Tag Archive: Nicolosi

Lesbianism: causes and consequences

Female homosexuality is known as lesbianism (less often sapphism, tribadism). The term comes from the name of the Greek island of Lesbos, where the ancient Greek poetess Sappho was born and lived, in the verses of which there are hints of love between women. Compared to male homosexuality, female homosexuality has been little studied. Same-sex relationships between women are inherently less destructive and entail far fewer problems, and therefore there is no particular need to direct research efforts in this area. Nevertheless, from the little that is known about women entering into same-sex relationships, there is by no means a rainbow-colored picture. Homosexual and bisexual women are more likely to suffer psychiatric disorders and demonstrate a number of issues related to their lifestyle: short-lived relationships, alcohol abuse, tobacco and drugs, partner violence and an increased risk of STD infection. Older lesbians, more than their heterosexual peers, subject to risk of developing obesity and breast cancer, и more often report the presence of arthritis, asthma, heart attack, stroke, an increased number of chronic diseases and poor health in general.

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Reintegration Therapy - Change Is Possible

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Since the sexual revolution, attitudes towards homosexuality have changed dramatically. Today, for homosexuals in the West, the battle seems won: gay clubs, gay parades, same-sex marriages. Now, “gay is okay.” Those who oppose LGBT*, along with labels of fanatics and homophobes, face administrative penalties and unprecedented lawsuits.

Tolerance and widespread acceptance of sexual freedom apply to all but one segment of the population — those who want to break with homosexuality and start a heterosexual lifestyle. These men and women experience homosexual feelings but do not want to accept a homosexual identity. They believe that homosexuality does not represent their real nature and seek deliverance.

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Garnik Kocharyan on reparative therapy for homosexuals

LGBT* help

Kocharyan Garnik Surenovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sexology, Medical Psychology, Medical and Psychological Rehabilitation of the Kharkov Medical Academy. presented the book “Shame and Loss of Attachment. Application of reparative therapy in practice ”. The author is one of the most respected and world-renowned specialists in the field of reparative therapy, the founder of the National Association for the Study and Treatment of Homosexuality (NARTH) - Dr. Joseph Nicolosi. This book was first published in the USA in 2009 under the title Shame and Attachment Loss: The Practical Work of Reparative Therapy.

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