All posts by science4truth

The LGBT sect recruits your children

The thoughts often come that there is no more strength.
If one day I can't stand it, then let you
will be our story. Maybe someone will help.
And if not, then let it remain history
one broken life and insane pain.

We were approached by a mother whose twenty-year-old son suddenly dropped out of university in his fourth year and ran away from home so that no one could prevent him from “changing sex”. It all started a couple of years ago with a conversation with a very strange girl on the Internet, who has a clear tendency to manipulation, submission and gynemimethophilia - attraction to men in women's clothing and transsexuals. The girl calls her son only "my beloved girl." There is a constant psychological influence on him and an attitude against his mother and relatives. On the instructions of the girl, the son left the city and cut off all ties with his relatives, blocking them on social networks and changing the phone number. Below we give in an abbreviated form a letter from his mother full of pain and despair.

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Anti-constitutional censorship in Russia

The Federation Council recently adopted a statement condemning unwarranted political censorship by Western digital giants. Meanwhile, their Russian counterparts - VKontakte and Yandex.Zen - censor family defenders and traditional values ​​in the same way.

Despite the amendments to the Constitution approved by the people and the government's policy of preserving morality, family and demographic security, some Russian (or no longer Russian) companies do not want to work in accordance with the Constitution and do not hesitate to violate it at the first request of their Western partners. In recent months, the most mundane things we used to take for granted have suddenly found themselves under a big question mark. We are talking about the elementary human right to freely express their thoughts - that is, freedom of speech guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which: "Everyone has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information in any legal way".

Thus, the social network VKontakte began purging “intolerant” public pages, which included groups denouncing modern feminism and LGBT propaganda, and Yandex blocked Zen channel groups "Science for the truth».

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Kocharyan G.S. - Bisexuality and conversion therapy: a case study

Annotation. A clinical observation is given where we are talking about “bisexual” to a man, and also describes the conversion therapy he was given using hypnosuggestive programming, which turned out to be very effective.

Currently, unprecedented efforts are being made to ban the use of conversion (reparative) therapy, which is aimed at changing the homosexual orientation of sexual desire to heterosexual. She is stigmatized and declared not only useless, but also extremely harmful to the human body. So, December 7, 2016 parliament of Malta unanimously passed a law prohibiting the use of reparative therapy. For “changing, suppressing and destroying a person's sexual orientation or gender identity,” this law provides for a fine or jail time. [7] The Bundesrat (representative of the federal states of Germany) on 5 June 2020 approved a law prohibiting this therapy. Deutsche Welle reports that its implementation can be punished with imprisonment for up to one year, and advertising and mediation - a fine of up to 30 thousand euros [1]. In the US, only 18 states, Puerto Rico and Washington DC, have banned conversion therapy for minors. Adults can volunteer for conversion therapy throughout the country [9]... Instagram and Facebook announced the blocking of all posts on these social networks that promote conversion therapy [8].

The assertions that conversion therapy is not only ineffective, but in all cases causes great harm to the body are false. The corresponding argumentation can be found in our articles [3; 4; 6]. Moreover, a number of our works have presented the effective use of conversion therapy [2; 5].

Here is a case from our clinical practice, where conversion therapy was very successful in correcting the direction of sexual desire in a man with bisexual preferences.

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20% of transgender people regret “gender reassignment” and their number is growing

«I needed help
head, not my body. "

According to the latest data UK and US, 10-30% of newly transitioned people stop transitioning within a few years of starting the transition.

The development of feminist movements gave impetus to the formation of the pseudoscientific theory of "gender", which claims that differences in interests and abilities between men and women are determined not by their biological differences, but by upbringing and stereotypes that a patriarchal society imposes on them. According to this concept, “gender” is the “psychosocial sex” of a person, which does not depend on his biological sex and does not necessarily coincide with it, in connection with which a biological man can psychologically feel himself as a woman and perform female social roles, and vice versa. Adepts of the theory call this phenomenon "transgender" and claim that it is absolutely normal. In medicine, this mental disorder is known as transsexualism (ICD-10: F64).

Needless to say, the entire “gender theory” is based on absurd unsubstantiated hypotheses and unfounded ideological postulation. It simulates the presence of knowledge in the absence of such. However, in recent years, the spread of “transgender”, especially among adolescents, has become an epidemic. It's obvious that social contamination in combination with various mental and neurological disorders, it plays an essential role in this. The number of young people willing to “change sex” has increased in recent years tenfold and reached a record level. For an unknown reason, 3/4 of them are girls.

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Appeal: Protect Russia's Scientific Sovereignty and Demographic Security

14.07.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX. gender reassignment law accepted in the third and final reading. In addition to the fact that a ban is introduced on any medical manipulations for this purpose, it is now forbidden to adopt children to persons who have changed their sex, and the very fact of such a transformation of one of the spouses is the basis for divorce. An exception is made for cases of congenital anomalies, genetic and endocrine diseases that require such treatment, the decision to start which is made not by the doctor alone, but by the medical commission of a medical institution subordinate to the Ministry of Health.

On July 24.07.2023, XNUMX, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law banning gender reassignment in Russia, except in cases where it is necessary to treat congenital anomalies in children.

This is not enough to comprehensively solve the problem. See section What to do.

This appeal was supported by more than 50000 people, including the regional ministries of health.

The congress of Russian psychiatrists, at which ICD-11 issues were considered, took place ( Russian psychiatry declared war (looks like Russia is winning it!).

Dear scientists, public figures, politicians!

LGBT parades, adoption of children by same-sex couples, homosexual "marriages", self-harm "sex reassignment" operations and other similar phenomena do not start by themselves. It is an elaborate and purposeful process that begins with the depathologization of mental disorders and a change in the scientific status quo. Such paradigm shifts usually elude the public's attention, as they occur as part of specialized events in a narrow circle of people. Moving significant scientific discussions out of these narrow frameworks will help both impartial medical professionals and the whole society to defend the scientific reliability, sovereignty and demographic security of Russia.

Anyone who supported this appeal can stand between the harmful diktat of political correctness of the West and the future of Russia, protecting children and future generations from deliberate depopulation.

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Is homosexuality a mental disorder?

Discussion by Irving Bieber and Robert Spitzer

15 December 1973 The Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association, yielding to the continued pressure of militant homosexual groups, approved a change in the official guidelines for psychiatric disorders. “Homosexuality as such,” the trustees voted, should no longer be seen as a “mental disorder”; instead, it should be defined as “violation of sexual orientation”. 

Robert Spitzer, M.D., assistant professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University and a member of the APA nomenclature committee, and Irving Bieber, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry at New York College of Medicine and chairman of the study committee on male homosexuality, discussed the APA's decision. What follows is an abridged version of their discussion.

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Gerard Aardweg on the psychology of homosexuality and ideological tyranny

World-renowned Dutch psychologist Gerard van den Aardweg has specialized in the study and treatment of homosexuality for most of his distinguished 50-year career. Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Association for the Study and Treatment of Homosexuality (NARTH), author of books and scientific articles, today he is one of the few specialists who dare to disclose the inconvenient reality of this topic solely from factual positions, based on objective, not distorted ideological bias data. Below is an excerpt from his report “The Normalization” of Homosexuality and Humanae Vitae ”read out at the papal conference Academy of Human Life and Family in 2018 year.

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