20% of transgender people regret “gender reassignment” and their number is growing

«I needed help
head, not my body. "

According to the latest data UK and US, 10-30% of newly transitioned people stop transitioning within a few years of starting the transition.

The development of feminist movements gave impetus to the formation of the pseudoscientific theory of "gender", which claims that differences in interests and abilities between men and women are determined not by their biological differences, but by upbringing and stereotypes that a patriarchal society imposes on them. According to this concept, “gender” is the “psychosocial sex” of a person, which does not depend on his biological sex and does not necessarily coincide with it, in connection with which a biological man can psychologically feel himself as a woman and perform female social roles, and vice versa. Adepts of the theory call this phenomenon "transgender" and claim that it is absolutely normal. In medicine, this mental disorder is known as transsexualism (ICD-10: F64).

Needless to say, the entire “gender theory” is based on absurd unsubstantiated hypotheses and unfounded ideological postulation. It simulates the presence of knowledge in the absence of such. However, in recent years, the spread of “transgender”, especially among adolescents, has become an epidemic. It's obvious that social contamination in combination with various mental and neurological disorders, it plays an essential role in this. The number of young people willing to “change sex” has increased in recent years tenfold and reached a record level. For an unknown reason, 3/4 of them are girls.

In Western countries, only an affirmative approach is allowed to patients with gender identity disorder; mistrust of the patient's feelings or an attempt to object to him is regarded as a “violation of human rights”. Physicians who question “gender theory” are subject to exemplary discipline and lose their jobs... Therefore, health workers are now prescribing harmful cross-sex hormones and referrals for mutilation operations to everyone without any questions.

At the same time, Russian scientists сообщаютthat only 13% of those who applied for a “sex change” had no associated mental illnesses (which does not mean that they do not exist). In 87%, transsexualism was combined with schizophrenic spectrum disorders, personality disorders, and other mental disorders. how claims Walt Heyer, who made the “reverse transition” to his true gender 25 years ago, if these disorders are dealt with first, the desire to “change the sex” disappears. "Gender dysphoria should be treated with psychotherapy, not a scalpel.", - he is sure.

In 2017 year the report At Stonewall University of Cambridge, it was found that 96% of Scottish students who identify as “transgender” have engaged in self-harm in the form of cuts and 40% have attempted suicide. Similar figures were obtained in a study in the United States, and even in super-tolerant Sweden: the chance of “transgender people” to commit suicide remains 19 times higherthan in the general population, even after body transformation surgery.

The Government Equality Bureau estimates that there are between 200 and 500 “transgender people” in the UK, but there are no exact statistics. The exact number of people who are dissatisfied with their new identity or have decided to return to their biological sex is also unknown. Walt Heyer on his website sexchangeregret.com claims that there are about 20% of them and their number is growing. These people call themselves “detransitioners”.

An American woman who, at the insistence of doctors, had a sex change at a young age, saidthat now it is “falling apart.” Her joints ache, her vocal cords hurt, and entire parts of her body atrophy.

The Detrans chose the salamander as their symbol because of its ability to regenerate organs and limbs. And although people fooled by transgender propaganda who have made a surgical "transition" will never be able to regenerate their lost organs, there is hope that they will be able to gain at least emotional and psychological integrity in their difficult life. In this article, we'll take a look at the stories of several of them.

Sinead, 29 years old. A series of painful and difficult experiences that happened to her in her youth led her to reject femininity and desire to be a man. Now she understands that the “transition” did not solve her problems and worries. 

