In July 2020, John Blosnich of the LGBTQ+ Health Equity Center published another research about the "danger" of reparative therapy. In a survey of 1518 members of "non-transgender sexual minorities", Blosnich's team concluded that individuals who have been subjected to attempted sexual orientation change (hereinafter referred to as SOCE*) report a higher prevalence of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts than those who have not. It has been argued that SOCE is a "harmful stressor that increases sexual minority suicidality". Therefore, attempts to change orientation are unacceptable and must be replaced by an "affirmative withdrawal" that will reconcile the individual with his homosexual inclinations. The study has been called "the most compelling evidence that SOCE causes suicide".
Read more "Tag Archive: Change Orientation
Sex drive variability and well-being in men
As LGBT-inspired politicians pass laws banning therapeutic help for people experiencing unwanted homosexual attraction, another study has emerged in the United States that convincingly demonstrates that such people can be helped.
Read more "Kocharyan G.S. - Bisexuality and conversion therapy: a case study
Annotation. A clinical observation is given, where it is about “bisexual»To the man, and describes the conversion therapy he underwent with the use of hypnosuggative programming, which proved to be very effective.
Currently, unprecedented efforts are being made to ban the use of conversion (reparative) therapy, which is aimed at changing the homosexual orientation of sexual desire to heterosexual. She is stigmatized and declared not only useless, but also extremely harmful to the human body. So, December 7, 2016 parliament of Malta unanimously passed a law prohibiting the use of reparative therapy. For “changing, suppressing and destroying a person's sexual orientation or gender identity,” this law provides for a fine or jail time. [7] The Bundesrat (representative of the federal states of Germany) on 5 June 2020 approved a law prohibiting this therapy. Deutsche Welle reports that its implementation can be punished with imprisonment for up to one year, and advertising and mediation - a fine of up to 30 thousand euros [1]. In the US, only 18 states, Puerto Rico and Washington DC, have banned conversion therapy for minors. Adults can volunteer for conversion therapy throughout the country [9]... Instagram and Facebook announced the blocking of all posts on these social networks that promote conversion therapy [8].
The assertions that conversion therapy is not only ineffective, but in all cases causes great harm to the body are false. The corresponding argumentation can be found in our articles [3; 4; 6]. Moreover, a number of our works have presented the effective use of conversion therapy [2; 5].
Here is a case from our clinical practice, where conversion therapy was very successful in correcting the direction of sexual desire in a man with bisexual preferences.
Read more "Gerard Aardweg on the psychology of homosexuality and ideological tyranny
World-renowned Dutch psychologist Gerard van den Aardweg has specialized in the study and treatment of homosexuality for most of his distinguished 50-year career. Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Association for the Study and Treatment of Homosexuality (NARTH), author of books and scientific articles, today he is one of the few specialists who dare to disclose the inconvenient reality of this topic solely from factual positions, based on objective, not distorted ideological bias data. Below is an excerpt from his report “The Normalization” of Homosexuality and Humanae Vitae ”read out at the papal conference Academy of Human Life and Family in 2018 year.
Read more "Can I change my sexual orientation?
Most of the material below is published in an analytical report. “The rhetoric of the homosexual movement in the light of scientific facts”. doi:10.12731/978-5-907208-04-9, ISBN 978-5-907208-04-9
Key findings
(1) There is a substantial base of empirical and clinical evidence that unwanted homosexual attraction can be effectively eliminated.
(2) An important condition for the effectiveness of reparative therapy is the patient's informed participation and desire to change.
(3) In many cases, homosexual attraction, which can occur during puberty, disappears without a trace at a more mature age.
Read more "Homosexuality is treatable. The effects of psychotherapy for homosexuality were associated with significant reductions in same-sex attraction (from 5,7 to 4,1 on the Kinsey scale), identification (from 4,8 to 3,6), and sexual activity. Over 42,7% of SOCE participants achieved at least partial remission of unwanted same-sex sexuality; complete remission was achieved by 14% for sexual attraction and identification, and by 26% for sexual behavior [*]. This is enough to have heterosexual attraction and form normal relationships.
In July 2020, John Blosnich of the LGBTQ+ Health Equity Center published another study on the “dangers” of conversion therapy. After surveying 1518 “non-transgender sexual minorities,” Blosnich’s team found that individuals who had undergone sexual orientation change (SOCE) reported higher rates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts than those who had not.
But when another team of scientists, led by Christopher Rosick, analyzed data from “the most representative sample of sexual minorities to date,” the results were polar opposites. Comparing the scores of people who had undergone unsuccessful SOCE treatment with those who had not, there was no difference in the levels of psychological or social harm—the two groups were indistinguishable on every measure. In fact, SOCE was found to significantly reduce suicidality: adults who underwent SOCE after suicidal thoughts or plans were 17 to 25 times less likely to attempt suicide [**].
* Sullins DP, Rosik CH, Santero P. Efficacy and risk of sexual orientation change efforts: a retrospective analysis of 125 exposed men //F1000Research. – 2021. – T. 10.
** Sullins DP Absence of Behavioral Harm Following Non-effective Sexual Orientation Change Efforts: A Retrospective Study of United States Sexual Minority Adults, 2016–2018 // Frontiers in Psychology. – 2022. – T. 13.
Reintegration Therapy - Change Is Possible
Since the sexual revolution, attitudes towards homosexuality have changed dramatically. Today, for homosexuals in the West, the battle seems won: gay clubs, gay parades, same-sex marriages. Now, “gay is okay.” Those who oppose LGBT*, along with labels of fanatics and homophobes, face administrative penalties and unprecedented lawsuits.
Tolerance and widespread acceptance of sexual freedom apply to all but one segment of the population — those who want to break with homosexuality and start a heterosexual lifestyle. These men and women experience homosexual feelings but do not want to accept a homosexual identity. They believe that homosexuality does not represent their real nature and seek deliverance.
Read more "The battle for normality - Gerard Aardweg
A guide to homosexuality self-therapy based on thirty years of therapeutic experience of an author who has worked with more than 300 homosexual clients.
I dedicate this book to women and men who are tormented by homosexual feelings, but do not want to live like gays and need constructive help and support.
Those who are forgotten, whose voice is hushed up, and who cannot find answers in our society, which recognizes the right to self-affirmation only for open gays.
Those who are discriminated against if they think or feel that the ideology of innate and immutable homosexuality is a sad lie, and this is not for them.
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