Tag Archive: Reorientation

Kocharyan G.S. - Bisexuality and conversion therapy: a case study

Annotation. A clinical observation is given, where it is about “bisexual»To the man, and describes the conversion therapy he underwent with the use of hypnosuggative programming, which proved to be very effective.

Currently, unprecedented efforts are being made to ban the use of conversion (reparative) therapy, which is aimed at changing the homosexual orientation of sexual desire to heterosexual. She is stigmatized and declared not only useless, but also extremely harmful to the human body. So, December 7, 2016 parliament of Malta unanimously passed a law prohibiting the use of reparative therapy. For “changing, suppressing and destroying a person's sexual orientation or gender identity,” this law provides for a fine or jail time. [7] The Bundesrat (representative of the federal states of Germany) on 5 June 2020 approved a law prohibiting this therapy. Deutsche Welle reports that its implementation can be punished with imprisonment for up to one year, and advertising and mediation - a fine of up to 30 thousand euros [1]. In the US, only 18 states, Puerto Rico and Washington DC, have banned conversion therapy for minors. Adults can volunteer for conversion therapy throughout the country [9]... Instagram and Facebook announced the blocking of all posts on these social networks that promote conversion therapy [8].

The assertions that conversion therapy is not only ineffective, but in all cases causes great harm to the body are false. The corresponding argumentation can be found in our articles [3; 4; 6]. Moreover, a number of our works have presented the effective use of conversion therapy [2; 5].

Here is a case from our clinical practice, where conversion therapy was very successful in correcting the direction of sexual desire in a man with bisexual preferences.

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Treatment of homosexuality before the era of political correctness

Numerous cases of successful therapeutic correction of homosexual behavior and attraction are described in detail in the professional literature. Report The National Association for the Study and Therapy of Homosexuality presents an overview of empirical evidence, clinical reports and research from the end of the 19th century to the present, which convincingly prove that interested men and women can make the transition from homosexuality to heterosexuality. Before the era of political correctness, it was a well-known scientific fact, which is freely wrote the central press. Even the American Psychiatric Association, excluding syntonic homosexuality from the list of mental disorders in 1974, noted the that “Modern treatment methods allow a significant part of homosexuals who want to change their orientation to do so”.

The translation follows Articles from the New York Times of 1971.

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