“You go to a gender clinic and after a couple of months you start taking testosterone, - says Sinead... - The psychiatrist told me that I am transgender. I thought that if I was prescribed testosterone, then I really am transgender. Apart from general questions, no one investigated the possibility of the existence of any other factors. I tried to talk about my problems with a therapist, but Gender dysphoria has been hailed as the cause of my problems, not a symptom... To be honest, I think my gender issues stemmed from mental health issues, not the other way around. ” 

At first, Sinead liked the effect of taking testosterone - body fat was redistributed, the voice became low, hair appeared on the face, and men finally stopped paying attention to it. It seemed to her that the transition was the best thing she had ever made. But she never drank so much alcohol before as she does now. She still hated her feminine nature, and was in constant depression, because of which she had to drink to unconsciousness. In the end, it all ended in a nervous breakdown, after which the realization came to her that she was a woman, and she did not need to step on the vicious path of irreversible injury. 

Now Sinead is trying to learn to accept his destroyed and disfigured body. Before leaving the house, she carefully shaves her face and chest and always wears a hat to hide her receding hairline. She is in group chats with other detrans and personally knows about a hundred like her. But there are many others that are not active online. Sinead believes that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and there will be more and more of them. She wants the detrans to know that they are not alone and that they can find people to communicate and support. 

Lucy, 23. Rejection of her body began in her adolescence. At first, she tried to change him with diets and hunger strikes, which is why she developed anorexia. When Lucy's weight dropped to 39 kg, her parents sent her for compulsory treatment. In the end, her weight stabilized, but she developed bulimia, which she still struggles with. Despite the fact that Lucy's breasts were already small, she wanted to get rid of them. She searched online for information and found a site that talked about transsexualism. Lucy began reading stories about "trans men" and gradually became imbued with delusional ideas of trans ideology. At 20, she started taking hormones. Six months later, a mastectomy (breast removal) took place. Then came the turn of the hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) and the oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries). All this happened in a very fast pace. 

“When you are looking for information on trans transitioning, you can easily find a list of doctors who work with transgender people - tells Lucy... "They will easily support your desire, and even at the first dose you can get a prescription for testosterone." 

Lucy says that conversations with her unfortunate friends have mostly benefited her because she has stopped feeling lonely. But it was also difficult, because other “transgender people” called her a liar, a traitor and shamed her for discrediting them - “real trans people”. 

“For some reason, no one blames doctors or surgeons Says Lucy. “I’ve already lost some parts of my body, so the words of trans people cannot really hurt. All the nasty things they say to the detrance people are nothing compared to the pain I feel from my organ loss. I am horrified, realizing now that when I went for a hysterectomy, no one explained to me how important these organs are. It's too late now. I am 23 and actually have menopause, with all the attendant health features. I cannot understand how the doctors allowed this - they would never approve of performing a total hysterectomy on a 21-year-old girl without medical reasons. But if this girl begins to identify herself with men, suddenly such an operation can be obtained very easily. Looking back, I cannot understand why no one paid attention to my eating disorder, how I felt being a lesbian, and the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. "..

Lee, 62. She, like Lucy, had problems with the perception of her own body from an early age. She considered herself too fat and hated the dresses she was “stuffed” into. Mom and grandmother adored her brother, so she wanted to wear the same clothes and hairstyle as his, but she was not allowed. When she turned 15, after many years of absence, their father renewed contact with them. He took the children for walks, bought gifts, gave money. Then he invited them to stay at his house; the mother was against, but did not say why. Li went, and on the first night her father raped her. In the morning everything repeated ...

When she was 44 years old, she saw on TV a program about a woman who underwent a “sex change”. She thought that she could be in her place. It seemed to her that this was the answer. Lee made an appointment with a doctor in London. During the first visit, he told her: "Let's not waste time" and injected her with testosterone.

«I wanted it then, but now I think it was wrong says Lee... - What I really needed was psychotherapy. My head needed help, not my body... But I liked testosterone. Over the next few years, I underwent a hysterectomy and oophorectomy, testicular implants and metoidioplasty, which resembles a small penis from the clitoris. But mine was not big enough - about 7 mm. In the end, I had a vaginectomy (removal of part of the vagina), and then phalloplasty. The fabrics were taken from my hands. The scars are still visible. This is a very serious and difficult procedure with a long recovery period. Then I had to take antibiotics for a long time. " 

Lee spent a lot of time with psychologists and came to the realization that she regretted her “transition”. She would like to go back before she went to the doctor's consultation on "gender". She thought about making a “reverse transition,” but decided that physiologically her body would not stand it.

