Manipulation of consciousness to promote sexual abnormalities

What looks like a moral act for the information owner within the first or second level, serves to achieve deeply immoral and immoral goals, if we consider manipulation from the height of the last level.

First of all, I would like to warn readers not to think of bipolar teenage patterns. Now the ordinary person’s thinking is set by a narrow frame, in which there is a contrast of concepts on the same axis: on the one hand there is a supposedly morally disadvantaged and uncompassionate homophobia that supports homosexuals, and on the opposite side there is a supposedly enlightened, civilized, moral and compassionate person without prejudice, who supports homosexuals.

In fact, the problem described here is not as simple as its supporters and opponents usually present. It is important to understand that in the modern world, manipulations of consciousness are multilevel and reside in several planes. Analyzing the problem of normalizing same-sex relationships, it is amazing how well thought out the multilevel manipulation of consciousness. The principle of modern manipulations is to use the moral feelings of the victims of manipulation so that, being confident in the morality of their actions, they help the manipulators to achieve the opposite, deeply immoral goals.

The complexity of this manipulation lies in the fact that it has several levels. The level of intelligence of a group of immoral people who invented and introduced this model of manipulation of consciousness into the media is unpleasant. The sophisticated deception scheme is thought out flawlessly. In essence, manipulators created a situation where elements of conformity of a neurotic personality, such as the need for approval and acceptance, an increased need for a sense of security, fear of criticism and disapproval, the need to fight for a just cause, emotions of compassion, etc. automatically work to achieve their goals of the fourth order.

What looks like a moral act for the information owner within the first or second level, serves to achieve deeply immoral and immoral goals, if we consider manipulation from the height of the last level.

Let's analyze the different levels of manipulation in more detail.

Level One Manipulation - Linguistic Renaming of Medical Terms

At the first level, there are linguistic manipulations with medical terms under the auspices of “attentiveness to the feelings of sick people” in accordance with the principle of destigmatization of psychiatric diseases. So, the disease “pederasty”, which belonged to the category of sexual disorders and perversions, was first renamed the disease “homosexuality”. Then the buggers began to be called homosexuals, and then “homosexuals”. Then what happened in inductive logic is called a substitution of concepts. If earlier self attraction to a person of the same sex was considered a psychiatric disease, it was subsequently proposed to consider a disease discomfort from attraction to a person of the same gender. The lack of discomfort was suggested to be considered health.

So pederasty smoothly turned into linguistically beautiful, science-like words - egosyntonic and egodistonic orientation. If a person is uncomfortable (egodistonic state), then he can turn to a psychiatrist-sexopathologist for treatment; if a person is satisfied with everything (egosyntonic state), then he is legally allowed to live without treatment. Subsequently, the egosyntonic orientation was excluded from the international classification of diseases using unscientific, scandalous voting, without medical research and evidence (for reference, they do not vote in medicine, because medicine is not politics). The "egodistonic orientation", where a person feels discomfort from his same-sex attraction, was left in the ICD-10 as a disease.

The decision not to reflect the statistics on egosyntonic conditions in the ICD-10, some people took as evidence of the absence of pathology and as a basis to consider this a norm or even a form of health. The term “homosexuality” began to be equated in meaning with the coined word “homosexuality”. Uneducated people even considered that there was supposedly a special kind of non-traditional sexuality, unusual and even somewhat fashionable, and therefore worthy of imitation.

In order for no one to have uncomfortable questions, the old information is cleared from the Internet. The international classifications of diseases of the 8 and 9 revisions, which in the section "psychiatric diseases" respectively indicated "pederasty" and "homosexuality" for some reason, became impossible to find using Internet search engines. It would seem that this is so that students look at what the disease was called before? Only when a psychiatric illness began to be replaced by a variant of sexuality did it become clear why these steps were needed. None of the unbiased specialists could suggest that, agreeing from a feeling of compassion for the sick, to rename the disease into something neutral-sounding, he is involved in a completely different process. Who would have thought that after receiving a new name in the media, massive propaganda of same-sex contacts would be launched as a type of “prestigious” sexuality?

“When we made the decision to depatologize homosexuality, no one knew that it would happen.”APA ex-president justifies himself Nicholas Cummings, who signed the resolution that homosexuality is no longer considered a mental illness, “the homosexual movement was not as militant then as it is today: all or nothing ”.

In any case, the World Health Organization, which created the International Classification of Diseases, is not a scientific organization. WHO is the UN bureaucratic agency, and the ICD is its applied, administrative and statistical document, the definitions of which conditional. WHO is not trying to say otherwise - that’s what is written in preface to the classification of mental disorders in the ICD-10:

"Present descriptions and instructions don't carry in itself theoretical meaning and do not pretend to a comprehensive definition of the current state of knowledge of mental disorders. They are simply symptom groups and comments about which a large number of advisors and consultants in many countries of the world deal as an acceptable basis for defining category boundaries in the classification of mental disorders. ”

From the standpoint of science of science, this statement looks absurd. Scientific classification should be based on strictly logical grounds, and any agreement between specialists can only be the result of an interpretation of objective clinical and empirical data, and not dictated by any ideological considerations, even the most humanitarian ones. Thus, it is quite obvious that the ICD-10 does not reflect scientific, but socio-political interests, and that homosexuality, as such, is not represented in it, does not have the slightest relation to the actual scientific data, and therefore a link to this document as the ultimate evidence of the normality of homosexuality - are meaningless.

