Homosexuality as a reversible psychosexual disorder

Most researchers consider homosexuality in our country to be a psycho-sexual disorder in men (and women), the result of which is a manifestation of sexual interest and attraction to people of a similar sex.

In most cases, the cause of the development of homosexual manifestations is the traumatic experience at the stage of sexual identification. This stage of developmental psychology refers to the age of five to six years and calls the "crisis of six years." At this age, the child begins a new stage of socialization, and already by the onset of puberty (adolescence and the associated hormonal explosion) determines his attitude to his own gender. Violations of gender-role functions in the family, or traumatic events in the family and outside it lead to the formation of behavioral deviations (deviations), which also includes homosexual behavior.

Until recently, the idea of ​​the innate nature of homosexual behavior was actively lobbied in Western Europe and America, but this theory has not received scientific justification, and reflections on political correctness in medicine are hardly justified. In fact, since sexual behavior is formed at a certain age and in a certain context (historical, cultural, social, etc.), it should be said that it is acquired and, as a result, reversible. Or rather, surmountable, since the stage of homosexuality goes through any child who receives knowledge about themselves and representatives of the same sex. Interest in what exactly this gender represents is the homosexual stage of a child’s development. The next stage is an interest in the other sex, "wrong", "not like me." A child without behavioral abnormalities passes to this stage approximately during the crisis of six years, or a little later, but definitely before adolescence.

Considering homosexuality as a norm option is politically correct, but illogical, because partnerships of people with homosexual behavior are short-lived and often limited to satisfying sexual needs (not to mention dire health effects).


There are still allegations that homosexual attraction can be an inborn trait, but not one of them has been scientifically confirmed. The “Gene of Homosexuality", in search of which a lot of gay lobby funds were spent, is to find failed.

Materials of the American Psychiatric Association (APA)

Among the reasons for the formation of homosexual behavior are usually called:

  • early sexual experience violence;
  • voluntary homosexual contact (most often in adolescence);
  • infantilism, fixation at the primitive stages of development or regression to them;
  • estrangement from the father in the family, or his physical absence (for boys, or similarly, mother for girls);
  • increased anxiety, especially in relation to persons of the opposite sex;
  • lack of models of normal sex-role interaction between a man and a woman (same-sex family raising a child);
  • birth defects, parents not accepting the sex of the child (if they were expecting the birth of a child of the opposite sex).

As you can see, all the reasons, the significance of which has already been proved for the formation of homosexual behavior, relate to the psychological sphere. Homosexual behavior can accompany other pathologies, in particular, depression, sociopathy, phobias, drug addiction, schizophrenia.

Symptoms of homosexuality

In this case, most likely, it would be more correct to discuss the symptoms of homosexual behavior, because homosexuality as a psycho-social disorder and homosexual behavior are far from always identical. Some psychiatrists identify signs of homosexual behavior in children, which is incorrect in principle, because, as we have already said, each child goes through a kind of stage of homosexuality, with an interest in persons of the same gender. Moreover, many adults retain such interest without showing any homosexual behavior - for example, men's gatherings “in the garage”.

But increased anxiety and broken contacts with peers of their own and the opposite sex in adolescents are already a cause for concern for parents. And the point is not the notorious “homosexuality”, but the lack of communication skills, fear of emotional intimacy. Such adolescents may subsequently exhibit homosexual behavior, since in their relationship with peers they go along the path of least resistance, taking the position of a passive participant in the interaction. In order to help such a child overcome age-related crises, he needs the support of his parents, with both his mother and father.

For an adult with a homosexual disorder, it is characteristic:

• poorly controlled sexual desire for members of the same sex;

• the desire for extreme (including destructive) forms of sexual behavior, which is manifested, inter alia, in a specific attitude to your wardrobe, the choice of emphasized sexual outfits;

• constant jealousy in relation to his sexual partner, sometimes emotional restraint;

• the presence of concomitant addictions (narcotic, toxic, less often alcoholic);

• periodic outbursts of remorse over one's own lifestyle, culminating in the formation of new, more stable illusions about oneself.


