World-renowned Dutch psychologist Gerard van den Aardweg has specialized in the study and treatment of homosexuality for most of his distinguished 50-year career. Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Association for the Study and Treatment of Homosexuality (NARTH), author of books and scientific articles, today he is one of the few specialists who dare to disclose the inconvenient reality of this topic solely from factual positions, based on objective, not distorted ideological bias data. Below is an excerpt from his report “The Normalization” of Homosexuality and Humanae Vitae ”read out at the papal conference Academy of Human Life and Family in 2018 year.
Read more "Tag Archive: homosexuality is
Having survived homosexuality ... Barely
A frank story of a former homosexual, describing the daily life of the average “gay” - endless enemas, promiscuity and associated infections, clubs, drugs, problems with the lower intestine, depression and a gnawing, insatiable feeling of dissatisfaction and loneliness, from which debauchery and Datura provides only a temporary respite. This narrative contains disgusting details of homosexual practices and their consequences, leaving a nauseating fecal residue that will undoubtedly be difficult for the casual reader. At the same time, they accurately convey all scatological the ugliness of a homosexual lifestyle masquerading as a cheerful pseudo-rainbow coloring. It shows the bitter reality of male homosexuality as it really is - scabbysenseless and merciless. “Being gay” ultimately means suffering and pain dipped in excrement and blood, rather than holding on to the hands of the kawaii big-eyed boys from yoyoynyh fan fiction.
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Female homosexuality is known as lesbianism (less often sapphism, tribadism). The term comes from the name of the Greek island of Lesbos, where the ancient Greek poetess Sappho was born and lived, in the verses of which there are hints of love between women. Compared to male homosexuality, female homosexuality has been little studied. Same-sex relationships between women are inherently less destructive and entail far fewer problems, and therefore there is no particular need to direct research efforts in this area. Nevertheless, from the little that is known about women entering into same-sex relationships, there is by no means a rainbow-colored picture. Homosexual and bisexual women are more likely to suffer psychiatric disorders and demonstrate a number of issues related to their lifestyle: short-lived relationships, alcohol abuse, tobacco and drugs, partner violence and an increased risk of STD infection. Older lesbians, more than their heterosexual peers, subject to risk of developing obesity and breast cancer, и more often report the presence of arthritis, asthma, heart attack, stroke, an increased number of chronic diseases and poor health in general.
Read more "Homosexuality: mental disorder or not?
Analysis of scientific data.
Source in English: Robert L. Kinney III - Homosexuality and scientific evidence: On suspect anecdotes, antiquated data, and broad generalizations.
The Linacre Quarterly 82 (4) 2015, 364 – 390
Group Translation Science for the truth/AT. Lysov, MD, Ph.D.
KEY FINDINGS: As a justification for the “normativeness” of homosexuality, it is argued that the “adaptation” and social functioning of homosexuals are comparable to heterosexual ones. However, it has been shown that “adaptation” and social functioning are not related to determining whether sexual deviations are mental disorders and lead to false negative conclusions. It is impossible to conclude that the mental state is not deviant, because such a state does not lead to impaired “adaptation”, stress or impaired social function, otherwise many mental disorders should be mistakenly designated as normal conditions. The conclusions cited in the literature quoted by proponents of the normativity of homosexuality are not a proven scientific fact, and questionable studies cannot be considered reliable sources.
Read more "How is homosexual attraction formed?
Dr. Julie Hamilton 6 years taught psychology at the University of Palm Beach, served as president of the Association for marriage and family therapy, as well as president in the National Association for the Study and Therapy of Homosexuality. Currently, she is a certified specialist in family and marriage issues in private practice. In his lecture “Homosexuality: An Introductory Course” (Homosexuality 101), Dr. Hamilton talks about myths that cover the topic of homosexuality in our culture and about what is actually known from scientific research. It highlights the most typical factors contributing to the development of same-sex attraction in boys and girls, and talks about the possibility of changing the undesirable sexual orientation.
• Is homosexuality congenital or is it a choice?
• What leads a person to be attracted to his own sex?
• How does female homosexuality develop?
• Is reorientation possible?
About this - in the video that was removed on YouTube:
Read more "What did Freud think about homosexuality?
You can often hear the false claim that Freud allegedly approved of homosexuality and believed that all people are “bisexual from birth.” Let's figure it out.
Read more "The traumatic nature of male homosexuality
Says Joseph Nicolosi, Doctor of Psychology:
As a psychologist treating homosexually oriented men, I watch with alarm how the LGBT movement convinces the world that the concept of “gay” requires a complete rethinking of the understanding of the human person.
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