Tag Archive: reparative therapy

Reintegration Therapy - Change Is Possible

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Since the sexual revolution, attitudes towards homosexuality have changed dramatically. Today, for homosexuals in the West, the battle seems won: gay clubs, gay parades, same-sex marriages. Now, “gay is okay.” Those who oppose LGBT*, along with labels of fanatics and homophobes, face administrative penalties and unprecedented lawsuits.

Tolerance and widespread acceptance of sexual freedom apply to all but one segment of the population — those who want to break with homosexuality and start a heterosexual lifestyle. These men and women experience homosexual feelings but do not want to accept a homosexual identity. They believe that homosexuality does not represent their real nature and seek deliverance.

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Garnik Kocharyan on reparative therapy for homosexuals

LGBT* help

Kocharyan Garnik Surenovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sexology, Medical Psychology, Medical and Psychological Rehabilitation of the Kharkov Medical Academy. presented the book “Shame and Loss of Attachment. Application of reparative therapy in practice ”. The author is one of the most respected and world-renowned specialists in the field of reparative therapy, the founder of the National Association for the Study and Treatment of Homosexuality (NARTH) - Dr. Joseph Nicolosi. This book was first published in the USA in 2009 under the title Shame and Attachment Loss: The Practical Work of Reparative Therapy.

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The battle for normality - Gerard Aardweg

A guide to homosexuality self-therapy based on thirty years of therapeutic experience of an author who has worked with more than 300 homosexual clients.

I dedicate this book to women and men who are tormented by homosexual feelings, but do not want to live like gays and need constructive help and support.

Those who are forgotten, whose voice is hushed up, and who cannot find answers in our society, which recognizes the right to self-affirmation only for open gays.

Those who are discriminated against if they think or feel that the ideology of innate and immutable homosexuality is a sad lie, and this is not for them.

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