«I'm not sure I can survive all the surgeries, ”says Lee. - I will fight with my body for the rest of my life. I will have to accept it as it is now. Outside, people see a dashing boy, but inside I'm a traumatized little girl. Although now I accept myself more than ever. I just wish they could help me accept myself earlier. "

Thomasin, 20 years old. Ever since adolescence, she felt that boys did not attract her sexually, and it was obvious that in this regard she was different from other girls. In search of an answer, she turned to the Internet, where she found the word "asexuality". Thomasin decided that if she wasn't attracted to boys, then she must be "asexual." Then she transferred her feelings about sexuality to "gender" - “I don't like boys, I must be asexual; I don't feel like other girls, I must be agender. " Soon she decided that instead of obscure non-binary problems it would be easier to say that she was a boy, and for 2,5 years she identified herself as a “transgender”, changing all documents.

Thomasin cannot explain why her feelings have changed, but when she was 18, she suddenly realized that she might want to have children. She began to see flaws in her “transgender” identity and began to doubt again.

"Now I am grateful that I did not have a mastectomy, but then I went through selfharm and felt terrible," shares Thomasin... - Now I treat my female body better than before and have learned to accept my breasts. When I was trans, I used to shower or bathe only once a month - I hated my body so much. I can wash now every day - and this is a real improvement! I accepted my attraction to women. I understand that there are people with severe gender dysphoria, but I think one of the main reasons women make the transition is because they cannot accept the fact that they are lesbians. ”..

After 28 year old British Charlie Evanswho considered herself a man for 10 years, but then re-adopted her true gender, unveiled her story, she was inundated with messages hundreds people who feel the same as her. This prompted her to create a project. The Detransition Advocacy Networkwho helps other "detrance" people to cope with hatred and harassment from the intolerant LGBT community, which considers them to be traitors.

Evans names the main characteristics of people who commit "detransition": they are usually about 20 years old, they are mostly women, usually homosexual, who, among other things, are often diagnosed with autism.

“I talk to 19 and 20-year-olds who have undergone full sex reassignment surgery and regret it. Their dysphoria has not abated, they do not feel better and do not know what to do now, " Evans says.

Another "comeback from men" young feminist named Dagny claims that social media is the main driving force in persuading unfortunate children to "change sex", but to her indignation, only conservative Christian publications are interested in her story, while left mainstream news has bypassed her hostile silence.

During puberty, experiencing great confusion from the onset of menstruation and developing breasts, Dagny created a post on the Yahoo question service with the headline "I am a 12-year-old girl, but I want to be a boy," where "well-wishers" told her about such an advanced achievement of Western civilization. as “gender reassignment”. After setting up a Tumblr account and subscribing to LGBT groups, she was first struck by the insight that she was “non-binary” and then the conviction that she was “trans man”. Influenced by Tumblr, she began to regard her parents as fanatics because they would not allow her to start hormone "therapy." She also hated and labeled as an enemy anyone who addressed her as a female. Dagny was convinced that because she was “trans,” she was morally obliged to make the “transition,” and any doubts on her part were due to “internalized transphobia”.

Now at 22, Dagny no longer wants to make the "transition" and considers it important that children with gender dysphoria know that they have a choice.

“We were only given one option, with the risk of dire devastating consequences: if teenagers want to be of the opposite sex, then they should be allowed to 'transition' - this is the only story sold to us. People like me represent the inconvenient contradiction of this story. ", Says Dagny.

Thanks to her project piqueresproject.com, in which three other girls who have committed "detransition" are involved, at least two teenagers refused to "change sex".

