Category Archive: Articles


Is homosexuality linked to sexual licentiousness?

Most of the material below is published in an analytical report. “The rhetoric of the homosexual movement in the light of scientific facts”. doi:10.12731/978-5-907208-04-9, ISBN 978-5-907208-04-9


One of the arguments of the activists of the “LGBT” movement is that the partnership of homosexuals is the so-called. “Homosexual families” - supposedly no different from heterosexual families with traditional values ​​and worldview. The prevailing picture in the media is that homosexual relationships are as healthy, stable and loving as normal heterosexual relationships, or even surpassing them. This picture is not true, and many representatives of the homosexual community honestly admit it. People of the same sex who engage in sexual relations are at increased risk of STDs, physical trauma, mental disorders, substance abuse, suicide and intimate partner violence. This article will focus on three significant features of interpersonal homosexual relationships that strikingly distinguish them from heterosexual ones:
• promiscuity and related practices;
• short-lived and non-monogamous relationships;
• increased rates of violence in partnership.

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Is homosexual attraction congenital?

Most of the material below is published in an analytical report. “The rhetoric of the homosexual movement in the light of scientific facts”. doi:10.12731/978-5-907208-04-9, ISBN 978-5-907208-04-9

Key findings

1. The hypothetical “gene for homosexuality” is not known, it has not been discovered by anyone.
2. The studies underlying the statement about the “innateness of homosexuality” have a number of methodological inaccuracies and contradictions, and do not allow us to draw clear conclusions.
3. Even existing studies cited by activists of the LGBT+ movement do not speak of the genetic determination of homosexual inclinations, but, at best, of a complex influence in which a genetic factor supposedly determines the predisposition, in combination with environmental influences, upbringing, etc.
4. Some prominent figures in the homosexual movement, including scientists, criticize claims about the biological predetermination of homosexuality and say that it is caused by a conscious choice.
5. Authors of LGBT propaganda methods «After The Ball» recommended lying about the innateness of homosexuality:

“First, the general public needs to be convinced that gay people are victims of circumstance, and that they no more choose their sexual orientation than they choose their height, skin color, talents or limitations. Despite the fact that, apparently, sexual orientation for most people is the product of complex interactions between an innate predisposition and environmental factors in childhood and early adolescence, we insist that for all practical purposes it should be considered that gays were born that way.

Homosexuals did not choose anything, no one ever fooled or seduced them.”

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Rhetorical tricks of LGBT propagandists

The political rhetoric of LGBT activists is built on three baseless postulates that affirm the “normality”, “congenitality” and “invariability” of homosexual attraction. Despite generous funding and numerous studies, this concept has not received scientific justification. Accumulated volume scientific evidence rather indicates the opposite: homosexuality is acquired deviation from the normal state or development process, which, given the client’s motivation and determination, lends itself to effective psychotherapeutic correction.

Since the entire LGBT ideology is built on false grounds, it is impossible to prove it in an honest logical way. Therefore, in order to defend their ideology, LGBT activists are forced to turn to emotional idle talk, demagogy, myths, sophisms and knowingly false statements, in a word - rabulistic. Their goal in the debate is not finding the truth, but victory (or its appearance) in the dispute by any means. Some representatives of the LGBT community have already criticized such a short-sighted strategy, warning activists that one day it will return to them as a boomerang, and urged to stop the spread of anti-scientific myths, but in vain.

Next, we will consider the most common logical tricks, tricks, and sophisms, which are used by advocates of LGBT ideology.

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Candidate of Psychological Sciences Alexander Neveev on homosexuality

Exclusive interview: 

01: 15 - What science and psychiatry say about homosexuality.
13: 50 - Propaganda of LGBT youth ideology; "Children 404"; bloggers.
25: 20 - How to relate to LGBT.
30: 15 - “Homophobia” and “latent homosexuality”.
33: 00 - Is it true that all people are “bisexual from birth”?
38: 20 - How to become homosexual.
43: 15 - Children in same-sex couples.
46: 50 - Is homosexuality a disease?
50: 00 - Female homosexuality.

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Can I change my sexual orientation?

Most of the material below is published in an analytical report. “The rhetoric of the homosexual movement in the light of scientific facts”. doi:10.12731/978-5-907208-04-9, ISBN 978-5-907208-04-9

Key findings

(1) There is a substantial base of empirical and clinical evidence that unwanted homosexual attraction can be effectively eliminated.
(2) An important condition for the effectiveness of reparative therapy is the patient's informed participation and desire to change.
(3) In many cases, homosexual attraction, which can occur during puberty, disappears without a trace at a more mature age.

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Rhetoric of the LGBT movement* in the light of scientific facts

*The LGBT movement is recognized as an extremist organization!

This report is a thorough review of scientific evidence refuting myths and slogans promoted by LGBT activists who postulate that homosexuality is a normal, universal, innate and unchanging state. This work is not “against homosexual people” (as adherents will certainly argue false dichotomy), but rather behind them, since it focuses on the problems of a homosexual lifestyle hidden from them and the observance of their rights, in particular the right to access reliable information about their condition and related health risks, the right to have a choice and the right to receive specialized therapeutic care to get rid from this condition, if they are interested.


1) Do homosexual individuals represent 10% of the population? 
2) Are there "homosexual" individuals in the animal kingdom? 
3) Is homosexual attraction congenital? 
4) Can homosexual attraction be eliminated? 
5) Is homosexuality associated with health risks? 
6) Is hostility to homosexuality a phobia? 
7) "Homophobia" - "latent homosexuality"? 
8) Are homosexual drives and pedophilia (sex drive for children) related? 
9) Are gay rights violated? 
10) Is homosexuality linked to sexual licentiousness? 
11) Was homosexuality the norm in ancient Greece? 
12) Are there any risks for children brought up in same-sex couples? 
13) Is the “normativeness” of homosexual attraction a scientifically proven fact? 
14) Was homosexuality excluded from the list of sexual perversions by scientific consensus? 
15) Is “modern science” impartial to the issue of homosexuality?

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Is “modern science” impartial to the issue of homosexuality?

Most of this material was published in the journal Russian Journal of Education and Psychology: Lysov V. Science and homosexuality: political bias in modern Academia.

“The reputation of true science has been stolen by its sinister
twin sister - "fake" science, which
It’s just an ideological agenda.
This ideology usurped that trust
which rightfully belongs to true science. "
from Austin Rousse's book Fake Science


Statements such as “the genetic cause of homosexuality has been proven” or “homosexual attraction cannot be changed” are regularly made at popular science educational events and on the Internet, intended, among other things, for scientifically inexperienced people. In this article, I will demonstrate that the modern scientific community is dominated by people who project their socio-political views into their scientific activities, making the scientific process highly biased. These projected views include a range of political statements, including in relation to the so-called. “sexual minorities”, namely that “homosexuality is the normative variant of sexuality among humans and animals”, that “same-sex attraction is innate and cannot be changed”, “gender is a social construct not limited to binary classification”, etc. and so on. I will demonstrate that such views are considered orthodox, stable, and established in modern Western scientific circles, even in the absence of compelling scientific evidence, while alternative views are immediately labeled as “pseudoscientific” and “false,” even when they have compelling evidence behind them. Many factors can be cited as the cause of such bias - a dramatic social and historical legacy that led to the emergence of "scientific taboos", intense political struggles that gave rise to hypocrisy, the "commercialization" of science leading to the pursuit of sensations, etc. Whether it is possible to completely avoid bias in science remains controversial. However, in my opinion, it is possible to create conditions for an optimal equidistant scientific process.

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