The non-existent Wikipedia claims that there is supposedly a consensus of experts on this topic. For the ignorant in scientific medicine, I want to say that of the five levels of scientific and medical evidence, the consensus of experts is evidence of a lower, fifth level. The problem is that there is no consensus at all. There is nothing further from the truth. Moreover, there is no clinical scientific evidence at the 1 – 4 level.

Attraction to the face of the same gender is not a form of supposedly “normal, unconventional” sexuality, but a psychiatric disease from the section of sexopathology. Doubters can familiarize themselves with Order No. 566н of our Minister of Health, in which individuals with cognitive and behavioral disorders associated with impaired sexual orientation are described as patients in mental health facilities.

Recent work Yale University’s psychiatric scientists have found that the physical and mental health of sexual minorities is significantly worse than that of heterosexuals.

The second level of manipulation is the appeal to the moral sense of compassion and the transfer of the concept of “morality” from the value plane to the emotional

At the second level is the manipulation of the moral sense of compassion for people rejected by society who are subjected to violence, assault and persecution. Our compassion for the persecuted does not allow us to either do or say anything that could complicate their life. Of course, a person experiencing moral feelings will respect the freedom of the patient’s personality, be tolerant of the external manifestations of the disease, respect the right not to treat the disease, respect the patient’s right to freedom of expression, work in a team without being persecuted.

The manipulation here is that moral feelings the compassion that healthy people experience for the sick is equated with moral value system. Moral feelings and moral system storage - these are completely different things. Cannot be equated moral feeling и moral value systemperson because these concepts not equipolent. They are not identical to each other in the volume of the concept; you cannot put an equal sign between them. Equating emotion and value, we make a gross error of logic, approximately the same as equating meters and kilograms. We can test moral feeling compassion for the sick, but we are not required take manifestations of their illness as reference point in our moral value system. Between the layer of the system of values ​​and the layer of feelings are still a layer of thoughts, a layer of beliefs. It is curious that in Western culture this issue is included precisely in the system of values.

If you have a moral sympathy for homosexuals, this does not mean that you should consider homosexuality a moral value.

The third level of manipulation is the substitution of values. The concept of moral relativity.

Here the fun begins. The meaning of the term “morality” is filled with a completely different meaning. Traditionally, the concept of morality includes a clear division into vices and virtues, improving oneself through the development of virtues of character and getting rid of vices of character, respect for the principle of free will. The new, “unconventional” meaning of the word “morality” no longer carries the meaning of virtues and vices of character, but operates with emotional arguments: “to love everything”, “to accept everything”, “to strive for something bright, pure and perfect”, “not to show aggression "," show kindness, "not be interested in the intimate life of other people", "communicate politely", "do not teach other people how to live."

Thus, if traditional morality has clear principles and criteria by which one can easily determine what is moral and what is immoral, then the changed meaning of the term “morality” is based on the so-called theory of moral relativity, where there is no clear distinction between the concepts of virtue and vice. A “moral” person within the framework of the concept of moral relativity is considered to be one who respects personal boundaries, respects the private lives of other people, does not show external aggression, and does not put other people in an awkward position that goes beyond formal etiquette. Thus, the word "morality" is filled with the meaning of etiquette, politeness, conformism. There is nothing wrong with etiquette and respect for other people's privacy, except that politeness and knowledge of etiquette not equal moral. These concepts are not equivalent and therefore cannot replace each other. There are polite and intelligent scoundrels, there are moral people who do not know etiquette.

Accordingly, to be considered a moral person in the framework of the new concept of moral relativity is much easier. It is only necessary to suppress and supplant any, the slightest manifestations, even healthy aggressivenessto communicate formally politely, to concede, to adapt to everything. If possible, go as far as possible to open conflicts and strive to look like an “ideal friendly person”, while actually experiencing strong envy, anger and self-hatred. Thus, it is not necessary to spend time and effort to develop character dignities with great difficulty, to truly develop your personality and come to true self-esteem and true love for other people as a result of the difficult way of developing moral character qualities. Now, to be considered a “moral person” in the framework of new trends, it’s enough to be emotionally comfortable. To portray the emotions of compassion, acceptance and unconditional love for everyone, without experiencing these emotions truly deeply. In other words, as often as possible manifest what psychotherapy calls neurotic conformism.

A conformal person is an ideal staff for psychopaths. Compliant, pleasing, undemanding to moral standards, not having his own opinion and his own goals. A conformal person with a vague system of moral values ​​is a convenient template for education the so-called "service people."