Kira Bell, 23, experienced psychological problems as a teenager. Against the background of prolonged depression, she developed gender identity problems. When she was 15, Kira decided that the reason for her dissatisfaction with life lay in her “wrong” gender, and she consulted the Tavistock Clinic. At the third meeting, she was already prescribed puberty blockers. Their girlfriend took about a year. The next stage of the “transition” was the intake of the male hormone testosterone, due to which hair began to grow on her body and face, and her voice became low. In 2017, the girl went for the first plastic surgery and removed her breasts. However, immediately after leaving the hospital, Kira felt that she was making a mistake. After the operation, the girl stopped taking medications and finally realized that she did not want to change her gender. But it turned out to be too late - the long years of hormone therapy have done their part, and her voice and body are now more like men than women.

Now Kira is suing the clinic, claiming that as a teenager with an unstable psyche, she could not sensibly assess her condition, and the specialists, instead of paying attention to this and convincing her, followed her lead. Kira surethat, if desired, psychologists could challenge her delusions and provide her with moral support. They should take into account a person's biological sex, not just their “gender” identity. She wants clinicians to do more to study the reasons why young people want to “change gender” before giving them hormones and surgery.

Ellie, 21 She pretended to be a man for a while and then returned to her true gender. Ellie talks about the doctor's deception, which prompted her to take hormonal drugs and irreversible injury. She also talks about the lack of balancing opinions that could relieve her of these unnecessary worries. 

At first, when she was 15 years old, Ellie decided that she was a lesbian, but she continued to be weighed down by the idea that she would become a woman when she grew up. Ellie approached trans organizations that referred her to psychologists. 

“I was surprised by their advice - they talked exclusively about becoming a man and operations, - tells Ellie. “I suppose I was looking for completely different answers. I was discouraged, but they put a grain of doubt in me. After watching YouTube videos of girls becoming handsome guys, I began to think that my body would look better if I took testosterone. My parents took me to a psychologist who said that I was not transgender and that I should wait until I was 18. I was upset that the psychologist had discredited me in front of my parents and convinced them to go with me to the trans organizations that I had been in before. The doctor they sent us to was completely different. He said: why would you wait until 18 if testosterone is more effective if you start it now? He said that the effect of testosterone is reversible and I have absolutely nothing to worry about that shocked me, because I knew it was a lie. But I knew that this was what my parents needed to hear for them to agree, and I didn’t say anything. ” 

A year later, her breasts were removed. Her father Eric recalls that he had doubts, but the doctor convinced him that it would be better this way. “I would like to meet someone who would prompt me words and find arguments that would convince her to wait and think about it more, but there were no such people”, - he admits.

Ellie initially enjoyed living and looking like a man, but eventually she felt that it was not for her, and the next step in her life would be the process of accepting her redesigned body. She will always have an Adam's apple, large palms and wrists because she started taking testosterone at a very young age. Most of all, she is uncomfortable with a low voice and a beard, which she will always have. She was also diagnosed with vaginal atrophy, a side effect of taking testosterone.

Ellie's lover, 24-year-old Nele is also a "former trans man." At some point, it began to seem to her that men were paying too much attention to her and constantly staring at her breasts. Nele developed a body aversion, took transsexual hormones and, with Ellie's support, performed a mastectomy. But happiness never came. Nele offered to return to nature for a bit and see what happened, and Ellie agreed.

“I am very glad that I did not remove the uterus”, - reflects Nele. - This means that I can stop taking hormones and my body will become female again ”. But the years of taking testosterone have profound, irreversible consequences. My voice will never come back. I used to like to sing, and now I can't do it, because my voice has become very monotonous, it works in a completely different way now. When I call someone on the phone, they take me for a man. "

Nele as a girl, as a “trans man” and now.

Nele says that despite her “detransition”, she does not regret her original “transition” as it was the only alternative to suicide at the time, but it also led her to speculate about the real motives behind such a radical move.

