Homosexuality: mental disorder or not?

Analysis of scientific data.

Source in English: Robert L. Kinney III - Homosexuality and scientific evidence: On suspect anecdotes, antiquated data, and broad generalizations.
The Linacre Quarterly 82 (4) 2015, 364 – 390
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1179/2050854915Y.0000000002
Group Translation Science for the truth/AT. Lysov, MD, Ph.D.

KEY FINDINGS: As a justification for the “normativeness” of homosexuality, it is argued that the “adaptation” and social functioning of homosexuals are comparable to heterosexual ones. However, it has been shown that “adaptation” and social functioning are not related to determining whether sexual deviations are mental disorders and lead to false negative conclusions. It is impossible to conclude that the mental state is not deviant, because such a state does not lead to impaired “adaptation”, stress or impaired social function, otherwise many mental disorders should be mistakenly designated as normal conditions. The conclusions cited in the literature quoted by proponents of the normativity of homosexuality are not a proven scientific fact, and questionable studies cannot be considered reliable sources.

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Former Shemale: Transgenderism - A Treatable Mental Disorder

“Gender surgery surgeons earn $ 1,200,000 per year. It’s just financially unprofitable to go out and admit that it’s ineffective ... ”

Video in Russian

Today, when the fashion for transgenderism is being promoted intensively in modern society, more and more people who cripple themselves with expensive operations find that changing sex did not bring them closer to happiness and did not solve their problems. More than 40% of them try to settle accounts with life, but there are those who admit that they were mistaken, return to their biological sex and try to warn others, not to repeat their mistake. One such person is Walt Heyer, who has lived for 8 years as Laura Jensen.

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Story of my life

The story sent to us by our reader.

To begin with, how badly the society that brought me up has deteriorated. And if they say now that “We do ourselves” is self-deception. Always and at all times, it is society that makes us who we are. Think about it: you are alone at home, others in the kindergarten, third in the school, fourth on the street. Say no? - Well, yes. And what is happening with young people now scares me. Very scary.

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Advocacy turns teens into transgenders

As in the case of “sexual orientation”, the concept of “transgender” is in itself problematic, as it has no scientific basis or even consensus between LGBT activists. At the same time, there is no doubt that in Western societies the level of transgender phenomena that deny biological reality has risen sharply in recent years. If in 2009 year in Tavistock Clinic 97 teenagers addressed gender dysphoria, then last year their number amounted to more than two thousand.

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Homosexuality in the Ancient World

Memories of days past
more talk about the present
than about the past. 

You can often hear from apologists for same-sex relationships that homosexuality was the norm in the ancient world, especially in ancient Rome and Greece. In fact, the myth of a “homosexual utopia” in ancient Greece was popularized by Oscar Wilde, who was convicted of sodomy, and the fragmentary evidence that has reached us in the form of ancient texts and works of art indicates rather the opposite. Throughout human history, homosexuality, especially in a passive role, has existed as a shameful and marginal phenomenon. Only in decayed civilizations, during their decline, same-sex practices may have gained some popularity, but even then, attraction to members of the same sex, stronger than to representatives of the opposite, was considered beyond the norm. Nowhere and never before our time have exclusively homosexual relationships between adults been sanctioned.

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AIDS and homosexuality

"Every third 20-year-old homosexual
will be HIV infected or die of AIDS
to its 30 anniversary ».

Gay cancer

Few people today remember that in the first years of the emergence of the HIV virus, the disease it caused was called GRID (Gay-related immune disorder) - “Gay Immune Disorder”, since all the first people infected were homosexuals. Another common name was “Gay Cancer.” Only after the virus also spread among heterosexual women, and through them among men, through bisexuals and drug addicts, was the disease renamed AIDS with the help of politicians and pressure from gay organizations.

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