Of course, no one was told the true meaning of the term “morality”. People do not even realize that they have serious problems with morality, that they have become fittors and adherents of the theory of fuzzy morality. On the contrary, they are deeply convinced that by promoting homosexuality as the norm, they are deeply moral people with a “civilized”, “enlightened” and “modern” value system.

Dear friends, imposing same-sex relationships as something fashionable, modern, civilized and enlightened, worthy of those who have overcome prejudices, you are being manipulated, moreover, intentionally and consciously.

In the profession of a psychotherapist, professional aptitude is determined by the degree of insight, the ability to recognize the manipulation of consciousness and protect clients from it.

Manipulated people never realize that they are under the power of deception. Manipulators never voice the true cause, the desired result and their true motivation to the victims.

There is no better way to covertly rule over the minds of people than to give them incorrect initial data.

Many intelligent people think that there is love, that homosexuals are just people who are not like the others, are not accepted by society and have difficulty finding a partner. It must be understood that in psychopathology, factors of sexual arousal are not the same as normal, they are unhealthy. The main factor of excitement in homosexual contacts is power and submission. That is why there is a division into active and passive (occupying the position of power and, accordingly, subordination). Normal people experience discomfort from power over another person, or from submission. A healthy drive is based on sensuality. how reports dr. Nicolosi“For the homosexually oriented man, sexuality is an attempt to possess and dominate another man. This works as a symbolic "possession" of another person, and often involves more aggression than love."

Reasons for homosexuality

Homosexuality is a heterogeneous disease. A comparison with fever can be made - it is clear that there is a disease, but what reason is there - the doctor must understand. So here are the reasons for homosexuality can be divided into 5 groups. 4 of them are harmless to society, and 5 is the Trojan horse, the thought of which is frost on the skin. First things first.

• The first and largest group of homosexuals are victims of television propaganda, who have set a pathological conditioned reflex in adolescence. This misfortune can be cured by a psychiatrist-sexopathologist (extinguish the pathological reflex and form a normal hetero-reflex).

• The second group is victims of rape and incest in childhood (it is treated like a trauma, a pathological conditioned reflex is suppressed, a normal reflex is developed - this is also treated by a psychiatrist-sexopathologist).

• The third group is patients with schizophrenia and patients with manic depressive psychosis. Those who have taught psychiatry know that schizophrenia often begins with sexual licentiousness. You saw such people - they jump naked on Red Square or run in the same boots over Sokolniki. Such patients should be given antipsychotics to stop the development personality defect in the phase where they went to the psychiatrist. Otherwise, they become completely inadequate. Without treatment, individuals in this group may become mentally disabled.

• Almost no one saw the fourth group, because they are units, but for the sake of order it is necessary to mention them - these are individuals with endocrine and chromosomal pathology.

• The fifth group is the real danger. Those who thought up all this propaganda for “freedom of the individual in bed” and “the struggle for the offended” had the goal of exploiting the illiteracy of people and hiding this particular group under the guise of all other groups. This is a real misfortune and evil - pure psychopaths. Pure psychopathy is an outdated term, but it accurately reflects the essence of the problem. To understand the horror of what they are capable of, find out who they are Duplessis Orphans.

I explain the trouble. This is the most dangerous type of psychopathology. The reason is biological and incorrigible. Imagine a highly educated intellectual biologically incapable of experiencing any moral feeling - neither compassion, nor empathy, nor sympathy, nor trust, nor honesty, conscience or morality. And you will understand that under the cover of the harmless four groups of homosexuals (generally insignificant for society) there is a real misfortune, the horror of which was understood only by those who taught psychiatry 25-40 years ago.

Who needs to give psychiatric pathology as the norm?

Only psychopaths could invent normalization of homosexuality and need normalization of sexopathology in different countries. The fact is that the inner world of psychopaths is a cult of sex based on power, submission, humiliation; a cult of cruelty and a cult of money for power over other people. Normal people do not need power over the psyche of other people. A normal person will not think about how to enslave other people by manipulation and force them to do something. Normal (in the sense of morality, and not in the sense of “not crazy”) people take care of their lives and try to coexist peacefully with each other.

The idea to call homosexual contact love could only occur to a psychopath. Therefore, only psychopaths can use the substitution of concepts and call a connection based on the factor “submission, humiliation and power” love. The word love is sacred for moral people, when they hear it, they retreat.

Normalization of the disease in society is due to the work of a close-knit group of specialists working in psychiatry and psychotherapy and serving, contrary to the specialist code, the interests of an eschatologically-minded psychopathic elite. Large financial resources and control over the flow of information allows them to influence the public opinion of people without education in the field of psychiatry. 


Normalization of sexual deviations is necessary for psychopaths to gradually replace the system of moral values ​​in the population and, apparently, to reduce fertility.
Read more about this in the article Depopulation technologies: “family planning”.

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Based on the article by Natalia Rasskazova 
“Why was part of the concept of “homosexuality” in the form of an “egosyntonic state” excluded by voting from the list of psychiatric diseases?”

The fourth level of manipulation can be found in full article.

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