Both girls run a website today Post-Trans.com, which contains the stories of other women who made a fatal step under the influence of trans propaganda, but decided to return.

Irina, 31 years old. She underwent gender reassignment surgery, received a new birth certificate, a passport with a male name and a military ID. Over time, she realized that she had made the biggest mistake in her life and is now striving to “become a woman” again, at least according to the documents. According to the girl, her mother formed in her a dislike for everything feminine, with whom she lived until the age of 19.

“At this age something exploded in me, I started looking for ways to solve the problem and support, - says Irina. I found it on the Internet from activists of the trans movement. They explained to me that I do not like myself with breasts precisely because I am a transsexual, not because. that I was raised wrong. "

Trans activists advised her to buy male hormones on the Internet, try it. After a month of taking the girl, her voice began to break, masculine notes appeared in it. After six months of taking Irina, her facial hair began to grow, her body changed. And a year later, the Adam's apple grew. In this state, she came to see a doctor who diagnosed her with nuclear transsexuality.

“First, we changed all the documents, - Irina says, - then did the operation. First, removal of the breast, then removal of the uterus and ovaries. I am very sorry that at that time none of the specialists suggested that I reconsider my attitude to my own body, stop taking hormones and undergo a course of psychotherapy. "

Irina assures that, in fact, hormones cannot be simply tried and then quit painlessly. A terrible addiction develops.

“Three years after the operation, I stopped taking hormones. To depend on chemistry and be a make-up man is abnormal and unnatural. Every month your consciousness changes, you even start to think like a man. Moreover, I started having kidney and liver problems, swelling in my hands, my body began to gain weight, my blood became thick. Once my face turned yellow for three weeks, it was a terrible sight. And I decided enough! It was no longer about self-expression, but about elementary health and even life as such, ” - says Irina.

Irina assures that she no longer wants surgeries: the body is already badly damaged.

“You have no idea how difficult it was to admit to myself that I made a mistake and try to fix it. The main thing was defeat internal conflict. Now my first task is get a woman's passport back, find a good job and arrange a personal life. I've always liked men. I tried with girls not mine. And even when I had a male name, I dated a guy. If it were not for the operations, I might have married a long time ago and gave birth to children ”, - says Irina.

Today Irina lives in a one-room apartment in Minsk with her pets and takes on any, even low-paid work. She is sure: if hormonal drugs were not so available, such changes would not have begun in her body, she would not have dared to have an operation and would not have experienced all the problems she had to face in life.

Natalia Uzhakova also knows what it means to live in a female, “male” and again female body. She also knows that transsexualism is curable. Today, with her story, Natalya helps other confused people not to repeat her mistakes.

“For almost eight years of my life I was a transsexual Dima, - says Natalia. - This problem began to appear in me from the age of three or four. My parents wanted a boy and even indulged me in my desire to play son. By my teens, I began to deny my feminine nature. I tried to shave. I had a fairly pronounced masculine appearance, but I had enough brains not to start using hormones. She told her parents: I can't be a woman, or sex change surgery, or I won't live. "

At the age of 19, Natalia was diagnosed with transsexualism and was given permission to operate. But at that time the USSR collapsed, and according to the new laws, such an operation could not be done until the age of 24. While Natalia was waiting for this age, changes took place in her, and she decided to come to terms with the fact that she is a woman.

“Today I help such people not to make the same mistake - says Natalia. - I talk to them about all the problems that await them on the way. And these problems are not only psychological. For example, transsexual women usually live on male hormones up to 45 years. The most common cause of death is a ruptured blood clot. I have a friend from Feodosia on disability due to hormones. And no one dissuades people from these decisions, does not show these terrible examples, does not persuade people to stop. As a result, transsexuals live like curiosities, like outcasts. Gender reassignment surgery is not an option. I have not seen a single transsexual who had an operation that I was happy with. Everyone with whom I spoke said: “we are sorry”.

