What honest homosexuals say about the LGBT movement

The famous feminist Professor Camille Paglia is one of the few representatives of “sexual minorities” who managed to maintain objectivity and scientific impartiality. Paglia is not afraid to criticize the LGBT movement and speak the truth that other scientists can no longer tell without being attacked and accused of bias and prejudice. Thus, she recently said that the rise of transgenderism in the West is a symptom of decadence and cultural collapse:

“In my research, I found that history is cyclical. In ancient times, we everywhere observe the same picture: when culture falls into decay, transgender phenomena flourish. This is a symptom of cultural collapse.

Nothing characterizes the decadence of the West as our tolerance for open homosexuality and this transgender mania.

Transgenderism has become a fashionable and convenient label that socially excluded young people are in a hurry to hang upon themselves. If in the 50's the renegades became beatniks, in the 60's they became hippies, now they are encouraged to think that their estrangement is associated with inappropriate gender.

I am concerned about the popularity and accessibility of gender reassignment surgery. People are encouraged to do this, but even today, with all the scientific achievements, one cannot actually change one's gender. You can call yourself anything you like, but ultimately, every cell in your body and its DNA remains encoded according to your innate biological gender. ”

Below are quotes from her book, Vamps And Tramps.

“We need to know about the potentially damaging mix of gay activism with science, which generates more propaganda than truth. Gay scientists must be scientists first and foremost gay. ”

“Over the past decade, the situation has gotten out of control: reliable science is impossible when rational discourse is controlled by stormtroopers, in this case gay activists who, with fanatical absolutism, claim the exclusive possession of truth.”

“The 10 percentage, slavishly repeated by the media, was pure propaganda, and this made me, as a scientist, despise gay activists for their unprincipled neglect of the truth. Their fabrications and fabrications continue to this day, now regarding fragmentary evidence of the connection between genetics and homosexuality and homosexual behavior among animals. ”

“No one is born gay. The idea itself is ridiculous, but as it is inherent in our over-politicized climate, such allegations get instant support from gay activists and their supporters in the media. ”

“Homosexuality is not“ normal. ” On the contrary, it is a challenge to the norm, originating in the permanently revolutionary character of queer theorists, who are a team of shriveled freeloading crooks who, in the spirit of post-structuralism, are trying to say that there is no norm, since everything is relative and conditional. This is the same stupid framework into which people obsessed with words drive themselves when they are deaf, dumb and blind to the world around them. Nature exists, whether scientists like it or not, and in nature procreation is the only and inexorable rule. This is the norm. The bodies of the sexes are created for reproduction. The penis fits the vagina and no bizarre juggling with words can change this biological fact. ”

“Given the intense hormonal upsurge in puberty, the lack of mature heterosexual desire is neither normal nor natural.”

“It is ridiculous to say that a gay is only interested in other gays and will never build his eyes straight in barracks showers. When I heard this on TV, I almost fell in laughter. Everyone who goes to the fitness club knows about it. Sexual tension and evaluative views are constants, primarily among gay people who never stop trying to “take off” everyone in their field of vision. The seduction of straight people is one of the most erotic motives in gay porn. ”

“I used to think that the old psychoanalytic model inadequately describes the root cause of homosexuality as a halt in development. But it turned out to be true that all my homosexual friends had imperious, dominant mothers, in full accordance with the prototype. ”

“In the eighties and in the early nineties, the shifted fear of AIDS turned gay activists into raging nihilists and monomania who falsely accused the government of their illness. AIDS did not appear anywhere. It was a direct result of the Sexual Revolution, which my generation unleashed with the best of intentions, but whose worst consequences were primarily gays. In the West, despite intense propaganda to the contrary, AIDS is a gay disease and it will remain so for the foreseeable future. ”

At the beginning of the epidemic, the gay community was confident that the CIA had invented and intentionally spread AIDS to exterminate all homosexuals in a government conspiracy.

“Today, when a freshman is dealing with another girl, the entire campus social security mechanism is pushing her to declare herself a part of gay culture, accepting and“ celebrating ”this. This is a serious mistake ... It is absurd to say that one, two, or more same-sex experiments make you gay. Young women are often attracted to each other during the transition period, when they separate from their parents, expand their worldview and develop their personality. Identifying these fruitful safic idylls with a constant state of homosexuality is insane, and campus psychologists who encourage such premature conclusions deserve blame and exile. “They hunt young people for their ideological goals when they are most vulnerable.”

“Female homosexuality is growing, as fearful and courageous men have little to offer. Male homosexuality is growing because masculinity is in crisis ... Current gays cannot claim that homosexuality is “not a choice” - there is an element of choice in any behavior, sexual or otherwise. It takes effort to communicate with the opposite sex, and easier with your gender. There is a choice between overcoming obstacles and comfort. ”

“The hysteria of ACT-UP ² forced me to review those blackened therapists and pastors who consider a change in homosexual orientation possible, whose meetings are constantly frustrated by gay agitators. Is gay identity so fragile that it cannot endure the idea that some people do not want to be gay? Sexuality is very variable and reversals are theoretically possible, but habits are very stable, which is obvious in the fight against obesity, smoking, alcoholism or drug addiction ... We must be honest enough to consider whether homosexuality can be a delay at the prepubertal stage of development when children persistently stick together on the basis of gender. ”

² ACT-UP is a radical gay organization that, by its own admission, operates using methods borrowed from Mein Kampf. 

A SOURCE  http://www.ldolphin.org/lesbia…

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