwise, this is not something of this world, a fiction created from fantasy and lust. But with the help of the media, Hollywood and political authorities (most recently thanks to the Obama administration), a new definition of the human person was invented. This linguistic trick created a fiction, consisting of fantasies and erotic illusions, which took hold of reality. Classical anthropology was turned upside down, and a new man was invented. When a person hangs the label “gay”, he excludes himself from the natural world and deprives himself of full participation in the fate of mankind.
From father to son, and then to the grandson, to the great-grandson, the seed of a man is his connection with all generations. Through DNA, he continues to live after death. Once in the womb of a woman, his seed produces a new human life. But with homosexual intercourse, the seed of life simply disappears in decay and death. In the natural act of intercourse, the human race is preserved, and man continues to live in future generations. But in a sexual intercourse disturbed by trauma, which violates the very purpose of our body, its natural strength leads to death and extermination. Thus, the wise arrangement of the body exposes this contrast: new life or decay and death.
It is not surprising that we see so much dissatisfaction in the gay world, not only because of the disapproval of society, but because the person who lives in this world feels the futility of gay identity. It represents the cessation of the centuries-old genus of his ancestors, who were once connected to each other through natural marriages for many centuries. In the real world, gay identity does not make sense. Homosexuality is just a symptom of erotized compensation for the loss of attachment.
Jeetje, heftig stigmatiserende text. Zo verdrietig dat dit geschreven is. Wat bijzonder, dat hetero's geen enkel probleem of fetish hebben, of? Oh wacht.. ja, dit is toch echt wel .ru :(. Laat mensen alsjeblieft met rust, laat ze, alsjeblieft, en ga met je eigen onvrede en heersdrang om. herkenning te vinden omdat ik verstoting meemaakte door geaardheid. Blijkt het stigmatiserend en discriminerend te zijn, toch jammer. En bij al die tegenwind, Ja dan gaan mensen de pijn verdoven, ik ga me verder niet verdedigen. Laat elkaar, laat elkaar met rust.
laat de kinderen met rust. je bent gevaarlijk. heteroseksuele fetisjen merken geen normale seks op. geef toe dat je abnormaal bent en laat de kinderen met rust met je propaganda. het maakt ons niet uit hoe je seks hebt, maar je wilt de kinderen van normale mensen hersenspoelen en de normalisatie van hun deshiadatie opleggen. je bent ziek en gevaarlijk. je hebt het Westen al in de stront veranderd, maar je kunt niet stoppen totdat je de hele planeet infecteert.