Katie Grace Duncan grew up in a dysfunctional family where she was not given attention, where her father abused her mother, and her older half-brother molested her. All this led her to the belief that women are weak and vulnerable, as a result of which she unconsciously rejected her femininity and from the age of 19 began to live as a man. She took male hormones and even removed her breasts. However, this did not bring her the expected happiness, and deep down she knew that it was all wrong. In an attempt to suppress unpleasant experiences, she became addicted to alcohol and pornography. But at the age of 30, with the help of faith and the support of people who surrounded her with understanding and care, she was able to get rid of her vices and break out of the bondage of transsexualism, starting a long and difficult path to reuniting with the rejected femininity.

«Looking back, I realize in what lie I lived, - tells Katie- people think that they were born that way, that they are in the wrong body, that their brain is connected in the wrong way, that something is wrong with their hormones, but all this is a lie! We are born normal, it is just that something happens to us later, something traumatic, as a result of which we begin to believe this lie about ourselves. We create a filtering system through which all information passes, and even when faced with the truth, we distort it, passing it through the lens of lies. The only way out of this is to deal with your old traumas, relive them and realize what happened. "

All of the evidence above confirms what Walt Heyer has been trying to convey to the public for years:
“The long-term effects of surgery for transgender therapy have not yet been studied. To date, we have no objective and convincing research. I feel that remorse and detransition will be the next frontier for transgender people, so be prepared. "

SEGM — an international group of over 100 clinicians and researchers, concerned about the lack of high-quality evidence for the use of hormonal and surgical interventions as first-line treatment for young people with gender dysphoria, are fighting the current state of science. In a recent article the group members refute most of the myths of the LGBT movement in the field of trans ideology.

Systematic reviews of the evidence by public health authorities in Finland, Sweden and England concluded that the risk-benefit ratio of "sex reassignment" in young people ranges from unknown to unfavorable.

The new Swedish and English guidelines for the treatment of dysphoria now expressly state that psychosocial interventions should be the first line of treatment (and not hormone therapy and surgery). Also, the Swedish guidelines state that hormonal interventions should not be performed in people with post-pubertal onset of gender dysphoria (now this is the main contingent of buyers of certificates of "sex change", most of them do not perform the operation).

According to the latest data from the UK and the US, 10-30% of those who have recently started a “trance transition” stop the process within a few years of starting it.. Long-term studies of transgender adults have failed to show convincing improvements in mental health, and some studies indicate that there are harms associated with such “treatment”.

A person’s desire to amputate healthy limbs perceived by him as alien is known as xenomelia and is included in the "syndrome of violation of the integrity of the perception of the body" (BIID) recognized as a mental disorder. But when a person wants to cut off not his hand, but his penis or mammary glands, then we are told that this is no longer a disorder, but self-expression that must be supported and protected ...

It was demonstratedthat before the onset of sexual dysphoria, 62% of the adolescents surveyed had one or more diagnoses of a mental disorder or neurodevelopmental disorder. In 48% of cases, the child experienced a traumatic or stressful event, including bullying, sexual abuse, or parental divorce. This indicates that the urge to reassign sex expressed by these adolescents can be a harmful coping strategy. And although the majority of those who underwent gender reassignment surgery said they were “happy” with the operation, their subsequent psychosocial adaptation was no better than those who did not do it: more than 40% of them tried to suicide themselves.

Trans activists brush off research resultsshowing that up to 98% of boys and 88% of girls with gender identity disorder end up adopting their biological sex at the end of puberty (if not encouraged). 

It is difficult to imagine a clearer example of the victory of delusional sectarian ideology over common sense. Mass psychosis in the past, such as the dance of St. Vitus, the holding of animals, or witch-fear, were localized and episodic; transgender psychosis is constant and spread throughout the world. We can only hope that in the end common sense will prevail, and future generations will twist their fingers in bewilderment, studying in history books what is happening today.

