In July 2020, John Blosnich of the LGBTQ+ Health Equity Center published another research about the "danger" of reparative therapy. In a survey of 1518 members of "non-transgender sexual minorities", Blosnich's team concluded that individuals who have been subjected to attempted sexual orientation change (hereinafter referred to as SOCE*) report a higher prevalence of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts than those who have not. It has been argued that SOCE is a "harmful stressor that increases sexual minority suicidality". Therefore, attempts to change orientation are unacceptable and must be replaced by an "affirmative withdrawal" that will reconcile the individual with his homosexual inclinations. The study has been called "the most compelling evidence that SOCE causes suicide".
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Kocharyan G.S. - Bisexuality and conversion therapy: a case study
Annotation. A clinical observation is given, where it is about “bisexual»To the man, and describes the conversion therapy he underwent with the use of hypnosuggative programming, which proved to be very effective.
Currently, unprecedented efforts are being made to ban the use of conversion (reparative) therapy, which is aimed at changing the homosexual orientation of sexual desire to heterosexual. She is stigmatized and declared not only useless, but also extremely harmful to the human body. So, December 7, 2016 parliament of Malta unanimously passed a law prohibiting the use of reparative therapy. For “changing, suppressing and destroying a person's sexual orientation or gender identity,” this law provides for a fine or jail time. [7] The Bundesrat (representative of the federal states of Germany) on 5 June 2020 approved a law prohibiting this therapy. Deutsche Welle reports that its implementation can be punished with imprisonment for up to one year, and advertising and mediation - a fine of up to 30 thousand euros [1]. In the US, only 18 states, Puerto Rico and Washington DC, have banned conversion therapy for minors. Adults can volunteer for conversion therapy throughout the country [9]... Instagram and Facebook announced the blocking of all posts on these social networks that promote conversion therapy [8].
The assertions that conversion therapy is not only ineffective, but in all cases causes great harm to the body are false. The corresponding argumentation can be found in our articles [3; 4; 6]. Moreover, a number of our works have presented the effective use of conversion therapy [2; 5].
Here is a case from our clinical practice, where conversion therapy was very successful in correcting the direction of sexual desire in a man with bisexual preferences.
Read more "Gerard Aardweg on the psychology of homosexuality and ideological tyranny
World-renowned Dutch psychologist Gerard van den Aardweg has specialized in the study and treatment of homosexuality for most of his distinguished 50-year career. Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Association for the Study and Treatment of Homosexuality (NARTH), author of books and scientific articles, today he is one of the few specialists who dare to disclose the inconvenient reality of this topic solely from factual positions, based on objective, not distorted ideological bias data. Below is an excerpt from his report “The Normalization” of Homosexuality and Humanae Vitae ”read out at the papal conference Academy of Human Life and Family in 2018 year.
Read more "Treatment of homosexuality before the era of political correctness
Numerous cases of successful therapeutic correction of homosexual behavior and attraction are described in detail in the professional literature. Report The National Association for the Study and Therapy of Homosexuality presents an overview of empirical evidence, clinical reports and research from the end of the 19th century to the present, which convincingly prove that interested men and women can make the transition from homosexuality to heterosexuality. Before the era of political correctness, it was a well-known scientific fact, which is freely wrote the central press. Even the American Psychiatric Association, excluding syntonic homosexuality from the list of mental disorders in 1974, noted the that “Modern treatment methods allow a significant part of homosexuals who want to change their orientation to do so”.
The translation follows Articles from the New York Times of 1971.
Garnik Kocharyan on reparative therapy for homosexuals
Kocharyan Garnik Surenovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sexology, Medical Psychology, Medical and Psychological Rehabilitation of the Kharkov Medical Academy. presented the book “Shame and Loss of Attachment. Application of reparative therapy in practice ”. The author is one of the most respected and world-renowned specialists in the field of reparative therapy, the founder of the National Association for the Study and Treatment of Homosexuality (NARTH) - Dr. Joseph Nicolosi. This book was first published in the USA in 2009 under the title Shame and Attachment Loss: The Practical Work of Reparative Therapy.
Read more "Reorientation therapy: questions and answers
Are all homosexuals gay?
“Gay” is the identity that a person chooses for yourself. Not all homosexual people identify as “gay.” People who do not identify as gay believe that they are essentially heterosexual and seek help in identifying the specific reasons why they experience an undesirable same-sex attraction. During therapy, counselors and psychologists use ethical methods to help clients establish the reasons for their same-sex attraction and sensitively help them resolve the underlying factors leading to homosexual feelings. These people, who are an integral part of our society, strive to protect their right to receive help and support to get rid of unwanted same-sex attraction, change their sexual orientation and / or preserve celibacy. This is achieved through gender mainstreaming programs, including counseling and heterosexuality treatment, also known as “Sexual Orientation Intervention” (SOCE) or Reorientation Therapy.
Read more "Diary of a former homosexual
Dear reader, my name is Jake. I'm an ex-gay in my twenties from England. This diary is for those who oppose the idea of changing sexual orientation. Experts have studied sexuality for decades and have concluded that sexuality is variable in many people. Evidence suggests that sexual feelings can change throughout life. The fact that many people change their sexual orientation is a statistically proven fact. I am one of these people.
I no longer feel sexually attracted to men; girls are now much more attractive to me. Once I didn’t think so, but now I think.
Once, falling asleep on lonely nights, I imagined myself in the arms of another man, now I can only imagine myself with a feminine girl.
Some are not happy with this state of affairs. They are so unsure of their sexuality that they cannot accept that there are those who no longer share their feelings. They are more than happy when people turn into homosexuals, but they don’t like when the opposite happens. Sometimes people like me are called hate-raisers, and that’s just because I don’t want to have sex with men anymore!
Would they prefer me to keep quiet about changing my sexuality, live in lies and deny what happened? Yes, it seems! They want to silence me, to deprive me of the right to live the way I choose, and to force me to lead the lifestyle that they consider necessary!
I not only ceased to be gay, but I also feel happier. I myself will manage my life the way I want, and not the way they tell me. I decided to change my sexuality and I did it.
Quoting gay activists:
I'm here!
I'm not queer anymore!
Get used to it!
Full story in English: