In the early 1990's, gay activists in the US tried to get homosexuals recognized as a special “protected group” from the Supreme Court. In order for a certain group of people to receive a protected status, it must be original, homogeneous and constant (which the gay community is not). In this regard, gay activists launched various myths that were readily picked up and circulated by the liberal media. Contrary to scientific facts and common sense, it was claimed that at least one in ten people is homosexual, and that attraction to one's sex is an inborn characteristic, like a race, which is caused by a special gene and unchanged like skin color. In an attempt to equate themselves with the once oppressed national-ethnic minorities, gay activists even introduced such incongruous expressions as “sexual minorities” and “gay people”.
Since the clinical facts about the successful disposal of homosexual attraction and the transition to a normal heterosexual life seriously undermine the myth of the "congenitality" and "immutability" of homosexuality, which builds all the political rhetoric of gay activists, they made a lot of efforts to discredit reorientation therapy, exposing her as useless and even harmful, and for practitioners as charlatans and religious fanatics.
It should be noted that the American Psychological Association unconditionally played up to gay activists in their undertaking, which even led to its accusations of scientific fraud from other professional organizations. The fact is that questions regarding sexuality and gender are in the office APN 44, known as the Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, which is made up almost entirely of LGBT* activists and their supporters.
In their publicationsintended for the general public, APA selectively cites materials that state that reorientation therapy is ineffective and may be harmful, but in its professional literatureintended for specialists, APA provides more objective information:
“The last empirical evidence show that homosexual orientation can indeed be therapeutically altered in motivated clients, and that attempts at reorientation therapy do not produce emotional harm. ”

There is no new discovery in this - back in 1973, in his documentAPA proposes to exclude homosexuality from the list of mental disorders, APA said “Modern treatment methods allow a significant part of homosexuals who want to change their orientation to do so”.
APA also published in 2009 report, entirely dedicated to reorientation therapy (SOCE). It is noteworthy that of the 7 authors of this report, who claim to give an impartial and an objective answer to the question about the possibility of changing the undesirable orientation of sexual desire, 6 do not hide their homosexual preferences ... Nevertheless, after conducting an extensive review of the scientific literature, the authors reluctantly admitted that the limited amount of methodologically reliable research does not allow us to conclude that modern non-versatile forms of reorientation therapy ineffective.
According to work 2015 of the year:
“Persistent warnings that the therapy of unwanted same-sex attraction“ could potentially harm ”are misleading and harmful to the general public. Organizations such as the APA and WHO are essentially deceiving the public when they warn that there is potential harm, but do not explain that:
(1) All psychiatric services for all personal and interpersonal problems can be harmful;
(2) Responsible science has not yet shown whether the risk of harm in treating unwanted same-sex attraction is greater, the same, or less than the risk of any other psychotherapy. ”
Honored Doctor of Russia, psychotherapist, sex therapist and psychiatrist Yan Genrikhovich Goland He knows this firsthand: over the 60 years of his psychotherapeutic practice, he has helped 78 homosexual and 8 transgender patients get rid of unwanted same-sex attraction and gender identity problems. “They have already become grandfathers, grandmothers and even great-grandmothers,” he says.
Homosexuality - a reversible neurotic disorder
Ian Goland specializes in the psychotherapeutic treatment of neurosis, phobia, personality disorders and sexual psychogenic disorders, which are actually homosexuality and transsexualism (code F66.x1 and F64.0 in ICD-10). The prevalence of homosexuality is fully consistent with that of other neurotic disorders. For comparison:
• People with compulsive neurosis (OCD) make up 2.3% US population.
• Lesbians, homosexuals and bisexuals make up 2.3% US population.
Back in 1956, a famous psychiatrist Edmund Bergler noted that homosexuality is “A therapeutically variable unit of neurosis with an excellent prognosis of cure for therapy with a psychodynamic approach lasting from 1 years to 2 years, provided that the patient really wants to change”.