“For the benefit of all, I insist that a surgical operation whose results are irreversible should be the last resort - says psychotherapist Bob Whiters who worked with children. We must always start working with the patient so that change the perception in accordance with the characteristics of the body, and not change the body in accordance with the characteristics of perception. Meanwhile, within the framework of the modern healthcare system, professionals are pushing hundreds, if not thousands of teenagers, to undergo a serious “sex change” operation. In 20 years, we will look back and realize that this stupidity has become one of the most terrible chapters in the history of modern medicine. ”

Based on materials Times, with the BBC, Sky, Dailymail, journalby

Detrance Support Sites:



16 thoughts on “20% of transgender people regret“ gender reassignment ”and the number is growing”

  1. Why are all these people exclusively MTF transgender? And where is this 20% of detrance? If it were so widespread, homophobes and the public would shout about it, but it is not. Yes, there are several cases somewhere, but we have a lot of backward living examples, including me, a girl not by birth but by confession. And yet not all of us do surgery.

    1. Where is “everywhere” to shout? Before my very eyes, articles and videos with this information have already been deleted many times in social networks. You know perfectly well that the LGBT + ideology does not tolerate alternative views, everything is labeled as homophobic and information is licensed.

    2. It's very interesting if you're just a confessed girl fucking you or are you someone else's member? What do you have between your legs?

  2. “Depending on chemistry and being a reworking person is abnormal and unnatural. Every month your consciousness changes, you even begin to think like a man” - in fact, a transsexual already thinks like a man, and hormones simply allow him to become “more himself.” The conclusion is obvious - some kind of abnormal woman, who hates everything masculine, for some reason decided to take hormones and cut herself. One can sympathize with the fact that the lady was not provided with qualified psychiatric care, but what does transsexuals have to do with it?

    1. There are all sorts of situations. I, too, was born a boy. Since childhood I had all the signs of transsexualism, but I looked outwardly like an ordinary boy who loves to play with dolls and passionately dreams of reversal. But from the age of 15 after each wet dream (in the daytime I simply did not allow this ) I experienced a severe attack of urethritis, the feelings were so unpleasant that I didn’t want to live, in 1986 at the age of 27, I almost committed suicide just because of this. Because of this, I was afraid of sex before the operation, I was afraid of orgasm, and sex along with it. I had the operation of gender reassignment to a woman as a virgin, having not known either men or women before the operation. Before the operation, when I lived as a man, I looked like a handsome guy and women liked me, in the south, at sea, they dragged me into bed, but firstly, I was afraid of sex because of attacks of urethritis, and secondly, sex with them was unprofitable for me, because I wanted them to treat me like their own gender. They called me impotent, but they had no idea that I liked it, for me it was a complement, because I did not want to be a man. I agreed to go to bed with them because I liked trying on a woman’s body, and at that time I had no other way to undress them, now I, as a woman, go to a women’s bathhouse and who suddenly would someone be against this, I I make a wild cry, accusing her of wanting me to be raped in a men's bathhouse, because now I have female organs, she is ready to agree with me if only I calm down, and my voice has changed after the operation, so it looks like a squeal. But fortunately this happens very rarely; mostly after surgery I use the women’s bathhouse without any problems. After the operation, the attacks of urethritis went away, I couldn’t go without surgery, otherwise I would have suffered from urethritis all my life. I NEVER grew a beard and never had hair on my body, not even under my armpits. My armpits, even at almost 65 years old, look like a girl’s, soft, smooth, and where I had the operation there is also a female type of hair, which surprised the surgeon who performed the operation on me. Now I at least sleep peacefully at night and now sometimes twitches, but without any consequences and dry without any discharge

  3. I am amazed at how people manage to transfer their personal experiences to everyone. “Well, I made the transition because I hated everything feminine. So it’s like that for everyone! To the mental hospital of these stupid women who don’t love their bodies!!!” But why did she decide that her experiences were the same as those of a trans guy? Why did you all decide that you have the right to decide who is who?! Anatomy is certainly important, but can't mistakes happen? Even a computer sometimes makes a mistake, let alone nature, and why did you decide that you are stronger than nature? You can think and do whatever you want, but it will not change the truth and such people will exist despite your “ideas”. Even if you don’t believe it.