Recall that “problematic for the individual” homosexuality is listed under the code F66.x1 in the International Classifier of Diseases of the 10 edition, in the section “Psychological and Behavioral Disorders Associated with Sexual Development and Orientation”. The treatment of homosexuality, if the patient has a clearly expressed motivation, can achieve good results. However, even if it was not possible to completely change the deeply traumatized self-image of a person, therapy allows him to find a balance of forces in himself and improve the quality of his life, to accept himself and his body shape, but not destructive behavior, including sexual behavior.

Among the methods for correcting homosexual behavior, psychotherapy occupies a key place. Since most patients have a history of trauma, it is necessary to identify a traumatic event that has become a stumbling block for the patient. This event requires a new discovery, study, accommodation, revaluation. For this, hypnotic techniques, personality maturation therapy, group therapy, individual therapy, psychodynamic and corrective therapy are used.

Former President of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Nicholas Cumings сообщилthat during the period 1959-1979 years. his clinic was approached with various problems by 18,000 homosexuals, of which approximately 1,600 aimed to change their orientation. As a result of 2,400 therapy, they were able to do this. 

During depatologization of homosexuality in APN 1974 опубликовала the document, which said that "modern treatment methods allow a significant part of homosexuals who want to change their sexual orientation to do so." 

In 1979, an American researcher and psychotherapist Irving Bieber, through whose hands about 1000 homosexual patients passed, reported that reorientation rates ranged from 30% to 50%. Patient follow-up over the next 20 years has shownthat they remained completely heterosexual.

Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, psychiatrist Jan Goland describes three stages in the psychotherapy of male homosexuality:

1) The weakening of impulses and impulses of a homosexual nature with their subsequent full repayment. The upbringing of a stable, calm, indifferent attitude to people of their gender and the complete removal of the element of eroticism from these relationships.

2) Elimination of a false look at a woman. The formation of emotionally colored perceptions of women, both in terms of aesthetic (appearance), and in terms of spiritual. Development and strengthening of communication skills with women.

3) The emergence and consolidation of heterosexual orientation. The development of persistent adequate erotic attraction and, ultimately, persistent sexual intercourse with a woman, filled with full-fledged erotic sensations.

The state of recovery should meet the following signs:

• A persistent erotic attraction to a woman in which there are both purely sexual and aesthetic components.

• Critical attitude to your past as inadequate, painful.

• Attitude towards men, meeting hostel standards.

• Consciousness of one's full value, both personal, social, and sexual.

A follow-up (post-treatment) study of 10 patients lasting from 1 years to 7 years showed that patients successfully realized normal heterosexual life and completely got rid of their previous pathological attraction.


More about the technique Jana Golanda

The legendary professor Aron Belkin supported the technique of Jan Goland. More details: 

4 thoughts on “Homosexuality as a reversible psychosexual disorder”

  1. 'Prayers for Bobby' is a film showing gay robert warren griffith committing suicide. and his fucking mommy mary griffith bury his ashes. it was played by sigourney weaver.

  2. There are examples of long homo-alliances, so everything is not so simple, you write that they are short-lived.

    1. The duration of relationships among same-sex couples is on average one and a half years, and long cohabitations, accompanied by incessant dramas and scenes of jealousy, exist only due to "open relationships", or, as gay activist Andrew Salivan put it, due to "a deep understanding of the need for extramarital detente ". The study, which was supposed to prove the strength of same-sex unions, in fact found that in relationships from 1-5 years old, only 4.5% of homosexuals report monogamy, and in relationships over 5 years - none.

      More: https://pro-lgbt.ru/406/

  3. Gracias, muchas gracias por su muy interesante articulo.
    Aunque siempre he deseado contactar con un especialista en el tema de la homosexualidad,he podido constatar por mi mismo, que dicha afeccion es un trastorno sicologico causado por diferentes traumas en la infancia y la falta de la atencion y cuidados diestros por parte de nuestros progenitores .
    Esto concuerda a la perfeccion con mi propia experiencia la cual tiene que ver con un rechazo a la forma de pensar homosexual……

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