The experience of Jan Goland completely echoes the observations of his American colleague. “Homosexuality can be cured if a person wants to be treated,” says Jan Genrihovich. If there is no such desire, there is no effect. My patients are only those who can’t put up with their homosexuality and have a motive, desire and need to become heterosexual. Do not think that all homosexuals are gay activists who go to parades and pickets. Those who suffer from this are much more than those who gather in gay clubs. ”
How do people become homosexual?
“There is no gene for homosexuality. The American geneticist, who allegedly discovered the gene for homosexuality, soon admitted that he was mistaken, but the media did not tell us anything about it. It is noteworthy that this geneticist was himself a homosexual. If in fact such a "discovery of the era" had been made, then I think that this gene would have been depicted on the flag of people of homosexual orientation, but there is nothing like that. Homosexuals are not born, they become. To become a homosexual, a lot of certain factors must coincide, which influence the formation of a sexual orientation. For example: a boy was born and communicated among girls, they played with dolls, daughters-mothers - in girls' games. He developed a feminine type of behavior. Or, say, he had a detached, indifferent father, indifferent to upbringing, always busy with his own affairs, and the child grew up by itself. In ballet schools, Suvorov, cadet schools, the environment is conducive to the flourishing of homosexuality. And, of course, imprinting - a strong childhood experience associated with sexual satisfaction. Kinsey also noted that most homosexuals form attraction to their sex, engaging in masturbation with homosexual notions and fantasies. There are a lot of factors, you can list them endlessly. The tragedy is that at the age of 16-17, the development of a young man depends on which hands he falls into. If it falls into the hands of a good woman - it becomes heterosexual, falls into the hands of a homosexual - it becomes a homosexual. It is also interesting that many of the children who were raped continue to carry the baton themselves. Growing up, they begin to persecute children, their tendency to pedophilia develops and becomes fixed ”.
How long does the treatment take?
“For me, the course of treatment for a homosexual takes from 10 months to one and a half to two years, and for a transsexual, from two to eight years. It all depends on the knowledge and experience of the treating psychotherapist. When an unskilled psychiatrist or psychotherapist does this, there will be no positive result. Many young psychiatrists now do not even know that homosexuality is curable if the patient has a motive. "
What can you say to those who say that the treatment of homosexuality is just a quackery for the sake of profit, since it is incurable?
“Most of my patients were cured in Soviet times, and treatment in the USSR, as you know, was free. What is the point of tormenting my patient for one and a half to two years, including after-hours work, without getting a penny for it if it is incurable? I work for the result. I took my cured patients to various seminars and conferences of sexopathology, world-famous doctors and professors spoke with them, among them G. S. Vasilchenko, P. B. Posvyansky, A. I. Belkin — they all saw the results of my treatment. Moreover, the famous major psychotherapists have always been proud when they led a homosexual patient to a heterosexual life - Auguste Trout, Milton Erickson, William Masters with Virginia Johnson and many others. ”
It turns out that you are the first and only specialist in Russia, successfully involved in the treatment of homosexuality?
“My teacher - professor Nikolai Vladimirovich Ivanov before me had 2 results, and his teacher - Igor Stepanovich Sumbaev - 7 results. I. S. Sumbaev was the first, the second was N. V. Ivanov, the third was me. ”
Can you treat every homosexual?
"Not. A person can be helped only if he suffers from his attraction, realizes him as painful and has a powerful motivation to get rid of him. If he accepts his inclinations, and, moreover, enjoys them, it is useless to treat him. It’s a waste of time, both our own and the patient.
About what the course of treatment is, what relation the cosmonaut Alexei Leonov has to homosexuality therapy and a lot of exciting information - in the video:
Extra charges:
• A detailed description of the method of psychotherapy J. G. Goland on his website:
• An article by Jan Goland from the collection of works of the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry: “On the stepwise construction of psychotherapy for male homosexuality”
• Interview with Ian Goland from 2014 of the year with juicy details on the website “Russian Planet»
• Professor A. I. Belkin about J. G. Goland
• Edmund Bergler: The Treatment of Homosexuality
• The myth of the immutability of sexual orientation
• “More homosexuals were able to become heterosexual” - article from The New York Times
• Joseph Nicolosi: The Traumatic Nature of Male Homosexuality
• Reintegration therapy - The latest technique for getting rid of unwanted homosexual attraction.