    1. To the point, not all t * persons are crazy people, but only a small proportion, which were very poorly checked by specialists, but there have always been cases that the mentally ill were released as healthy, this is not new, “there are no healthy, there are underexamined”
      I myself saw such a person, he deceived the whole commission! But at the same time I saw 10 more healthy people who did not deceive anyone!

  4. Yah?! 20%?! Why didn’t I see this, although the transgender himself and his acquaintances are many and no one regretted

  5. To tell the truth, I was almost sick of these terrible, unnatural photographs of freaks who became freaks of their own free will, albeit under the influence of a “society” that was completely sick in the head. Everyone to the doctor! Treat your head.

  6. Es ist interessant zu erfahren, wie viele die Geschlechtsumwandlung bereuen. Ich habe nur mitbekommen, dass mein Neffe sich gerne mit einem Transgender-Arzt austauschen wollen würde. Ich bin gespannt, was er von dem Termin berichten wird.

  7. Theory. There is one physics in the Universe and there is also one mind to know this physics...here is the origin of man. And there is generation. In Ura Linda there is the name Minnagara VRLD. In India, A. Makedonsky was in the territory of Minnagar. From VRLD god Vralda, English. world and Varangian world-alaki. Loch Ness, Pelop Ness, Centaur Ness. In addition to this, the English call the monsters with whom they lived and were born. Angles with monkeys from Perseus. Friezes - from the minotaur on Crete. Phoenicians from the Psoglavians. Perversion is a shapeshifter, a version of a person. Monster - from spewing out embryos. Human replica. Trojan terminology about the kingdom of Kashchei. VRLD is a product from the back to the delta, they do not have Alpha, they do not have intelligence, but AI. The origin of man is from Alpha to Omega.

  8. According to Solon, Plato wrote about Atlantis that it sank 9 thousand years ago.

    14th century BC “The titan brothers Kay, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus and Kronos set up their camp on Mount Othrys, and the Olympians on Mount Olympus.
    “According to Pseudo-Hyginus, the reason for the Titanomachy is as follows: “After Hera saw that Epaphus, born of a concubine, ruled such a large kingdom (Egypt), she wanted him to be killed during the hunt, and also called on the Titans to drive away Zeus from the kingdom and return the throne to Kronos. When the Titans tried to establish the sky, Zeus, with the help of Athena, Apollo and Artemis, threw them straight into Tartarus. On Atlas, who was their leader, he laid the vault of heaven; even now he is ordered to support the sky on his shoulders.”[6].”

    Olympus is still in the north of the Thessalian Valley, but at that time it was Macedonia. Othrys - in the south, the Atlanteans defended their Athens from Zeus. This is interesting... Athena, Apollo and Artemis... not ours, they are yours... centaurs, minotaurs, dog heads, sphinxes, berserkers, Angles with monkeys, mermaids... chthonic, and the Atlanteans are heavenly. Epaf - looks like Tutankhamun. Zeus in the kingdom of the Atlanteans - the Hyksos. Tartar is simply India with the future Siberia. The Atlanteans fled there with the Angles and Frisians from the story of the Horse of Diomedes and the 8th Labor of Hercules. Here Theseus killed Hercules. According to Ur Linda, in the 4th century BC. , with Alexander the Great, the Atlanteans with their Angles, Frisians and Phoenicians left India and came to the North Sea, called them Germanic peoples and settled them with the Saxons... They were also settled with us, in the form of Galicians. The Atlanteans have always settled down and have always been engaged in scientific activities...the vault of heaven...against Hyperborea and Troy. There is a lot in biology from Kashcheeva’s science.

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