What honest homosexuals say about the LGBT movement

The famous feminist Professor Camille Paglia is one of the few representatives of “sexual minorities” who managed to maintain objectivity and scientific impartiality. Paglia is not afraid to criticize the LGBT movement and speak the truth that other scientists can no longer tell without being attacked and accused of bias and prejudice. Thus, she recently said that the rise of transgenderism in the West is a symptom of decadence and cultural collapse:

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Who needs gay marriage?

On 26 on June 2015, the US Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage, requiring all states to issue marriage certificates to same-sex couples, as well as to recognize such certificates issued in other jurisdictions. However, as shown data American Institute of Public Opinion Gallup, homosexuals are in no hurry to take advantage of their newly acquired rights. As expected, there was no influx of “oppressed sexual minorities” at the registration authorities, despite the complete elimination of “discriminatory” restrictions.

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The myth of the immutability of sexual orientation

In addition to the refuted myths about the innate and normality of homosexuality, gay activists managed to launch the myth of its immutability. You can often hear that attempts to change sexual orientation are harmful because lead to shame, depression, and sometimes suicide (which is not confirmed by research). As an example, Turing’s death is usually presented to us as “suicide” associated with hormone therapy. According to the bbc science department, the version of his suicide does not hold water, and most likely, he accidentally poisoned himself with cyanide, which he constantly used for electrolysis. According to Turing Biography Expert Professor D. Copland: “He reacted to hormone therapy with great humor, and his career was at the peak of intellectual heights. "He was in a good mood the days before his death, and even had a fun party with his neighbors."

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Homosexuality: a disease or lifestyle?

The outstanding psychiatrist of the mid-twentieth century, MD Edmund Bergler wrote 25 books on psychology and 273 articles in leading professional journals. His books cover topics such as child development, neurosis, midlife crises, marriage difficulties, gambling, self-destructive behavior, and homosexuality. The following are excerpts from the book “Homosexuality: a disease or lifestyle?»

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