• How is homosexual attraction formed? (Video)
• Former homosexual tells how to change (Video)
• Gerard Aardweg: a guide to self-therapy of homosexuality
• Homosexuals in the US begin to abandon the argument “so born”
• History of the exclusion of homosexuality from the list of psychiatric disorders
Case study
A., man, 32 years. Anamnesis: from an incomplete family, the only child of their parents. Grew up with his mother. Overweight tendency. Puberty without deviation. From 10 years of age, he was interested in girls, tried to make friends, but contact with peers is generally difficult due to complexes due to completeness. From 14 years, regular masturbation using female erotica as an erogenous stimulus. Since 16 years, several attempts to make relationships with girls, ending unsuccessfully. Progressive isolation and self-doubt. By 25 years: fixing on pornography. "I no longer knew what to watch, I reviewed all the possible perversions." Special fixation on female homosexual pornography. Relations with the opposite sex have not been established, there was no sexual experience. From 25 years: he began to look at pornography with transsexuals, was very excited. Fixation of the phallic image. An erection for male homosexual stimuli gradually developed, subsequently looked through "and gay porn and straight porn", began to practice stimulation of the anus with imitators "I experienced excitement, but not pleasure." By the 27 years, a strong fixation on homosexual contact, a subjective attitude towards homosexuals was neutral, considered himself heterosexual. At this age, through the Internet, he made contact with a gay prostitute, the first homosexual experience, with an orgasm. Subsequently, the strongest remorse. A week later, repeated contact. He began to visit gay bars with weekly sexual contact, each time with an orgasm, and subsequently practiced promiscuity. I ceased to get involved in pornography. The number of sexual partners about 20 in the period 27 - 29 years. He hid a lifestyle from loved ones. He experienced great shame after each contact. By 30 years of extreme depression, dissatisfaction, confusion, insomnia, problems with erection. In 30 years, the first meeting with a distant relative, a man of 60 years, a sports coach. Established close contact with a relative, subsequently opened to him. "He supported me very much." Installed motivation from a relative, began to practice an intense sports lifestyle. “By the 31 year, I lost 40 kg!” With increasing physical activity, he refused homosexual contacts. He began to use the attention of the opposite sex. Soon the first sexual experience with the opposite sex, an erection without difficulty, with an orgasm. By the time 4 month is in a stable relationship with a girl, she plans to start a family. He doesn’t feel homosexual urges, recalls with disgust. Strong worries about the possibility of disclosing the details of his life to the bride.
Another interview with J. G. Goland:
Leaders of the LGBT movement not only do not deny the existence of propaganda, but also print benefitshow best to do this, for example, the book "After The Ball».

LGBT movement activist Igor Kochetkov, candidate of historical sciences, Nobel Prize nominee and “one of the 100 global thinkers of our time” according to the version of “Foreign Policy” in his lecture “The political power of the global LGBT movement: how activists achieved their goal” said that this work became the "ABC of LGBT activists around the world", including in Russia, and many still proceed from these principles.
In addition to explaining the methods of propaganda of homosexuality, the book also describes the problems of a homosexual lifestyle, without correcting which, the success of the method will be limited. Here is the list:
1. Lies, lies and again lies
2. Rejection of morality
3. Narcissism and selfish behavior
4. Self-indulgence, self-destruction
5. Public abuse
6. Bad behavior in bars
7. Inappropriate relationship behavior
8. Emotional blocking and anesthesia
9. Denial of reality, nonsense thinking and mythomania
10. Political gay fascism and the oppression of political correctness
Denying the reality that you demonstrate is very similar to one of the problems identified by experts.
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